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User:Primus Draug'oth/Other
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So here's a bunch of crazy ideas for the Destiny universe. Make what you will of them.
House of Scorpions
- "The stench of decay and rot roils from the very bowels of this House. The only thing which sets them apart from the Hive is they brave the light of day."
- — Description
House of Scorpions | |
Overview | |
Nobility: |
Servitors: |
Lair: |
The House of Scorpions is a unique Fallen House that is distinguishable by their sickly orange cloaks and are known for stealing weapons and merging them with their own to make new superweapons, specifically chemical weapons. They have even mixed chemical weaponry with their endless supply of ether to create a deadly concoction that enhances their physical capabilities.
The House of Scorpions is an ancient yet infamous House among the Fallen, even before the Whirlwind that destroyed Fallen civilization. Members of the House are known for their cunning and treachery, so much that they were able to avoid the eye of the House of Judgement, earning a festering hatred from the ancient scribes. After the Whirlwind, the House of Scorpions left their homeworld to find the Traveler and bring themselves to power over all Fallen Houses. In the meantime, they stole and raided from fellow houses to survive, even stealing a large Ketch from the House of Wolves, which the Scorpion Kells use to this day. No matter what the other Fallen Houses could do they could not stop the Scorpions' efforts. For this and their constant thievery, the Scorpions are feared and hated amongst the Fallen and therefore very paranoid about their cargo and ships, becoming close to a ghost story to the Fallen.
The House of Scorpions tended to avoid the Fallen's conflicts with the inhabitants of the Solar System, namely the Guardians of the Last City who have killed so many Kells, Archons and Prime Servitors; and the Awoken of the Reef who once subjugated an entire Fallen House. Knowing how powerful and dangerous their enemies are and aware they are not prepared to engage them, they make sure the Scorpions are not noticed until the time is right. Despite this, the Reef and the City have heard rumors of another Fallen House but could not find any source to prove them. The Scorpions like to call Guardians God-Killers (for killing Prime Servitors), commonly the Lightbourne, and House Destroyers. Despite these names the Scorpions' nobility has a begrudging respect for the Guardians due to their power and "removing" so many rivals. In contrast, they call residents of the Reef Enslavers and have little to no respect for them, especially since they house a member of the House of Judgement, Variks, the Loyal.
The Scorpions made themselves known when they attacked a shipment belonging to the Devil Splicers, which contained tampered experimental SIVA. With the new technology, they begun to experiment on it but only corrupted it to new levels, gaining deadly new abilities with their chemical weapons. However, the Devil Splicers learned of their thievery and declared war on their blasphemy, driving them out into the open. Now exposed, the Scorpions cemented themselves on the farthest side of the Plaguelands, an area contaminated with toxic chemicals, where they continue to fight the Devil Splicers, the Hive and recently the Guardians for the first time.
- "I thought the Devils and Wolves were horrible. The Scorpions are like a plague given life."
- — An unknown Warlock.
The House of Scorpions rely heavily on poison damage, which its effects linger on, to kill their enemies. Each class in the command structure is similar to other Houses but they have a couple of new abilities.
Scorpion Shank
Shanks fire tracking poison bolts that stack the debuff they inflict up to five times. Equipped with a Solar shield and can fly as high as Pit Shanks. In addition, when shot down, the Shanks explode in a flammable toxic gas.
Scorpion Dreg
Dregs now have dual Shock Pistols that fire poison bolts in bursts, each having a Shock Dagger attachment coated with toxins. They can also run significantly faster and jump more often as well as throw Decay Grenades. Similar to the Devil Splicer Dregs, if killed by a critical hit, then a deathseeker orb will erupt from their neck and home in on a nearby Guardian. The orb is slightly weaker compared to the Devil Splicers but its littered with chemicals and if it hits its target then the victim will slowly lose their health.
Scorpion Vandal
Vandals are now able to throw Trip Mines and Web Mines; Web Mines now drain health unless the victim escapes. They can scale walls with incredible speed, remain in a berserker rage for a permanent state, and are armed with dual poison Shock Blades.
Scorpion Captain
Captains are always equipped with dual Scorch Cannons that have poisonous Shock Blade attachments. They are equipped with a Solar shield, can teleport further distances more frequently, and can emit a poison cloud around their bodies.
Scorpion Servitor
Servitors are now equipped with a Void shield, can spew out Decay Grenades, teleport more frequently, and can drain half a Guardian's shield when faced up close. Their blasts now fire faster, have more velocity and range, can track targets, and poison enemies. The downside is that their physical movements is slower than a regular servitor.
Scorpion Stalker
Stalkers are a new weapon the Scorpions have made with their machinery and SIVA. It's appearance is vaguely similar to a Walker, albeit smaller, less armored and fires concentrated Solar cannons, similar to a Vandal's Wire Rifle. The Scorpions use the Stalkers for scouting and patrols, often paired with a set of Shanks for support.
Scorpion Walker
Scorpion Walkers are not that different from the generic standard found among other Fallen Houses; keeping its Shank deployer and Solar Cannon. However, with the recent weapons and chemicals the Scorpions have made some twisted modifications. Instead of an Arc-repeating machine gun, the Scorpion Walker fires Solar grenades at a high rate to keep enemies from taking cover. In addition, when the Walker is damaged it constantly releases a noxious gas that obscures one's vision and if close enough, will slow down enemies and drain their health.
Reklis, Scorpion Priest
Reklis, Scorpion Priest | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Shock Repeater |
Abilities: |
Teleportation |
Reklis, Scorpion Priest is the Archon of the House of Scorpions, as well as the lieutenant general of the Scorpions' military. He is also the personal guard of their Prime, Krelix.
Reklis has long served as the House of Scorpions' Archon and has a reputation for his brutal demeanor and cruel experiments. Rumors suggest Reklis used a traceless poison to kill his predecessor, something that Reklis neither confirmed nor denied. For years, Reklis had created new and deadly chemical concoctions which he would test them on prisoners from rival houses or on his own troops who angered him. For this, members of the House of Scorpions live in near dread of him.
With the recent conflict that brought his House into the open, Reklis is eager to use his new weapons and abilities on the Devils and the Hive. Secretly he hopes to capture a Guardian alive and experiment on them to find a way to use their abilities or at least discover a means to better combat them. Reklis vows he will not share the same fate like other Fallen Archons who faced the Guardians.
Reklis is the first boss of the Poison Chamber Raid, but he is capable of putting down Guardians with ease thanks to the abilities he has been granted. Reklis' personal weapon is a Shock Repeater, a Fallen-made machine gun capable of discharging bullets at up 1200 RPM. These bullets have a high velocity and have a small degree of tracking akin to a Shock Rifle. Reklis' weapon is highly effective against the Guardians shields. Reklis will lose this weapon after taking 50% of his health. After losing half of his health, Reklis will utilize a new personal weapon, the Inferno Launcher. In principal, its very similar to the Shrapnel Launcher but it is highly upgraded, with a higher rate of fire and a secondary function. It fires Solar rounds that embed themselves onto whatever they land on. After 5 seconds, the shrapnel will explode, which will nearly kill the players instantly. Reklis is equipped an Arc shield that has two layers. This will require constant Arc damage to be laid down on him, both ability and weapon. However, removing both of these layers will stun him for 30 seconds. Unlike most Archons, which retaliate against close range attackers with an Ultra Smash, Reklis will grab them. The player that has been grabbed has five seconds to shoot him enough until they are violently thrown towards the ground, killing them instantly. Reklis made his own form of poison gas: a nerve agent. After the damage phase, he will release the chambers which will flood the room full of a poison that will slow down Guardians similar to a Web Mine. However, its most dangerous effect is that it disorients Guardians, causing them to make the opposite actions than intended. This will linger for 30 seconds.
Krelix Prime
- "Compared to this thing, I prefer Sepiks."
- — Ghost
Krelix Prime | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Scorpion Blast |
Abilities: |
Teleportation |
Krelix Prime is the Prime Servitor of the House of Scorpions as well as the protector of their weapons and ether supplies.
- "This is no Prime! Its an abomination! KILL IT DEAD, GUARDIAN!"
- — Variks, the Loyal
Normally among the Fallen, its considered heresy to tamper with the Prime Servitors supply of lesser Servitors and ether but the Scorpions see opportunity. Using various and deadly chemicals, the Scorpions altered their Primes supply of ether, creating different variants that enhance the Fallens physical capabilities but that doesn't mean it hasn't affected the Prime Servitor. Krelix Prime has since become erratic and dangerous, if not for the Scorpion's Archon, Krelix would have gone out of control and attacked anything in sight. Regardless, Krelix's new state has led to the development of new chemical-variants of ether and poisoned servitors for the Scorpions to use.
The Scorpions have noticed their increased dependency on their Prime Servitor and therefore have doubled all their defenses of it. Even the Scorpion's Archon is ordered to rarely leave its side. They know the fate of the other Prime Servitors of the Devils, Winter and Wolves and like their other tactics, they will not make the same mistake and lose their Prime Servitor. For now, Krelix Prime lurks in the Poison Chamber, being tended to by the Archon and defending some of the Scorpions most powerful chemical weapons.
Krelix is the second boss of the Poison Chamber Raid. It is equipped with multiple weapon systems and offers a couple of other things no other Prime Servitor has. Not only does Krelix come standard with the directed energy weapon of a Scorpion Servitor, but it is also equipped with turrets, Decay Grenades, and Poison Web Mines. It will rotate these weapons quite often, so be prepared to see which one it will use. However, after reducing Krelix's health to 75%, most these weapons will be offline and Krelix will only its energy weapon but it will have a higher rate of fire than normally. Krelix has a degree of telekinesis. If its eye locks onto a target, under the warning "Krelix's Sight is upon you", then Krelix will drag the player into its grasp and slowly drain the players health. The way to get released from Krelix is to continuously shoot at its eye and apply enough damage to release you. Krelix will not target the same enemy twice in a row but will actively hunt every party member. After its Void shield has been shut down, the damage phase will begin. Afterwards, it will release chambers that hold a poison that causes a blackout. This poison will flood the room for 30 seconds and unless the party team reaches a high enough position or a safe zone, then the gas will reduce the players health to critical levels. The high grounds may protect the player from the gas but it makes them nearly an easy target for Krelix. After reducing Krelix's health below 25% then Krelix will activate some of the chemical weapons its been guarding. Among them are SIVA-like Turrets that fire Solar rockets, an Arc-powered field that chips away at the parties shields and a Void Super-cannon that could deliver a instant kill if it gets a clear lock on a player. These weapons can be temporally disabled individually for about 1 minute by throwing the chemical bombs littered around the area.
Lorkxyn, Scorpion Kell
- "For years we have remained in the shadows. No more. Today is the day we rise above the failed houses. Today is the day we succeed where Gods have failed. Today is the day we defeat the Lightbourne, with poison in their veins and toxic blight in their light."
- — Lorkxyn, Scorpion Kell
Lorkxyn, Scorpion Kell | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Shock Repeater |
Abilities: |
Teleportation |
Lorkxyn, Scorpion Kell is the Kell of the Fallen House of Scorpions as well as the general of their military. He is responsible for leading the invasion against the Guardians.
- "Be wary Guardian. Scorpion Kell is like ghost. You don't know when it reveals itself and strikes."
- — Variks, the Loyal
Lorkxyn has been Kell of the House of Scorpions for years and is primarily the reason why the Guardians, the Reef or even other Fallen Houses have been unable to find or defeat the Scorpions. Lorkxyn is well-known for being one-step ahead of his opponents, exemplifying the Scorpions nature in cunning. His uncanny prediction of his opponents moves and his clam, patient planning has led to his house to remain in the shadows for years, more so than even the House of Kings. For some unknown reasons known only to him, Lorkxyn has a particular grudge against the House of Wolves and watched with satisfaction when they lost the Reef Wars and forced into servitude under Queen Mara Sov. There are many rumors to Lorkxyn's grudge but none can be proven. One rumors suggests he came close to stealing priceless technology but was stopped by none other than Skolas, the Rabid. Another says that Lorkxyn had an affair with a Wolf Baroness and when she was about to defect to his side, she was captured and executed by the Wolf Kell, Virixias for treason. For whatever reason behind his grudge, Lorkxyn has remained silent about the topic. Recently, he laughs at the desperate state the Wolves are currently dealing with.
Lorkxyn had heard the call to arms from the House of Kings that led to the Battle of the Twilight Gap but predicted that either the attack will fail or even if they reclaimed the Great Machine, the Fallen would inevitably fight among themselves and destroy one another. For this reason, he ignored the call and merely watched as the Devils, Kings and Winter Houses failed to take the Traveler. In addition, Lorkxyn has taken a unique interest into the Guardians who have defeated so many leaders and monsters of the Solar System and as such ordered his house to avoid contact with them. He knows his forces are not prepared yet to face the Guardians and intends to find a way to make his House strong enough to not share the same fate as the other houses.
Things changed when he saw an opportunity for an advantage against the factions of the Solar System when his forces attacked a Devil Splicers shipment and gained access to some experimental SIVA. Originally, Lorkxyn was fearful of the Devil Splicers and their new Archon, Aksis, but he predicted they would fail against the Lightbourne. This came true when the Guardians, now a new generation of Iron Lords, defeated Aksis and his followers. However, his attack was noticed by both parties and now was forced to take his House out of the shadows and face the angry Devils and the new Iron Lords. Instead of being angry, Lorkxyn seems pleased as now he can take the fight into the open and make his House the most powerful force in the Solar System. He now eagerly awaits to face the Guardians, deep in his Poison Chamber, for he well knows they will come for him soon.
Lorkxyn is the final boss of the Poison Chamber Raid. He is the most powerful leader the House of Scorpions have ever seen, and as such is also the most difficult boss in this raid. Lorkxyn has his own Shock Repeater, which is modified to fire at 2000 RPM and have pinpoint accuracy. The bullets track enemies more aggressively and it has higher muzzle velocity than usual. Lorkxyn will normally use this weapon to break down the shields of the party. He is also equipped with a Decay Cannon, a poison-modified Scorch Cannon that leaves a massive poison cloud upon detonation. This poison cloud drains the health of its victims. Lorkxyn will also gain certain abilities from various Servitors: an Arc Servitor gives him an Arc shield as well as the ability to hurl flying electric shockwaves that track enemies aggressively and inflict the Shocking debuff upon a successful hit; a Solar Servitor will grant him a Solar shield as well as the ability to throw napalm canisters; a Void Servitor will grant him a Void shield as well as the ability to inflict a debuff that disables recovery and agility. In order to tear down the elemental shields, the Servitors must be shutdown first. Once all Servitors have been shut down, then Lorkxyn will revive the Servitors and gain all shields and abilities at once. After reducing his health to 50% with his shields gone, Lorkxyn made his own form of poisonous gas, and unlike the two raid bosses before him, it is downright lethal. After the damage phase, the entire room will be flooded with this poison. If you don't find a safe spot in 10 seconds, you die. A very brief warning will be given to the party team, dubbed "Lorkyxn's Gift Imminent". After the poison gas has dispersed, Lorkxyn will inflict all Guardians with a debuff that suppresses them of their Super, Grenade, and Melee abilities. This debuff lasts until the next damage phase begins as the Servitors are shut down. After being reduced to 5% health, Lorkxyn will commit one last act to kill the party, like so many final boss of a Raid. Lorkxyn will activate his most powerful weapon he designed, the Venom Bomb. Lorkxyn will head to the center of the area and gather as much poisonous ether he can to activate the bomb. The party has about 10 seconds to kill Lorkxyn to stop the bomb.
Arath's Vengeance
Arath's Vengeance | |
Overview | |
Purpose: |
Guards of Arath |
Champion(s): |
Xivu Arath, War Progenitor |
Realm: |
Hell's Gate |
- "The wrath of Crota and Oryx were swift, relentless and terrible. But Xivu Arath... Her rage and hate is like a tsunami of Darkness. One of which we may drown in."
- — Eris Morn.
Arath's Vengeance is a unique Hive faction created after Oryx seized power and created the first Hive. Serving as the "hammer" of the Hive army under the command of Xivu Arath's consort, Varlak, the Corruptor, they carry out Xivu Arath's will using brute strength.
Arath's Vengeance is one of the first forces of the Darkness that was created by the Hive and as such has devastated countless worlds in the name of their Worm Gods and the Darkness. It was founded by Xivu Arath, sister to Oryx, the Taken King and they exemplify her desire to become the most powerful warrior in the universe. Everything, from strategy to troops, are made for strength and raw power. Anything else is ignored or destroyed.
While Arath's Vengeance is named after Xivu Arath and technically she is their master, the army itself is led by her consort, Varlak, a Knight who was able to endear Xivu with his sheer determination and martial power. In Xivu Arath's eyes, she considered Varlak worthy of her favor and the two have led the Vengeance in numerous campaigns of destruction. When Oryx killed the Worm God, Akka, and stole the power to Take, Varlak and Arath's Vengenace joined their master in traveling the universe to become stronger.
