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{{Fallen House infobox
{{Fallen House infobox
|image=[[File:Lion Members.jpeg|350px]]
|image=[[File:House of Lions's banner bigger.jpg|300px]]
|name= House of Lions
|name= House of Lions
|Nobility= [[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik, Kell of Lions]] (deceased) <br> [[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks, the Deserted]] (formerly) <br> [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, Lion Kell]] <br> [[Forum:Grayria|Grayria, Queen of Lions]] <br> [[Forum:Julsis, Lion Baron|Julsis, Lion Baron]] <br> [[Forum:Fesshsa|Fesshsa]]
|nobility= [[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik, Kell of Lions]] <br> [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa, Lion Kell]] <br> [[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks, the Deserted]] <br> [[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks, Lion Archon]] <br>[[Forum:Grayvis|Grayvis, Queen of the Lions]]
|Servitors= [[Forum:Jobkis Prime|Jobkis Prime]] (missing) <br> [[Forum:Andax Prime, the Constructor|Andax Prime, the Constructor]]  
|servitors= [[Forum:Jobiks Prime|Jobiks Prime]] <br> [[Forum:Andiks Prime|Andiks Prime]]  
[[Forum:Lions' Run|Lions' Run]] <br>  
[[Forum:Lions' Run|The Lions' Run]]  <br>  
[[Splicer’s Watch]]  <br>
[[Forum:Splicer's Watch|Splicer's Watch]]  <br>  
[[Empty Tank|The Empty Tank]] <br>  
[[Forum:Greek Flood Zone|Greek Flood Zone]] <br> [[Forum:Monégasque Ruins|Monégasque Ruins]]
[[Prime’s Nest]] <br>
|war= [[Forum:House of Sky|House of Sky]] (formerly) <br> [[Taken]] <br> [[Forum:Star Blazers|Star Blazers]] <br> [[Forum:House of Storm|House of Storm]] (formerly) <br> [[Scorn]] <br> [[Red Legion]] <br> [[House of Dusk]] <br> [[Savathûn's Brood]] <br> [[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|The Jackal Syndicate]] <br> [[Black Fleet]] <br> [[House of Salvation]] <br> [[Forum:House of Emperors|House of Emperors]] (formerly) <br> [[Forum:House of Vipers|House of Vipers]] <br> [[Forum:Anarchy's Children|Anarchy's Children]]
[[Dreaming City|The Watchtower]] (temporary) <br>
|ally= [[House of Judgement]] <br> [[The Reef]] <br> [[House of Winter]] (formerly) <br> [[Vanguard]] <br> [[Forum:AJ's Host|AJ's Host]] <br> [[Forum:House of Storm|House of Storm]] <br> [[House of Spider]] <br> [[House of Light]] <br> [[Forum:Claw of Vrylzesk|Claw of Vrylzesk]] <br> [[Imperial Cabal]] <br> [[Forum:House of Emperors|Emperor Reformists]]
[[Lions' Pride Relay]] (formerly)
|encountered= [[Forum:Gray Wars|Gray Wars]] <br> [[Forum:Siege on Mars|Siege on Mars]] <br> [[Forum:Tikmiks' Revolt|Tikmiks' Revolt]] <br> [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades of the Jackals]] <br> [[Season of Dawn]] <br> [[Forum:Season of the Relentless|Season of the Relentless]]
|Encountered= [[Forum:Gray Wars|Gray Wars]] <br> [[Taken War]] <br> [[Forum:Gray's Return|Gray's Return]] <br> [[Hunt for the Scorn]] (only mentioned) <br> [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades of the Jackals]] <br> [[Season of Dawn]] <br> [[Forum:Season of the Relentless|Season of the Relentless]]
{{Quote|REPORT: <br>
{{Quote|Not all of the [[Fallen]] had faltered to [[The Guardian|your]] [[Eliksni siege|wrath]]. Yes?|[[Variks, The Loyal]]}}
A Fallen house <br>
Hostile  level: 0 (Presumably non-hostile) <br>
Base: 2 Pallas  <br>
Personal Response: non-wolf fallen, but has unknown objectives. <br>
-REPORT END |A [[Crow|reef agent]] to [[Vestian Outpost|command base]]}}

The '''House of Lions''' are a vigilant [[Fallen]] House, distinguishable by their vanilla white armors and round blonde fur cloaks, they are allies to [[The Last City]] and [[The Reef]].
The '''House of Lions''' are an old, but vigilant [[Fallen]] [[House]], distinguishable by their vanilla and dark brown colored armors and upturned pentagonal cloaks. They are allies to [[The Last City]] and [[The Reef]].

===Early History===
{{Quote|House Winter, attack. House Devils, plot. House Kings, plan. House Wolves, circle. House Judgement, wait....but House|A Unknown Lion [[Captain]]}}
{{Quote|Many Houses were known for their worth within [[Riis]], yes? (Wheeze) [[House Wolves]] for weavering, [[House Rain]] for their prophecies, [[Forum:House of Sky|House Sky]] for their ships, House Lions for their courage, and [[House Kings]] for their leadership. But the [[Whirlwind]] tore it apart, and now...not much of us follow our previous ways, yes? What a shame...|[[Variks, the Loyal]]}}

Just like the [[House of Judgment]], the House of Lions is one of the oldest [[Fallen]] House, but the House of Lions were a Legendary mighty House, they were said to be "Strong like the [[House of Wolves|Wolves]], Wise like [[House of Judgment|Judgment]], and clever like [[House of Kings|Kings]]". They're the most respected House by  most of Eliksni, even by the House of Kings. Untill the [[Whirlwind]]. they escaped into a Unknown asteroid belt over a unknown space system and the Lions were said to have warred with the [[Forum:House of Gray|House of Gray]].
During the events before the [[Whirlwind]], the House of Lions were amongst many Houses that prospered under the [[Traveler]] on their home planet [[Riis]]. Known to be one of the oldest Houses within their civilization, they were seen as the pride of their people and were known as crusaders and protectors among their people, and had a strong relationship with the [[House of Judgment]] due to their ties of keeping the peace between the other Fallen Houses, as well as being known for their control over many Star Systems and their inspiring courage to many other Eliksni. Their power and influence would rival some from the [[House of Wolves]] and [[House of Kings|Kings]], although the Lions' [[Kell]] would be part of a council of Kells, from the Wolves, Kings, Judgement, and the [[House of Rain]] and [[House of Stone|Stone]]. But during the events of the cataclysmic [[Whirlwind]], where the Lions would attempt to defend their home against the Darkness alongside some like the House of Stone and help evacuate many fleeing Eliksni, but were presumed destroyed alongside the Stone and many other Fallen Houses. However, it would be revealed that the Lions survived the event and escaped onto one of their Star Systems, which included a Planet known as [[Forum:Striviis|Striviis]].

===[[Forum:Gray Wars|Gray Wars]]===
===Gray Wars===
[[File:House of Gray members.jpg|thumb|right|One of Lions' most known enemies, the [[Forum:House of Gray|House of Gray]]]]
The Gray Wars initially began around the events of the [[Long Drift]], the [[Forum:House of Sky|House of Sky]], influenced by [[Forum:Skevsis, the Prowling|Skevsis, the Prowling]], moved out into a Star System that was in control of the House of Lions, and attempted to take over Striviis from the Lions, resulting in many Lions living on the planet to be killed by the invading Sky. This would cause Yorvik, the Kell of Lions to retaliate against the Fallen Sky, causing the Wars to began. During the courses of the wars, the Lions and Sky battled out for control over the planet, lasting for many years, resulting many to be perished, including most of the Sky leadership, would soon end with the revealing of the Sky Kell's location, Yorvik would group his powerful forces and allies to obliterate the Sky's lair and their Kell, which succeeded and would effectively bring a temporarily end to the Gray Wars.
====Phase One====
The War started when a house known as the [[Forum:House of Gray|House of Gray]] entered the Lions’ territory and raided multiple camps, killing countless Fallen. This caused [[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik]], the [[Kell]] of the House of Lions to wage war against them. it was long courses of Battles, until [[Forum:Grayria|Grayria]], a spy for the Lions found the House of Gray's Lair. With this info, The Lions Manned a raid against them with their powerful Forces, they destroyed the Lair and killed the [[Forum:Kell of Gray|Kell of Gray]].

====Phase Two====
However the wars would continue on as the Lions were reaching to the [[Sol System]], as Skevsis had drawn the remnants of Sky to chase after the Lions across space, and would eventually break the Lions' leadership, destroying [[Forum:Lionship Jobiks-Fel|Lionship Jobiks-Fel]], which caused Yorvik to perish, as he was within the Ketch at the time. This would lead to the Lions to follow the temporary leadership of [[Forum:Jobiks Prime|Jobiks Prime]] until a new Kell would take over, Jobiks, with the help of [[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks]], would be able to keep its power over the House. Despite this placated the broken leadership of the House, other nobility still attempted to claim Kellship, most notably [[Forum:Tarviks, Lion Baron|Tarviks, Lion Baron]], [[Forum:Skrisah, the Wise|Skrisah, the Wise]], and Skevsis, the Prowling.
With the Kell dead, the House of Grey took Revenge. while Yorvik was trying to collect Ether from one of the Astroids, Gray pined him, and destroyed [[Forum:Lionship Jobkis-Fel|Lionship Jobkis-Fel]], killing him within it. With Yorvik's Death, The House of Lions fell to civil War with splitting into 3 groups, [[Forum:Tariks, Lion Baron|Tariks, Lion Baron]], [[Forum:Skrisah, the Wise|Skrisah, the Wise]], and [[Forum:Skeklos, the Prowling|Skeklos, the Prowling]].  

=====War within the Lions=====
This led to Skevsis defeating both Tariks, and Skrisah, taking over as the new Kell of Lions. Under his rule, he would claim the control of the House from Jobiks Prime and began the usage of veneration of [[Servitor]]s and docking caps to control the masses, although this had succeeded, many Lions had suffered problems under Skevsis's rule, due to many of the masses were starved from [[Ether]] and malnourished, while higher ranking [[Captain]]s and nobility had the largest amount of Ether, even to the point of Skevsis grew more than the others, and the worship of Servitors being used to control the people. This would lead to a revolt, orchestrated by [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, the Open-Minded]], whom was a freelancer working for the Lions, the Lions would rebel and push back Skevsis's power, causing him to flee from the Lions into Sky's territory, but with the Lions chasing in tow, soon Joskaa and his allies were able to corner Skevsis and slew him, along with defeating what remained of House of Sky. This led to Joskaa becoming the Kell of Lions and led the House to reach to the Sol System.
During the civil war, Skeklos began to strangely rise to power. He first destroyed Skrisah's fleet, and tricked the House of Gray into Destroying Tariks. With all of his rivals dead, He became the Kell of Lions, Although his leadership did not Last, Most Lions saw him as a cruel and unfair Leader, when thing began uneasy, The Lions revolted with the help of [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa, Burning Blade]], [[Forum:Grayria|Grayria, Winter Lost]], and [[Forum:Andax-5|Andax-5]]. The attack led into a chase, ending in The Prison of Scars, A House of Gray facility, With the bulk of the House of Lions, they were able kill Skeklos, who apperntly was spy for Gray, and Destroyed the Prison, causing the Gray to trapped, with the War over, The Lion crowned Joskaa, as the new Kell.

