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October 30th


February 18, 2013

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Edited the page Destiny 2
"/* Development */"
advanced to level Lieutenant Commander
Sent a message to Armaeggaddon
"If it was changed, make it a redirect. Also, for the story missions, ple..."
Sent a message to Armaeggaddon
"There isn't, to my knowledge. Happy for one to be created though."
Sent a message to Skyarmy11
"Lack of categorization, lack of formal language, creation of stub articl..."
Sent a message to Hunter2012
"Source your edits and follow the MoS in the future. Those pages you crea..."
Sent a message to SPARTAN-347
"I say again, create articles fully and source your edits. "
Sent a message to SPARTAN-347
"IF you're going to create articles, please put some effort into them. I'..."
Received an award
Sent a message to The primodial
"When adding info from the game itself, please follow the [[Help:Referenc..."
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I noticed that we still have a page for the "Belly of the Beast" strike. Should we delete it because it has been changed to "The Shadow Thief?"


I'm new here, and I was wondering: Is there an infobox template for armor pieces? Thanks!


why does everthing i do either gets deleted or completly changed


im very sorry ill probally stop editing


im really sorry i just understand the edit process that good