Soon, Arath's Vengeance's priorities changed after Xivu Arath heard numerous calls across the night. One from Crota and the other from Oryx. They soon learned that the God-Prince and God-King of the Hive have been killed by warriors of light, permanently. While at first stunned and aghast that their king has been killed and no one was able to take his place, thereby breaking the Sword-Logic, Xivu Arath recalled all her forces to travel to the Solar System to not only avenge her nephew and brother but also establish herself as the supreme ruler of the Hive. Arath's Vengeance will be the tip of the spear in her plan to exact her vengeance by destroying the last hope of the Traveler, the Guardians of the Last City.
After arriving in the Solar System, Arath's Vengeance have established a "palace" within the foundations of Saturn's Moon, Titan, named Hell's Gate. From their dark icy fortress they prepare themselves for a new war, one more devastating than the Taken War and under an ambitious Xivu Arath, they might succeed.
Thralls and Acolytes behave the same way, but Knights now have the ability to wield giant warhammers that create seismic shockwaves upon impact, Wizards now discharge surges of electricity similar to Stormtrance, and Ogres can pick up and throw as well as punt huge chunks of debris at Guardians from afar. This was an effort to enhance the Hive's specialist troops.
Notable Members
- Varlak, the Corruptor
- Vornaax, Worm Guard
- Brotherhood Knights
Vornaax, Worm Guard
Vornaax, Worm Guard | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Heavy Shredder |
Abilities: |
Temporary Vanish |
Vornaax, Worm Guard is the first boss of the Hell's Gate Raid. He is Varlak's most powerful lieutenant and closest friend as well as one of the elite guards of the Worm Gods, and so he has been chosen to guard the gates to the next encounter.
Vornaxx, like his superior and friend Varlak, is among the first Knights created during the earliest days of the Hive. Before he joined Arath's Vengeance with Varlak, Vornaxx served as a bodyguard to one of the Worm Gods, Eir, destroying those of the Hive who felt betrayed with their "offer" but they were few and far in-between. Unlike Varlak, Vornaxx had little ambition, for he only desired conflict and not to become a god of the Hive. It wouldn't be long before Vornaxx grew tired with his role and sought the conflict he so eagerly sought. Varlak soon met him and offered him to join Xivu Arath's army as his chief lieutenant. Vornaxx accepted without hesitation. Since then, Vornaxx has killed many warriors from many worlds and carried out the will of Xivu Arath and Varlak without question.
When Arath's Vengeance traveled to the Solar System to avenge the Ascendant Hive killed by the Guardians and enforce Xivu Arath's will over the disparate Hive in the System, Vornaxx was given the task of defending their new base on Titan, Hell's Gate. Though annoyed that he won't be leading attacks against the warriors of light, Varlak has assured him that the Guardians will come to him.
Vornaax has a few unique attacks that no other Knight has, as he has been granted the rank of being a personal guard of the Worm Gods, and so his Worm has gifted him with some special abilities. Vornaax's personal weapon, the Heavy Shredder is a one-handed machine gun that unleashes high-damage, high-accuracy Void bolts at a rate of 900 RPM. It also comes built-in with a Boomer fire mode, although he has to charge his weapon in order achieve that fire mode, but the Boomer projectiles travel very quickly, have no gravitational drop, and immediately bring down Guardian shields to their critical state. Just like Alak-Hul, the Darkblade, Vornaax has the ability to temporarily vanish from the arena to teleport to another location, although he uses this ability more often. After taking a particularly powerful attack, Vornaax will take one Guardian at random and suck the life out of them until their shield has dropped down to critical state, and have their recovery disabled for 60 seconds. Once every minute, Vornaax will enrage and will fire Ogre's eye blasts that will disable agility when they land a hit. This attack will last for 30 seconds without stopping. When at half health, Vornaax will tap into a random Guardian's Light and insert a live Worm inside their body. This will prevent them from using their grenade, melee, and Super abilities. To counter this debuff, you have to kill some Hive troops. You have 15 seconds to do this or you will die.
Varlak, the Corruptor
Varlak, the Corruptor | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Corruptor |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
60 ft. |
Weight: |
4000 lbs. |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Abilities: |
Drained of Light |
Varlak, the Corruptor is the head general of Xivu Arath's army, Arath's Vengeance, as well as her consort.
Varlak, the Corruptor is one the first Knights created among the first Hive and with his raw strength and power, he became one of the strongest among them. Varlak joined Xivu Arath's main force, Arath's Vengeance, for numerous reasons: he believed she embodied true strength, her forces took part in more wars and finally he was enamored by her. Varlak rose through the ranks of the Vengeance with sheer brute force, both through feats of destroying civilizations and slaughtering those who stood in his way in the army. While there were some who considered him reckless, Varlak believed himself fulfilling their sacred Sword-Logic by killing those who were weak. Despite his belief in strength, Varlak is in no way a mindless brute. Varlak has proven himself to be an uncanny tactician, for even he knows that strength needs direction. Many of those who underestimated Varlak, learned that the hard way.
Varlak earned his name for his ability to decay and rot anything he kills with his dual Ascendant Swords but more so for his ability to take the powers of his defeated foes and create darker, corrupted versions of them. Thousands faded and were left as festering corpses at Varlak's hand with this ability. He took sadistic pleasure as he watched the last bit of life left them and stole their power in Xivu Arath's name. Xivu Arath was further impressed with his exploits and as a reward, named him the leader of Arath's Vengeance and her consort. After Oryx gained the ability to Take, Varlak followed his consort into traveling the universe to become stronger, as she felt Oryx became to powerful for her to accept.
It is rumored that he had been a long-standing rival to Alak-Hul, The Darkblade. Both were ambitious, powerful and desired to be gods of the Hive themselves. When he learned of his rival's attempted usurpation, he was disappointed that he could not take part in defeating the Darkblade but laughed at his eternal sentence.
After he, Xivu Arath and the rest of the Hive learned of the deaths Crota, Oryx and numerous other Ascendant Hive, Varlak considered this not only an opportunity for vengeance but also make himself and his consort the masters of the Hive. He is particularly angered that the Guardians killed Alak-Hul because he desired to do the deed himself and thereby prove himself the superior of the two. With Alak-Hul dead at the hands of the Guardians, Varlak feels he may now never know. However, he decides to circumvent this by destroying Alak-Hul's killers, which would in turn prove himself more powerful than the Darkblade. Varlak has taken a unique interest into the elusive Warmind, Rasputin and his constant endeavors to stall the Hive. Therefore he plans to corrupt the ancient machine into serving the Hive, gain as much powerful technology from him or destroy him before it can subtly but inevitably aid the Guardians.
Varlak's Boomer fires much faster than a normal one. It also has two firing modes: one consists of a cluster of four regular Boomer bolts, although each will leave a Void Orb upon detonation, and these orbs will blind Guardians; the other consists of Shrieker Death Blasts. Using stolen Rasputin materials and modified Fallen technology Varlak's Cleaver can utilize Arc energy. Unless the player has damage-reducing artifacts, passive Super abilities, and/or passive armor abilities, this is invariably a one-hit kill. Varlak will use this weapon only if a player ventures within melee range apart from his using Corrupted Supers. At the very beginning of the fight, Varlak will drain half of everyone's Super meter to fill his Corrupted Super abilities. He will be completely immune to damage while doing so and you will not be able to recharge your Super due to his presence, but this will only happen once. During this time adds—Hive Thrall, Acolytes, and special Major Knights called Brotherhood Knights——will harass the players; the player who killed the Varlak Brotherhood will eliminate draining of that player's Super and begin recharge. Every 2 minutes or so, Varlak will activate one of the following Corrupted Supers:
- Corrupted Fist of Havoc: Varlak slams the ground with his fist, sending out an electric shockwave that travels across the room and inflicts the "Shocking" debuff upon a successful hit. You can tell when he is charging this super because he has a growing cloud above his head that has an electricity effect.
- Corrupted Golden Gun: Varlak charges his Boomer with Solar energy and fires bolts that instantly kill Guardians and leave a circle of fire upon hitting a surface. You can tell he is charging this up when a fire grows on the arm he wields the boomer with.
- Corrupted Nova Bomb: Varlak sends a massive Void sphere raining down on the arena and leaves a giant Darkness field upon detonation. This field greatly slows down anyone who steps in it. You can tell he is charging this up when his face and arms slowly become darker.
- Corrupted Ward of Dawn: Varlak surrounds himself with Void energy to gain a ten-second period of immunity that will allow him temporary health regeneration. You can tell this is charging when a circle of void starts to surround him.
- Corrupted Arc Blade: Varlak's Cleaver is supercharged with Arc energy, and will run around to cut down anyone on his way. He will also have an Arc shield and increased speed. He will charge this up when his cleaver starts sparking electricity.
- Corrupted Radiance: Varlak uses his Boomer to launch concussive bombs that causes the "Burning" debuff. These bombs have a wide blast radius and cause great knockback. This charges when Varlak attacks less and stares dead at guardians while his body appears to be a lighter color.
- Corrupted Hammer of Sol: Varlak fires a series of Solar blasts rapidly into the sky only to have them rain down on players. These blasts have a large blast radius. You can tell this is charging when Varlak starts attacking more aggressively and random flames abruptly but temporarily start blazing his hands.
- Corrupted Shadowshot: Varlak fires a Void bolt from his Boomer that freezes all players in place for five seconds, weakens them, and suppresses them of their abilities. This charges when his boomer has void particles waving around it.
- Corrupted Stormtrance: Varlak generates an thunderbolt in the center of the arena which blankets the floor with electricity for 3 seconds and causes paralysis that lasts for 10 seconds. This charges while his limbs start charging electricity.
Depending on how low his health progresses Varlak will sometimes use two Corrupted Supers instead of just one. Whenever Varlak activates a corrupted super, the small text at the bottom left part of the screen above the ability/ammo hud will alert everyone. EX: Varlak draws from the Void. When on low health, Varlak activates his Oversoul. This generates a massive explosion that suppresses Guardians of everything: no more armor, recovery, agility, grenades, melees, or weapons. This will also bring your health next to nothing, meaning that you are in deep trouble. However, there's a twist: Varlak will have released so much energy that he will be left reeling in exhaustion. Ten seconds after the explosion, your Super meter will start recharging. During this time the Raid party must kill six Brotherhood Knights armed with Ascendant Swords, then utilize these swords against Varlak. With your Light channeled through them Varlak is dealt massive damage. If he doesn't reach a certain critical health-threshold the team will wipe; if he does reach that threshold, his Oversoul does not activate further and he can be killed.
Xivu Arath, War Progenitor
Xivu Arath, War Progenitor | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
"God of War" |
Class: |
Gender: |
Female |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Warhammer |
Abilities: |
Darkness Blasts |
Xivu Arath, War Progenitor is the "God of War" of the Hive.
Xivu Arath was born Xi Ro on the gas giant Fundament with her sisters Aurash and Sathona; her father was the Osmium King, ruler of the Osmium Court. She was a member of a short-lived, proto-Hive species called "krill" whose original homeworld had crashed into the giant millions of years ago. As a young "krill" she was fascinated by her surroundings, attempting daring feats that would have killed lesser beings; she took six of the stormjoys' bait-stars because of this. Above all she wanted to be a warrior, a Knight like her father's warriors.
When her father became mad and raved about the Syzygy, and the Helium Drinkers invaded at the urging of Taox, Xi Ro used her bait-stars to help her sisters escape and comforted Aurash as they fled their home. Together with her sisters she swore a blood-oath on the mast of their ship, upon her left eye, to avenge their father and kill Toax. When they salvaged an ancient, high-tech ship from the Shvubi Maelstrom, Xi Ro wanted to sell it to raise an army and kill Taox immediately, but was convinced by Sathona that it was worthless.
During their aimless journey at the behest of Sathona (who was guided by their father's worm-familiar) Xi Ro cleaned up the ship and attempted to take her sisters' minds off their task. Eventually, when Sathona fretted they would not be able to avenge their father, and Aurash concluded they would have to dive, Xi Ro was initially afraid but understood. Xi Ro warned them, however, that this was how the crew had died, but Sathona, urged on by the Worm, agreed with Aurash. The sisters took the needle into the deep. They finally reached a point where they could use the ship's sensors on the oceans. To their horror, they discovered that the Syzygy was real, and that Fundament's moons had already aligned. Just then, they were encountered by the Leviathan, a creature long spoken of in proto-Hive myth. The Leviathan warned the sisters that they needed to turn back, or else would unleash disaster upon the universe, saying that they faced a choice between the Light, which offered civilization, and the Darkness, which offered only violence. However, the Leviathan offered no hope to the sisters to avoid the Syzygy. Sathona then revealed the Worm's help to her sisters, and how it urged them to go down. Rejecting the Leviathan's entreaties, the sisters dove into the core.[2]
Reaching the very center of Fundament, the three sisters found the Worm Gods: Akka, Eir, Ur, Xol, and Yul. The Worm Gods offered the three sisters a chance for the proto-Hive to escape Fundament as well as achieve immortality. All they had to do was take the Worms larvae into them as symbiotes and spread them among the proto-Hive. The Worms posed the caveat that the sisters must never cease their natures: Xi Ro must always test her strength, Sathona must always be cunning, and Aurash must always try to understand. The sisters accepted the pact and became the first Hive: Xi Ro took the Knight morph and became Xivu Arath, Sathona took the Mother morph and became Savathûn, and Aurash took the King morph, transforming into a male and became Auryx, the King of the Hive.[3]
Arath will be functionally similar to Crota, but much more aggressive. She has the ability to fire Darkness Blasts, but her main weapon is a warhammer that leaves poison clouds on impact. She also will inflict a debuff called Arath's Presence, where Guardian] abilities will charge drastically slower and do significantly less damage for the entire fight. As she chases down one Guardian at random, she will summon Consorts of Arath, special Gatekeeper-type Knights armed with hammers. They are immune to weapons and can only be killed by Ascendant Swords obtained from killing the Swordbearer. Killing the Consorts will cause a warhammer relic to appear. Once the relic has been picked up, the wielder is then inflicted with the Blighted Light debuff, where their slowly starts to decline until Arath's shield is destroyed by gunfire. Once her shield is down, she will be stunned, but can only be damaged by the warhammer relic for 20 seconds. After sustaining damage, Arath will summon her Oversoul. If it is not destroyed, the entire team is instantly killed.
Savathûn, Mother Progenitor
Savathûn, Mother Progenitor | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
"Witch-Queen" |
Class: |
Gender: |
Female |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Abilities: |
Restriction Zone |
Savathûn, Mother Progenitor is the "Witch-Queen" of the Hive, and the new controller of the Taken.