===Arriving in the [[Reef]]===
===Arrival in the Sol System===
The House of Lions later arriving into the Solar System, they moved into [[Reef|The Reef]], living out by the [[Awoken]], and at some point, Their [[Prime Servitor]], [[Forum:Jobkis Prime|Jobkis Prime]], went missing, later on while the Lions was living at [[2 Pallas]], the Lions had face the [[Siege of Pallas]], because of this, the Lions began trying to driving the [[House of Wolves|Wolves]] out of reef. Despite this going unsucceseded, the Lions had gained support by the Reef, and they later shared Pallas.
[[File:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Magnusk, of the Kell's Wrath]]
{{Quote|Another Fallen House that have been under our noses...and the [[Reef]] supports them?|[[Zavala]]}}

==Recent Events==
After finally arriving into the [[Sol System]], the Lions would settle down in the frontal edges of the Kuiper Belt, but were rumored to have a minor presence amongst [[Callisto]] and [[2 Pallas]]. During their early times there, the House would remain in hiding from both any enemy factions and even other Houses, sticking to mostly spy and observe for possible allies or enemies, the only time the House ever made contact was during the [[Reef Wars]] in the [[Siege of Pallas]], where the Lions attempted to defend themselves and their location from invading Wolves, and stole minor items from both Wolves and the Awoken, keeping any attention from the two factions. After the War ended, the Lions would approached the Reef to form a neutrality with each other, hoping to at least keep the House's existence a secret from other Houses but mostly, [[The Last City]]. The two would agreed although their areas within Pallas would be supervised by the Awoken while the Lions had permissions to some of the Awoken's relics and other Golden Age objects to learn more about the System they currently lived in.
===Return of Gray===
====Tikmiks's Rebellion====
[[File:Lionship Andax-Fel.jpg|thumb|right|301px|[[Forum:Lionship Andax-Fel|Lionship Andax-Fel]]]]
In the Aftermath of the [[Taken War]], the House of Gray returned, under the command of [[Forum:Tikmiks, Archon Priest|Tikmiks]], An [[Archon]] and Brother of Skeklos. When the threat returned, The House of Lions send a signal to [[The Guardian]] into helping them, the Guardian accepted their offer, hunting down the Gray over Mars, Found Tikmiks Rallying the Remnants of Wolves into joining them, despite of this. Tikmiks' rally was put down by the Guardian capturing Tikmiks and sent him into the [[Kell's Dungon]], with the House of Gray on loose, Joskaa opened up the [[Kell's Wrath]].

====Kell's Wrath====
===Wolf Rebellion===
Joskaa began providing [[Bounties]] against the House of Gray, with the help of the Guardians putting down most of Gray Forces.
Despite not physically being in the [[Wolf Rebellion]], the Lions did however minorly assist the Awoken by keeping the Wolves from going into the outer System, pushing most of them back into the inner system should they tried to expand further outward. Later [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa]], the Kell of Lions would be approached by [[Skolas]], the Kell of Wolves himself, in hoping to combine their forces together to take back the Traveler, although Joskaa would deny him in order to keep the House from being discovered and not to break the Awoken's trust. After the Rebellion ended, Joskaa kept watch over the wandering Wolves, whom are without a Kell after the defeat of Skolas.

====Rise of Skarr====
At some point during this time, the Lions would soon be discovered by a young [[Forum:AJ, the Relentless|Guardian]] whom was searching for answers about the Fallen. However, after learning more about the House and their reason why of their obscurity to anyone else, he would continue to keep the House's secret from the [[Vanguard]], in fear of them targeting the Lions. Soon the Guardian would began to help the House out more, eventually becoming their ally and became their Kell's subordinate and friend after gaining an audience with Joskaa and participated in the [[Forum:Kell's Gauntlet|Kell's Gauntlet]], a gladiatorial combat challenge, representing as the Kell of Lions.
With the Capture of Tikmiks, his [[Archon Servant]]s began pulling strings over Gray. For Control, they captured Skarr, a fallen Bounty Hunter, and Brainwashed him, into becoming their Kell. when the Lions found out about this, They made a Guardian strike against the mad Kell. While on Venus the Guardians found Skarr leading a group of fallen, with the oppuntunity, they killed the kell.

====Rainiks Reborn====
===Taken War===
To replace their Lost Leaders they Built [[Rainiks Reborn]], a Prime Servitor, When Hearing about this. The House of Lions Led an assault in Hong Kong, with the help the Guardian they head into the Lair and Destroyed the Prime Servitor.  
During the [[Taken War]], the House of Lions, like many other Houses, were effected by [[Oryx, the Taken King]] and his [[Taken]], although the Lions stood strong due to most of their leadership was still intact, the Lions had to abandon their strongholds within the Kuiper Belt as Oryx was traveling into the system, and escaped into the Reef, holed up over at Pallas and acted as a safe haven for surviving Fallen suffered from the Taken invasion.

====Gray's Last Stand====
Later, the House's [[Splicers]], the [[Forum:Lion Splicers|Lion Splicers]] began experimenting on the Taken, most specifically their [[Blight]]s and attempted to harvest them in hopes of turning them into weapons for the Fallen. A few Splicers were also mentioned helping the Awoken infuse Taken energy into their weapons and armor, hoping to learning ways to infuse Taken energy into their own weapons.
With the Gray in ruins, the House of Lions led an Assault on Mars. With the death of Gray's Generals, the destruction of a Gray ketch and the breaking of the House of Gray. the House of Lions pinned them down, however, instead of destroying them. Joskaa becomes the new Kell of Gray.

===Allies of The Reef===
==Recent Events==
Despite the House of Gray submissioning into the House of Lions, Joskaa believes that there will be some new leaders that will rise against the Kell, and the House of Gray may become can threat again, so in order to keep the Gray from getting strong and coming back again, the Kell open up [[Forum:Kell's Arena|Kell's Arena]], which is a area that is open to gladitor fights with the Help of The guardians. To end Tikmiks' Rebellion, Joskaa staged a gladiator match against the Archon, despite Tikmiks's weapons and follwers, he was killed quickly by a guardian. Joskaa later declares that the House of Lions will do anything to help [[The Last City]].
===Siege on Mars===
===Rise of the Storms===
Following the defeat of the Star Blazers, the House of Sky would finally reemerge once more, although under a new name known as: [[Forum:House of Storm|House of Storm]]. Led by Tikmiks, the House of Storm would enter the [[Sol System]], and began to pillage from remnants of broken Houses and bringing any Fallen to join their banner, even getting their message from areas such as the [[Prison of Elders]]. Soon they attempted to attack the [[Prime Servitor]], [[Forum:Andiks Prime|Andiks Prime]], but would be stopped by the House assisted by AJ, soon this would result in occurring battle between the two Houses, and forced the Storms to flee to [[Mars]], and taking refuge within [[Cerberus Vae III]], resulting in the remaining [[Cabal]] inside to be pushed out of the tank and drove a patrolling [[Fireteam]] out of the vicinity. Meanwhile the Lions would begin to rally their forces to attack the Storms on Mars, getting those by the likes of [[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath|Magnusk, Lions' Wrath]] and [[Forum:Grask, Lion Captain|Grask, Lion Captain]], even gaining help from AJ once more along with [[Variks]] to hunt down the Storms. After they found the Storms' location, they would travel to Mars, but would enter a skirmish with the provoked Cabal. Meanwhile the [[Vanguard]] would take notice of the displaced Fireteam and sent a [[The Guardian|Guardian]] to deal with the odd commotion, running into the fighting Lions and Cabal, and would be forced to work with the Fallen under the influence of AJ, they would take out the Cabal and force the House of Storm out of the tank and drew out Tikmiks, however he would unfortunately escape. This gave the Lions a temporary victory and a loose alliance with The Guardian for the time being until they could catch the fleeing Archon.

===Rise of Iron===
===Red War===
In the aftermath of [[Taken War]], [[Forum:Skorik, Siege Professor|Skorik]] and The House of Lions began helping the [[Awoken]] in infusing Taken energy into weapons, the House of Lions' [[Splicers]], The [[Forum:Lion Splicers|Lion Splicers]] began having a major factor, they began crafting Taken-Infused armor and weapons and giving them to the House of Lions' Soilders, created a new class of Fallen in the called: [[Infused-Fallen]], giving them new ablities for fighting, they also even help [[Guardian]]s during certain campians.
A few months after the defeat of the [[Forum:House of Storm|House of Storm]], and the end of the [[SIVA Crisis]], many of the Fallen had began to pull out from their old hideouts to come together under one banner. The Lions were one of few Houses that didn't heeded the call for union from the [[Kell of Kings]], due to their leadership haven't been destabilized. However, as the [[Red War]] began, the Lions suffered from attacks on the [[Reef]] created by the invading [[Red Legion]], [[Hive]], [[Taken]], and a rising group of Fallen called the "Scorned Barons", causing the Lions to move out of their lair on Pallas and flew to [[Earth]] in a search for a home, arriving in the [[Forum:Monégasque Ruins|Monégasque Ruins]], attempting to form a home but were stopped by a [[Cabal]] [[Red Legion]] Company, forcing the Lions to move up into a mountain called Mont Agel and lived there for a while, occasionally scavenging for supplies and pushing Cabal out of their areas. The Lions also conducted raiding parties against the Cabal, this raids would be led by AJ, whom was lightless thanks to the [[Traveler]] becoming [[Traveler Cage|trapped]] by the Red Legion, but nonetheless He would direct minor and quick raids over the Cabal's supplies in hopes of learning any possible way to push the cabal out of the ruins.

