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====Shadowkeeper Apocalypse====
====Shadowkeeper Apocalypse====
Some time after the defeat of the House of Vipers, the House of Lions came under attack by Kirito, Asuna, and the [[Forum:Shadowkeepers (Paradox)|Shadowkeepers]]. Although Joskaa and most of the Lions escaped the onslaught, those who remained pledged their loyalties to them for survival.
Some time after the defeat of the House of Vipers, the House of Lions came under attack by Kirito, Asuna, and the [[Forum:Shadowkeepers (Paradox)|Shadowkeepers]]. Although Joskaa and most of the Lions escaped the onslaught, those who remained pledged their loyalties to them for survival, whereas the ones who attempted to try and rebel against them were executed. Shortly after escpaing, Joskaa and his Lions remnants set up location within the abandoned lair on the European Aerial Zone.


Revision as of 14:02, October 16, 2020

Forums: Index Fan Fiction House of Lions Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

House of Lions
House of Lions’s banner bigger.jpg

"Not all of the Fallen had faltered to your wrath. Yes?"
Variks, The Loyal

The House of Lions are an old, but vigilant Fallen House, distinguishable by their vanilla armors and roundish dark brown fur cloaks. They are allies to The Last City and The Reef.



"House Winter, attack. House Devils, plot. House Kings, plan. House Wolves, circle. House Judgement, wait....but House"
— A Unknown Lion Captain

Just like the House of Judgment, the House of Lions are one of the oldest Fallen Houses in existence, but the Lions were a Legendary mighty House, said to be "Strong like the Wolves, Wise like Judgment, and Clever like Kings". They were the most respected House by most of Eliksni, even by the House of Kings. Untill the Whirlwind, when they later escaped into a unknown asteroid belt in a Star System, that they have control over of, and the Lions were also said to have warred with the House of Sky.

Gray Wars

Wars between, the House of Lions and the House of Sky

Phase One

The Wars started when a House known as the House of Sky entered the Lions’ territory and raided multiple camps, killing countless Fallen. This caused Yorvik, the Kell of Lions, to wage war against them. It was long courses of Battles, until Grayria, a spy for the Lions, went undercover, as a Sky scavenger, to search for the House of Sky's Lair, in which she does. She gives the report to the Yorvik, and with this info, he would lead the Lions to manned raid against House Sky, and combine with the Lions' most powerful forces, they destroyed the Sky's Lair and killed the Kell of Sky, along with it.

Phase Two

With the Kell dead, the House of Sky took revenge, while Yorvik was trying to collect Ether from one of the Astroids, Sky then cornered his ship, and destroyed it, killing him along with it. With Yorvik's death, the House of Lions fell into civil war, splitting into 3 groups, Tariks, Lion Baron, Skrisah, the Wise, and Skeklos, the Prowling.

During the civil war, Skeklos began to strangely rise to power. He first destroyed Skrisah's fleet, and then tricked the House of Sky into Defeating Tariks. With all of his rivals dead, He became the Kell of Lions, Although his rule did not Last, because most of the Lions saw him as a cruel and unfair Leader, when thing began uneasy, The Lions revolted with the help of Joskaa, Burning Blade, Grayria, Winter Lost, and Andiks-5. The attack, then led into a chase, ending in The Prison of Scars, A House of Sky facility. With the bulk of the House of Lions, they were able kill Skeklos, who apparently helped Sky kill Yorvik; Joskaa would then, destroyed the Prison, causing the Sky to trapped, with the War over, The Lion crowned Joskaa, as the new Kell.

Arrival in the Sol System

Magnusk, of the Kell's Wrath


A Fallen house
Hostile level: 0 (Presumably non-hostile)

Base: 2 Pallas

Personal Response: non-wolf fallen, but has unknown objectives.