Savathun was born Sathona, on the planet Fundament. She was one of a short-lived species whose homeworld had crashed into Fundament millions of years earlier, with the shards of the planet forming Fundament's continents. The Osmium Court was one such continent, ruled by the Osmium King, and Sathona was his second-born daughter, older sister to Xi Ro and younger sister to Aurash. The three sisters were tutored by Taox, a sterile Mother, the proto-Hive morph capable of spawning children, which also allowed them to live longer by eating "Mother-jelly" at adulthood. The proto-Hive's harsh lives convinced Sathona at an early age to become a Mother, not because she wanted children or feared dying, but because she wanted to live long enough to have meaning in her life.[2]
However, by the time her father turned ten Fundament years (a lifetime by the standards of their species), he had discovered a dead Worm on the shores of the Osmium Court, which he started tending to as a familiar, and began raving that the Syzygy, a prophesied disaster, would soon occur. While Aurash took her father's warnings to heart, Taox concluded that the King was falling to senility in his old age, and that none of his daughters, which were two years old at the time, could properly rule the Osmium Court and protect it from the Helium Court, a rival kingdom. While acknowledging that Sathona was a brilliant thinker, Taox noted that she could not fight. In desperation, Taox sent a message to the rulers of the Helium Court, the Helium Drinkers, saying that she would help them assassinate the King and his daughters if they installed her as their regent. The Helium Drinkers accepted Taox's proposal and attacked, killing the King but failing to kill his daughters. In the confusion, Sathona managed to steal her father's Worm in their escape. Reaching Aurash's ship, the three sisters made a blood oath to return and take vengeance, with Sathona vowing that she would become a Mother and raise her spawn on the corpses of the Helium Drinkers.[3]
Over the next year, the three sisters sailed the oceans of Fundament. During this time, Sathona began to hear her father's worm speak to her, guiding her to acts that would save the sisters over the year. Finally, the three sisters found a ship they named "the needle", built of high technology, but whose crew had died obscenely after hatching an egg from a creature that they could not recognize. Xi Ro insisted that they sell the ship at the Kaharn Atoll, where the species of Fundament gathered, saying that an auction could raise them enough money to hire mercenaries to fight the Helium Drinkers. However, Sathona told Xi Ro that the ship was worthless. Aurash instead suggested that they repair the ship. With prompting from the Worm, Sathona agreed with Aurash and convinced Xi Ro to repair the ship.[4]
Over the next two years, the sisters repaired the needle, but by this point, the sisters were five years old. Sathona raised her fears that she would soon be too old to eat mother-jelly, and that the sisters would be unable to fulfill their oath. Aurash said that the sisters had to dive beneath the oceans of Fundament, traveling to the planet's core. Xi Ro warned that this was how the crew had died, but Sathona, urged on by the Worm, agreed with Aurash. The sisters took the needle into the deep. They finally reached a point where they could use the ship's sensors on the oceans. To their horror, they discovered that the Syzygy was real, and that Fundament's moons had already aligned. Just then, they were encountered by the Leviathan, a creature long spoken of in proto-Hive myth. The Leviathan warned the sisters that they needed to turn back, or else would unleash disaster upon the universe, saying that they faced a choice between the Light, which offered civilization, and the Darkness, which offered only violence. However, the Leviathan offered no hope to the sisters to avoid the Syzygy. Sathona then revealed the Worm's help to her sisters, and how it urged them to go down. Rejecting the Leviathan's entreaties, the sisters dove into the core.[5]
Reaching the very center of Fundament, the three sisters found the Worm Gods: Akka, Eir, Ur, Xol, and Yul. The Worm Gods offered the three sisters a chance for the proto-Hive to escape Fundament as well as achieve immortality. All they had to do was take the Worms larvae into them as symbiotes and spread them among the proto-Hive. The Worms posed the caveat that the sisters must never cease their natures: Xi Ro must always test her strength, Sathona must always be cunning, and Aurash must always try to understand. The sisters accepted the pact and became the first Hive: Xi Ro took the Knight morph and became Xivu Arath, Sathona took the Mother morph and became Savathûn, and Aurash took the King morph, transforming into a male and became Auryx, the King of the Hive.[6]
Main Mechanics
Initially, Savathûn will be surrounded by a black circular barricade, and is able to attack from behind it. There will be six Savathûn's Handsmaiden Wizards surrounding it. These Wizards must be killed so that they each drop a Void charge, which has to be inserted into the correct crystal, which is across from the crystal it dropped in front of. Once the charge is picked up, the player is inflicted with the Dark Presence debuff, which greatly delays health and ability regen, and Hive reinforcements will arrive. If placed in the wrong crystal, the Barrier Support spell is cast and the player holding the charge dies, and if it takes too long to insert the crystals, then the Savathûn's Song spell is cast, wiping the entire team. When all charges are placed in the correct crystal, then Savathûn will briefly vanish only to reappear and teleport to an open location. Savathûn will be vulnerable to attack at this point, but she will rotate through all elemental shields, and these shields give her Darkness Blasts special propoerties. Arc shields enable her to inflict a slowness effect; Solar shields enable her to cause a bleedout effect; Void shields enable her to cause a blackout. Breaking a shield will make her vulnerable to damage for 15 seconds, after which she will teleport to another spot. These shields will rotate in a random order.
After sustaining damage, Savathûn will return to the center behind her barricade and summon a giant Taken Blight along with several smaller blights, which she will use to power the former. The small blights are immune to damage until all Taken reinforcements are killed. Destroying the small blights is essential, as doing so will shut down the giant blight, preventing Savathûn from using her Savathûn's Wrath spell, which would kill the entire party. Once Savathûn's health reaches 50%, she will drag the entire team into her Darkness Dimension, where health and ability regen are completely disabled while enabling the Dark Presence debuff to slowly drain the player's health. Both Hive and Taken reinforcements will appear at the same time. The rest of the fight will be conducted here. When Savathûn's health reaches 1%, she will try to cast her wrath spell once more. If the blights are not shut down, the whole team goes back to square one.
Omega Collective
Omega Collective | |
Overview | |
Objectives: |
Enhance Vex core programming |
Minds: |
Zrygon, Reaper Mind |
Omega Collective is a Vex programming collective known for their enhanced chassis and control over time when compared to other programming collectives. Their troops have been modified to help their leaders achieve the perfect purpose of rewriting reality and as such are the most powerful programming collective yet.
After Quria was Taken on the Harmony Nicha-Thought-Ship, the greater Vex collective manufactured a Vex Programming based on the data recovered from Oryx Throne world with a single goal: to shape reality to fit their design. Invested with the Hive Sword Logic, the Omega Collective undertook colossal projects in the study of the Hive's ontological power, the throne-space and as a result, can bend the laws of mere physics much like Oryx could. If they manage to transform this dimension into a massive throne world, the Vex will become unstoppable.
Each existing Vex troop has gone through several modifications, making them more dangerous. Unlike normal Vex, the weak point is no longer their juicebox, but their head. When in berserk mode, they are immune until they land a hit.
Omega Goblin
Goblins teleport more frequently and are armed with dual Arc Slap Rifles. Their melee is replaced with a taser setting on their guns, which will temporarily paralyze opponents and inflict the Shocking debuff.
Omega Harpy
Harpies fly much faster and can teleport. They are armed with Arc Slap Rifles that fire seeking bolts. When accompanied by other Vex in close proximity, they gain an overshield, and in return, they grant fellow Vex troops a damage buff. When killed, they release a homing Arc orb that marks players for 10 seconds.
Omega Hobgoblin
Hobgoblins are armed with Arc Line Rifles that cause brief paralysis upon a successful hit. When they are struck, their stasis shields, in addition to providing brief immunity to them and burning any Guardians inside, now send out a Solar explosion followed by tracking Solar projectiles that deal heavy damage. Their melee attacks now cause moderate knockback and temporarily disable Guardian melee and grenade abilities.
Omega Minotaur
Minotaurs are armed with a Slap Repeater in one hand and a Torch Hammer in the other. The Slap Repeater discharges Solar bolts at 1000 RPM with incredible accuracy; getting hit with a bolt marks the player for 10 seconds. The Torch Hammer, on the other hand, has a much wider arc and higher muzzle velocity. In addition, Minotaurs are equipped with two Void shields instead of just one and their melee attacks cause significant knockback.
Omega Hydra
Hydras are armed with three Aeon Mauls that fire explosive Void bolts which each leave a radiation cloud upon detonation. Stepping in this radiation cloud will inflict a debuff that disables recovery for 30 seconds; when the debuff expires, you die. The only way to counter this debuff is to kill the Hydra. Its shield now deflects anything that hits it and will allow the Hydra to regenerate health when not under fire.
Omega Cyclops
Cyclopses will be protected by a Solar shield, and their mortar blasts now track their targets. When they enter berserk mode, they will quickly regenerate health and send out Arc shockwaves that cause knockback, paralysis, and the Shocking debuff. Upon death, they will send out a giant homing Void orb that will instantly kill whatever target it hits.
Zrygon, Reaper Mind
Zrygon, Reaper Mind | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Axis Mind |
Class: |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Dual Torch Hammers |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Zrygon, Reaper Mind is a Vex Minotaur Axis Mind that guards the entrance to the Twisted Realm.
After Quria was Taken on the Harmony Nicha-Thought-Ship, the greater Vex collective manufactured a Vex Programming based on the data recovered from Oryx Throne world with a single goal: to shape reality to fit their design. Invested with the Hive Sword Logic, the Omega Collective undertook colossal projects in the study of the Hive's ontological power, the throne-space and as a result, can bend the laws of mere physics much like Oryx could. If they manage to transform this dimension into a massive throne world, the Vex will become unstoppable.
Its programming contains a faulty wiring that causes it to be unusually aggressive and erratic towards both allied and enemy forces. It is for this reason that it has been confined to guarding the entrance to the Twisted Realm.
As it is the first boss in the Twisted Realm raid, Zrygon will have the least amount of mechanics to worry about. However, its aggressive nature requires constant evasion from players, as its Torch Hammers will fire faster than a normal Minotaur, and when it leaves the middle, it will constantly teleport around the arena when chasing its targets. This can be used to perform powerful flank attacks by following them up with temporal shockwaves, which can deal immense damage in a large radius; this attack can damage multiple targets at once and even knock them back.
Zrygon will initially be immune to all damage. It will open fire with dual Torch Hammers from the center of the arena, occasionally stepping out to chase any Guardian for a few seconds before returning to the middle. Some Vex reinforcements will assault the raid team on all sides for 60 seconds. Eventually, three Major Hobgoblins with Arc shields will come out of certain doors. They need to be killed in the right order. In order to determine the order in which they have to be killed, one player must enter a small hidden room by crouching. In this room will be a monitor that will say the order in which to kill the Hobgoblins. They will appear as the number of the doors they came from (ex. 3, 2, 1). If killed in the wrong order or the team takes too long to kill them, Zrygon will expunge the entire raid team, killing everyone. However, if the Hobgoblins are killed in the right order, then the shields will be deactivated.
One random Guardian will then gain the Focused buff, in which they will be able to do more damage than normal to Zrygon, whereas the others will be inflicted with a debuff that reduces damage output against it. The player that is being focused on will be constantly chased until they do enough damage or die. If enough damage is dealt, Zrygon will return to the middle to go through the cycle again. If the focused player dies, then Zrygon will focus on another guardian and all the same applies until Zrygon kills the entire team or returns to the middle.
Vorpaleon, Serrated Mind
Vorpaleon, Serrated Mind | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Axis Mind |
Class: |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Aeon Mauls |
Abilities: |
Circular Shield |
Vorpaleon, Serrated Mind is an elite Vex Hydra encountered in the Twisted Realm Raid.
After Quria was Taken on the Harmony Nicha-Thought-Ship, the greater Vex collective manufactured a Vex Programming based on the data recovered from Oryx Throne world with a single goal: to shape reality to fit their design. Invested with the Hive Sword Logic, the Omega Collective undertook colossal projects in the study of the Hive's ontological power, the throne-space and as a result, can bend the laws of mere physics much like Oryx could. If they manage to transform this dimension into a massive throne world, the Vex will become unstoppable.
It has its Vex underlings bring it samples of dark matter with which to splice and use then hone it to create powerful resonating energy which could be used to turn planets into something more than Machine Worlds. With this level of strength, Vorpaleon can effectively turn planets into the Vex equivalent of hell, creating disastrous time-distorting anomalies to represent the force of the Omega Collective's power; particularly strong anomalies have been said to rewrite entire sections of history in the Vex's image. To safely and finely precision-tune this corruption for later use, it rests within the bowels of the Twisted Realm, barring the path to its darkest region: the Distortion Chamber.
Vorpaleon has two main weapons of choice. It has an Aeon Maul on each of its top two body segments, and a pair of Line Repeaters on the bottom. Line Repeaters function like Line Rifles, but do not require a charge time and fire incredibly quickly. Vorpaleon will light up several beams of energy across the room to close off certain areas. These beams will either rotate, go up and down, or move forward and backward at random intervals. Any Guardian who crosses a beam will die. Detainment bubbles will deflect these beams. After 30 seconds of weaving in and out of the beams, they will freeze in place, although they will still kill anyone who crosses them. However, Vorpaleon will detain all Guardians, who will then be inflicted with a debuff that slowly drains grenade, melee, and Super energy until the detainment bubble is destroyed. Stepping out of these bubbles will cause a Suppression Field to appear, instantly killing the Guardian who was supposed to be detained. After freeing themselves from detainment, the Guardians will then have to fend off waves of Supplicants. If any Supplicant detonates in a Guardian's respective zone, the explosion will create a spot that will be timed for death. If too many Supplicants detonate in an area, the entire room will be inaccessible, limiting the playing area.
After the Supplicants have been fended off, Vorpaleon will activate its Serration Bonds, which will inflict Guardians with a debuff that will decrease weapon handling and fire rate. It will then begin to teleport to different locations randomly and send in its Serration Guards, which are Major Minotaurs that have a resistant Void shield. These Minotaurs must be killed in order to obtain a relic that must be inserted into a hole in the wall. The debuff will go away when the relic is picked up, but the relic must be inserted to shut down Vorpaleon's shield. Shutting down Vorpaleon's shield will make Vorpaleon vulnerable to damage for 45 seconds and will be stunned, but getting close to it will still result in a detonation melee, which is an instant kill.
Xydrakon, the Collective Mind
Xydrakon, the Collective Mind | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Axis Mind |
Class: |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Cyclops Blast Cannon |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Xydrakon, the Collective Mind is a Vex Cyclops that is unique in that it represents the totality of the Vex's hive-mind programming. It holds the record for being the single most powerful Axis Mind ever known.
After Quria was Taken on the Harmony Nicha-Thought-Ship, the greater Vex collective manufactured a Vex Programming based on the data recovered from Oryx Throne world with a single goal: to shape reality to fit their design. Invested with the Hive Sword Logic, the Omega Collective undertook colossal projects in the study of the Hive's ontological power, the throne-space and as a result, can bend the laws of mere physics much like Oryx could. If they manage to transform this dimension into a massive throne world, the Vex will become unstoppable.
It is the totality of all known Vex programming; nothing can get quite this strong for a long time. Xydrakon is the siphon through which all the Omega Collective's data is fed, processed, and extracted, representing the dominance of their presence and serving as an incredibly powerful Axis Mind. Lying deep in the Distortion Chamber, all who dare to face it are said to be erased on sight.
Xydrakon has one of the most dangerous and complex boss encounters of any Vex unit, having multiple phases and mechanics to execute to perfection. One small mistake is a death sentence. Xydrakon has 3 main weapons: a Void blast cannon, dual Solar Line Repeaters, and Arc EMP Turbochargers. The blast cannon fires 3 scattered explosive projectiles that each leave behind a purple dome that greatly slows down any player that steps inside. These domes linger for 15 seconds. Line Repeaters are several steps above the Hobgoblin's Line Rifle in that they have no charge time, have a drastically increased rate of fire, and inflict the Burning debuff upon a successful hit. The burn effect lasts for 5 seconds. Turbochargers on the bottom of Xydrakon's chassis will periodically emit a massive EMP shockwave that inflicts the Shocking debuff on anyone within the radius of the pulse. Xydrakon has the ability to relocate itself on the top, middle, and bottom levels of the battlefield using an elevator at will. As it does this, it will inflict one Guardian at random with the Displacement debuff and teleport that Guardian to the level it is currently on. If the Guardian being teleported moves around at all, then they will be inflicted with the Inhibition debuff, which will kill them immediately. Assuming this part is done correctly, each level will have two Guardians standing on them.
Xydrakon will erect a conflux at each side of the arena after all Guardians have been teleported at least once, at which point smaller Vex units will arrive to sacrifice themselves to them. Guardians must defend them from all Vex reinforcements, which will include Goblins, Hobgoblins, Minotaurs, Harpys, and even Hydras. Failure to defend these confluxes from 3 sacrifices will allow Xydrakon to inflict the Expunged debuff on the entire raid team, immediately killing everyone. Xydrakon will then summon its Oracles, which must be killed as quickly as possible. Every time an Oracle is destroyed, the player who did so will be captured by detainment bubbles. These must be destroyed quickly, as there will be six Oracles per level. Stepping outside the bubbles before it is destroyed will inflict the Suppression Field debuff, which is an instant kill. Failure to kill an Oracle will result in the Prophecy of Doom, which will kill everyone, just like Atheon, Time's Conflux.
Xydrakon has the ability to open the Timestream just like Atheon. However, the difference here is that all six Guardians will be teleported to another realm, and will have been marked by the Void and suppressed of their abilities until they make it back out. There will be no way to cleanse Guardians of the Void Mark. While in the Timestream, Guardians will have to break the Hydra Links that have been keeping Xydrakon from taking any damage. These links are guarded by 2 Major Hydras that will need to be killed as fast as possible, as they are also guarding the way out. If the Hydras are not killed in 30 seconds, the entire team will remain stuck in time. Xydrakon will be vulnerable and in a stunned, albiet raging state with its Hydra Links disabled. All Guardians will be teleported to the level it is on, thus beginning the damage phase. This damage phase will last for 60 seconds, but other things will be happening as well. For one, Xydrakon will summon its Fanatics that will mark players for negation. Once Xydrakon casts the Ritual of Negation, all marked players will die. In addition, even though it will be stunned, it will still open fire with all of its weapons and will be able to cast a Temporal Shockwave on anyone that gets within point blank range. Xydrakon will recover from the damage phase and send in Supplicants using special gates. These Gates can onlybe closed by capturing Vex Sync Plates. Praetorians will not be present during the fight as Xydrakon itself is able to recapture the plates if they are not attended to. To mess up players' aim, the confluxes will send out blinding flashes of light. Once the gates are closed, the entire process repeats.
Stone Breakers
- "If this Cabal unit has their way, stone will not be the only thing that breaks but entire worlds."
- — Lord Shaxx
Stone Breakers | |
Overview | |
Objectives: |
Last-Resort Heavy Infantry |
Commander(s): |
Primus Tho'urgh, God of War |
Keep(s): |
Firebase Vulcan |
Deployed: |
European Dead Zone, Earth |
The Stone Breakers are a Cabal forward heavy infantry force used as a last resort in an attempt to turn the tide of battle whenever any Cabal detachment is in need of reinforcements. They are the most dangerous Cabal detachment as of the time Primus Tho'urgh came into power.
