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Biographical information







Eye color:

Light blue

Political and military information


Vanguard (formerly)
Cult of Osiris


Sagira was the Ghost who belonged to the legendary Warlock Osiris. She appeared in the expansion Curse of Osiris, acting as a guide to the Guardians.[1]

Because Panoptes, Infinite Mind could see Sagira and her Light, Osiris had to send her out of the Infinite Forest for her own safety and to keep himself hidden from Panoptes’ gaze. Sagira was wounded by a Vex blast as she returned to Mercury, where she was found by one of The Hidden and brought to Ikora Rey. Ikora gave Sagira to the Guardian, who attempted to fix her by bringing her to a temple hidden deep within the European Dead Zone. Sagira was placed in a device that fused her consciousness with Ghost, allowing her to temporarily use his body as she guided the player through the Infinite Forest, until her capture by Panoptes.

After Panoptes’ defeat, Sagira returned to Osiris as they bade Ikora and the Guardian farewell.

Eventually, after the Guardian deployment to Europa, Osiris and Sagira had begun investigating the Cryptoliths that had appeared around the solar system. When Osiris encountered and was nearly killed by the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath, God of War, Sagira had sacrificed herself to save Osiris, leaving him Ghostless.


Resurrecting the Phoenix

"I raised you until you could stand on your own. You'll do the same for them, in your own way."
— Sagira explaining why she resurrected Osiris
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Defending the Last City

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As time went on, Osiris and the Speaker became close, with Osiris becoming the Speaker's apprentice, as the Speaker saw Osiris grow weary of ordering countless missions and dealing with the cryptarchs. Osiris' became increasingly interested into the investigations of thanatonautics, Ahamkara-lore, Xûr and The Nine, as well as his questioning about the nature of Ghost reincarnation and the Traveler's motives.


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Osiris began diverting Vanguard resources in his quest for answers, including launching an expedition to the Reef, and influencing other Guardians to abandon their duties in the City to pursue the same questions, which often led to their deaths. The Speaker decided to act after determining that Osiris had created a cult of personality around himself. After the Battle of the Twilight Gap, Osiris was exiled for his growing obsessions, particularly with the Vex, and misuse of Vanguard resources. During a meeting of the Consensus, the Speaker officially announced the exile and appointed Ikora Rey to take over as Warlock Vanguard and Commander Zavala as Vanguard Commander, with none of the Consensus objecting to his decision. Osiris and his followers, now known as the Cult of Osiris, left the City and disappeared across the solar system.

Osiris was eventually spotted in the Caloris Basin on Mercury and was investigating the Vex and the Speaker dispatched Saint-14 to stop their former friend. Osiris had entered the Infinite Forest, a Vex machine designed to predict and simulate reality.

The Infinite Forest

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Osiris was mapping out new paths in the forest when he eventually discovered the Titan's tomb. Osiris mourned the loss of one of the Last City's greatest heroes but most importantly his old friend. Electing to leave Saint-14 within the tomb the Vex constructed, The Young Wolf recovered the Perfect Paradox from Saint-14's corpse along with the letter written to them by the Titan. Osiris was devastated about the demise of his old friend, and true to Saint-14's prediction, blamed himself for the Exo's death. Osiris later visited Saint-14's tomb with his Ghost Sagira, noting that there was no fatal blow or damage on the Titan's armor and wondering if the Vex had repaired it. They discussed the ribbons that Saint-14 had called his "accolades", and Osiris sadly stated that he had never asked his friend what they were for.

Osiris continued to study the different realities of the forest with a few found determination, During the infinite forest Osiris and Sagira spent years studying different realities that the vex were simulating, during one of their expeditions they arrive at a frozen vex simulated fight against a fireteam of guardians. While Osiris worked Sagira moved some of the vex weapons to point at the sky instead of the guardians making a joke about reaching for the sky. Sagira becomes concerned as Osiris suddenly becomes filled with fear. The vex begin to move again and attack Osiris and Sagira, Osiris activates an exit pushing Sagira towards it saying she has to warn the city. She is reluctantly pushed towards the exit before a vex bullet hits and disables her. Her shell was later discovered by one of The Hidden and brought to Ikora.

Broken Time

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Sometime following the death of the Infinite Mind and the discovery of Saint-14's remains, Osiris began pooling resources from the Infinite Forest. With the Drifter's consultation on its engineering, Osiris created a prototype of a time-traveling device, The Sundial, with the intent of saving the fallen Titan from his final fate. Using a dozen of his Echoes, Osiris scoured throughout the history of Mercury for the moment where Saint fell to the Martyr Mind, but was unsuccessful in his attempts at locating the right time span before giving up and shutting down the Sundial in disappointment.

When three Psion Flayer sisters from the Red Legion hijacked the Sundial and began fragmenting Mercury into multiple alternate timelines, the Guardian took up the seemingly impossible task of rescuing Saint-14 from his fate much to Osiris' bitter skepticism. Using a unique frequency keyed to the Perfect Paradox that they recovered from Saint's personal effects (after it had in fact been created by the Guardian at the Infinite Forge on Mercury), the Guardian and their Ghost traversed time to an early moment in Mercury's past, during Saint's first off-world mission. Upon aiding the Exo in a fight against Fallen from the House of Rain, the Guardian gifted Saint with the Perfect Paradox, and their Ghost shared a vision of the present-day Last City; this act would inspire Saint to become the hero he is remembered as in the present.

Days later, Osiris discovered a distress signal from Saint's Ghost in the Vex network, and dispatched the Guardian to Nessus to open a gateway into the network and find it. The Guardian located the dead Ghost held by a broken Goblin atop a pile of dead Vex, and heard Saint's last moments before he is killed. With the Ghost as a guide, the Guardian again used the Sundial, this time managing to arrive at the proper moment in time. They come across Saint amidst the wreckage of several Vex, his Light already drained by the Mind created to stop him: Agioktis, Martyr Mind. Together Saint-14 and the young wolf defeated the Martyr Mind and Saint emerged from the forest, smashing through Descendant Vex, ending with a Minotaur that he headbutted to death in the same fashion as he had killed Solkis at Twilight Gap.

A Bright Light Extinguished

Osiris and Sagira had begun investigating the Cryptoliths that had appeared around the solar system. When Osiris encountered and was nearly killed by the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath, God of War, Sagira had sacrificed herself to save Osiris, leaving him Ghostless. Her death played hard on Orisis, becoming hostile to anyone who mentioned her name, even old friends.


  • Sagira was the first Ghost to appear radically different from those partnered with the Guardians, and was also the first Ghost other than the player's to be voiced.
  • The name Sagira is Arabic for “little one.”
  • Sagira was the first confirmed female Ghost to appear in-game. Eriana-3's unnamed Ghost was also female,[2] but appeared only in Grimoire. The player's Ghost mentions that Cayde-6's Ghost was female as well.
  • The player's Ghost and Sagira don't exactly get along well as she "borrowed" his Guardian and used his body. He calls her "Guardian thief" on one occasion, and gets very defensive when Sagira idly suggests that they team up again. On one occasion, when the two actually agree on something, Sagira is disconcerted by this.
  • Sagira initially expressed dislike for Ikora as she led the group that exiled Osiris but admits that the people were not ready for what he had to say. She later expressed admiration when Ikora came up with the idea of looking into the past to find Panoptes, declaring that the idea was "Osiris-level good". Sagira was happy that she, Osiris, and Ikora were able to be friends again.
  • Sagira was voiced by actress Morena Baccarin.


List of appearances