===Crusades of the Jackals===
Despite these new weapons, The Lions faced new problems, the House of Lions hid their Prime, [[Forum:Andax Prime, the Constructor|Andax Prime]], only to be captured by the [[Cabal]]. the House later fell into a civil war with the [[Scorn]], only to fail and barely survive, because of this, the House of Lions moved out of their Lairs, and moved into the [[Dreaming City]] with the [[Awoken]]. But, later escaped as Taken began corrupting the City, forcing the Lions to move out of the City, now squatting in the outskirts of the City.
[[File:Seriviks.jpg|thumb|right|250px|"The Forgotten Sibling"]]
{{Quote|So, this "[[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|Syndicate]]" made by my [[Forum:Seriviks|sister]], thinks they're a theat to us, We'll show them whos the real threat here, hehe..|[[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]}}

A [[Splicer|Lion Splicer]] was on a mission, only to their taken-infused armor being corrupted and transformed them into [[Kithrax, the Broken]].  
[[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]'s sister, [[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks]], who was once a notable [[Archon]] to Andiks Prime, left the House, due to the Lions making peace with [[The Last City]] and [[Awoken]]. But after years and years of waiting, she would gathered up many Fallen from all around the system, including [[Forum:House of Storm|House of Storm]] remnants, who refused to bow to Joskaa and Lion deserters who were loyal to Seriviks, to form the [[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|Jackal Syndicate]], and remain hidden from the system. However, a Jackal member, by the name of [[Forum:Chelsik, the Infiltrator|Chelsik]]  would began an attempt to assassinate Joskaa and [[Forum:Grayvis|Grayvis]] by hacking Lion [[Shank]]s and [[Walker]]s, to distract any Lions or Guards, while his crew infiltrates the [[Forum:Lions' Run|area]] to kill them. But [[The Guardian]], However thwarts his attempt and kills him, but would cause the Jackals to be revealed, and thus, the [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades of the Jackals]] begans.

More problems began to fall under the Kell, as Joskaa has been thinking into docking himself and have the Lions join the [[House of Dusk]]. But was stopped by [[Forum:AJ, the Relentless|AJ]], a Guardian. After a long talk with him, Joskaa decied to bring the Lions back together and joins along side [[Mithrax, the Forsaken|Mithrax]] of spreading his idea of bringing the Eliksni in joining along the Humanity in the fight against the [[Darkness]]
After the failed assassination, Seriviks, would take refuge on [[Nessus]] through a abandoned [[Kell's Scourge]] lair. But when scouts, belonging to the Lions found her location, Joskaa send in The Young Wolf to take her down and capture her. While arriving to Nessus, She was seen commanding Jackal operatives. But after She spotted the Guardian, she would escaped and would send [[Forum:Giltris, the Prowler|Giltris, the Prowler]] to distract The Guardian, while She escape. After the unsuccessful capture, Joskaa would order the guardian to stand down while letting his [[Forum:Invisible Claw|Invisible Claw]] dealing with her capture. But despite the Guardian unable to capture her, they would intercept a hidden transmission from [[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath|Magnusk, Lions' Wrath]], which would include the coordinates to her location, deep within the vicinity of the moon: [[Titan (moon)|Titan]]. The Young Wolf would discover [[Forum:Jackalship Semkis-Fel|Jackalship Semkis-Fel]] and would fight her [[Kell's Guard]]s, to reach her in the throne room, but even though they have almost catch her, She would escaped once again. Joskaa would find the Guardian, and question their motives. But they would explain it to him, he would allow the Young Wolf to continue their hunt over the Jackals, while he would  re-open the [[Forum:Kell's Wrath|Kell's Wrath]] to counteract the Jackal leadership.

===Return of Lions===
With the return of Kell's Wrath, Guardians all around the system began hunting down any Jackal's [[Baron]]s, [[Baron]]esses, or Generals such as [[Forum:Thresik, the Swordsman|Thresik, the Swordsman]][[Forum:Graksul, the Headhunter|Graksul, the Headhunter]], [[Forum:Kithiks, the Pathfinder|Kithiks, the Pathfinder]], and [[Forum:Pavik, Once Meek|Pavik, Once Meek]], they even make a more bigger blow with the destruction of [[Forum:Semkis Prime, Pretender to Andiks|Semkis Prime]], [[Forum:Crimson Widow|The Crimson Widow]], and the [[Forum:Kalsos, Bonded Shank|Metal]] [[Forum:Mirkos, Bonded Shank|Siblings]]. But with these victories, the Lions would staged a full-scale assault into the [[Forum:The Jackals' Den|The Jackals' Den]] to defeat Seriviks and any remaining Jackals. So with the help of the Guardians, they were to kill most of Jackals' Generals, push further into their Lair and face Seriviks. But despites her Stock pile and reinforcements, they were able to execute her. crippling the Jackals, and the end of the [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades]].
{{Quote|Fallen Houses believed in Pride, power, and ruthlessness. Not anymoreEliksni now will understand that we must be together, must be equal, and be fair, now, spread these believes my fellow cousins|[[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, Lion Kell]]}}
With the Destruction of the [[Scorn]] and the failures of [[The Kell's Scourge Syndicate]]. The Lions began returning into glory. They first joined [[Mithrax, the Forsaken|Mithrax]] to help bring any Open-Minded Eliksni to the Humanity side. They later created a new Christian denomination called: Equalism. and sent their Scholars into spreading these beliefs through out the Fallen. They later sent the Guardians into destroy the Scorn's remaining [[Dark Ether]] supply, to keep them broken and depressed. In order to get the Lions into joining Dusk. they rebuilt the Prime Servitor, Jobkis Prime for control over the Lions. suspecting a trap. Joskaa sent a group of Guardians into attack [[Bracus Za'ourg]]'s stronghold and rescuing Andax Prime, and destroyed the False Prime. With these victories the Lions were able to get most of [[Forum:Lions' Run|their]] [[Splicer's Watch|Lairs]] back.

===Meme Review===
===Season of the Relentless===
{{Quote|skrattar du  förlorar Du|AJ calling the [[Forum:Meme Squad (Joke Faction)|Meme Squad]]}}
When the House of Lions found the [[Forum:Hoth|Hoth Planet]], they planned on mining resources there, but they actendently met the [[Forum:House of TV (Joke Faction)|House of TV]], and fought against them, to get an edge on the House, Joskaa stoled old weapons from [[Hiraks, the Mindbender]], and modified with the help of the Lion Splicers. they later used it to control the [[Scorn]], [[Hive]], and [[Cabal]] on the Reef. Joskaa, joined forces with a Guardian fireteam and created [[Forum:Meme Squad (Joke Faction)|Meme Squad]]. However they both lost Hoth to the [[House of Dusk]]. In advance the House of Lions sent the ambassador, [[Lions' High Emisary]] to cooperate with TV, Meme Squad resided at the [[Empty Tank]] Fallen Nightclub, and Joskaa sended Big bounties against [[Forum:Srikes, Exile Veteran|Srikes]] and [[Forum:Dominus Swadi, Student Of Srikes|Swadi]] And [[User:Chickenx4|Silent pants]] gives intel of new Exotic bounties for [[The Spider]] and the team, and made big bounties on any kind species, such as:(scorn, human, exo, awoken, fallen, hive, Cabal, Vex, frame, Taken, Mandalorian, Magical girl, sith, dark Jedi, Hutt, and etc).

===House of Tigers===
===Season of the Emperors===
{{Quote|Strange is House Tigers, they have a [[Human]] Kell, control [[Forum:House of TV (Joke Faction)|House TV]], need to understand this House...may I speak to.......[[User:Chickenx4|Silent pants]]?|[[Forum:Lions' High Emissary|Lions' High Emissary]] to [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]}}

During the talk with the [[Forum:Jerkers, TV Kell|Kell of TV]], the [[Forum:Lions' High Emissary|Emissary]] saw how cruel was the [[Forum:House of Tigers|House of Tigers]]. After His trip back to the [[Reef]]. The Emissary talked to [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]] and urged him to set up a [[Raid|bounty]] against them, however the idea backfired. The Emissary later talked to [[User:Chickenx4|Michael the Silent]] in hopes of learning more about the Tigers.
===Season of the Vipers===

===Crusades of the Jackals===
{{Quote|So, this "[[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|Syndicate]]" made by my [[Forum:Seriviks|sister]], thinks there a theat to us, We'll show them whos the real threat to them hehe..|[[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]}}
{{Quote|House Lions are not like the rest of the others. They are quiet, they prowl, learn your tactics, learn your ways, and learn your weaknesses. But, just like Variks, they are smart enough to side with you than to face death (laughs).|[[Variks, The Loyal]]}}

[[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]'s sister, [[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks]], who was once the regarded [[Archon]] Priest for Andax Prime, left the House, due to the Lions making peace with [[The Last City]] and [[Awoken]]. After years and years of waiting, she gathered up Fallen from all around the system with [[Forum:House of Gray|House of Gray]] remnants, who refused to bow to Joskaa and Lion deserters who are loyal to Seriviks, becoming the [[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|Jackal Syndicate]], They later remain underground. However, a Jackal [[Captain]] by the name of [[Forum:Chelsik, the Infiltrator|Chelsik]]  began an attempt to assassinate  Joskaa and the [[Forum:Grayria|Queen]] by hacking Lion [[Shank]]s and [[Walker]]s, while his crew infiltrates the [[Forum:Lions' Run|area]]. [[The Guardian]], However thwarts his attempt and kills him, and the Syndicate is revealed, and thus, the [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades of the Jackals]] begans.
[[File:Joskaa.jpg|thumb|right|The Lions' Kell, [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]]]

After the Jackals being revealed, Seriviks, the [[Kell]] of Jackals later took refuge on [[Nessus]]. When the Lions found out about this, they sended a [[Guardian]] to take her down. Ariving on nessus, She was seen along side [[Forum:Giltris, the Prowler|Giltris]], a [[Marauder]]. She, however, escaped leaving Giltris behind only to be killed by the guardian. After the attack, Joskaa orders the guardian to stand down and let his [[Forum:Invisible Claw|Spies]] deal with her.
Unlike most Fallen House, the House of Lions follows a more complex and unique structure in a similar fashion to the [[House of Wolves]], following the common leadership of [[Kell]]s, [[Archon]]s (although both of the two Archons are currently missing or dead), and a [[Prime Servitor]] with [[Baron]]s and other notable nobility supporting them. However, they also have many stations and groups that operate more freely than those from other Fallen House, as long as it benefits the House.