The Stone Breakers Legion is one of the most dangerous units the Cabal have and for that reason the Emperor kept them in reserve as a last-resort. It is said that before becoming a reserve unit, the Stone Breakers crushed more worlds than any other cabal legion but their loyalty was once in question. Under a previous Primus, they nearly usurped the Emperor until Tho'urgh, a Valus at the time, killed the current Primus in front of the Stone Breakers and took command, ordering them to stand down. Though the emperor allowed Tho'urgh to keep the rank, he decreed that the Stone Breakers be kept in reserve to keep them in check. Only during very desperate times will the Stone Breakers be deployed.
A distress signal was sent to the Emperor from the Skyburners about their losses. While The Guardian was able to intercept the signal, they were unable to stop it from reaching its target, as was confirmed two years later when Dominus Ghaul and the Red Legion arrived on the scene and singlehandedly invaded The Last City and succeeded. However, with the Legion's leadership withering in the face of Guardian efforts to liberate the Solar System and Ghaul dead, remaining Cabal soldiers called Tho'urgh for reinforcements from the ranks of the Stone Breakers, which have yet to arrive.
This detachment offers new units to reinforce their purpose of being a last-resort military group. They are aggressive, durable soldiers that often flush the player into cover. In the game they appear in every single area on Mars, including formerly only Vex-control ones, aggressively battling the machines. The Cabal Legion ratio is typically sixty to seventy percent Stone Breakers and forty to thirty percent other Cabal Legions. They act as reinforcers for the weary Cabal, replenishing the numbers Oryx depleted in the Taken War.
They appear in large numbers whenever a special World Event called "Deployment" begins. On patrol a message will appear in the corner of the screen saying, "The Stone Breakers are marshaling an offensive". This event starts off like a Fallen Glimmer Drill event. A Cabal warship appears in the sky and flies low overhead, offing a profile view and size comparison of the warship; Harvesters and Cabal fightercraft flank it, with several breaking away and deploying troops. This event lasts for ten minutes of endless waves of Cabal soldiers, who must be defeated before they secure their objectives, and concludes when a high ranking Ultra Valus (divided between three named variants) comes out to personally challenge the Guardians.
Unique Ground Units
This Cabal Legion features more specialized units often found during Deployment Events and certain Patrol missions, but also appear during the Story missions and Quests of the game. They are as follows:
A Legionary that is hardly any different than the standard troop but are capable of planting down turrets and landmines. Normally armed with an upgraded Slug Rifle that fires at a much higher rate.
A heavy hitting Phalanx variant, the Lancer possesses far more agile jump jets and comes equipped with a potent energy deflecting staff for close quarters engagements. Lancers prefer to slam shield first into enemy units before unleashing a flurry of melee attacks. However, these troops share the same weakness as the Phalanx, as their rear is completely defenseless and a keen-eyed shooter can hit their arms forcing them to drop their shields.
A Legionary that has a flamethrower attachment to their Projection Rifle and can throw a napalm grenade. They are often seen in groups with Ballistarius to drive out entrenched enemies. Their main weakness is their napalm reserve on their backs, when damaged it could explode and kill or severely wound anything near it.
A Centurion equipped with a Cabal Shield. Replaces the Phalanx entirely. Despite these extra defenses that make them incredibly difficult to defeat, especially when alone, they are slow as a Colossus and are susceptible to all forms of Arc, Void and Solar attacks.
Gunnery Sergeant
A Centurion capable of operating heavy artillery, even on Goliath Tanks. They are normally armed with dual Projection Rifles and a miniature built-in slug thrower. They are force to be reckoned with when operating with Goliath Tanks but without, them they can be easily taken down like a regular Colossus.
An elite Psion, the Pulsar supplants the role of a sniper in the Stone Breakers. They utilize Induction Rifles to pick off enemies at long range, before closing the distance with flutter packs. These are often found in Kill the Target Patrol missions, and most Story missions.
- Pulsar Aggressor—used to maintain order amongst more rebellious troops, Aggressors use their psychic abilities to control and coordinate field legionnaires. Should they be killed, the psychic backlash sends all nearby Cabal into a blind rage, even forcing them to attack their fellow troops.
- Pulsar Defender—employed alongside major Bracci or Vals, a Defender projects a shield of Void energy to its commanding officer, supplementing alongside their Solar defense. Killing them not only removes the Void shield but sends a backlash to their commanders' shields, weakening them.
A Colossus armed with a massive fully-automatic rocket launcher that fires a volley of high explosive Solar warheads which initially scatter and then lock on to any targets in their path. Equipped with a standard on its back decorated with Stone Breaker banners; the standard is capable of firing a constant beam of energy called Dragon's Gaze, which deals continuous damage. When faced up close, they will use their jump jets to initiate a rocket jet blast, which will create a shockwave and a circle of fire while knocking its target back a significant distance. The Draconarius may seem to be the most powerful Colossus-variant seen but they do have a few weakness, first that the rockets can only track on enemy at a time and they are one of the slowest Cabal units, making them easy targets for critical hits.
Unique Aerial Units
Lightning Psion
A special aerial unit characterized by its large angel-like wings and rapid movement. These are armed with special weapons called Lasrifles, quick-firing, terrifyingly accurate rifles which can harry Guardians. Due to their moving around the field, and sometimes completely flying high beyond weapons' range, they're difficult to contain and destroy. Despite this, the Lightning Psion's wings are fairly weak against heavy fire and when damaged, the Psion will plummet from the sky. This will either kill the Psion and create large physic explosion or it will drive them on a suicide run to kill their enemies with them.
Marauder Lancer
At first glance, a Phalanx unit equipped with wings seemed counter-intuitive. However, these units specialize in flying into enemy targets with their overshields, smashing them apart. They are protected by the overshield, a special variant which protects their entire front from enemy fire, even Guardian Supers. Armed with a missile launcher and arm-mounted blades, they are a devastating foe. However, like all Phalanx variants, their main weak point is being attacked from behind.
Thunderbolt Colossus
The last and most dangerous of the Cabal's aerial forces is the Thunderbolt Colossus. These are nothing short of mobile tanks, equipped with an impressive rocket booster with smaller guiding wings. They armed with twin Ultra-Heavy Slug Throwers, have a propensity to disperse missile swarms like their land-based counterpart, and have a chest-mounted Phaser Cannon capable of melting Guardian shields. Their tactical weakness is they are by far the slowest Cabal unit, more than the Draconarius, this makes them easy to hit with critical attacks. In addition, they are equipped with no shields at all, only armor, which makes them susceptible to Arc, Void and Solar damage.
Breaker Goliath Tank
The Stone Breakers have their own variant of the Cabal standard-issue Goliath Tank: the Breaker Goliath Tank. Armed with modified versions of its standard counterpart's weaponry as well as flamethrowers, poison grenade launchers, and phaser repeaters as well as trapping devices, it can suppress opponents at any range. It even has limited flight capabilities and can mark the position of players to summon all nearby Cabal on them. However, their thrusters are still a weak point, and destroying them will render the tank unable to fly.
Valus Bru'ork, Land Splitter
Valus Bru'ork, Land Splitter | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Countdown |
Weapon(s): |
Heavy Slug Thrower |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Valus Bru'ork, Land Splitter is the weapons dealer of the Stone Breakers and the main boss of the Countdown Strike.
A distress signal was sent to the Emperor from the Skyburners about their losses. While The Guardian was able to intercept the signal, they were unable to stop it from reaching its target, as was confirmed two years later when Dominus Ghaul and the Red Legion arrived on the scene and singlehandedly invaded The Last City and succeeded. However, with the Legion's leadership withering in the face of Guardian efforts to liberate the Solar System and Ghaul dead, remaining Cabal soldiers called Tho'urgh for reinforcements from the ranks of the Stone Breakers, which have yet to arrive.
With the advent of the rank of Arms Dealer came the aspiring officer Bracus Zahn, an ironmonger who planned to sell the Red Legion advanced weapons within Firebase Airfield. However, he was quickly assassinated and was discovered to have no enhanced arsenal of his own. The Stone Breakers followed up with their own Arms Dealer, a field sergeant by the name of Valus Bru'ork. His weapons were Red Legion grade, but also possessed Stone Breaker technology which made him a deadly combatant. With this arsenal, he set out to wreak havoc on the battlefield only to be met by the same Guardians who killed Zahn.
Bru'ork will initially be armed with a Heavy Slug Thrower, a Cabal rotary machine gun capable of tearing through Guardians' health in seconds. When his health reaches 50%, he will convert his equipped into a Cabal Slug Launcher, a powerful automatic plasma cannon that can puncture a Guardian's shield in as little as two shots, and when his reaches 33%, he will use a Cabal Headhunter sniper rifle instead, to bring down Guardians in the quickest way possible. Throughout the entire encounter, Bro'ork will continuously launch Cabal Cluster Missiles from pods on the back of his armor. These missiles track their targets and inflict them with blindness and slowness effects upon detonation. A close range, he will use his back-mounted booster jets to perform a shockwave force Guardians in the opposite direction as well as leave behind pools of fire that ignite anything in their radius.
During the first section of the encounter, Bru'ork will surround himself in an energy barrier that will block all incoming damage, and summon Scorpius turrets for backup fire. Simply destroy the turrets to bring down the barrier. Bring his health down to 50% and he will retreat, leading the team to reach the next section. During the second section, Bru'ork will inflict the "Punished" debuff on all Guardians, which will increase ability cooldowns and decrease their damage. He will also be shielded with Void energy by Pulsar Defender Psions, giving him resistance to all weapon damage, although Void damage will still deal bonus damage to this shield. Killing the Pulsars will cause them to drop Sparks of Light that reverse the "Punished" debuff and grant the "Freedom" buff, which grants extra damage to Bru'ork for 20 seconds at a time. The debuff will come back when the buff expires. Bring his health to 33% and he will retreat into the final section. During the final section, Bru'ork will continuously call in satellite lasers and time bombs. Satellite lasers can be identified by their large red targeting circle, whereas time bombs will instantly kill the entire team if not disabled in time. He will be permanently vulnerable for the rest of this encounter, meaning that he can be killed on the spot.
Primus Korok, Overwatcher
- "I will not fail our Emperor. I will not let these beings of a forsaken system ruin my plans. Not on my watch."
- — Primus Ko'rok
Primus Ko'rok, Overwatchr | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Heavy Slug Thrower |
Abilities: |
Shield Lunge Melee |
Primus Ko'rok is one of Primus Tho'urgh's most entrusted lieutenants as well as the overseer of the Cabal Battle Network. He is the first boss battle in the God of War Raid.
Primus Ko'rok served under Primus Tho'urgh even before his rank as Primus of the Stone Breaker Legion. Ko'rok once served as a Bracus, following his orders on the battlefield with ruthless efficiency and methodical precision. Some of the most brilliant battle plans the Cabal devised Ko'rok was a part of, if not its mastermind. This caught the notice of his superior, Valus Tho'urgh, and together they led some of the most successful offensives in the Stone Breaker Legion. However, unlike the most of his brethren Ko'rok did not participate in the attempted usurpation of the Emperor but sided with Tho'urgh in defeating the current Primus and forcing the Legion to stand down. Ko'rok was credited with killing numerous Valuses who stood against Tho'urgh. With the legion now under the command of Primus Tho'urgh, the Emperor also named Ko'rok a Primus for his tactical mind and precision; however his rank was still second to Tho'urgh.
Since then, Primus Ko'rok devised numerous battle plans to the Cabal's expansion across the galaxy, and executed them to perfection. Among the Vanguard it is rumored that Ko'rok devised the plans that led to the Cabal occupation of Mars. Things soon changed when the Emperor received a distress signal coming from a distant system, telling them of the failed operations against forces called the Guardians and the numerous deaths of leaders at their hands. Furious that his plans were being proved ineffective against the Guardians, he gladly followed Primus Tho'urgh to the Solar System to reinforce the Cabal stationed. In private, Primus Ko'rok plans on creating a master plan to ensure his forces do not fail against the Guardians as he feels insulted that his plans have led the Cabal to a desperate state to call him to the field.
Primus Ko'rok's encounter is a bit dynamic in that he will switch engagement distances quite frequently. He also has a few unique abilities. His missile swarms fire up to eleven missiles one after another, each travelling in an arc and leaving a pool of fire upon detonation. Guardians take heavy damage when in these pools. Primus Ko'rok is also equipped with a Cabal Shield to block Guardian attacks. He does this every time there is a wave of adds or when he suddenly stops charging down Guardians before he charges again. He will also use his shield to knock Guardians back a significant distance at close range. When Primus Ko'rok is charging down Guardians, he will occasionally use his jump jets to launch himself high into the air and slam his Heavy Slug Thrower on the ground when he lands. This generates a massive shockwave this is invariably a one-hit-kill. When at 50% health, Ko'rok's attacks will become faster and cover more ground. Every time he hits, he can inflict a burning effect on his target.
Breaker Goliath Tank
Primus Draug'oth/Other | |
Production information | |
Manufacturer: |
Product line: |
Model: |
Technical specifications | |
Other system(s): |
Booster Engines |
Hull: |
Reinforced Cabal Hull Plating |
Armament: |
Nuclear Blast Cannon |
Usage | |
Year introduced: |
Stone Breaker Offensive |
Role(s): |
Heavy Assault |
Breaker Goliath Tanks are a unique Goliath Tank variant deployed by the Stone Breakers. Just like its counterpart, it is capable of using its wide arsenal, unusually high mobility and tough armor plating to hammer its enemies at all ranges, but it has been modified to fit the Stone Breakers' purpose as a last-resort military force.
Breaker Goliath Tanks have a more specialized arsenal that their regular counterparts, and so they have been refined to be more dangerous than ever before.
Nuclear Blast Cannon
To start, its main turret is capable of firing nuclear warheads that have a massive blast radius, which leaves a giant radiation cloud upon detonation. Players who enter this radiation cloud will be inflicted with a radiation effect, where they will take heavy and rapid damage over time, be unable to recover their health, and cause them to leave behind a radiation trail that will spread the effect to others.
Heavy Slug Throwers
Breaker Tanks are also equipped with Heavy Slug Throwers in place of the standard machine guns. Their rate of fire, accuracy, and damage are akin to that of Valus Ta'aurc's, and as such will tear Guardians to shreds if they do not evade these guns' line of fire. They will appear in the same places that the standard machine guns usually appear: two on the front and one on the main turret.
Missile Swarm Launchers
Additionally, they are equipped with missile launchers that have a higher rate of fire, ammo count, and muzzle velocity than the regular ones. They will launch up to 12 missiles in the air at once and will track their targets incredibly quickly to make short work of them. They will leave a small circle of fire upon detonation.
Shrapnel Flak Turrets
On occasion, flak turrets will launch explosive shells into the air, but when they explode, they will create shrapnel that will indefinitely bounce off of hard surfaces. If these shrapnel fragments ever hit a Guardian, they will deal massive damage and because of the heat and bladed edges they have gathered, they will cause their targets to bleed if it hits directly.
Extra Weapon Systems
Breaker Goliath Tanks come with three extra weapon systems: poison grenades, flamethrowers, and phaser repeaters that function similarly to the Thunderbolt Colossus's Phaser Cannons. The poison grenades that are dispensed will leave a poison cloud upon detonation. This poison cloud will drain the health of its victims and the flamethrowers, with their 50-foot range, will melt Guardians in the blink of an eye. Phaser repeaters will continuously fire high-impact charges at their targets, punching through their health in seconds.
Additional Features
Just like its regular counterpart, they can perform a forward charge while deploying trip mines. This attack remains as deadly as ever because there are two ways to be killed: either from the tank itself acting a battering ram, or the trip mines planted down area denial. However, it has a couple of extra abilities. Using more powerful thrusters, Breaker Goliath Tanks even have limited flight capabilities, allowing them to reach targets that have taken the high ground. When it lands, it will create a massive shockwave that will instantly kill anyone in its radius. In addition, every minute or so, they will mark the position of a random Guardian via tracking device, summoning all Cabal in the vicinity to go after that Guardian. In order to avoid this debuff you must break line of sight with the tank. Every so often, it will deploy a trapping device on one Guardian at random, detaining them and draining them of their health. These trappers must be destroyed to break free.
Fortunately, these tanks, as tough as they are, are not invincible. Their thrusters are still a weak point and take bonus damage. In fact, it is crucial to set all of the thrusters on fire so that the tank cannot use its flight capabilities. In addition, a select few of their weapon systems can be destroyed if they take enough damage.
Primus Tho'urgh, God of War
- "War may be a cruel teacher but also an effective one. War has taught me much. War has made me strong. With what war has given me, I will break those who have disgraced our command."
- — Primus Tho'urgh
Primus Tho'urgh, God of War | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Modified Heavy Slug Thrower |
Abilities: |
Force Barricade |
Primus Tho'urgh is an extremely high-ranking Cabal commander, and the leader of the Stone Breakers.