— A reef agent to command base

The Lions later arrived to the Solar System and lived around areas within the Kuiper belt, but some of their scouts and scavenging parties would be seen around the Reef and Jupiter, mostly in the vicinities of 2 Pallas and Callisto. But at some point, their Prime Servitor, Jobkis Prime, would go missing. Later on, while the Lions were scavenging around 2 Pallas, they would suffered Aattack, led by the House of Wolves, during Reef Wars. When this happened, the Lions stationed there, would retaliate, by driving the House of Wolves out of reef. But this went unsucceseded, but caught the attention of the Queen of the Reef, and a audience from the Awoken, to learn if they hostile or if they were friendly. Joskaa would be non-hostile if they are left alone, but would allow any of the Houses to enter the Reef, unless it would harm them in any way.

Wolf Rebellion

Despite not physically being in the Wolves' Rebellion, the Lions were approached by Skolas, who tried to convinced Joskaa into joining forces with him, in order destroy all of the Fallen’s enemies and take back the Traveler to restore their civilization. In which the Lion Kell declined, believe that it would backfire and both of their Houses would suffer terrible casualties, including the deaths of both of them. However after the Wolf Rebellion, the Lions would be pushed back out of the inner Reef, making sure what side are they on. But the Lions would partially stay as their allies

During in the aftermath of the Wolf Rebellion, a Guardian, known as AJ, discovered the lair of the Lions. Attempting to gain their trust, AJ would keep the discovery a secret, and doing several errands for the Kell, such as participating in the Kell's Arena. Sending messages to some Houses, and doing Bounties for the House. He would then, become a honorary Baron and become the Champion of the Kell's Arena, after defeating Kralikss, Joskaa's Champion, the former Champion of the Arena, and would gain trust from Joskaa.

Taken War

When Oryx arrived in the Sol System, they would attempt to keep their control over the Kuiper belt, but would backfired, thanks to his power of the Taken. They would flee and abandon any location, belonging to Oryx and would stay within the Reef, within the shadow of Pallas, and would act as safe haven for surviving or deserters of Fallen Houses, affected by the Taken War.

Recent Events

Return of Gray

Tikmiks's Rebellion

In the Aftermath of the Taken War, the House of Sky would return, under the name: House of Gray, rallying under Tikmiks, An Archon and Brother of Skeklos. When the threat returned, The House of Lions proposed The Guardian and Variks into helping them. They accepted their offer, and began hunting down the Gray over Mars, Found Tikmiks Rallying the Remnants of Wolves into joining them, despite of this. Tikmiks' rally was put down by the Guardian capturing Tikmiks and sent him into the Kell's Dungon, with the House of Gray on loose, Joskaa opened up the Kell's Wrath.

Kell's Wrath

Joskaa began providing Bounties against the House of Gray, but with the help of the Guardians, they put down most of the Gray Forces.

Rise of Skarr

With the Capture of Tikmiks, his Archon Servants began pulling strings over Gray. For Control, they captured Skarr, a fallen Bounty Hunter, and Brainwashed him, into becoming their Kell. when the Lions found out about this, They made an attack against the mad Kell. While on Venus, the Guardians found Skarr leading a group of fallen, with the oppuntunity, they killed the Kell.

Rainiks Reborn

To replace their Lost Leaders, they built Rainiks Reborn, a Prime Servitor. When hearing about this. The House of Lions Led an attack in Hong Kong, with the help the Guardian. they head into the Lair and destroyed the Prime Servitor.

Gray's Last Stand

With the Gray in ruins, the House of Lions led an Attack on Mars. With the death of Gray's Generals, the destruction of a Gray ketch and the breaking of the House of Gray, the House of Lions pinned them down, however, instead of destroying them. Joskaa becomes the new Kell of Gray.

Allies of The Reef

Despite the House of Gray submissioning into the House of Lions, Joskaa believes that there will be some new leaders that will rise against the Kell, and the House of Gray may become can threat again, so in order to keep the Gray from getting strong and coming back again, the Kell open up Kell's Arena, which is a area that is open to gladitor fights and with the Help of The guardians. To end Tikmiks' Rebellion, Joskaa staged a gladiator match for The Guardian, against the Archon, despite Tikmiks's weapons and follwers, he was killed quickly by The Guardian. Joskaa later declares that the House of Lions will do anything to help The Last City.