Despite the Guardian unable to find her, [[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath|Magnusk, Lions' Wrath]] secretly gave the guardians coordinates to her location, due to her [[Ketch]], [[Forum:Jackalship Semkis-Fel|Jackalship Semkis-Fel]] being found on [[Titan (moon)|Titan]]. After fighting through her [[Kell's Guard]]s and [[Forum:Hagrask, Jackal Enforcer|Ketch Enforcers]], they face her in her throne room. Despite believing in finishing off, However, She escaped. Joskaa orders the guardian of what they were doing, but with driving Seriviks out of her Ketch. He believe that might do better in taking the Jackals down and later left them into finding Jackal bounties, while [[Kell's Wrath]] was later reopened to attack the Jackals.
Newly elected or younger Kells are mostly assisted by a council formed up of the most esteemed members within the House, which they help the Kell lead the House to a better path and works on the rules that the House must follow. Kells are protected by their own group of [[Kell's Guard]]s, formed from the Lions' best soldiers, to defend and stay close to the Kell at most times, while the Kell's council are served by [[Forum:Lions' Guard|Lions' Guard]], similar to [[Wolves' Guard]], although they aren't hand selected or brainwashed to the point of serving their duty. The [[Forum:Lion Enforcer|Lion Enforcers]] are there to help cements the rule and authority of the Kell and his council; making sure that the rank-and-file retain their loyalty to the House even if they are allowed to do things morefreely. Similar to the [[Silent Fang]], the Lions have their own sect of spies and assassins, known as the [[Forum:Invisible Claw|Invisible Claw]], a massive network of spies and assassins placed across the system to monitor on potential enemies to exploit their weaknesses. Much like most Houses, the Lions also have a [[Splicer]] sect to help with augmenting their fellow Lions with cybernetics, and are in-charge with overseeing and maintain the House's machinery, led by the chief scientist of the House, whom has a seat within the Kell's council. Inspired by the [[Queen's Wrath]], the Kell also have a personal team of elite Fallen who are tasked to target and destroy significant and more dangerous entities whom threaten Kell and take down traitors to the House, as well as placing [[Bounties]] on certain targets personally ordered by the Kell.  

With the opening of Kell's Wrath, Guardians all around the system began hunting down the Jackal's [[Baron]]s, [[Baron]]esses, and Generals such as [[Forum:Thresik, the Swordsman|Thresik, the Swordsman]],  [[Forum:Graksul, the Headhunter|Graksul, the Headhunter]], [[Forum:Kithiks, the Pathfinder|Kithiks, the Pathfinder]], and [[Forum:Pavik, Once Meek|Pavik, Once Meek]], they even made a more bigger blow with the destruction of [[Forum:Semkis Prime, Pretender to Andax|Semkis Prime]], [[Forum:Crimson Widow|The Crimson Widow]], and the [[Forum:Kalsos, Bonded Shank|Metal]] [[Forum:Mirkos, Bonded Shank|Siblings]]. with these victories the House of Lions staged a full-on assault into the [[The Jackals' Den]] to destroy or capture the Remaining Jackal Leadership. With the help of the Guardians, they were to kill most of Jackals' Generals pushing further into their Lair and meet up with Seriviks. Despites of her Stock pile and reforcements, they were able to execute her. crippling the Jackals, and the end of the [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades]].
Outside the political and other leaderships of the House, the society of the House acts very more different than a House normally should. The House consists mostly of large amounts of [[Vandal]]s (due to [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa]]'s beliefs and a number of gangs and groups), with them being allowed a large degree of operational freedom, long as they keep their loyalties to the House and bring valuable data and intel to the Lion leadership. [[Captain]]s continues their roles as leaders of crews or as elite warriors, given the best weaponry for their talents and to suit their needs. Subject of docking is shown to be very rare within the House, although this is because of the use of docking is used as a sentence to criminals and traitors within the House rather than punishment for certain mishaps, those who are docked serves crews and teams as labor and support, once at a certain threshold, they can be allowed to regrow their lower arms. There are rare instances where few Dregs are selected by the Kell for certain operation mission, which those said Dregs are allowed a small operational freedom in exchange for being supervised by a Lion Enforcer to make sure they do not abandon their mission or betray the House.  

===Battle of the Yarkora===
Following the events of [[Forsaken]], and the rise of Fallen "syndicates", the Lions would be one of the only Houses that weren't affected by this due to the Lions were able to adapt and grow more thanks to their system they have used during their time on Sol, however this would also cause a growing rift between those who continues and holds the customs of the old ways and those who are more younger and began learning and following [[Human]] culture and beliefs. This went even more further with Joskaa, the Lions' own Kell began adopting Humanity cultures, to point of him courting a [[Exo]], which would break the Fallen's traditions; Furthering the rapid decline of the Fallen old culture and ways while being overshadowed by the rising trend of Fallen following human ways within the House.

===Wolf Resurgence===
Despite the [[House of Wolves]] becoming extinct, by the [[Scorn]], there has been some Wolf Loyalists who have recently joined the House of Lions, notably [[Forum:Trigoris, Loyalist to Wolves|Trigoris]] and [[Forum:Lirsis, Wolves' Advocate|Lirsis]]. However it's unknown if they have allegiance under the  Lion banner or if they are still truly loyal to the Wolves.
[[File:House of Lions' members.jpg|200px|thumb|right|House of Lions' members]]
*[[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik, Kell of Lions]] — <small>[[Kell]]</small>
*[[Forum:Skevsis, the Prowling|Skevsis, the Prowling]] — <small>[[Kell]]</small> {{c|temporary}}
*[[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, Lion Kell]] — <small>[[Kell]]</small>

===Hibachi’s Sting===
===Prime Servitors===
{{Quote|This is [[Forum:Warmind Robert E. Lee|Robert E. Lee]] Speaking,in the my camera Feed in [[Forum:Hoth|Hoth]] [[Forum:Schwarlitz Longhener|A Man]] left a note and tried to break into my system but failed <Br> Guardian we need to Catch them ASAP| [[Forum:Warmind Robert E. Lee|Robert E. Lee]] telling the gaurdian to get ready}}
*[[Forum:Jobiks Prime|Jobiks Prime]] — <small>[[Prime Servitor]]</small>  
[[Forum:Schwarlitz Longhener|A]] [[Forum:Godwin Longhener|Human]] snuck into warmind E.lee to steal some info, for a unknown reason, but failed and escaped. The House of Lions began spying on the [[Forum:Hibachi’s Sting|Hibachi’s Sting Syndicate]], to learn info about them, the Guardian then was sent by the [[Vanguard]] to dismantle the newly risen Syndicate.
*[[Forum:Andiks Prime|Andiks Prime]] — <small>[[Prime Servitor]]</small>

===Powers of the Void===
*[[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks, the Deserted]] — <small>Archon of [[Forum:Jobiks Prime|Jobiks Prime]]</small> {{c|formerly}}
*[[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks, Lion Archon]] — <small>Archon of [[Forum:Andiks Prime|Andiks Prime]]</small> {{c|formerly}}
*[[Forum:Darviss, the Protector|Darviss, the Protector]] {{c|acting}}

===Lions' Council===
[[File:Joskaa.jpg|thumb|right|The Lions' Kell, [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]]]]
*[[Forum:Divhoris, the Knowledge-Keeper|Divhoris, the Knowledge-Keeper]]
Just like its sister House, the [[House of Wolves]], the Lions has complex structure within their ranks. the house have a new leadership branch that only the House of lions are know to have access to, This branch called [[Forum:Fallen Queen|Fallen Queens]], Fallen Queens serve as the Queen of the house and consort of kell but have other duties, as for an example, if the kell is a female, then the house will pick the second oldest female child or female realative of kell to serve as Queen for Second in command they can also get large amounts of [[Ether]]. Then comes the [[Baron]]s, Most have the same regular duties as all barons, but some Barons has a different duties than a normal barons, the sons of the kell can become a baron if you first start as a prince and then you get in the age of 13 you become a squire to a [[Forum:Lion Guard|Lion Guard]], then after that you will be crown vandal you the choice of joining a captain's crew or join family Barons’ Lion Guards and join a station called, Rising Guards in order to become a baron after finishing that will become a baron and be crown a captain. The oldest baron will be titled the rising kell and prepare the title of the kell. Then have new stations of the house like Lion Guards, Lion enforcers, Lion pike gangs, [[Forum:Invisible Claw|Invisible Claws]], Lion Scouts, Lion Scavengers, Lion [[Kell's Guard]]s, Lion mechanics. They also have a similar apperance to the [[House of Wolves]], except, the Armor is White and the Fur Scarfs and Capes are Yellow. Their House is also seen to have a primarily large amounts of  [[Vandal]]s and [[Shank]]s, With [[Captain]]s and [[Baron]]s commanding them.
*[[Forum:Skorvik, Siege Professor|Skorvik, Siege Professor]]
*[[Forum:Delkris|Delkris]] (formerly)
In Destiny 2, however nothing has changed about them, however their [[Major]] variants has a Honey Beige color armor and Black body suit, as for Ultra versions, Their armor color is red and yellow, similar to [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, Lion Kell]]. Their servitors, same as D1, but for their major versions, they have the same model as the [[Forum:Lion High Servitor|Lion High Servitors]]. As for [[Ultra]] Servitor variants are the same as [[Forum:Overpowered Servitor|Overpowered Servitors]], however, They're painted with red, yellow, and orange marks, similar to the Ultra Lion Members.
*[[Forum:Grayvis|Grayvis, Queen of the Lions]]
*[[Forum:Lions' High Emissary|Lions' High Emissary]]
*[[Forum:Julsis, Lion Baron|Julsis, Lion Baron]]  
*[[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Palatine|Magnusk, Lions' Palatine]]
*[[Forum:Jeysik, Lions' Palatine|Jeysik, Lions' Palatine]]