From what the Vanguard had intercepted in Cabal communications, Primus Tho'urgh is one of the Cabal Emperor's most trusted and most powerful commanders, leading the Stone Breaker legion but has heavy influence with the other legions. It is rumored that Tho'urgh has conquered more worlds than any other for his emperor using both tactical superiority and sheer brute force. Though he is rarely seen on the battlefield, his soldiers are fanatically loyal for no one has defeated him in single-combat or in any other form of engagement, rivaling Dominus Ghaul and his Red Legion.
When the distress signal reached the Emperor during the final segment of the Taken War, which forced Ghaul and his forces to travel to the Solar System, Tho'urgh was ordered to stay behind as reinforcements. However, upon learning of their Dominus' death and the Red Legion's disbelieving defeat in the Red War, Primus Tho'urgh received another but more desperate distress signal, calling for aid. Gathering the full might of his forces, Tho'urgh now personally leads the counterattack to conquer the Solar System. When Primus Tho'urgh arrived and met with what was left with the Cabal forces in the system he was disgusted with the moral and the lack of leadership. Having heard of the Guardians who lead the counterattack that retook portions of Mars, killed his fellow Primus' and that of Dominus Ghaul himself, he vows to destroy the Guardians and claim the system in the name of the Cabal.
Setting up a command center in a newly revealed section of Freehold, Primus Tho'urgh completely destroys every Vex Gate and Data Network on Mars, crippling the Vex while also launching a campaign in the European Dead Zone, dealing a devastating blow to the Fallen House of Dusk and reaching a stalemate with Calus's Loyalists Forces. Regardless of these accomplishments that boosted Cabal moral, Primus Tho'urgh is not satisfied until he faces the Guardians personally.
Primus Tho'urgh is not only of a very high-rank, he is also the most powerful Cabal soldier to date, the equivalent to being a god of war. This is proven through his numerous gameplay mechanics. Primus Tho'urgh's Heavy Slug Thrower has much more accuracy and a higher fire rate than that of Valus Ta'aurc's. It can also fire bullets of each element with different effects: Arc causes the "Shocking" debuff as well as blindness and paralysis, all of which lasts for five seconds; Solar bullets explode and cause a "Burning" debuff that can stack up to five times, lasting ten seconds; Void bullets inflict poison as well as suppress Guardian abilities and cause blackout, all of which lasts for ten seconds. Primus Tho'urgh will switch targets if he scores a hit, and the element of the bullets fired rotate in random intervals. Twelve missiles are launched into the air and then stop in midair to find targets and seek them out. Each individual missile take a few seconds to lock on to a target, but once it finally locks on, it travels toward them at an almost-hitscan velocity. Upon detonation, it will leave the victim's health at a critical state and will both disable recovery and increase damage taken, both of which last for ten seconds simultaneously. Whenever a Guardian steps into medium range, Primus Tho'urgh will use a flamethrower built-in from his arm. It has a range of 50 feet and deals rapid ticks of damage if caught within this range. If the target successfully escapes, then they will be inflicted with the "Burning" debuff for three seconds. Primus Tho'urgh cannot be interrupted during this attack, even if someone steps into melee range. Instead of stomping the ground via "Quake", Primus Tho'urgh instead has an arm-mounted blade, which is on the same arm as his flamethrower that he uses to hack his enemies to pieces. This is not an outright instant kill, but it will still deal respectable damage, and will make the target bleed if it hits directly. The player's field of view will get increasingly red as the debuff goes on, obscuring their vision. This will also mark you and temporary disable recovery after the debuff has gone away, making it easier for reinforcements to finish you off while you hide in cover.
Initially, Tho'urgh will be completely shielded from damage due to his Force Barricade, and he will unleash all his ranged attacks from inside. Anyone who gets too close to this barricade will be knocked back across the room and into greater dangers, namely a wall or other obstacles. Destroying this barrier will require a special buff that is acquired through a specific sequence of mechanics. First, there will be poison gas turrets that must be destroyed. Failing to do so will fill the room with a toxin overdose, killing the entire team. Destroying the turrets in the wrong order will cause a turret detonation that will instantly wipe the whole team. Each time a turret is destroyed, a Solar energy charge will drop. When these charges are picked up, Cabal reinforcements will appear, including an Overcharge Centurion, who be completely shielded from damage. The only way he can be damaged is by inserting the energy charges into their respective panels. Inserting a charge into the wrong panel will activate a flame jet, which will cause serious damage to anyone that steps on it, and taking too long to do anything will result in a charge detonation, which will once again instantly kill the entire team. When all the charges are inserted in their respective panels, the Overcharge Centurion is able to be killed, and he will drop a grenade relic upon death. This grenade is the only way to bring down Tho'urgh's barricade. The thrower gets the "Armor Breaker" buff instantly upon hitting the barricade. The buff will last 40 seconds.
After Tho'urgh's barricade is broken down, he will start roaming around the arena and employ his flamethrower and greatblade alongside his other weapons. He will still be immune to damage, and will summon specialized draining devices around the arena. At this point, he will inflict a special debuff called "Restriction", where the player's equipped weapons are shut off, meaning that they cannot be fired. This will compound with the Devoured debuff that the draining devices will employ, where movement is slowed, radar is disabled, and health starts depleting. These devices can only be destroyed by the "Armor Breaker" buff, and the one with the buff will not be affected by the debuff. However, if everyone else dies to the draining machines, then the buff will be removed via the Armor Reclaimed special attack, which is an instant kill. Destroying the machines will leave behind energy pillars that other Guardians can run to so they can acquire the same buff. By the time everyone gets the buff, every Guardian will group up on a special rift plate that will need to be charged up by the buff to unleash a powerful laser beam. This is the only way to deal damage to Primus Tho'urgh, and will take no damage from weapons. When his health reaches 5%, Tho'urgh will activate his Force Barricade and stomp the ground with immense force, creating a giant avalanche of debris that will chase the Guardians out of the room and into a safety chamber. After the quake, Tho'urgh will break into the chamber, and all of his weapons will be active. He will continue his attack until killed on the spot.
Veil of Nokris
Veil of Nokris | |
Overview | |
Purpose: |
Nokris' Attack Force |
Champion(s): |
Realm: |
Shadow Dimension |
Veil of Nokris is an elite Hive sect that serves as the dedicated protectors and personal servants of Nokris, Shadow Sovereign.
Unique Forces
Thrall of Nokris
Run faster and use their teeth to attack in tandem with their Arc claws.
Acolyte of Nokris
Armed with Shredders that fire a spread of Void bolts similar to a shotgun. Can throw an Arc grenades that leave a feedback field upon detonation, shocking and paralyzing targets in its radius.
Wizard of Nokris
Equipped with Arc shields. Can either charge up and fire a large Void projectile similar to a Nova Bomb for long range or fire an electric surge for close range. Its poison clouds have a larger radius. Capable of teleporting short distances.
Knight of Nokris
Equipped with Solar shields. Armed with Boomers that fire a cluster of Void warheads that seek their targets and inflict a slowness effect upon detonation. Can unveil a poison-tipped Cleaver for close combat. Its Wall of Darkness grants it increased damage resistance and attack damage for a short time.
Ogre of Nokris
Equipped with Void shields. Can fire a concentrated Void stream that weakens its targets. Capable of smashing the ground with its fists to unleash a shockwave that will travel along the ground and send its target on another course. Able to throw nearby chunks of debris at its victim. Its ground slam has a larger radius but has a longer cooldown. When its slam is on cooldown, it will pick up nearby Guardians and throw them against the wall. Shooting the Ogre for long enough will stop this process
Nokris, Shadow Sovereign
Nokris, Shadow Sovereign | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Shadow Blaster |
Abilities: |
Initial Resistance |
Nokris, Shadow Sovereign is a powerful Hive entity.
He was first uncovered by a statue on the Dreadnaught, and was met by Guardians for the first time in his Ascendant Realm: the Cloak Dimension. Little is known except that a statue can be found in the Dreadnaught near the Altar of Oryx beside similar statues of Crota and Oryx, indicating kinship. The Guardian's Ghost infers it is a Hive god from accompanying Hive glyphs but couldn't recognize the symbol. There is no file associated with this entity from either the World's Grave or the Books of Sorrow. At Eris Morn's request Asher Mir scoured his library for references to Nokris but found none. His full form was finally revealed when a fireteam of Guardians, navigated by Eris Morn, assaulted his Ascendant Realm to end his reign over the Hive pantheon.
Nokris is able to be damaged, but like Skolas, every time he is shot, the word "Resist!" will show up instead of damage numbers, and he will have a lot of defenses that Guardians will have to penetrate through. Nokris' personal weapon of choice is the Shadow Blaster, a heavily modified Boomer that fires the Taken Captain's Darkness Bolts, which leave the Wizard's poison cloud once it hits an enemy or surface. As Nokris sends in Hive reinforcements, his mere presence will cause a mist to appear on the floor that inflicts all Guardians with the Weight of Darkness debuff. There will also be floating Taken mines scattered around the arena that release high-damage pulses with a large radius. After all the mines have been detonated, Nokris will raise three monoliths, all of which grant him a specific ability. The left monolith will make him enter a berserker rage, rapidly charging down Guardians to get close enough to use his Fist of Darkness and inflicting the Hunted debuff to mark the player's location. The middle monolith enables him to rapidly fire Axion Darts that inflict the Venom of Nokris upon a successful hit, poisoning Guardians and reversing their ability recharge rates. The right monolith gives Nokris the ability to rain down lightning bolts called Wrath of Nokris that leave pools of Darkness that inflict the Consumption debuff, which disables use of the radar, slows down weapon handling, and causes blindness. These monoliths will be activated in a random order each time.
As Nokris draws power from the monoliths, each Guardian will be trapped in their own Shadow Dome, where they will be forced to fight Shriekers on each side. These Shriekers guard a Cleaver relic that must be used to cut the dome in half to allow escape. These swords are the only way to kill special Gatekeeper Knights armed with Shredders. There will be glyph plates similar to the Warpriest encounter that will weaken Nokris. Guardians must capture and guard them from the Knights, which are capable of capturing these plates. Once the Knights have been killed and the plates have been captured, Nokris' Darkness Bonds will be effectively broken and the Weight of Darkness will be removed. This will cause Nokris to put up a gigantic Wall of Darkness around him, which can be destroyed with enough concentrated fire. Guardians will then be able to damage Nokris for 45 seconds. After sustaining damage, Nokris will pull all Guardians into his Darkness Dimension, where health regeneration will be disabled. His Oversoul will activate, and is able to fire gigantic Darkness Blasts that instantly bring a Guardian's health one pixel next to empty upon a successful hit. The Oversoul must be destroyed in 20 seconds before it wipes the entire team.
Dusk Splicers
Dusk Splicers | |
Overview | |
Nobility: |
Servitors: |
Lair: |
Encountered: |
2nd SIVA Crisis |
The Dusk Splicers are a unique sect of the Fallen House of Dusk's Splicers.
During the Red War, the loss of Raksil, Archon Priest and Serkuleks, the Fount have greatly despaired the House of Dusk. Their primary Archon as well as their main Prime Servitor and Kell: Karnix, Rezziks Prime, and Phryzzak respectively, have been brought down and slain at the hands of the Guardians. With no enhanced ether production, their Barons then began to discuss the best course of action in a secret meeting. They sent former Devil Splicer engineers to retrieve SIVA samples across the system. Aboard their Skiffs, they detected remnant SIVA samples in Exodus Black on Nessus. They snuck onboard and successfully stored them on their Skiffs. Meanwhile, two powerful Fallen commanders rose to leadership: Kraviks rose to the position of the House's new Archon, and Thralkis rose to the position of the House's new Kell. As the engineers return, they present offerings of SIVA to the Barons, giving them newfound strength. Then, in an act of ritual, they used SIVA to resurrect Serkuleks, which then became known as Serkuleks Perfected. Ever since, the Dusk Splicers have started the reconstruction of Site 6 deep with the underground tunnels of the European Dead Zone, combining their enhanced Ether and retrieved SIVA samples and becoming the most powerful faction of Fallen since the SIVA Crisis.
Unique Forces
Advanced Shank
Armed with a SIVA burst-fire turret whose shots zigzag towards their target. Equipped with Solar shields.
- Advanced Exploder Shank: Equipped with explosives that leave behind a SIVA swarm upon detonation.
- Advanced Tracer Shank: Armed with a SIVA burst-fire Wire Rifle whose shots fire straight at their target. Direct hits inflict brief paralysis and increase damage taken.
- Advanced Heavy Shank: Armed with dual SIVA auto-turrets with an upgraded rate of fire, as well as a mounted Scorch Cannon. Capable of shock emissions when engaged at close range.
Advanced Dreg
Armed with a SIVA burst-fire Shock Pistol whose shots zigzag towards their target. Equipped with a SIVA Shock Dagger that briefly slow Guardians with each strike. Throws SIVA Charges that leave behind SIVA Swarms upon detonation. Summons a seeker orb upon a precision death.
- Crow: Surgically altered Dregs that have had Cabal jet packs implanted on their backs. Wield dual Enhanced Shock Pistols.
Advanced Wretch
Armed with a SIVA Arc Spear that leaves a redness effect upon contact. Capable of performing giant leaps towards their targets. Summons a seeker orb upon a precision death.
Advanced Vandal
Armed with SIVA Shock Rifles that inflict a Burning effect with each direct hit, and can stack up to seven times. Can enter a permanent berserker rage on low health, restoring lost health and attempting to land a devastating melee attack that knocks Guardians back. Summons a seeker orb upon a precision death.
Advanced Marauder
Armed with a SIVA Shrapnel Launcher whose shots can attach to their targets as well as any surface, which then detonate to deal high damage. Equipped with Shock Blades on its lower arms which inflict a shocking effect with each hit. Summons a seeker orb upon a precision death.
Advanced Captain
Armed with SIVA Molten Welders whose rockets track their targets and leave behind SIVA Swarms upon detonation. Melee attacks deal significant damage and knock Guardians back. Equipped with Arc shields and can teleport. Summons a seeker orb upon a precision death.
Advanced Servitor
Armed with a SIVA full-auto Servitor Eye cannon which fires at 720 RPM. Rockets fired leave behind miniature SIVA Swarms upon detonation. Can draw energy from shielded Fallen to fire concentrated SIVA beams that deal more damage based on the amount of surrounding Fallen. Direct hits from this beam cause brief paralysis. Equipped with Void shields and can teleport. Summons a seeker orb upon death, which inflicts a burning effect upon detonation.
Advanced Walker
Armed with a SIVA cluster cannon that locks onto targets and fires tracking shots that instantly kill their targets. Can fire concentrated SIVA beams from its missile pods. Fires seeker orbs that inflict a burning effect and leave behind SIVA Swarms upon detonation. Equipped with rotating heavy repeater turrets for close combat. Can deploy Web Mines which inflict a shocking effect upon detonation. Rolls out Shock Grenades and Shanks from a small vent in its backside. Summons SIVA Nodes when its core is exposed.
Kraviks, Archon Prime
Kraviks, Archon Prime | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Revenge of the Machine |
Weapon(s): |
SIVA Gatling (Phase 1) |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Kraviks, Archon Prime is the Archon and field commander of the Dusk Splicers.
Kraviks started out as a high-ranking Baron who served as Raksil's bodyguard during the Experimental Treatment crisis. Raksil appeared in the Enhance World Quest as a boss for the Experimental Treatment mission. In the European Dead Zone, Raksil, Archon Priest and the Prime Servitor, Serkuleks, the Fount, were responsible for distributing an enhanced variety of ether by using modified Cabal technology. This would strengthen the Fallen into a class known as Empyrean, but the efforts of Raksil would later be put to a halt by the Guardians.
With the death of Raksil, Kraviks fell into the rank of Archon Rising. He was called in for a ritual for the joining of his enhanced ether dosage with a corrupted sample of SIVA. He turned into a towering, twisted monster with his flesh pulsating with nanite burns and his gaze became entirely machinated. Kraviks finally saw the world the way he had always wanted to see it. Soon after, he raided the European Dead Zone for remnant ether samples in an act of insanity. His frenzied temperament made him something else entirely; anything that caught his sight would be overwhelmed by feedback. Eventually, he was returned to Site 6 to guard the Dusk Splicers' rituals under the order of Thralkis, Kell Prime. From here on out, Kraviks served as the Prime Archon of the Dusk Splicers.
Main Mechanics
Kraviks will initially be protected by an Arc shield that will be immune to damage, allowing him to freely lay down suppressive fire with SIVA Gatling gun. Shooting Kraviks while his shield is up will inflict the player with a blindness effect similar to a flashbang grenade. If they do not look away, then their senses will be overwhelmed by electric feedback, killing them on the spot. To break down his shield, the feedback machines that power it must be jammed. These machines are shielded by Major Servitors, which must be destroyed through a specific buff. Specialized Heavy Shanks will arrive to defend Kraviks, and they must be killed to obtain an Arc SIVA Charge. This charge will deal no damage initially because it is not fully charged. To charge it, the wielder must run through 5 pillars of electricity to gain maximum stacks for the "Charged" buff. Once the SIVA charge has received 5 stacks, it will become unstable. If it is not thrown in time, Kraviks will detonate the bomb early, causing an Unstable Discharge. The charges need to be thrown at the Servitors to be able to damage the feedback machines, after which Splicer reinforcements will flood the area. If the machines are not jammed quickly enough, Kraviks will intiate a critical density of SIVA, instantly killing the entire team. After jamming the machines, they will be overridden and open up some caches with Shock Cannons and SIVA Charges, both of which are recommended for breaking down Kraviks' energy shield. Once his shield breaks, the damage phase begins.