Rise of Iron

In the aftermath of Taken War, Skorvik and The House of Lions began helping the Awoken in infusing Taken energy into weapons, the House of Lions' Splicers, The Lion Splicers began having a major factor, they began crafting Taken-Infused armor and weapons and giving them to the House of Lions' Soilders, created a new class of Fallen in the called: Infused-Fallen, giving them new ablities for fighting, they also even help Guardians during certain campians.


The return of the Exiled Priest, Warvriks

Despite these new weapons, The Lions faced new problems, the House of Lions first, hid their Prime, Andiks Prime, only to be captured by the Cabal. the House later fell into a civil war with the Scorn, only to fail and barely survive, because of this, the House of Lions moved out of their Lairs, and moved into the Dreaming City with the Awoken. But, later escaped as Taken began corrupting the City, forcing the Lions to move out of the City, now squatting in the outskirts of the City.

A Lion Splicer was on a mission, only to their taken-infused armor being corrupted and transformed them into Kithrax, the Broken.

More problems began to fall under the Kell, as Joskaa has been thinking into docking himself and have the Lions join the House of Dusk. But was stopped by AJ, a Guardian. After a long talk with him, Joskaa decied to bring the Lions back together and joins along side Mithrax of spreading his idea of bringing the Eliksni in joining along the Humanity in the fight against the Darkness

Return of Lions

"Fallen Houses believed in Pride, power, and ruthlessness. Not anymore, Eliksni now will understand that we must be together, must be equal, and be fair, now, spread these believes my fellow cousins"
Joskaa, Lion Kell

With the Destruction of the Scorn and the failures of The Kell's Scourge Syndicate. The Lions began returning into glory. They first joined Mithrax to help bring any Open-Minded Eliksni to the Humanity side. They later created a new Christian denomination called: Equalism. and sent their Scholars into spreading these beliefs through out the Fallen. They later sent the Guardians into destroy the Scorn's remaining Dark Ether supply, to keep them broken and depressed. In order to get the Lions into joining Dusk. they rebuilt the Prime Servitor, Jobkis Prime for control over the Lions. suspecting a trap. Joskaa sent a group of Guardians into attack Bracus Za'ourg's stronghold and rescuing Andiks Prime, and destroyed the False Prime. With these victories the Lions were able to get most of their Lairs back. As well as former and new members returning from the broken House of Dusk.

Meme Review

"skrattar du förlorar Du"
— AJ calling the Meme Squad

When the House of Lions found the Hoth Planet, they planned on mining resources there, but they actendently met the House of TV, and fought against them, to get an edge on the House, Joskaa stoled old weapons from Hiraks, the Mindbender, and modified with the help of the Lion Splicers. they later used it to control the Scorn, Hive, and Cabal on the Reef. Joskaa, joined forces with a Guardian fireteam and created Meme Squad. However they both lost Hoth to the House of Dusk. In advance the House of Lions sent the ambassador, Lions' High Emissary to cooperate with TV, Meme Squad resided at the Empty Tank Fallen Nightclub, and Joskaa sended Big bounties against Srikes and Swadi And Silent pants gives intel of new Exotic bounties for The Spider and the team, and made big bounties on any kind species, such as:(scorn, human, exo, awoken, fallen, hive, Cabal, Vex, frame, Taken, Mandalorian, Magical girl, sith, dark Jedi, Hutt, and etc).

House of Tigers

"Strange is House Tigers, they have a Human Kell, control House TV, need to understand this House...may I speak to.......Silent pants?"
Lions' High Emissary to Joskaa

During the talk with the Kell of TV, the Emissary saw how cruel was the House of Tigers. After His trip back to the Reef. The Emissary talked to Joskaa and urged him to set up a bounty against them, however the idea backfired. The Emissary later talked to Michael the Silent in hopes of learning more about the Tigers.

Crusades of the Jackals

Finally!, I did it, now time to put in this images for seriviks and others.
"The Forgotten Sibling"

"So, this "Syndicate" made by my sister, thinks they're a theat to us, We'll show them whos the real threat here, hehe.."