===Notable Fallen===
*[[Forum:Askar, Lions' Patriarch|Askar, Lions' Patriarch]]
*[[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik, Kell of Lions]]—Kell
*[[Forum:Tarviks, Lion Baron|Tarviks, Lion Baron]]  
*[[User:Joskaa|Joskaa, Lion Kell]]—Kell
*[[Forum:Skrisah, the Wise|Skrisah, the Wise]]  
*[[Forum:Grayria|Grayria, Queen of Lions]]—[[Fallen]] Queen and the consort of Joskaa
*[[Forum:Jobkis Prime|Jobkis Prime]]—Prime Servitor
*[[Forum:Andax Prime, the Constructor|Andax Prime]]—Prime Servitor
*[[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks, the Deserted]]—Archon of Jobkis Prime
====Lions’ Council====
*[[Forum:Julsis, Lion Baron|Julsis, Lion Baron]] (inferred)
*[[Forum:Fesshsa|Fesshsa]]  (inferred)
* [[Forum:Divhoris, the Knowledge-Keeper|Divhoris, the Knowledge-Keeper]]
*[[Forum:Skorik, Siege Professor|Skorik, Siege Professor]]
*[[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks, Lion Archon]] (formerly)
===Notable Members===
*[[Askar, Lions' Patriarch]]
*[[Forum:Tariks, Lion Baron|Tariks, Lion Baron]]  
*[[Forum:Skrisah, the Wise|Skrisah, the Wise]]
*[[Forum:Skeklos, the Prowling|Skeklos, the Prowling]] (formerly)
*[[Forum:Grask, Lion Captain|Grask, Lion Captain]]
*[[Forum:Grask, Lion Captain|Grask, Lion Captain]]
*[[Forum:Lions' High Emissary|Lions' High Emissary]]
*[[Forum:Skorsi, Lion Captain|Skorsi, Lion Captain]]
*[[Skorsa, Skiff Captain]]
*[[Forum:Staviks, the Cabal-Hunter|Staviks, the Cabal-Hunter]]
*[[Forum:Fin, Lion Baron|Fin, Lion Baron]]
*[[Forum:Palix, the Roaring|Palix, the Roaring]]  
*[[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath|Magnusk, Lions' Wrath]]
*[[Forum:Raskin, Kell's Guard|Raskin, Kell's Guard]]
*[[Jaydsis, Lions' Wrath]] 
*[[Forum:Qwanik, the Unstoppable Force|Qwanik, the Unstoppable Force]]  
*[[Skoleks, Praetorian Guard]]
*[[Forum:Bernik, the Jokester|Bernik, the Jokester]]
*[[Forum:Mecher Jobkis-23|Mecher Jobkis-23]]
*[[Forum:Joesnikk, Once Meek|Joesnikk, Once Meek]]
*[[Forum:Harnikk, the Fanatical-Blade|Harnikk, the Fanatical-Blade]]
*[[Forum:AJ, the Relentless| AJ, Joskaa's Champion]] (associate)
*[[The Guardian|Disaraaskian]] <small> (meaning respect) </small> (associate)
*[[Palix, the Roaring]]  
*[[Raskin, Kell’s Guard]]
*[[Qwanik, the Unstoppable Force]]  
*[[Bernik, the Jokester]]
*[[Joesniffkk, Once quirky]]
*[[Harnikk, the Fanatic]]
*[[Kithrax, the Broken]] (inferred)
*[[Trigoris, Loyalist to Wolves]]
*[[Kaliks-8, Stolen from Wolves]] (inferred)
*[[Lirsis, Wolves' Advocate]]  
*[[Forum:Maksis, the Sharp-Tongued|Maksis]] (formerly)
*[[Forum:Rulkis, Archon Rising|Rulkis, Archon Rising]] (formerly)
*[[Forum:Crimson Widow|The Crimson Widow]] (formerly)
*[[Forum:Delksis, Bound to AJ|Delksis, Bound to AJ]]
*[[Forum:Delksis, Bound to AJ|Delksis, Bound to AJ]]
*[[Forum:Kralikss, Joskaa's Champion|Kralikss, Joskaa's Champion]]
*[[Forum:Kralikss, Joskaa's Champion|Kralikss, Joskaa's Champion]]
Line 178: Line 136:
*[[Forum:Makasiss, Courier for Lions|Makasiss, Courier for Lions]]
*[[Forum:Makasiss, Courier for Lions|Makasiss, Courier for Lions]]
*[[Forum:Mavpiks, Bound to AJ|Mavpiks, Bound to AJ]]
*[[Forum:Devris, the Silent Squall|Devris, the Silent Squall]]
*[[Forum:Bovriks, the Unbent Hand|Bovriks, the Unbent Hand]]
*[[Forum:Cerbiks|Cerbiks, Reborn]]
*[[Forum:Pevkis, the Dishonored|Pevkis, the Dishonored]]
*[[Forum:Kithrax, the Broken|Kithrax, the Broken]] (inferred)
*[[Forum:Skolren, Blademaster|Skolren, Blademaster]]
===Notable Servitors===
*[[Forum:Mecher Jobiks-43|Mecher Jobiks-43]]
*[[Forum:Kaliks-6, Stolen from Wolves|Kaliks-6]] (unwillingly)
===Notable Automata===
*[[Forum:Alfagonos, House Lions|Alfagonos, House Lions]]
*[[Forum:The Mightful Pride|The Mightful Pride]]
*[[Forum:The Unending Wrath|The Unending Wrath]]
*[[Forum:Fury of Grayvis|Fury of Grayvis]]
===Former Lions===
*[[Forum:Tikmiks, Archon Priest|Tikmiks]]
*[[Forum:Rulkis, Archon Rising|Rulkis, Archon Rising]]
*[[Forum:Maksis, the Sharp-Tongued|Maksis]]
*[[Forum:Pavik, Once Meek|Pavik]]
*[[Forum:Shangris, Lion Traitor|Shangris]]
*[[Forum:Atrykis, Emperor Kell|Atrykis, Lion Baron]]
*[[Forum:Crimson Widow|The Crimson Widow]]
*[[Forum:Andiks-9, the Enslaved|Andiks-9, the Enslaved]]
*[[Forum:Xeliks Prime|Andiks-27]]
===Notable Associates===
*[[Forum:AJ, the Relentless|AJ, Joskaa's Champion]] 
*[[The Guardian|Disaraaskian]] <small> (meaning respect) </small>
*[[User:Chickenx4|Micheal the Silent]] 
*[[UserWiki:Brayden12012|Brayden, Emperor's Hand]]
*[[Forum:Graziks|Graziks]] (contractual alliance)
*[[Forum:Trigoris, Deserter to Wolves|Trigoris, Deserter to Wolves]]
*[[Forum:Lirsis, Wolf Exile|Lirsis, Wolf Exile]]
*[[UserWiki:Mercedes|Mercedes, the Exo]]
*[[Forum:Torrance, the Warrior|Torrance, the Warrior]]

===Notable Groups===
===Notable Groups===
*[[Forum:Invisible Claw|The Invisible Claw]]
*[[Forum:Invisible Claw|The Invisible Claw]]
*[[Forum:Lion Splicers|The Lion Splicers]]
*[[Forum:Lion Splicers|The Lion Splicers]]
*[[The Virtuoso Claw]]
*[[Forum:Joskaa's Crew|The Kell's Blades]]  
*[[Forum:Gray's Scourge|The Gray's Scourge]]
*[[Forum:Lions' Guard|The Lions' Guard]]
*[[Forum:Lions’ Guard|The Lions’ Guard]]
*[[Forum:Lion Enforcer|The Lion Enforcers]]
*[[The Lion Enforcers]]
*[[Forum:Lion Scout|The Lion Scouts]]
*[[The Lion Scouts]]

==Unique Forces==
==Unique Forces==
'''Major variants'''
*[[Forum:Lion Kell's Guard|Lion Kell's Guard]]
*[[Forum:Lion High Servitor|Lion High Servitor]]
*[[Forum:Overpowered Servitor|Overpowered Servitor]]
*[[Forum:Unbounded Dreg|Unbounded Dreg]]
*[[Forum:Freelance Vandal|Freelance Vandal]]
*[[Forum:Freelance Captain|Freelance Captain]]
'''Minor variants'''
*[[Dreg]] variants  
*[[Dreg]] variants  
**Lion Scavenger
**Lion Mechanic
**Lion [[Pike]] Rider
**Lion [[Pike]] Rider
**Skiff Dreg
**Skiff Dreg
**Scourge Raider
***Bane Scavenger
**Infused Dreg  
**Infused Dreg  
***Upgraded Dreg
***Upgraded Dreg
**Freelancer Dreg
**[[Resilient Dreg|Resilient Dreg, House Lions]]
**Vigilant Rascal
*[[Wretch]] Variants
**[[Imprisoned Dreg]]
**[[Resilient Wretch|Resilient Wretch, House Lions]]
**[[Forum:Kell's Guard, House Lions|Kell's Guard, House Lions]]
*[[Marauder]] Variants
**Marauder, Bound to AJ
**[[Resilient Marauder|Resilient Marauder, House Lions]]
**[[Forum:Invisible Claw|Claw Assassin]]
*[[Vandal]] variants  
*[[Vandal]] variants  
**Lion Enforcer  
**Lion Enforcer  
**Lion [[Pike]] Leader
**Lion Mechanic
***Lion [[Pike]] Commander  
**[[Pike]] Leader
***[[Pike]] Commander  
**Skiff Vandal
**Skiff Vandal
**Lion [[Kell's Guard]]  
**Lion [[Kell's Guard]]  
**Invisable Claw  
**Invisible Claw  
**Scourge Raider
***Bane Enforcer
**Lion Scout
**Lion Scout
**Virtuoso Claw
**Infused Vandal  
**Infused Vandal  
***Upgraded Vandal
***Upgraded Vandal
**Freelancer Vandal
**Veteran Vandal
**Veteran Vandal
**Vigilant Vandal
**Vigilant Vandal
**[[Equalist Vandal]]
**[[Resilient Vandal|Resilient Vandal, House Lions]]
**[[Forum:Invisible Claw|Claw Scout]]
**Medic, House Lions
**Specialist, House Lions
*[[Captain]] variants  
*[[Captain]] variants  
**Skiff Captain  
**Skiff Captain  
**[[Forum:Lions’ Guard|Lions’ Guard]]  
**[[Forum:Lions' Guard|Lions' Guard]]  
**[[Forum:Praetorian Guard Captain|Praetorian Guard Captain]]
**[[Forum:Cabal-Hunter Captain|Cabal-Hunter Captain]]
**Infused Captain
**Infused Captain
***Upgraded Captain
***Upgraded Captain
***Inculcate Commando
***Inculcate Commando
**Vigilant Captain
**Vigilant Captain
**Freelancer Captain
**Veteran Captain
**Veteran Captain
**[[Equalist Captain]]  
**[[Resilient Captain|Resilient Captain, House Lions]]
**Incinerator, House Lions
**Heavy, House Lions
*[[Servitor]] variants  
*[[Servitor]] variants  
**[[Forum:Lion High Servitor|Lion High Servitor]]
**Lion Pike Servitor
**Skiff Servitor  
**Skiff Servitor  
**Praetorian Guard Servitor
**[[Forum:Cabal-Hunter Servitor|Cabal-Hunter Servitor]]  
**[[Forum:Overpowered Servitor|Overpowered Servitor]]
**Hand of Gray's Bane
**Infused Servitor
**Infused Servitor
***Upgraded Servitor
***Upgraded Servitor
***Inculcate Dematerializer
***Inculcate Dematerializer
***Blight Piercer
***Blight Clenser
***Knight Tracker
***Knight Stalker
**Vigilant Servitor
**Vigilant Servitor
**[[Weathered Servitor]]
**[[Forum:Communication Network Failsafe|Communication Network Failsafe]]
**[[Equalist Servitor]]
**Resilient Servitor, Bound to AJ
**[[Forum:Communication Network Failsafe| Communication Network Failsafe]]
**[[Unyielding Servitor|Unyielding Servitor, House Lions]]
**Servitor, Bound to AJ
**[[Forum:Invisible Claw|Claw Servitor]]
**[[Forum:Operative Servitor|Operative Servitor]]
*[[Shank]] variants  
*[[Shank]] variants  
**Virtuoso Claw
**Infused Shank
**Infused Shank
***Upgraded Shank  
***Upgraded Shank  
**Vigilant Shank
**Vigilant Shank
**Freelancer Shank
**Freelancer Shank
**Turret Shank
**Sniper Shank
**[[Forum:Communication Network Operator|Communication Network Operator]]
**[[Forum:Communication Network Operator|Communication Network Operator]]
**[[Resilient Shank|Resilient Shank, House Lions]]
**[[Tracer Shank|Tracer Shank, House Lions]]
**[[Exploder Shank|Homing Shank, House Lions]]
**[[Resilient Heavy Shank|Heavy Shank, House Lions]]
**Reviver Shank, House Lions
**[[Forum:Terminator Shank#Flamer Terminator|Terminator Shank, House Lions]]
*[[Walker]] variants
*[[Walker]] variants
**Lion Walker  
**[[Forum:Lion Walker|Lion Walker]]
***Elder Lion Walker  
***Elder Lion Walker  
***Scavenger Walker
***Noble Lion Walker
**Infused Walker  
**Infused Walker  
***Inculcate Walker
***Inculcate Walker
**Prime Defender
**House of Lions Walker
*[[Wretch]] Variants
**Lion Pikeman
*[[Marauder]] Variants
**Lion Assassin
**Marauder, Bound to AJ
*[[Security Turret]] Variants
*[[Security Turret]] Variants
**Lion Turret
**Security Turret, House Lions
**Unhinged Turret, Bound to AJ
**Supply Security
*[[Brig]] variants
**[[Forum:Defender Brig|Defender Brig]]
**[[Forum:Siege Brig|Siege Brig]]