Once Kraviks' health reaches 50%, he will retreat deep within the Dusk Splicers' den and will wait for the Guardians in the revived Prime Servitor's chamber. Upon sight, he will enter a berserker rage called Archon's Fury, increasing his speed and rate of teleportation, making him more aggressive. He will also have replaced his gatling gun with a SIVA Molten Welder, and will perform an ultra smash when faced up close. Kraviks will be permanently vulnerable, although he will occasionally be shielded by Major Servitors. He will have no extra mechanics during this second phase, he must simply be killed on the spot.
Serkuleks Perfected
Serkuleks Perfected | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Revenge of the Machine |
Weapon(s): |
SIVA Servitor Eye |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Serkuleks Perfected is the remastered variant of Serkuleks, the Fount and the Prime Servitor of the Dusk Splicers.
Serkuleks appeared as the final boss of the Enhance World Quest for the Experimental Treatment mission. In the European Dead Zone, Raksil, Archon Priest and Serkuleks, the Fount were responsible for distributing an enhanced variety of ether that strengthened the Fallen which is later put to a halt by the Guardians. However, with the SIVA samples recovered from Exodus Black, the Dusk Splicers resurrected Serkuleks and reprogrammed it with enhanced weapons, abilities, and defenses. Due to the immense power it held, the Serkuleks Perfected project was put on hold until Kraviks, Archon Prime was under attack by a fireteam of Guardians. Serkuleks was then turned back online to watch over the Dusk Splicers' den and remain on high alert for the intruding fireteam. Its power could only reach its peak when consuming large portions of ether, particularly from strong, high-ranking Dusk Splicer members such as Archons or Barons. At maximum power, Serkuleks could singlehandedly take on a force as large as the Iron Lords encountered in Site 6.
Main Mechanics
Serkuleks Perfected will be inactive until Kraviks, Archon Prime has leaked his Ether upon death. However, it will only start attacking once the player has their Ghost examine the dead Archon Prime's ether samples, which it will sap to grow in strength and gain an immunity shield. This will allow it to keep firing its Servitor Eye cannon, which will fire rockets that create miniature SIVA Swarms upon detonation; it will also have an alternate firing mode in the form of a focus cannon which fires high-impact beams that cause brief paralysis upon a direct hit. Serkuleks will summon a myriad of Splicer reinforcements to attack the player, which will distract them from the stronger Empyrean Splicers that will be guarding SIVA charge plates. Serkuleks will be shielding these specialized Fallen with its Servitor Aura. As the Splicer onslaught occurs, there will be a special Ultra Empyrean Captain that will appear and try to sacrifice himself to a voltage machine. He will be armed with a Scorch Cannon and must be killed. If he reaches the voltage machine before he dies, it will charge the machine by 20%, giving off a SIVA Detonation that will instantly deal high damage to one team member at random. If the machine is fully charged, then it will generate a voltage discharge, immediately killing everyone. More Captains will spawn until two more are killed. These Captains will drop their cannons on death, but they will be shielded by an aura provided by special SIVA Turrets. Standing in this aura will blind and slow anyone that steps in it. Destroying the turrets will disable their aura, allowing people to wield the cannons, which are the only way to destroy the voltage machine. Afterwards, the voltage machine will drop three SIVA Charges, which must be thrown at the Empyrean Splicers guarding the charge plates, after which the plates will be activated, granting the thrower the "Empowered" buff, which will last for 60 seconds.
Only those who have the "Empowered" buff can stand on the charge plates; those who step on the plate without the buff will be inflicted with a shocking effect until they step off. Those with the buff must stand on them for the remainder of the buff, taking 5 seconds to charge the plates before disabling Serkuleks' shield and granting full damage capabilities, for if they step off, then they will take more damage until they get back on. However, after 20 seconds of standing on the plates, major Servitors will activate Ether generators next to the plates to start a link that will slow and damage anyone standing on the plates, and the generators will be immune until the Servitors are destroyed. If the generator is not shut down in time, then the one standing on it will have their health fully drained via Ether Drain Link. These machines can only be destroyed by the Scorch Cannons. When the buff ends, the plate erects a closed SIVA Node that will remain immune until the next damage phase. When at 50% health, Serkuleks will enter a state of rage called Servitor's Wrath, which will inflict a debuff that will dramatically slow down ability recharge and health recovery rates. It will also gain the ability to teleport players at random intervals to various locations and heights. Its beam attack now detonates when it strikes a surface and its eye cannon gains tracking abilities. Periodically, it will also unleash an attack called Maximum Overdrive, in which it will charge up and release a detonation, instantly killing everyone. This attack can be prevented by running into cover and breaking sight from Serkuleks. It will remain in this enraged state until it is killed.
Thralkis, Kell Prime
Thralkis, Kell Prime | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Revenge of the Machine |
Weapon(s): |
SIVA Molten Welders |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Thralkis, Kell Prime is the Kell and military general of the Dusk Splicers.
Thralkis previously served as a guard for Serkuleks, the Fount. He was so zealously protective of it, he would lead counter assaults on Guardian efforts to neutralize the production of their enhanced ether. However, because of his preoccupation with the Guardians, he failed to notice one of them shut Serkuleks down. Karnix, Dusk Archon demoted him from a Baron to a Vandal by feeding on some of his enhanced ether shortly before chaining him to a wall of spikes as a form of torture. He remained tortured for several days and his wounds became infected. But, using his incredible strength, he broke free of the chains and gone rabid, tearing off Karnix's lower arms with his sharp teeth, who later had to run off in fear of ever encountering Thralkis again. His infection had given him increased physical strength and aggression, the kind unseen in other Fallen.
He could then continue his rampant ways by attacking both civilians and Guardians of the Last City alike; he was practically a wild animal that couldn't be controlled for months. After the infection partially wore off, Thralkis regained his cognitive skills and could finally become a functioning member of the upper echelon of the Dusk Splicers. His ritual replaced most of his natural muscle mass with hardened SIVA strains, and his brain was connected to the rest of his body via nanites which protruded his skin in several regions in his body, effectively causing him to bleed. To contain this hemorrhaging, he donned a heavy SIVA exoskeleton with external weapon systems and extra appendages, enabling him to wield multiple weapons at once. His scars remained hidden to the rest of the world, and all Guardians could ever look at was a rumbling metallic monstrosity...
Main Mechanics
Thralkis will permanently be in a state of rage called Kell's Frenzy, where he will inflict a debuff that will dramatically slow down weapon handling, reload speed, and rate of fire as well as disable radar and periodically suppress Guardian abilities. In addition, he is clad in heavy SIVA armor, enabling him to wield both a pair of SIVA Molten Welders, which fire tracking rockets that leave SIVA Swarms upon detonation, and a pair of SIVA Gatling guns, which fire bullets that inflict a slowness effect. Upon sight, he will turn invisible and teleport to a random location. He will remain completely invisible and attempt to sneak up on one Guardian at random, and only his teleportation trails will be noticed. When close enough, Thralkis will unleash an Ultra Smash, which will unleash a Voltage Shockwave that will travel along the ground, inflicting a shocking effect to whoever it strikes. As time goes on, more hazards will appear.
The first hazards that will appear are special SIVA Turrets that will fire bullets that inflict a debuff that the will slow the player down enough, after which they will pick the player up with an Ether Link and start slowly drain their health. These turrets will need to be shot down in the right order based on certain SIVA symbols that appear on the wall. If the wrong turret is shot, then the one who shot it dies from a turret detonation, and taking too long to destroy the turrets will result in a turret overdrive, causing an unstable chain reaction that will kill the entire team. After the turrets are destroyed, then a forest of SIVA Nodes will appear. Only one will be open at a time, which is able to be destroyed. Killing it will open up another one at a random spot across the arena, and so on, until they are are destroyed. If the nodes remain for too long, then the room overloads with SIVA and kills the whole team. The last among the hazards will be SIVA tentacles that will grasp players and immediately kill them. These tentacles must be destroyed to gain the "Empowered" buff. The buff is granted to those who destroy the tentacles. Once the tentacles are down, special vents on the floor will release Solar SIVA Charges. Those who do not have the buff while attempting to pick them up with be inflicted with a burning effect until they step away from it. Those who are empowered must throw their charge at Thralkis, which will bring down his shield and finally stun him for 30 seconds, which starts the damage phase.
After recovering from damage, Thralkis will teleport back to the center of the arena and initiate a critical SIVA density that will wipe everyone if they don't stand on a cleansing plate. Special Captains will spawn with Scorch Cannons. Killing these captains will drop their cannons, which must be used to destroy the Servitors disabling the plates. If it takes too long to reach the plates, then Thralkis' density of SIVA will kill the entire team instantly. When Thralkis is at 50% health, the SIVA hazards gain increased range and cover more of the playing area. Thralkis gains the ability to unleash a shoulder punch when continuously faced at close range, inflict a debuff that sunders all Guardians' resilience values by 75%, and will also unveil poisonous vents whenever the hazards are active. These effects will remain until Thralkis dies.
- "The Darkness is a void of limitless power, hence why it is called "the Deep." But even so, I never expected it to grow this strong. If this force is not stopped, then it will have corrupted entire worlds, or worse, all of deep space."
- — Unknown Guardian
Viruses | |
Overview | |
Other name(s): |
Corrupted |
Homeworld: |
Goals: |
Corruption of Solar System |
At war with: |
Taken Epidemic |
Distinctions: |
Black flaming auras |
Average lifespan: |
Indeterminate |
Notable individual(s): |
Halkris, the Corrupted King |
The Viruses are an elite remnant faction of Taken that lingered in the atmosphere of Saturn, infecting the helium-3 mining stations and refineries floating in the cloud. They have since spread their corrupt influence across other nearby worlds in the outer edge of the Solar System and are expanding into the perimeters of deep space.
- Halkris, the Corrupted King: The leader of the Viruses. As the new God-King of the Hive, he learned Oryx's secrets to calling from the Deep and achieving the power to Take and enhance.
- Draliks, the Exsanguinator: The leader of the Viruses' stealth operations. As a former claimant to Kellship in the House of Dusk, he retains his experience in stealth attacks.
- Ir Aluk, the Executioner: The warden of the Viruses' prison. Given the strength he had tithed to his own worm, he eventually grew strong enough to tithe power from others' life essences.
- Quria, Blade Transform: The leader of the Viruses' experimental missions. Due to the power it honed from the Vex Collective Mind, its core has become highly unstable and dangerous.
- Dorusk, the Fracturer: The general of the Viruses. As a former officer of the Stone Breakers, he is in charge of weapons production and is a master of siege tactics.
Corrupted Shank
Has the appearance and health of the Heavy Shank. Armed with an Arc Shank Turret, a Solar Wire Rifle, and Void Heavy Turrets.
Corrupted Dreg
Armed with a Shock Pistol that burst-fires a series of tracking Arc bolts which blind any targets they hit. Equipped with a Null Dagger that inflicts a poison and slowness effect when it strikes; can also be thrown as a projectiles. Throws Scorch Grenades that cause a burning effect upon detonation. Has a dash ability.
Corrupted Wretch
Armed with an Arc Spear that delivers a series of jabs in rapid succession; repeated strikes cause paralysis. Leaves behind a Void trail that slows anyone that steps in it; the trail lingers for 10 seconds at a time. Can throw Scorch Grenades similarly to Corrupted Dregs. Can perform a quick dash towards its target.
Corrupted Vandal
Armed with a Scorch Rifle that has two different firing modes: a full-auto barrage of seeking Solar projectiles and a Solar sniper bolt that causes a burning effect. Can summon a Void barrier around themselves that provides a damage resistance buff to nearby Viruses and poisons any Guardian that steps in it. After remaining for too long, the barrier releases an Arc detonation that blinds anyone within its radius.
Corrupted Marauder
Can turn invisible. Armed with an Arc Shrapnel Launcher that inflicts a shocking effect on its target. Equipped with Null Blades on its lower arms that pull energy from a Guardian's shield, sundering their armor while granting itself increased speed and a health regeneration ability. Can perform a quick dash, which leaves behind a trail of fire that ignites anyone that steps in it.
Corrupted Captain
Outfitted with a Solar energy shield and can teleport. Armed with a Draining Welder that fires clusters of arcing, explosive Void shrapnel which track their targets and briefly suppress Guardian abilities upon detonation. Can hurl Arc Darkness Bolts that track, blind, and deafen their targets. Carry Scorch Blades in their lower arms, which inflict a burning effect with each hit.
Corrupted Servitor
Can teleport short distances. Armed with a Void Servitor's Eye cannon that fires rockets which create energy domes upon detonation, sucking anything in its radius like a black hole while slowing down anything trapped inside. Can employ an Arc web melee attack at close range, shocking anything in its radius. Summons Solar bombs upon death.
Corrupted Thrall
Equipped with Solar claws to tear Guardians apart in close range and inflict their victims with a burning effect. Can quickly teleport short distances before performing an Arc dash attack that blinds enemies that are struck. Their dashes leave behind long trails of Void energy that inflicts the "Shadow Touched" debuff to anyone that steps in it.
Corrupted Acolyte
Armed with Arc Shredders with an increased rate of fire. Can summon Acolyte's Eye turrets that fire a constant beam of Void energy. Throws Solar grenades that ignites targets just like its Hive counterpart.
Corrupted Wizard
Outfitted with a Void energy shield and can fly. Capable of firing Solar Necromantic Gazes that track their targets. Can plant down Void pillars that summon Shadow Thrall and poison any Guardian that steps in it. Once the pillars dissipate, they turn into Arc orbs that track the player and inflict a shocking debuff once it hits.
Corrupted Knight
Can quickly teleport short distances. Armed with a Void Boomer that has faster ballistic velocity, no gravitational drop, and fires bolts that create a purple dome upon detonation which slows and weakens Guardians that step in it. Can launch a spread of Solar projectiles that erupt into fire tornadoes upon impact. Can unsheathe an Arc Cleaver for close range that inflicts a shocking effect when it strikes.
Corrupted Ogre
Unleashes a stream of Arc Eye Blasts that inflict the "Grounded" debuff, which disables jumping abilities for a short time. Can perform a Void Ground Slam that inflicts a debuff that disables recovery and slows down ability recharge rates. Capable of throwing giant Solar bombs when enraged; bombs move slowly, but track their targets and leaves behind a giant pool of fire upon detonation.
Corrupted Goblin
Armed with a Void Slap Rifle upgraded with a dramatically increased rate of fire and seeking projectiles. Can fire a shield ray at other Viruses to provide full immunity for them, which doubles as an Arc beam that deals constant damage. Equipped with a Solar melee attack that briefly ignites its target. Can teleport short distances.
Corrupted Hobgoblin
Armed with a Void Line Rifle that has two different firing modes: a sniper bolt with small explosive properties and slows its targets upon a direct hit and a series of Retaliation Swarms. Can throw Arc Slap Grenades that produce a feedback field that blinds and slows anyone that steps in it. Equipped with a Solar melee attack that briefly ignites it target.
Corrupted Harpy
Armed with dual Void Slap Rifles that function the same as the Corrupted Goblin's Slap Rifle and can fly around while shooting. Can launch a Solar bomb at close range that leaves behind a pool of fire upon detonation. Explodes in a web of Arc energy upon death, producing a feedback field that blinds and slows anyone that steps in it.
Corrupted Minotaur
Equipped with a Void energy shield. Armed with a Solar Torch Hammer that fires explosive bolts which ignite and sunder their targets upon detonation. Can turn invisible and teleport short distances. Capable of a Void energy drain function at close range which causes rapid damage. Equipped with an Arc melee attack that causes significant knockback and blindness for a short time.
Corrupted Hydra
Outfitted with rotating semicircular shields that block all damage. Armed with a Solar Aeon Maul that fires high explosive bolts which leave behind pools of fire that ignite and sunder Guardians for a short time. Capable of a close range Arc detonation melee attack that blinds, knocks back, and shocks anyone that gets too close. Releases a Void blast upon death that will release an energy dome that will poison and slow anyone that steps inside.
Corrupted Cyclops
Armed with a Void mortar that fires a spread of blasts which track their targets. Outfitted with a Solar Aeon Maul that functions the same as the Corrupted Hydra's Aeon Maul. Capable of unleashing an Arc beam when enraged, which is capable of dealing constant damage and inflicting a shocking effect.
Corrupted War Beast
Outfitted with Arc claws that briefly slow their targets. Capable of unleashing a Solar headbutt attack that ignites and knocks its victim back. Explodes in a Void singularity when killed.