Joskaa's sister, Seriviks, who was once a notable Archon to Andiks Prime, left the House, due to the Lions making peace with The Last City and Awoken. But after years and years of waiting, she would gathered up many Fallen from all around the system, including House of Gray remnants, who refused to bow to Joskaa and Lion deserters who were loyal to Seriviks, to form the Jackal Syndicate, and remain hidden from the system. However, a Jackal member, by the name of Chelsik would began an attempt to assassinate Joskaa and Grayria by hacking Lion Shanks and Walkers, to distract any Lions or Guards, while his crew infiltrates the area to kill them. But The Guardian, However thwarts his attempt and kills him, but would cause the Jackals to be revealed, and thus, the Crusades of the Jackals begans.

After the failed assassination, Seriviks, would take refuge on Nessus through a abandoned Kell's Scourge lair. But when scouts, belonging to the Lions found her location, Joskaa send in The Young Wolf to take her down and capture her. While arriving to Nessus, She was seen commanding Jackal operatives. But after She spotted the Guardian, she would escaped and would send Giltris, the Prowler to distract The Guardian, while She escape. After the unsuccessful capture, Joskaa would order the guardian to stand down while letting his Invisible Claw dealing with her capture. But despite the Guardian unable to capture her, they would intercept a hidden transmission from Magnusk, Lions' Wrath, which would include the coordinates to her location, deep within the vicinity of the moon: Titan. The Young Wolf would discover Jackalship Semkis-Fel and would fight her Kell's Guards, to reach her in the throne room, but even though they have almost catch her, She would escaped once again. Joskaa would find the Guardian, and question their motives. But they would explain it to him, he would allow the Young Wolf to continue their hunt over the Jackals, while he would re-open the Kell's Wrath to counteract the Jackal leadership.

With the return of Kell's Wrath, Guardians all around the system began hunting down any Jackal's Barons, Baronesses, or Generals such as Thresik, the Swordsman, Graksul, the Headhunter, Kithiks, the Pathfinder, and Pavik, Once Meek, they even make a more bigger blow with the destruction of Semkis Prime, The Crimson Widow, and the Metal Siblings. But with these victories, the Lions would staged a full-scale assault into the The Jackals' Den to defeat Seriviks and any remaining Jackals. So with the help of the Guardians, they were to kill most of Jackals' Generals, push further into their Lair and face Seriviks. But despites her Stock pile and reforcements, they were able to execute her. crippling the Jackals, and the end of the Crusades.

Battle of the Yarkora


Operation: “Duskfall”

Wolf Resurgence

Despite the House of Wolves becoming extinct, by the Scorn, there has been some Wolf Loyalists who have recently joined the House of Lions, notably Trigoris and Lirsis. However it's unknown if they have allegiance under the Lion banner or if they are still truly loyal to the Wolves.

Hibachi's Sting

"This is Robert E. Lee Speaking,in the my camera Feed in Hoth A Man left a note and tried to break into my system but failed
Guardian we need to Catch them ASAP
Robert E. Lee telling the gaurdian to get ready

A Human snuck into warmind E.lee to steal some info, for a unknown reason, but failed and escaped. The House of Lions began spying on the Hibachi’s Sting Syndicate, to learn info about them, the Guardian then was sent by the Vanguard to dismantle the newly risen Syndicate.

Season of the Relentless

After the Red Legion's fail on the Sundial, Joskaa would call up The Guardian, to meet AJ, in person, to inform of a possible chance to break the loop. However, after the Guardian stop Apithalos, a Taken Hydra, and contained his Fragments. It turns out to be simulation, weaved by Quria, Blade Transform, in which Joskaa calls up Jolkron, an ally of his, to pull the Guardian, out of the time loop, which succeeded. Joskaa orders The Guardian to search for AJ's hidden weapon cashes, hold weapons to defeat the Taken. While searching for his Weapons, they were able to defeat a Nightmare of Menkrodos, a Vex Axis Mind, that AJ once faced. As well finding the Exotic Hand cannon, Firebringer, on Venus, within the abandoned Caves, that formerly belong to the House of Winter. After returning to the Reef, Joskaa order a full on assault to the bowls of the Dreaming City, to rescue their captured friend AJ. After defeating the Taken that guards the path to AJ's cell, they would find him, Taken, under the supervision of Erpatha, a Taken Hydra. However despite of AJ's Void powers, and Erpatha's reinforcements. The Guardian was able to destroy Erpatha and free AJ from the Taken corruption.