*[[Forum:Lionship Jobkis-Fel|Lionship Jobkis-Fel]] (destroyed)
*[[Forum:Lionship Jobiks-Fel|Lionship Jobiks-Fel]] - The previous flagship [[Ketch]] of the House of Lions. Destroyed during the [[Forum:Gray Wars|Gray Wars]]
*[[Forum:Lionship Andax-Fel|Lionship Andax-Fel]]
*[[Forum:Lionship Andiks-Fel|Lionship Andiks-Fel]] - The flagship of the House of Lions, originally was from the [[Forum:House of Sky|House of Sky]], but was stolen and eventually turned into a City-housing ship.
*[[Wintership Simiks-Fel]] - The decommissioned flagship of the [[House of Winter]], now taken control by [[Forum:Grayvis|Grayvis]] after the death of [[Draksis]].
*[[Forum:Ketch of Magnusk|Ketch of Magnusk]] - A House of Lions Ketch under the command of [[Forum:Magnusk, Lions' Wrath|Magnusk, Lions' Wrath]].
*[[Forum:Ketch of Mavpiks|Ketch of Mavpiks]] - A House of Lions Ketch under the command of [[Forum:Mavpiks, Bound to AJ|Mavpiks, Bound to AJ]].

*[[Forum:Chauchat|Chauchat]]—WW1 LMG, uncommonly used by Dregs, vandals and captains
*[[Khvostov 7G-02]]—uncommonly Used by Veteran Vandals and rarely used by Unbounded Dregs
*[[Khvostov 7G-02]]—uncommonly Used by Veteran Vandals and rarely used by Honored Dregs
*[[Khvostov 7G-0X]]—Rarely used by Freelance Vandals and Resilient Captains
*[[Khvostov 7G-0X]]—used by dregs,vandals and marauders
*[[Forum:AK-112 assault rifle|AK-112 assault rifle]]—used by Unbounded Dregs, Freelance Vandals, and uncommonly used by Claw Assassin
*[[Forum:AK-112 assault rifle|AK-112 assault rifle]]—used by dregs,vandals and Marauders
*[[Forum:Rangemaster hunting rifle|Rangemaster hunting rifle]]—uncommonly used by Resilient Marauders and commonly used by Claw Assasin, uncommon for a Claw Assassin with a scoped verison
*[[Forum:Rangemaster hunting rifle|Rangemaster hunting rifle]]—commonly used by Marauders, uncommon for a Marauder with a scoped verison
*[[Forum:Lion's Pride|Lions' Pride]]—a [[Hand cannon]] that looks and acts similar to [[Stolen Pride]] hand cannon, except its has [[Solar]] damage and has House of Lions colors, used very rarely by Dregs, and uncommonly used by Unbounded Dregs. [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]] uses dual Lions' Prides as a backup weapon
*[[Forum:Lion's Pride|Lions' Pride]]—a [[Hand cannon]] that looks and acts similar to [[Stolen Pride]] hand cannon, except its has [[Solar]] damage and has House of Lions colors, used very rarely by Dregs, [[User:Joskaa, Lion Kell|Joskaa]] uses dual Lions' Prides as a backup weapon
*[[Forum:UP9|UP9]]—blueprints given from the spider when they took a photo on [[Forum:Tesla-0,Traitor of the city|a Rouge Exo]]
*[[Forum:UP9|UP9]]—blueprints given from the spider when they took a photo on [[Forum:Tesla-0,Traitor of the city|a Rouge Exo]]
*[[Forum:Baron's Orders|Baron's Orders]]—A [[Artifact]] used by [[Guardian]]s, will summon a squad of Fallen and Skiff (depending on the area, the user is in), they'll aid you in Combat until all enemies are down.  
*[[Forum:Baron's Orders|Baron's Sigil]]—A [[Artifact]] used by [[Guardian]]s, will summon a squad of Fallen and Skiff (depending on the area, the user is in), they'll aid you in Combat until all enemies are down.  
*Memory of Jobkis-Fel—A [[Titan]] artifact
*Remnant of a Prime—A [[Warlock]] artifact
*Horn of Telksor, the Shadowed Claw —A [[Hunter]] artifact
*Flavored Ether
*Stone soup
*Ether Soup
*Solid Ether (Ether Cubes, Ether Popcicles, Ether Nuggets)

File:Lion banner.jpg|A House of Lions Banner
File:Lion Members.jpeg|House of Lions' Members
File:Joskaa.jpg|Joskaa, Kell of Lions
File:Joskaa.jpg|Joskaa, Kell of Lions
File:Invisible Vandal.jpeg|The Invisible Claw
File:Seriviks.jpg|Seriviks, the Renegade Archon
File:House of Lions' Flag.jpg
File:Andiks Prime.jpg|Andiks, the Constructor of Weapons
File:Lion Servitor.jpg|Andax-5, Lion Servitor
File:House of Lions' Flag.jpg|A House of Lions Banner
File:Lion Servitor.jpg|Andiks-5, the Lion High Servitor
File:Lionship Andiks-Fel.jpg|Lionship Andiks-Fel, the flagship of Lions
File:Overpowered Servitor.jpg|The Overpowered Servitor
File:House of Lions D2 Dreg.jpg|A House of Lions Dreg in Destiny 2.
File:House of Lions Wretch.jpg|A House of Lions Wretch
File:House of Lions Marauder.jpg|A House of Lions Marauder
File:House of Lions Vandal D2.jpg|A House of Lions Vandal in Destiny 2.
File:House of Lions Captain D2.jpg|A House of Lions Captain in Destiny 2.
File:House of Lions Shank D2.jpg|A House of Lions Shank in Destiny 2.
File:D2 Lion Servitor.jpg|A House of Lions Servitor in Destiny 2.
File:Lion's Pride.jpg|Lion's Pride, a Fallen style Hand Cannon
File:Lion's Pride.jpg|Lion's Pride, a Fallen style Hand Cannon
File:Captain (Lion Major variant).jpg|A Lion Captain, in it's [[Major]] state

*The House of Lions could be the descendants of the [[House of Wolves]], since their [[Kell]] was formerly part of the wolves.
*To the Lion members, they call the House: "House Lions", while rival Fallen or Non-Fallen May sometimes call the House: "Lion Pack".
**This theory was later debunked as not true, due to [[User:Joskaa|Joskaa]]’s predecessor, [[Forum:Yorvik, Kell of Lions|Yorvik]] was the kell and not a former wolf.
*It has been rumored that there's a House of Lions' Den in the vicinity of [[Jupiter]], as it been noted that there's some Lion Scouts seen on [[Callisto]], one of the moons of Jupiter.
*To the Lion members, they call the House: "House Lions", while rival Fallen or Non-Fallen will call the House: "Lion Pack".
*The Lions are the only known House, to have both their House [[Archon]]s to desert their House, as [[Forum:Seriviks|Seriviks]], the Archon of [[Forum:Andiks Prime|Andiks Prime]], left the House to create [[Forum:The Jackal Syndicate|The Jackal Syndicate]], while [[Forum:Warvriks, the Deserted|Warvriks]], [[Forum:Jobkis Prime|Jobkis]]'s Archon deserted his House to join the [[House of Dusk]].
*Even though [[Forum:Fin, Lion Baron|Fin, Lion Baron]] works for the House of Lions, his colors shows that he belong to the [[House of Exile]].
*Their appearance in D1, stays the same in D2, with the exception of some of their members having a resemblance to [[House of Dusk]] Fallen (mostly their [[Wretch]] and [[Marauder]] units), possibly former Dusk members who defected from Dusk and join the Lion banner. However, ever since [[Beyond Light]], the House of Lions' appearance would change entirely; their units carrying a similar style to their [[House of Salvation]] counterparts. This would be the same for the [[Forum:House of Vipers|House of Vipers]], the [[Forum:House of Emperors|House of Emperors]], and other newer Houses, after them.
*They are one of 3 houses that to not worship [[Servitor]]s, the other 2 is [[House of Dusk]] and The [[Scorn]].
**However, their Servitors carry the appearance of the [[Destiny|Destiny 1]] Servitors, with the [[Elite]]s and [[Major]]s having a [[Forum:Lion High Servitor|Lion High Servitor]] and the [[Forum:Overpowered Servitor|Overpowered Servitors]]. Reason why for this is because their Servitor line, the Andiks line, are the only Servitor line from D1, that still exists in D2.
**They are also the first and only house that worship the christian religion.
*Originally the Lions the lived among the [[wikipedia:Kuiper_belt|Kuiper belt]], but was changed to the [[Reef]], but was changed back, but as a reference, as they did used to live there until the [[Taken War]], and they moved to the Reef.
***However, after the [[Forum:Crusades of the Jackals|Crusades of the Jackals]], Joskaa allowed the Lions to have the freedom of religion, meaning that the Fallen can worship whatever they want. Most of the Lions went back to worshiping Servitors, while others continued to follow the Christian religion and other [[Earth]] religion, notably Joskaa and [[Forum:Askar, Lions' Patriarch|Askar, Lions' Patriarch]].
*The Lions are the first that eat other food that is not [[Ether]].
*It was seen that the [[Empty Tank]], was a Hideout to the Lions, seen by it Lion Banners and white flags over the areas (Fan Fiction Story/theory).  
**It was confirmed by Joskaa, however, the lair was supposed to be used a celebration party area, which was used for victories for the Lions, it also use as a relaxing and cooling down area for Joskaa, as the throne inside the fighting pit chamber was actually a replica of his throne, which the original is inside of [[Forum:Lionship Andax-Fel|Lionship Andax-Fel]] (another Fan Fic Story/theory).
*It has been rumored that there's a House of Lions' Den in the vicinity of [[Jupiter]], as it been noted that there's some Lion Scouts seen on [[wikipedia:Callisto (moon)|Callisto]], one of the moons of Jupiter.

