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From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki

Some Basic Information

Nickname: Jackie

Digital Alias: SocialDalek


Race: Human

Human Hair: Dirty Blonde

Height: 6'3" or 6'4" (AKA too tall)

Fashion Sense: Nonexistent


Race: Exo

Height: 6'4" (Still too tall)

Fashion Sense: Barely to Nonexistent

Signature: See y'all on the digital side!

The Official SocialDalek IRL Life Story (Not Clickbait)

A beginning of sorts

I had just moved across continents from America to Australia, and had pretty much zero friends save for some I was able to stay in contact with thanks to parents. I soon met one of my neighbours, a cool kid about my age who lived just across the street. I soon found myself trying to hang out with him whenever I could. One day, when visiting, I saw he was playing a cool new game I'd never heard of before called Destiny. He told me a new DLC was coming out soon; Some kind of journey into The Dark Below. I was intrigued. Over the next few years as I visited his house (I would not have a PlayStation until years later, and no longer owned an Xbox after moving) I was exposed to Bungie's incredible world of Destiny, unknowingly experiencing my second encounter with Bungie as a company (My first being the early Halo games on the original Xbox). Through watching my friend's gameplay on his PlayStation 3, and eventually fancy new PlayStation 4, I saw the world of Destiny unfold. I got my first taste at gameplay with the launch of The Taken King, playing on a character and just exploring some of the locations. However these good times were not meant to last. As time went on he and his family eventually moved away shortly before the launch of Destiny's Rise of Iron expansion. I soon forgot of the game franchise that I had grown so fond of, unable to continue my journey due to limited internet usage and a lack of compatible systems. That is until...

There I was, chilling.

It was 2018. My younger brother had been busking incredibly hard and saving up a large amount of money. He went out and splurged on a games system in order to connect more with his friends: the Xbox One. I had also recently decided to get Instagram. I didn't use social media all that often, and still don't often use it now save for Twitter. My younger brother was chilling in his room, looking for games to get when I get an advertisement for a game. It looked incredibly familiar, yet different at the same time. Destiny 2 had just launched a new DLC: Forsaken. I too had a bit of cash on me, and after getting the A-OK to be able to play a game for myself on my brother's new Xbox I rode down to the nearest games store and purchased Destiny 2 for the Xbox One. Over the coming months I played the game on and off, whenever I had the time and whenever my younger brother said I could. I had the time of my life, despite the fact I was playing solo. Over the years I would make an effort to play the game more frequently, with the launch of Shadowkeep being my first real "grind" in the game as I tried to beat the Forsaken campaign and catch up with the overall story, although I didn't actually own Shadowkeep at its launch. I bought Shadowkeep a few weeks after it came out, and after beating the campaign became increasingly busy in my own life. I played on and off over the next few seasons, making sure to stay as up to date as I could within the Destiny community. The end of Season of the Worthy and beginning of Season of Arrivals marked my effort to play the game as much as I physically could, despite my constant schoolwork and jobwork. I became inactive again at the end of the Season of Arrivals, much to my own dismay, but with the announcement of the PlayStation 5 and my insane luck with preordering one early enough to get in, I promised to play as much as I could come Beyond Light. With one final grind towards the end of the season in a bid to get the Chronicler title (which I had hoped would be my first) I preordered the new expansion and was all set to play on my new Playstation 5 (Despite the fact I was unable to get the Chronicler title as I had nobody to play with to help me grind). Since the launch of Beyond Light and the arrival of my Playstation 5 I have played Destiny 2 actively and eagerly awaiting each new update, season, and expansion, whilst still trying to balance my game life with my real life. That leads me to the other day...

One random Friday evening...

So there I was, sitting at my desk in my tiny student apartment typing away at my keyboard. On the screen sat a google docs website: a shoddy resume. Several other tabs were open too; A Destiny 2 Raid music compilation video, as well as the Destinypedia page compiling all of the Destiny (franchise) Timeline. I started to get bored editing my resume so I switch tabs over to the Timeline page. However, as I closer towards the bottom of the document, I noticed something odd: Much of the seasonal story content throughout the page was missing. Upon reaching the bottom of the timeline I saw that none of the content past Beyond Light was fully listed, with only placeholders to be found. Even the main pages for the seasonal content were relatively bare. It was in that moment I knew what I had to do. I logged into the account I had made so long ago (several months prior, actually) and got to work spending the rest of the evening writing out the start of what would become my first contribution to the site. From there I vowed to actively participate in improving the Destinypedia website in order to help provide a more comprehensive listing of the seasonal content, as well as to assist in generally whatever pages I felt I could assist on. That's, essentially, what I'm doing here now. Just a person with a laptop and too much free time on their hands.

IDK how to make a fancy UserWiki page so this shall do for now :P