The Arrival of the Pyramids and the ruins of Monaco

The Lions landing at Monaco.

Due to the Pyramids ships arriving in the inner Sol System, AJ was ordered by Zavala to immediately call up an evacuation, however some of the Lions didn’t want to leave their home, Joskaa suggested either hide with The Spider, within his deep hidden bunkers, or join the other Lions to place their Ketches around the vicinity of The Last City, the House were separated into two groups, where most of the Lions treated to the ruins of Monaco. While others, who were unable to go with the rest, joined within the Spider’s bunkers in hopes of survival, if the Pyramids reached to the Reef.

Around that time as well, multiple Scouts, under the Lion banner, has begun observing both the Vault of Glass and Europa. Mostly Europa, due to heavy Fallen presence there and has attempted salvaging many of their parts and armor.

Season of the Emperors


Season of Elders


Season of the Vipers



Shadowkeeper Apocalypse

Some time after the defeat of the House of Vipers, the House of Lions came under attack by Kirito, Asuna, and the Shadowkeepers. Although Joskaa and most of the Lions escaped the onslaught, those who remained pledged their loyalties to them for survival, whereas the ones who attempted to try and rebel against them were executed. Shortly after escpaing, Joskaa and his Lions remnants set up location within the abandoned lair on the European Aerial Zone.


"House Lions are not like the rest of the others. They are quiet, they prowl, learn your tactics, learn your ways, and learn your weaknesses. But, just like Variks, they are smart enough to side with you than to face death (laughs)."
Variks, The Loyal
The Lions' Kell, Joskaa

Just like its sister House, the House of Wolves, the Lions has a complex structure within their ranks, as not only that have Kells, Archons, and Prime Servitors as their main Leadership, like most Houses, they also have a new leadership branch that only the Lions are know to have access to, This type of leadership called are Fallen Queens. Fallen Queens serve as the Queen of the house and consort of a Kell, but have other duties, as for an example, if the Kell is a female, then the house will pick the second oldest female child or female relative of the previous Kell to serve as Queen for Second-in-command, or if the heir is still a child, then their mother, who should still be the Queen, will serve as the acting leader of the House. They can also get large amounts of Ether. As for the Kell, if they are too young or unfit to rule, they will be assisted by the Lions' Council, helping make the rules, until the Kell is old enough to rule, and will acts as jury to those who've broken the House's rules. They also have new stations in the House, such as Lions' Guards, Lion enforcers, Lion pike gangs, Invisible Claws, Lion Scouts, Lion Scavengers, Lion Kell's Guards, Lion mechanics. The hierarchy of the Lions, also differs from the rest of the other Houses. The Dregs of the Lions, are not dishonored Fallen, or shameful, instead, they are criminals, or traitors of the House, and would either be: locked up in Prison, or docked and overseen by a Lion Enforcer, or a Lion High Servitor, similar to a parole, and would serve their penalty, until the Lions' Council lifts the docking, or would go rouge, but would not be able to set foot, within any Lion territory. Lion Vandals has the biggest operational freedom, than the rest of Vandals of other Houses. As they can have any role they want, as they can be Freelancers, giving their serves to other Houses or Factions, but would still be loyal to the Kell of Lions, would serve within battle; as Scouts, solders, marksmen, battle-field medics, or they can serve within the House, as guards, lawmen, Merchants, or Gladiators that fight within the Kell's Arena, Vandals are able to maintain how much their own Ether they can use. Captains have the same roles, as Vandals, but with more power, than the Vandals, as they can either have their own crew, or work solo. They can either be teacher to other Fallen, who trying to become Captains as well, or can serve as field operatives. They can also serve as Wardens, within the House's Prison. Servitors retains the role as machine gods, but, can be utilized by any Fallen crews, factions, or workers, and are no longer only to be used by nobles or high-ranking Captains.