==List of appearances==
==List of appearances==
**''[[Forum:House of Lions (Fan DLC)|House of Lions (expansion)]]'' {{1st}}
**''[[Forum:The Lions' Armistice|The Lions' Armistice]]'' {{1st}}
**''[[Rise of Iron]]
***''[[Forum:Storms' Uprising Update|Storms' Uprising Update]]
*''[[Destiny 2]]'' {{Mo}}
*''[[Destiny 2]]'' {{Mo}}
**''[[Forsaken (expansion)|Forsaken]]  
**''[[Forsaken]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Black Armory (expansion)|Black Armory]] {{Mo}}
***''[[Black Armory (expansion)|Black Armory]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Joker's Wild]] {{Mo}}
***''[[Joker's Wild]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Jackal's Labyrinth]]  
***''[[Forum:Jackal's Labyrinth|Jackal's Labyrinth]]''
***''[[Penumbra]] {{Mo}}
***''[[Penumbra]]'' {{Mo}}
**''[[Shadowkeep]] {{Mo}}
**''[[Shadowkeep]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Season of Dawn]]
***''[[Season of Dawn]]''
***''[[Forum:Season of the Relentless|Season of the Relentless]]''
***''[[Season of Arrivals]]'' {{Mo}}
**''[[Beyond Light]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Forum:Rise of the Emperors|Rise of the Emperors]]''
***''[[Season of the Chosen]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Season of the Splicer]]'' {{Mo}}
**''[[The Witch Queen]]'' {{Mo}}
***''[[Forum:Season of the Vipers|Season of the Vipers]]''
***''[[Forum:Season of Mayhem|Season of Mayhem]]''
***''[[Forum:Season of Storms|Season of Storms]]''
***''[[Forum:Season of the Night|Season of the Night]]''
**''[[Forum:The Void Within|The Void Within]]'' (TBA)
*''[[Forum:Destiny 3|Destiny 3]]'' (TBA)

Latest revision as of 11:34, September 15, 2024

Forums: Index Fan Fiction House of Lions Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
House of Lions
House of Lions's banner bigger.jpg


Yorvik, Kell of Lions
Joskaa, Lion Kell
Warvriks, the Deserted
Seriviks, Lion Archon
Grayvis, Queen of the Lions


Jobiks Prime
Andiks Prime


The Lions' Run 
Splicer's Watch
Greek Flood Zone
Monégasque Ruins

At war with:

House of Sky (formerly)
Star Blazers
House of Storm (formerly)
Red Legion
House of Dusk
Savathûn's Brood
The Jackal Syndicate
Black Fleet
House of Salvation
House of Emperors (formerly)
House of Vipers
Anarchy's Children

Allied with:

House of Judgement
The Reef
House of Winter (formerly)
AJ's Host
House of Storm
House of Spider
House of Light
Claw of Vrylzesk
Imperial Cabal
Emperor Reformists


Gray Wars
Siege on Mars
Tikmiks' Revolt
Crusades of the Jackals
Season of Dawn
Season of the Relentless


"Not all of the Fallen had faltered to your wrath. Yes?"
Variks, The Loyal

The House of Lions are an old, but vigilant Fallen House, distinguishable by their vanilla and dark brown colored armors and upturned pentagonal cloaks. They are allies to The Last City and The Reef.


Early HistoryEdit

"Many Houses were known for their worth within Riis, yes? (Wheeze) House Wolves for weavering, House Rain for their prophecies, House Sky for their ships, House Lions for their courage, and House Kings for their leadership. But the Whirlwind tore it apart, and now...not much of us follow our previous ways, yes? What a shame..."
Variks, the Loyal

During the events before the Whirlwind, the House of Lions were amongst many Houses that prospered under the Traveler on their home planet Riis. Known to be one of the oldest Houses within their civilization, they were seen as the pride of their people and were known as crusaders and protectors among their people, and had a strong relationship with the House of Judgment due to their ties of keeping the peace between the other Fallen Houses, as well as being known for their control over many Star Systems and their inspiring courage to many other Eliksni. Their power and influence would rival some from the House of Wolves and Kings, although the Lions' Kell would be part of a council of Kells, from the Wolves, Kings, Judgement, and the House of Rain and Stone. But during the events of the cataclysmic Whirlwind, where the Lions would attempt to defend their home against the Darkness alongside some like the House of Stone and help evacuate many fleeing Eliksni, but were presumed destroyed alongside the Stone and many other Fallen Houses. However, it would be revealed that the Lions survived the event and escaped onto one of their Star Systems, which included a Planet known as Striviis.

Gray WarsEdit

The Gray Wars initially began around the events of the Long Drift, the House of Sky, influenced by Skevsis, the Prowling, moved out into a Star System that was in control of the House of Lions, and attempted to take over Striviis from the Lions, resulting in many Lions living on the planet to be killed by the invading Sky. This would cause Yorvik, the Kell of Lions to retaliate against the Fallen Sky, causing the Wars to began. During the courses of the wars, the Lions and Sky battled out for control over the planet, lasting for many years, resulting many to be perished, including most of the Sky leadership, would soon end with the revealing of the Sky Kell's location, Yorvik would group his powerful forces and allies to obliterate the Sky's lair and their Kell, which succeeded and would effectively bring a temporarily end to the Gray Wars.

However the wars would continue on as the Lions were reaching to the Sol System, as Skevsis had drawn the remnants of Sky to chase after the Lions across space, and would eventually break the Lions' leadership, destroying Lionship Jobiks-Fel, which caused Yorvik to perish, as he was within the Ketch at the time. This would lead to the Lions to follow the temporary leadership of Jobiks Prime until a new Kell would take over, Jobiks, with the help of Warvriks, would be able to keep its power over the House. Despite this placated the broken leadership of the House, other nobility still attempted to claim Kellship, most notably Tarviks, Lion Baron, Skrisah, the Wise, and Skevsis, the Prowling.

This led to Skevsis defeating both Tariks, and Skrisah, taking over as the new Kell of Lions. Under his rule, he would claim the control of the House from Jobiks Prime and began the usage of veneration of Servitors and docking caps to control the masses, although this had succeeded, many Lions had suffered problems under Skevsis's rule, due to many of the masses were starved from Ether and malnourished, while higher ranking Captains and nobility had the largest amount of Ether, even to the point of Skevsis grew more than the others, and the worship of Servitors being used to control the people. This would lead to a revolt, orchestrated by Joskaa, the Open-Minded, whom was a freelancer working for the Lions, the Lions would rebel and push back Skevsis's power, causing him to flee from the Lions into Sky's territory, but with the Lions chasing in tow, soon Joskaa and his allies were able to corner Skevsis and slew him, along with defeating what remained of House of Sky. This led to Joskaa becoming the Kell of Lions and led the House to reach to the Sol System.

Arrival in the Sol SystemEdit

Magnusk, of the Kell's Wrath

"Another Fallen House that have been under our noses...and the Reef supports them?"

After finally arriving into the Sol System, the Lions would settle down in the frontal edges of the Kuiper Belt, but were rumored to have a minor presence amongst Callisto and 2 Pallas. During their early times there, the House would remain in hiding from both any enemy factions and even other Houses, sticking to mostly spy and observe for possible allies or enemies, the only time the House ever made contact was during the Reef Wars in the Siege of Pallas, where the Lions attempted to defend themselves and their location from invading Wolves, and stole minor items from both Wolves and the Awoken, keeping any attention from the two factions. After the War ended, the Lions would approached the Reef to form a neutrality with each other, hoping to at least keep the House's existence a secret from other Houses but mostly, The Last City. The two would agreed although their areas within Pallas would be supervised by the Awoken while the Lions had permissions to some of the Awoken's relics and other Golden Age objects to learn more about the System they currently lived in.

Wolf RebellionEdit

Despite not physically being in the Wolf Rebellion, the Lions did however minorly assist the Awoken by keeping the Wolves from going into the outer System, pushing most of them back into the inner system should they tried to expand further outward. Later Joskaa, the Kell of Lions would be approached by Skolas, the Kell of Wolves himself, in hoping to combine their forces together to take back the Traveler, although Joskaa would deny him in order to keep the House from being discovered and not to break the Awoken's trust. After the Rebellion ended, Joskaa kept watch over the wandering Wolves, whom are without a Kell after the defeat of Skolas.

At some point during this time, the Lions would soon be discovered by a young Guardian whom was searching for answers about the Fallen. However, after learning more about the House and their reason why of their obscurity to anyone else, he would continue to keep the House's secret from the Vanguard, in fear of them targeting the Lions. Soon the Guardian would began to help the House out more, eventually becoming their ally and became their Kell's subordinate and friend after gaining an audience with Joskaa and participated in the Kell's Gauntlet, a gladiatorial combat challenge, representing as the Kell of Lions.

Taken WarEdit

During the Taken War, the House of Lions, like many other Houses, were effected by Oryx, the Taken King and his Taken, although the Lions stood strong due to most of their leadership was still intact, the Lions had to abandon their strongholds within the Kuiper Belt as Oryx was traveling into the system, and escaped into the Reef, holed up over at Pallas and acted as a safe haven for surviving Fallen suffered from the Taken invasion.

Later, the House's Splicers, the Lion Splicers began experimenting on the Taken, most specifically their Blights and attempted to harvest them in hopes of turning them into weapons for the Fallen. A few Splicers were also mentioned helping the Awoken infuse Taken energy into their weapons and armor, hoping to learning ways to infuse Taken energy into their own weapons.

