Forum:Weavers of Sorrow

Revision as of 20:18, October 25, 2023 by TheTrueSorrowMaker (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index Fan Fiction Weavers of Sorrow Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Template:Hive Sect infobox

The Weavers of Sorrow are a Hive Brood who serve Shin'ra, the Sorrow-Maker and are known as the Hive weapon masters. They act the main antagonists of the Season of Sorrow and Season of Unmaking while playing minor roles in Risen, Plunder and Deep. Some Taken also appear to serve the Weavers of Sorrow.




Hive Pantheon
Court of Sorrow
Hive Champions
Taken Champions

Unique forces


Thrall variants
Cursed Thrall variants
Acolyte variants
Knight variants
Wizard variants
Ogre variants
Shrieker variants


Taken Thrall variants
Taken Acolyte variants
Taken Knight variants
Taken Wizard variants
Taken Ogre variants
Taken Vandal variants
Taken Captain variants
Taken Psion variants
Taken Phalanx variants
Taken Centurion variants
Taken Goblin variants
Taken Hobgoblin variants
Taken Minotaur variants



List of appearances