In Destiny 2, however nothing has changed about them, but their Elite units has Brown painted armor with white body suits, while their Ultra/Major versions of themselves, wear red and yellow painted armors, with orange glyphs or splotches all over it, similar to Joskaa. Their servitors, same as D1 (bearing a resemblance to a Servitor, seen in the House of Wolves cinematic), but as for their Elite versions, they carry the same model as the Lion High Servitors. But for Ultra Servitor variants are the same as Overpowered Servitors, painted with red, yellow, and orange glyphs, similar to the Ultra Lion Members.



Lions’ Council

Notable Members

Notable Groups

Unique Forces



  • Chauchat—WW1 LMG, uncommonly used by Dregs, vandals and captains
  • Khvostov 7G-02—uncommonly Used by Veteran Vandals and rarely used by Honored Dregs
  • Khvostov 7G-0X—used by dregs,vandals and marauders
  • AK-112 assault rifle—used by dregs,vandals and Marauders
  • Rangemaster hunting rifle—commonly used by Marauders, uncommon for a Marauder with a scoped verison
  • Lions' Pride—a Hand cannon that looks and acts similar to Stolen Pride hand cannon, except its has Solar damage and has House of Lions colors, used very rarely by Dregs, Joskaa uses dual Lions' Prides as a backup weapon
  • UP9—blueprints given from the spider when they took a photo on a Rouge Exo
  • Baron's Sigil—A Artifact used by Guardians, will summon a squad of Fallen and Skiff (depending on the area, the user is in), they'll aid you in Combat until all enemies are down.
  • Memory of Jobkis-Fel—A Titan artifact
  • Remnant of a Prime—A Warlock artifact
  • Horn of Telksor, the Shadowed Claw —A Hunter artifact



  • Flavored Ether
  • Stone soup
  • Ether Soup
  • Solid Ether (Ether Cubes, Ether Popcicles, Ether Nuggets)



  • The House of Lions could be the descendants of the House of Wolves, since their Kell was formerly part of the wolves.
    • This theory was later debunked as not true, due to Joskaa’s predecessor, Yorvik was the kell and not a former wolf.
    • However, the Lions are a sister House to the Wolves.
  • To the Lion members, they call the House: "House Lions", while rival Fallen or Non-Fallen May sometimes call the House: "Lion Pack".
  • Even though Finsik, Lion Baron works for the House of Lions, his colors shows that he belong to the House of Exile.
  • They are one of 3 houses that to not worship Servitors, the other 2 is House of Dusk and The Scorn.
    • They are also the first and only house that worship the christian religion.
      • However, after the Crusades of the Jackals, Joskaa allowed the Lions to have the freedom of religion, meaning that the Fallen can worship whatever they want. Most of the Lions went back to worshiping Servitors, while others continued to follow the Christian religion and other Earth religion, notably Joskaa and Askar, Lions' Patriarch.
  • The Lions are the first that eat other food that is not Ether.
  • It was seen that the Empty Tank, was a Hideout to the Lions, seen by it Lion Banners and white flags over the areas (Fan Fiction).
    • It was confirmed by Joskaa, however, the lair was supposed to be used a celebration party area, which was used for victories for the Lions, it also use as a relaxing and cooling down area for Joskaa, as the throne inside the fighting pit chamber was actually a replica of his throne, which the original is inside of Lionship Andiks-Fel (another Fan Fic Story).
  • It has been rumored that there's a House of Lions' Den in the vicinity of Jupiter, as it been noted that there's some Lion Scouts seen on Callisto, one of the moons of Jupiter.
  • The Lions are the only known House, to have both their House Archons to desert their House, as Seriviks, the Archon of Andiks Prime, left the House to create The Jackal Syndicate, while Warvriks, Jobkis's Archon deserted his House to join the House of Dusk.
  • Their appearance in D1, stays the same in D2, with the exception of some of their members having a resemblance to House of Dusk Fallen (mostly their Wretch and Marauder units), possibly former Dusk members who defected from Dusk and join the Lion banner. However, ever since Beyond Light, the House of Lions' appearance would change entirely; their units carrying a similar style to their House of Darkness counterparts. This would be the same for the House of Vipers and the House of Emperors.
  • Originally the Lions the lived among the Kuiper belt, but was changed to the Reef, but was changed back, but as a reference, as they did used to live there until the Taken War, and they moved to the Reef.

List of appearances