Recent EventsEdit

Siege on MarsEdit

Rise of the StormsEdit

Following the defeat of the Star Blazers, the House of Sky would finally reemerge once more, although under a new name known as: House of Storm. Led by Tikmiks, the House of Storm would enter the Sol System, and began to pillage from remnants of broken Houses and bringing any Fallen to join their banner, even getting their message from areas such as the Prison of Elders. Soon they attempted to attack the Prime Servitor, Andiks Prime, but would be stopped by the House assisted by AJ, soon this would result in occurring battle between the two Houses, and forced the Storms to flee to Mars, and taking refuge within Cerberus Vae III, resulting in the remaining Cabal inside to be pushed out of the tank and drove a patrolling Fireteam out of the vicinity. Meanwhile the Lions would begin to rally their forces to attack the Storms on Mars, getting those by the likes of Magnusk, Lions' Wrath and Grask, Lion Captain, even gaining help from AJ once more along with Variks to hunt down the Storms. After they found the Storms' location, they would travel to Mars, but would enter a skirmish with the provoked Cabal. Meanwhile the Vanguard would take notice of the displaced Fireteam and sent a Guardian to deal with the odd commotion, running into the fighting Lions and Cabal, and would be forced to work with the Fallen under the influence of AJ, they would take out the Cabal and force the House of Storm out of the tank and drew out Tikmiks, however he would unfortunately escape. This gave the Lions a temporary victory and a loose alliance with The Guardian for the time being until they could catch the fleeing Archon.

Red WarEdit

A few months after the defeat of the House of Storm, and the end of the SIVA Crisis, many of the Fallen had began to pull out from their old hideouts to come together under one banner. The Lions were one of few Houses that didn't heeded the call for union from the Kell of Kings, due to their leadership haven't been destabilized. However, as the Red War began, the Lions suffered from attacks on the Reef created by the invading Red Legion, Hive, Taken, and a rising group of Fallen called the "Scorned Barons", causing the Lions to move out of their lair on Pallas and flew to Earth in a search for a home, arriving in the Monégasque Ruins, attempting to form a home but were stopped by a Cabal Red Legion Company, forcing the Lions to move up into a mountain called Mont Agel and lived there for a while, occasionally scavenging for supplies and pushing Cabal out of their areas. The Lions also conducted raiding parties against the Cabal, this raids would be led by AJ, whom was lightless thanks to the Traveler becoming trapped by the Red Legion, but nonetheless He would direct minor and quick raids over the Cabal's supplies in hopes of learning any possible way to push the cabal out of the ruins.

Crusades of the JackalsEdit

"The Forgotten Sibling"

"So, this "Syndicate" made by my sister, thinks they're a theat to us, We'll show them whos the real threat here, hehe.."

Joskaa's sister, Seriviks, who was once a notable Archon to Andiks Prime, left the House, due to the Lions making peace with The Last City and Awoken. But after years and years of waiting, she would gathered up many Fallen from all around the system, including House of Storm remnants, who refused to bow to Joskaa and Lion deserters who were loyal to Seriviks, to form the Jackal Syndicate, and remain hidden from the system. However, a Jackal member, by the name of Chelsik would began an attempt to assassinate Joskaa and Grayvis by hacking Lion Shanks and Walkers, to distract any Lions or Guards, while his crew infiltrates the area to kill them. But The Guardian, However thwarts his attempt and kills him, but would cause the Jackals to be revealed, and thus, the Crusades of the Jackals begans.

After the failed assassination, Seriviks, would take refuge on Nessus through a abandoned Kell's Scourge lair. But when scouts, belonging to the Lions found her location, Joskaa send in The Young Wolf to take her down and capture her. While arriving to Nessus, She was seen commanding Jackal operatives. But after She spotted the Guardian, she would escaped and would send Giltris, the Prowler to distract The Guardian, while She escape. After the unsuccessful capture, Joskaa would order the guardian to stand down while letting his Invisible Claw dealing with her capture. But despite the Guardian unable to capture her, they would intercept a hidden transmission from Magnusk, Lions' Wrath, which would include the coordinates to her location, deep within the vicinity of the moon: Titan. The Young Wolf would discover Jackalship Semkis-Fel and would fight her Kell's Guards, to reach her in the throne room, but even though they have almost catch her, She would escaped once again. Joskaa would find the Guardian, and question their motives. But they would explain it to him, he would allow the Young Wolf to continue their hunt over the Jackals, while he would re-open the Kell's Wrath to counteract the Jackal leadership.

With the return of Kell's Wrath, Guardians all around the system began hunting down any Jackal's Barons, Baronesses, or Generals such as Thresik, the Swordsman, Graksul, the Headhunter, Kithiks, the Pathfinder, and Pavik, Once Meek, they even make a more bigger blow with the destruction of Semkis Prime, The Crimson Widow, and the Metal Siblings. But with these victories, the Lions would staged a full-scale assault into the The Jackals' Den to defeat Seriviks and any remaining Jackals. So with the help of the Guardians, they were to kill most of Jackals' Generals, push further into their Lair and face Seriviks. But despites her Stock pile and reinforcements, they were able to execute her. crippling the Jackals, and the end of the Crusades.

Season of the RelentlessEdit

Season of the EmperorsEdit


Season of the VipersEdit



"House Lions are not like the rest of the others. They are quiet, they prowl, learn your tactics, learn your ways, and learn your weaknesses. But, just like Variks, they are smart enough to side with you than to face death (laughs)."
Variks, The Loyal
The Lions' Kell, Joskaa

Unlike most Fallen House, the House of Lions follows a more complex and unique structure in a similar fashion to the House of Wolves, following the common leadership of Kells, Archons (although both of the two Archons are currently missing or dead), and a Prime Servitor with Barons and other notable nobility supporting them. However, they also have many stations and groups that operate more freely than those from other Fallen House, as long as it benefits the House.

Newly elected or younger Kells are mostly assisted by a council formed up of the most esteemed members within the House, which they help the Kell lead the House to a better path and works on the rules that the House must follow. Kells are protected by their own group of Kell's Guards, formed from the Lions' best soldiers, to defend and stay close to the Kell at most times, while the Kell's council are served by Lions' Guard, similar to Wolves' Guard, although they aren't hand selected or brainwashed to the point of serving their duty. The Lion Enforcers are there to help cements the rule and authority of the Kell and his council; making sure that the rank-and-file retain their loyalty to the House even if they are allowed to do things morefreely. Similar to the Silent Fang, the Lions have their own sect of spies and assassins, known as the Invisible Claw, a massive network of spies and assassins placed across the system to monitor on potential enemies to exploit their weaknesses. Much like most Houses, the Lions also have a Splicer sect to help with augmenting their fellow Lions with cybernetics, and are in-charge with overseeing and maintain the House's machinery, led by the chief scientist of the House, whom has a seat within the Kell's council. Inspired by the Queen's Wrath, the Kell also have a personal team of elite Fallen who are tasked to target and destroy significant and more dangerous entities whom threaten Kell and take down traitors to the House, as well as placing Bounties on certain targets personally ordered by the Kell.

Outside the political and other leaderships of the House, the society of the House acts very more different than a House normally should. The House consists mostly of large amounts of Vandals (due to Joskaa's beliefs and a number of gangs and groups), with them being allowed a large degree of operational freedom, long as they keep their loyalties to the House and bring valuable data and intel to the Lion leadership. Captains continues their roles as leaders of crews or as elite warriors, given the best weaponry for their talents and to suit their needs. Subject of docking is shown to be very rare within the House, although this is because of the use of docking is used as a sentence to criminals and traitors within the House rather than punishment for certain mishaps, those who are docked serves crews and teams as labor and support, once at a certain threshold, they can be allowed to regrow their lower arms. There are rare instances where few Dregs are selected by the Kell for certain operation mission, which those said Dregs are allowed a small operational freedom in exchange for being supervised by a Lion Enforcer to make sure they do not abandon their mission or betray the House.

Following the events of Forsaken, and the rise of Fallen "syndicates", the Lions would be one of the only Houses that weren't affected by this due to the Lions were able to adapt and grow more thanks to their system they have used during their time on Sol, however this would also cause a growing rift between those who continues and holds the customs of the old ways and those who are more younger and began learning and following Human culture and beliefs. This went even more further with Joskaa, the Lions' own Kell began adopting Humanity cultures, to point of him courting a Exo, which would break the Fallen's traditions; Furthering the rapid decline of the Fallen old culture and ways while being overshadowed by the rising trend of Fallen following human ways within the House.


House of Lions' members


Prime ServitorsEdit


Lions' CouncilEdit

Notable FallenEdit

Notable ServitorsEdit

Notable AutomataEdit

Former LionsEdit

Notable AssociatesEdit

Notable GroupsEdit

Unique ForcesEdit

Major variants

Minor variants



  • Khvostov 7G-02—uncommonly Used by Veteran Vandals and rarely used by Unbounded Dregs
  • Khvostov 7G-0X—Rarely used by Freelance Vandals and Resilient Captains
  • AK-112 assault rifle—used by Unbounded Dregs, Freelance Vandals, and uncommonly used by Claw Assassin
  • Rangemaster hunting rifle—uncommonly used by Resilient Marauders and commonly used by Claw Assasin, uncommon for a Claw Assassin with a scoped verison
  • Lions' Pride—a Hand cannon that looks and acts similar to Stolen Pride hand cannon, except its has Solar damage and has House of Lions colors, used very rarely by Dregs, and uncommonly used by Unbounded Dregs. Joskaa uses dual Lions' Prides as a backup weapon
  • UP9—blueprints given from the spider when they took a photo on a Rouge Exo
  • Baron's Sigil—A Artifact used by Guardians, will summon a squad of Fallen and Skiff (depending on the area, the user is in), they'll aid you in Combat until all enemies are down.
  • Memory of Jobkis-Fel—A Titan artifact
  • Remnant of a Prime—A Warlock artifact
  • Horn of Telksor, the Shadowed Claw —A Hunter artifact



  • To the Lion members, they call the House: "House Lions", while rival Fallen or Non-Fallen May sometimes call the House: "Lion Pack".
  • It has been rumored that there's a House of Lions' Den in the vicinity of Jupiter, as it been noted that there's some Lion Scouts seen on Callisto, one of the moons of Jupiter.
  • The Lions are the only known House, to have both their House Archons to desert their House, as Seriviks, the Archon of Andiks Prime, left the House to create The Jackal Syndicate, while Warvriks, Jobkis's Archon deserted his House to join the House of Dusk.
  • Their appearance in D1, stays the same in D2, with the exception of some of their members having a resemblance to House of Dusk Fallen (mostly their Wretch and Marauder units), possibly former Dusk members who defected from Dusk and join the Lion banner. However, ever since Beyond Light, the House of Lions' appearance would change entirely; their units carrying a similar style to their House of Salvation counterparts. This would be the same for the House of Vipers, the House of Emperors, and other newer Houses, after them.
  • Originally the Lions the lived among the Kuiper belt, but was changed to the Reef, but was changed back, but as a reference, as they did used to live there until the Taken War, and they moved to the Reef.

List of appearancesEdit