Corrupted Psion
Armed with Arc Hunter Rifles with two different firing modes: a full-auto barrage of slugs and a laser-pointed semi-auto sniper shot. Can duplicate to create more copies of itself. Capable of unleashing a Solar Psionic Blast that behaves just like its regular Red Legion Psion counterpart, but with added ability of slowing Guardians upon descent on top of creating a burning line and rupture. Unleashes an Arc melee attack at close range that causes brief blindness.
Corrupted Legionary
Armed with a Solar Cabal Slug Shotgun that inflicts a burning and sundering effect on its targets. Capable of unleashing an Arc shockwave that travels forward and inflicts a shocking effect upon a direct hit. Can fire a Void frag grenade which attaches to any surface as a trap and leaves behind a poison cloud upon detonation.
Corrupted Phalanx
Armed with a Solar Slug Shotgun that functions the same as the Corrupted Legionary's shotgun. Outfitted with a Cabal Shield that can unleash an Arc energy blast that inflicts major knockback was well as a shocking and blinding effect. Can uses its shield to unleash a Void singularity that causes damage over time. Can teleport short distances.
Corrupted Incendior
Armed with a Cabal Magma Launcher upgraded with enhanced fire rate, range, and burn damage. Can perform a charged Arc blast from the weapon that causes knockback as well as a shocking and slowing effect. Summons Void seeker orbs upon death.
Corrupted Gladiator
Armed with Arc Cabal Severus which cause brief paralysis with each strike. Can perform a Solar berserker charge attack that sends Guardians flying and inflicts them with a burning effect. Can throw a Void frag grenade that creates a poison cloud upon detonation.
Corrupted Centurion
Equipped with an Arc energy shield and can teleport short distances. Armed with an Arc Cabal Bronto Cannon that fires mortar blasts which have no gravitational drop and leave behind giant energy domes that shock, blind, and slow Guardians that step in them. Can fire Void Axion Darts that inflict poison and suppression effects upon a direct hit. Equipped with a Solar blade that ignites and sunders its victims.
Corrupted Colossus
Armed with a Void Cabal Slug Launcher that fires super slugs which create giant energy domes upon impact which poison, suppress, and slow Guardians that step in them. Can fire Solar cluster missiles that leave behind pools of fire upon detonation which ignite and sunder as well as cause its victim to bleed. Can unleash an Arc quake attack that shocks, blinds, and slows its target.
Corrupted Ballistarius
Armed with twin Arc Slug Rifles which are capable of changing elemental damage types and fire rapidly, essentially a sub machinegun. The turrets they put down fire Tracking Bombs that detonate in a burst of Arc energy and cast a protective shield that can be broken in a few shots; when entering the shield one is inflicted with the Slowed debuff.
Corrupted Lancer
Their spears can now fire short bursts of Arc energy in addition to their shields, which function like ordinary Corrupted Phalanxes. Noted for dodge-and-weave attacks.
Corrupted Flamer
Instead of Solar energy they are equipped with Gravity Cannons that place orbs of sucking Void energy wherever they land; the more orbs are added to an area the greater their power. They throw a Gravity Grenade that has much limited AoE.
Corrupted Hypaspist
Their weapons are replaced with a gigantic shield that effectively replicates the Corrupted Vandal's Void barrier but is impenetrable to all weaponsfire except concentrated Super attacks. For ordinary combat they can shield other units with a Void energy stream projected from their heads that can damage any Guardians that wander into the stream, and show significant damage resistance to weaponsfire, comparable to Randal the Vandal.
Corrupted Gunnery Sergeant
They control Corrupted Goliath Tanks that fire Arc blasts with an AoE attack that can short out Guardian weapons but cannot suppress abilities or Supers. In personal combat they use Void Projection Rifles with a higher AoE.
Corrupted Pulsar
Both Psion Pulsar subtypes are combined, and serve as commanders of Corrupted attacks during Heroic Public Events. If they're killed the Corrupted lose unit cohesion and retreat. They are protected by a group of lesser Pulsars that must be killed in order to damage them. This can stack up to three times.
Corrupted Draconarius
Their rocket launchers have become even more deadly, firing tracking Void rocket volleys that can kill a Guardian upon immediate impact, and can break Roaming Supers easily. Their Dragon's Gaze now fires an Arc beam of energy that creates a line of electric currents upon impact, which will shock and slow Guardians that step in them. Their rocket jet blasts now create a large Solar pillar.
Corrupted Lightning Psion
In addition to their normal abilities these Corrupted units can now phase in and out of reality at will and regain a portion of their health. Their Lasrifles fire sticky Void Grenades that can kill a Guardian if enough are stuck onto them.
Corrupted Marauder Lancer
Their overshields now explode when a Guardian draws too near to them. Their arm-mounted blades have merged with their arms completely, and their missile launcher fires a single Void orb at a time that functions the same as the Corrupted Lancer's, only with more explosive force.
Corrupted Thunderbolt Colossus
Their Phaser Cannons can punch through any Guardian Roaming Super and deal double-damage if their Super is activated. Their Ultra-Heavy Slug Throwers fire swarms of Void missiles that can flush out Guardians in hiding.
Unique Vehicles
Corrupted Skiff
These remote controlled airships will deploy Viruses via Solar satellite laser, which will instantly destroy anyone within its radius. In addition it will deploy Shock Grenades at an increased rate of fire with a larger blast radius, as well as fire with its Void Skiff Turrets, which fire high explosive warheads that cause a blackout. However, like regular Skiffs, the grenade launchers can be destroyed, limiting its overall firepower.
Corrupted Walker
Now fully self-aware, Walkers have gained notice of their purpose. Unlike regular Walkers, they actually scour the arena to seek out anyone hiding in cover. All of its weapons deal Void Void damage and inflict poison and suppression effects as they deal more damage. Has the ability to trap Guardians in place at close range in corrupted ether domes, draining their health, before pushing them back with their shockwave. The domes can be destroyed. Can roll out Corrupted Exploder Shanks from its rear.
Corrupted Tombship
Has Axion Dart cannons which fire faster and have high ballistic velocity. Can rain down a giant Solar bomb that unleashes a group of Viruses. Can fire Arc Boomer bolts in rapid succession.
Corrupted Breaker Goliath Tank
Appearing only as the ultimate Ultra boss of Heroic Public Events, these monsters have gained sentience and aggressively seek out a Guardian at random, attempting to run them over. Its weapons are all Void based, and has a Vortex function, where it will launch a singularity from its main cannon that will drag Guardians over to them and deal damage over time. Can bring Guardians out of their Super ability and will suppress Guardian abilities for a short time. After remaining trapped for a short time, the singularity will erupt into a Void pillar, sending Guardians flying upward and causing them to die of fall damage.
Draliks, the Exsanguinator
Draliks, the Exsanguinator | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Elite Assassin |
Class: |
Corrupted Captain |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Draining Welder |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Draliks, the Exsanguinator is the leader of the Viruses' stealth missions, and serves as an elite assassin for Halkris.
Before he was Taken, Draliks was a Baron and an elite stealth operative for the House of Dusk. He used to be one of the most feared assassins, even amongst his crewmates, due to his tendency to seemingly vanish into nothingness and then ambush his victims from unexpected, almost impossible angles. His training gave him the ability to turn invisible at will and could attract virtually no attention, thus making him a prime candidate for leading spy missions conducted by gangs of Marauders. However, one fateful mission, the Taken on Saturn caught on to him, formed a parasitic link to his essence, and brought him to Halkris, who used the power of the Deep to Take his soul and corrupt him beyond mental repair, and even twisted his mind to have a mental consciousness that matched his own. He now lurks deep within a helium mining station, waiting to be called on by Halkris to run a stealth mission to claim any unsuspecting victims.
Main Mechanics
Draliks is armed with a Draining Welder as his preferred weapon, which fires clusters of arcing, explosive Void shrapnel that track their targets and create energy domes that suppress the abilities of any Guardian that steps inside. On top of that, he is equipped Scorch Blades on his lower arms for close combat, inflicting a burning effect with every strike. Draliks will initially be immune and invisible, allowing him to fire his Draining Welder as well as launch Darkness Bolts, which will track their targets and blind Guardians upon contact, causing their vision to fade to black for a short time. Slowly, he will advance towards one Guardian at random, and appear for a brief moment to attack them with a concentrated beam from his Draining Welder, which will inflict them with the "Shadow Touched" and "Devouring Essense" debuffs. While under the effects of "Shadow Touched", Guardians will be unable to sprint, regenerate health, and use their jumping and melee abilities, whereas Devouring Essence works the same as it did during the fight with Skolas. After firing this beam, Draliks will retreat and continue attacking from afar. Whoever has the Devouring Essence must pass it around to other members of the team. They will have 30 seconds to do so, or the Essence will kill them on the spot. Whoever previously had to essence will be immune to it for 45 seconds. The effects of Shadow Touched will not be passed on whenever the Essence is transferred. After every has had the Essence at least once, it will reach another stack by the time it gets to the one who originally got it. Once the debuff has reached three stacks it will no longer count down, the person who holds it will be targeted by special Corrupted Servitors that have been revealed shielding Draliks. Only the person with the debuff will be able to kill the Servitors because they are immune to damage coming from other Guardians.
For every Servitor killed, a giant Taken rift will appear. Draliks will be vulnerable to damage, but will resist all weapon damage. To receive full damage capability, the entire team will have to stand in one rift. Whoever stands in the rift will receive a damage-increasing buff called "Draliks' Favor", which will last for 10 seconds at a time. After the buff expires, the rift will collapse on itself, resulting in a detonation that can instantly kill anyone that doesn't get out of the way. As Guardians go from rift to rift, they will be inflicted with a debuff called "Draliks' Venom", where using abilities will cause damage to the user. If abilities are used 3 times while under this debuff, then they will be Exsanguinated, rapidly bleeding to death. This debuff can be cured by running through a pillar of Light that will periodically appear in the arena. Once all the rifts have expired, Draliks will turn invisible again and restart his assault.
Ir Aluk, the Executioner
Ir Aluk, the Executioner | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Executioner |
Class: |
Corrupted Knight |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Abilities: |
Wall of Darkness |
Ir Aluk, the Executioner is the Viruses' warden, and one of Halkris' most powerful champions.
Main Mechanics
Ir Aluk's weapon of choice is a Taken Boomer that fires Void bolts which leave behind giant energy domes upon detonation. These energy domes slow down the movements and sunder the resilience values of any Guardians that get trapped inside. For close range combat, he can unsheathe a giant Arc Cleaver that will instantly kill any Guardian with a direct slash. If it hits the ground, then it will create a pulsing electric shockwave that will shock everyone to death within its radius. Ir Aluk will appear on a large upper platform and put up a transparent Wall of Darkness. His attacks can pass through, as can himself and Guardians, but Guardian weapons cannot penetrate of the wall. He can also launch a series of Solar projectiles that erupt into fire tornadoes that rapidly burn Guardians to death. He will constantly change positions on his platform with his short range teleport, making his movements erratic and unpredictable. To break down the wall, special plates will need to be activated and stepped on for long enough while shooting down Hive crystals. But to activate the plates, Guardians must gather enough of Dark Essence stacks to awaken the plates, which will only happen when their respective glyphs are fully powered. Stepping on a plate without that Essence will inflict a poison effect until the plate is stepped off of. Special Corrupted Knights will eventually appear. These need to be killed, as they will drop a Tomb Husk upon death. These Tomb Husks will need to be inserted into glyphs next to the plates. Each glyph can only take two Husks per charge level. If more than two are inserted, then the glyph will surge with enough power to release a blast that will wipe the entire team. The plates will need to be charged a total of 3 times. Whoever inserts a Tomb Husk will receive one stack of the Dark Essence effect. This effect will slow ability recharge rate as well as health regeneration rate. When 3 stacks of the Dark Essence are achieved, then the plates are activated and can be stood on.
As soon as the plates are stepped on, an onslaught of Viruses will assault Guardians from all sides. When the plates are charging up, Hive crystals will appear in random locations around the arena. Missing one will cause that crystal to increase in size and fall on the whole fireteam. They must get out of the way or they will be crushed to death by the crystal. That crystal will then remain there, and will be immune to all damage. At every 33% charge, a stack of the Dark Essence is removed, but the plate stops charging. This is because of an Ultra Corrupted Ogre that will automatically stop the process. Ir Aluk will then turn the plates into pillars of Void energy that will suppress and rapidly damage any Guardians inside. The pillars will disappear once the Ogre is killed, and the charging process can resume. Once the plates are fully charged, then everyone standing on them will receive the "Executioner" buff, meaning that they can now shoot down the Wall of Darkness. However, once the wall is shot down, Ir Aluk will summon his Oversoul and unleash a Searing Torrent. This Oversoul must be shot down to stun him, thus beginning the damage phase, which lasts 30 seconds. After that time, Ir Aluk will drain power from one plate at random, creating a power surge that will heavily damage any Guardian that still stands on it. He can gain the Corrupted Captain's Darkness Bolt, the Corrupted Hobgoblin's Slap Grenade, and the Corrupted Centurion's Axion Dart, which will compound after each damage rotation.
Quria, Blade Transform
Quria, Blade Transform | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Matter Splicer |
Class: |
Corrupted Hydra |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Abilities: |
Immunity Shield |
Quria, Blade Transform is the experimental leader of the Viruses, and experiments with all different kinds of matter.
Main Mechanics
Quria is equipped with two different kinds of weapons. Its Aeon Maul, mounted on its top segment fires high explosive Solar bolts which leave behind pools of fire upon detonation. Stepping in these pools will inflict a burning and sundering effect upon the player for a short time. On its lower segments are pairs of Slap Rifles that rapidly fire tracking Void bolts. When engaged up close, it can unleash an Arc Detonation from its chassis, which will knock back, blind, and shock anything within its radius. A Spire will start to form and can only be fully completed when all three plates are stood on for long enough. However, Quria will constantly fire its weapons at whoever attempts to do so, and will be fully shielded to damage. Cover must be sought while trying to capture them. In addition, Quria can override the Spire formation by shutting off the plates and re-capturing them. They will be disabled for a short time. Standing on them will not turn them on again. They will only be rebooted once someone's Ghost performs a scan on the plates' core systems, which will be on the opposite side of its respective plate. Once the plates are fully charged, the Spire will be fully formed.
Quria will then shortly open the Timestream and will teleport all Guardians through it, although three random Guardians will be teleported to the distant past while the other three are teleported to the distant future. Those in the future will have to deal with Oracles, while those in the past will have to deal with Confluxes. If one Oracle is missed, then all Guardians will be inflicted with the Marked by the Void debuff, where their screen will slowly fade to black until they die. The only way to counteract this debuff is to kill another Oracle. If another Oracle is missed, then Quria will cast a Prophecy of Doom, killing off those in the past. The Confluxes will need to be defended from an onslaught Corrupted Vex. If enough sacrifices are made, then those in the future will be expunged from existence. Periodically, Quria will teleport to either realm and inflict a special attack each time. In the past, it will summon a circle of fire around all three players that will damage anyone inside before releasing a blast that can instantly kill anyone that hasn't stepped out, and in the future, it will fire a concentrated beam at all three players in sight that will slow anything it touches shortly before surrounding them in detainment bubbles, which will drain the health of all those trapped inside. Trying to step out will activate a Suppression Field, which is an instant kill. This beam can be avoided by hiding behind cover. Every conflux that has successfully defended as well as for every Oracle destroyed will grant four players at random a stack of the Conduction buff. Once enough stacks have been achieved, Quria will drag the team out of the Timestream.
Once all Guardians are back in the main room, the entire area will have been surrounded with Taken mines called Blighted Wards, which will constantly pulsate high-damage energy blasts once activated, and will eventually start to rotate around the room and increase their blast radius once enough are triggered. There will also be giant Taken Rifts on each corner. They must be stood under to activate two Sync Plates. These rifts rifts can only be stood in for so long before it releases a Taken Blight that will drain the health of whoever stands inside. If the blight is not destroyed quickly enough, then the rift will collapse on itself, releasing a blast that will instantly kill the entire team. After the rifts are stood under for long enough, then the Sync Plates will be activated, but cannot be charged. Once the rifts disappear, they will each drop an Arc energy cell. Only those with the Conduction buff may pick up the cell and bring in over to the plates to charge them. Once the plates are charged, three people must stand in each to unleash a beam that will deal a certain amount of damage to Quria's shield based on amount of Conductor stacks gathered. This process will repeat until Quria's shield is broken, and it can then be damaged for 30 seconds.
Dorusk, the Fracturer
Dorusk, the Fracturer | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
General |
Class: |
Draconarius |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Void Blitz Launcher |
Abilities: |
Shocking Effect |
Dorusk, the Fracturer is the general of the Viruses, and serves as their leader during siege missions.
Main Mechanics
Dorusk's preferred weapon of choice is his Blitz Launcher, a fully automatic rocket launcher that fires large volleys of tracking Void rockets which can devastate their targets. He also bears a standard on his back, decorated with banners of his former legion's insignia, which is tipped with a focus laser that fires a constant beam of Arc energy that creates an electric current wherever it strikes, shocking anything in its radius to death. When faced at point blank, he can emit a rocket jet blast, which leaves behind small circles of fire that burn their targets as well as a large Solar energy pillar that will instantly kill anything it touches. This pillar lasts for 5 seconds. Dorusk will be shielded by three Corrupted Pulsars: one with Arc energy, one with Solar energy, and one with Void energy. Each energy shield can only be broken down when its respective Pulsar is killed. Each time a Pulsar is killed, as well as when a shield is broken, he will gain special powers that compound with each other. When the Arc Pulsar is killed, he will gain a Taken Cabal Shield that can launch forward Arc energy blasts at point blank which knock everything back, and when his Arc shield goes down, his shield blasts will also blind Guardians within its range. When the Solar Pulsar is killed, he can launch Solar Psionic Blasts identical to the Corrupted Psion, and when his Solar shield breaks, he will periodically fire Corrupted Colossus cluster missiles that will ignite, sunder, and bleed out their targets upon impact. When the Void pulsar is killed, he will fire Void frag grenades from his wrist, which release a poison cloud upon detonation, and when his Void shield breaks, he will summon Axion Darts that track their targets and suppress their abilities upon impact.
With all his shields down, Dorusk will gain resistance to all incoming damage. He will start to summon a giant Taken blight as well as two smaller blight varieties, one of which inflicts the "Shadow Touched" debuff, where sprinting, health recovery, and jumping and melee abilities are disabled, and the other of which inflicts the "Taken Blight" debuff, which is surrounded in a black dome that protects the blight from all outside damage and drains the health of whoever steps inside. If the giant blight is not destroyed in time, it eventually collapses and immediately kills everyone. To destroy the giant blight, one must use the domed blights to acquire the "Blight Receding" buff to damage it. However, the buff cannot be acquired from the domed blights until the regular blights are destroyed, which will be permanently vulnerable to damage. Once the giant blight is destroyed, energy plates will appear in each corner of the arena. These must be guarded from an onslaught of Corrupted Cabal, including a special Corrupted Centurion that will attempt to capture the plates. Whoever gets off the plate during this time will receive the "Curse of Dorusk" debuff where their movements will be slowed and their weapon rate of fire is reduced. If they do not get back on the plate in time, then they will be inflicted with the "Wrath of Dorusk" spell, which resets ability recharge rate and causes instant death. When the plates are stood on for long enough, then the entire team gets the "Stone Breaker" buff, which grants full damage capabilities to Dorusk for 30 seconds. To receive another stack of the buff, Guardians can run through pillars of Light that will periodically appear around the arena, allowing them to deal more damage. Whenever the buff runs out, Dorusk will summon another giant blight that cannot be shut down. In order to shut the blight down, everyone needs to step off their plates. If not, it will bombard the entire arena and kill the entire team. When at 50% health or below, Dorusk will become faster, gain the ability to teleport short distances, his attacks will have increased range, and periodically summon circles of fire that will eventually detonate and kill anyone who hasn't gotten out of the way.
Halkris, the Corrupted King
Halkris, the Corrupted King | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
God-King |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Weapon(s): |
Viral Gatling |
Abilities: |
Darkness Dimension |
Halkris, the Corrupted King is the sovereign of the Viruses and the new God-King of the Hive.
Main Mechanics
Halkris has two weapons of choice. For ranged combat, he is armed with a heavily modified Boomer-type weapon with two different functions: Viral Gatling and Viral Launcher. The gatling mode will unleash a constant stream of green energy bolts in full-auto, where the bolts will track their targets and poison them. This poison effect can stack up to 5 times, and whoever has it will leave behind a trail that will also poison those who step in it. The launcher mode fires a large mass of green energy that deals very high damage and inflicts the "Corrupted" debuff upon those within its wide blast radius, where abilities are suppressed and weapon damage is severely reduced. Like with the poison effect, this "Corrupted" effect can spread to other nearby Guardians via trail. Upon detonation, it will also leave behind a large dome that inflicts the same debuff, as well as slowness and damage over time effects for those trapped inside. This dome must be shot down to break free, although the "Corrupted" debuff will still linger for a short time afterwards. For close combat, Halkris will unsheathe a giant Ascendant Sword called an Infected Blade, which will immediately kill upon a direct hit and, when it strikes a surface, it will send forth a long line of green fire that will ignite anyone that steps on it, although the damage over time is much more severe than a regular burning effect, and the effect will only linger if the Guardian is still on the line.
This encounter will take place in a Darkness Dimension, where health regeneration is greatly limited, ability recharge rates are slowed down, and abilities deal less damage. Halkris will remain immune to all weapon damage throughout the entire fight and fly around the arena attacking with his weapons, flanking the raid team on all sides. Periodically, he will summon circles of black fire on top of all Guardians that will deal damage over time before releasing a detonation that can instantly kill anyone that hasn't gotten out of that respective circle. There will be an onslaught of Viruses from each former race that will appear out of the regular sphere Blights, which will inflicted the "Shadow Touched" effect (where sprinting, health regeneration, jumping abilities, and melee abilities are cancelled), but pay special attention to unique Majors called "Contagions" that come from the domed blights that inflict the "Taken Blight" debuff when inside, where health will periodically be drained. Contagions will remain immune until their respective domed blight is killed, sending them into a backlash for a short time, leaving them vulnerable. Killing them will grant the "Blight Receding" buff, which is needed for killing the regular blights, but leave these alone for now. After all the Contagions are killed, an Ultra Corrupted Colossus called a "Viral Colossus" will appear. He will be resistant to all damage until all the regular blights are killed in a certain order within a time limit. If the wrong blight is killed or it takes too long to kill a blight before it disappears, then Halkris will inflict all Guardians with a debuff called "Grasp of the King", which will rapidly drain all ability charges. The only to counteract this debuff is for those with the "Blight Receding" buff to deal enough damage to the Viral Colossus before the Corrupted Decree spell is cast, immediately killing the entire party. Once enough damage is dealt to him, the Blight will reappear. Once all the blights are killed in the correct order, they will each leave behind a pool of green energy that allowed for full damage capability against the Colossus for those who stand in them. The longer the Guardians stay in the plate, the more stacks of the "Rising Light" buff they receive, allowing Guardians to deal more damage. However, stepping off the plate will decrease the stacks of the buff. If the buff runs out of stacks, then Halkris will cast the Blighted Light spell against them, immediately killing them. The Colossus must be killed as quickly as possible, or else Halkris will cast the Doxology spell, immediately killing everyone. The only way to counteract this effect is to deal enough damage to the Colossus within these intervals. When the Colossus is killed, the plates become fully empowered. Those who stand on them for long enough will be torn between dimensions, and the plates will disappear.
When torn between Dimensions, two effects will be applied: the "Torn Between Dimensions" buff and the "Viral Dimension" debuff. The buff will grant invisibility from the enemies in the material dimension as well as a damage increase against them, but the debuff will suppress Guardian abilities and reduce resilience, mobility, and recovery values by 100%. Darkness Spheres will also periodically appear in this dimension as well, which will poison and slow anyone that steps inside. When in the Viral Dimension, there will be a series of platforms that form a jumping puzzle which will eventually lead to a large upper platform with a series of monuments: a Fallen sigil, a Hive sword, a Vex spire, and a Cabal insignia. These monuments will be immune to damage and launch a special attack respective to their Corrupted counterpart: the sigil will launch Darkness Bolts, the sword will launch fire tornadoes, the spire will fire Retaliation Swarms, and the insignia will fire Axion Darts. Each monument will remain immune until an elite Corrupted enemy that corresponds to it is killed in each dimension, requiring two to be killed: one in the material realm and the other in the Viral realm. Failure to kill each monument in time will result in a special kind of death on the whole team: the sigil will cast Exsanguination, the sword will cast Searing Torrent, the Spire will cast Prophecy of Doom, and the insignia will cast Bombardment. Once the monuments are destroyed, they will each leave behind a pillar of Light that will transport the inside team back outside to the main arena and gain the "Torrential Light" buff, overturning the effects of the Darkness Dimension and Viral Dimension debuffs and drastically decreasing Super and ability cooldowns.
Back in the main arena, there will be special plates that appear in each corner of the arena. Only those with the buff can stand on them. Standing on it long enough will summon a Shade of Halkris, a smaller, shadowy projection of Halkris himself, except armed with an Infected Blade. Only those with the buff are able to damage the Shade, who can only take damage from abilities and Supers. Once the Shade reaches 50% health, Halkris will cast a plague spell that causes viral particles to appear on the floor that will cause rapid damage over time to those who do not stand on the plates. This plague appears every 20 seconds and lingers for 10 seconds at a time. If the Shade is not killed quickly enough, then a giant Taken rift will appear, and the Shade will retreat inside of it. If this rift is not destroyed quickly enough, then it will collapse, releasing a detonation that will kill the entire team. This rift must be killed quickly to get the Shade to reappear. Once the Shade dies, it will drop a column of Light that will grant the "Boundless Light" buff to any Guardian that runs through it, which almost instantly recharges abilities and Supers. Halkris will then be vulnerable to damage from Guardian Supers and abilities for 45 seconds.
Primus Draug'oth/Other | |
Overview | |
Other name(s): |
Outlaws |
Domain(s): |
Type: |
Anarchist Paramilitary Force |
Functions: |
Eliminate all authority |
Engagements: |
Leadership: |
Russell, the Juggernaut |
Notable information: |
Overthrew the Consensus |
Lightbreakers are a faction of rogue, anarchistic Guardians who seek to rid the universe of all authority. They conduct raiding parties to overthrow entire ruling bodies, which they believe is a form of liberation. They are forever empowered by corrupted Light by the Shard of the Traveler].
Scouting Division
Lightbreaker Arcstrider
Armed with an Arc Staff that they use to slash opponents at close range, slam the ground from above, and unleash medium range Arc beams that inflict a short shocking effect. Capable of continuously dodging gunfire and can throw Skip Grenades which create seekers that aggressively track their targets.
Lightbreaker Gunslinger
Armed with a Solar Golden Gun that has two separate firing modes: a long-range charged sniper shot and a close range barrage. The charged shot inflicts very high damage per shot and can inflict a burning effect, whereas the barrage has a fast fire rate but inconsistent shot spread. Can throw Explosive Knives and deploy Tripmine Grenades. Capable of performing a combat roll towards Guardians to grab them and cut them open with their knife.
Lightbreaker Nightstalker
Armed with a Shadowshot bow that fires Void arrows which tethers their targets in place while slowing them down and suppressing their abilities. Can throw Vortex Grenades and deploy Smoke Bombs that poison their targets and blacken their vision for a short time as well as use powder to turn them invisible at will, allowing them to perform stealth attacks with their knife. Capable of performing a Shadow Dash to vanish while moving through their victim to flank them.
Lightbreaker Waverider
Armed with a Hydro Katana which unleashes short beams of water that envelop their targets in water jets, rushing them along the ground into greater danger. Can throw Rainfall Grenades that release a series of heavy water droplets that slow their victims. Capable of performing a Geyser Jump to carry them to great heights as well as a Wave Dash to quickly move along the ground.
Lightbreaker Earthrover
Armed with a Stone Chain Whip that can strike from long distances and constrict Guardians to death. Capable of using the whip to perform a spin attack to cut their victims with sharp stony edges. Can throw Rockedge Grenades that unleash a small area of pointy rocks that inflict a short bleeding effect. Frequently spins circles around their target to disorient them.
Lightbreaker Frosthunter
Armed with a Frost Javelin that can be thrown to impale targets to the ground or used as a stabbing weapon that will inflict a freezing effect which will dramatically slow movements and weapon handling for a short time. Can throw Freezetrap Grenades to ensnare Guardians in a web of ice shards. Capable of skating across the ground to move faster and jump around and over their targets.
Lightbreaker Virus
Armed with a Decay Dartgun that rapidly fires poisonous darts that drain health, slow movements, and cause a blackout effect as well as a Decay Dagger that poisons and disorients its victims. Capable of performing a Plague Dash to teleport to another location, leaving behind a poison cloud. Can throw Neurospine Grenades that cause their targets to perform different actions than intended.
Manipulator Division
Lightbreaker Dawnblade
Have the ability of flight. Armed with a Daybreak Sword that can unleash flaming projectiles that arc and inflict a burning effect upon impact as well as slammed down from above to release a line of flames. Can throw Solar Grenades that rapidly burn away at shields and health.
Lightbreaker Voidwalker
Can fire Void magic blasts from the palms of their hands. Will occasionally charge up and launch a Cataclysm Nova Bomb, a large Void sphere which seeks out enemies and detonates into smaller seeker projectiles, while leaving behind a giant Vortex that will continually damage enemies trapped inside. Will deploy enhanced Scatter Grenades whose submunitions have a larger blast radius. Capable of casting Blink to teleport short distances.
Lightbreaker Stormcaller
Locked in a permanent state of Stormtrance, casting chain lightning to nearby enemies. Can occasionally throw Storm and Arcbolt Grenades that will cover a larger area. Capable of casting Blink to teleport short distances. Will summon a Landfall thunderbolt on a random target to slow them down and remove their shields. Assisted by an Arc Soul.
Lightbreaker Hydromancer
Armed with a Tide Blade that will summon waves of water that will push Guardians upward to have them fall to their death. Capable of summoning Hydrojets that will knock their targets around. Can throw Tide Bombs that will summon small pools which limit mobility.
Lightbreaker Petrifier
Can use magic to uproot rocks from the ground and hurl them at Guardians endlessly; rocks shatter to create spiky traps. Can occasionally throw Rockflow Grenades that detonate in rocks that roll towards Guardians to knock them around. Armed with a Petrifier Staff that will freeze someone into solid stone for a short time. Has an enhanced Palm melee attack that causes significant knockback.
Lightbreaker Cryomancer
Armed with a Frost Scythe that performs sweeping strikes which can inflict a frostbite effect, dramatically slowing movements and weakening Guardians' armor. Can conjure an Icestorm that will unleash a hailstorm that will cause significant sustained damage. Can cast the solid ground into ice, causing Guardians to skid out of control.
Lightbreaker Plaguemancer
Armed with a Decay Scythe which can fire poison waves or cause a blackout effect with its sweeping strike. Leaves behind gas clouds which temporarily disable recovery. Can cast an infection on the entire floor that slows, poisons, and disorients its victims for a short time. Has an enhanced Palm attack that completely disables mobility for 10 seconds.
Mighty Glacier Division
Lightbreaker Sentinel
Armed with a Sentinel Shield that can bash enemies, block its wielder from harm, and be thrown as a projectiles that tracks its targets for a short time; it slows its target down on impact and becomes a Ward of Dawn if it doesn't find a target. Ward of Dawn permanently increases the health of all Lightbreakers who walk through it. Can throw Suppressor Grenades to completely shut down the use of abilities.
Lightbreaker Striker
Permanently in a state of Fist of Havoc. Capable of unleashing high-damage uppercuts and slamming the ground for an instant kill as well as leaving behind a damage-dealing field in its wake. Can occasionally use a Seismic Strike to send themselves charging forward shoulder first to ram their targets, causing significant knockback and a shocking effect. Throws Flashbang Grenades to blind their targets.
Lightbreaker Sunbreaker
Armed with a Hammer of Sol that can be thrown to create flaming Sunspots upon detonation or used as a melee weapon at close range to knock Guardians back and inflict them with a burning effect. Capable of charging towards their target to perform a Hammer Strike, which releases explosive, incendiary molten embers and weaken Guardians' armor. Can throw Thermite Grenades that send out lines of fire upon detonation.
Lightbreaker Poseidon
Armed with a Tsunami Trident that can conjure a large wave of water that will plummet Guardians below the ground's surface and completely crush them as well as perform a series of close range jabs and a shockwave. Can throw a Whirlpool Grenade that leaves a whirlpool upon detonation which sucks Guardians in and attempts to drown them for a short time. Can punch the ground to create Geysers.
Lightbreaker Stonemaster
Armed with a Stone Mallet that can conjure Earthquakes to split the ground apart and have Guardians fall to their death. Can throw Avalanche Grenades that summons a large mass of rocks upon detonation to fall on top of the Guardian and crush them to death. Capable of punching the ground to summon shockwaves.
Lightbreaker Icebaron
Armed with Frost Gauntlets that can conjure ice waves that freeze targets in place for a short time. Upon a melee strike, hypothermia is inflicted, completely halting movement and reducing weapon handling speed and fire rate. Can punch the ground to summon Ice Geysers that send Guardians flying upwards and slowing their movements.
Lightbreaker Leech
Armed with a Decay Machine Cannon that rapidly fires toxic mortar blasts, leaving behind poison clouds that can disorient their victims and suppress their abilities. Any damage dealt by them increases their speed, health, and damage output. Can punch the ground to summon a wave of corrosive fumes that disable mobility, recovery, and resilience for a short time.
Cyrus, the Watcher
Cyrus, the Watcher | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Watcher Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
Shadowshot |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Cyrus, the Watcher is the head Watcher of the Lightbreakers, and one of the leaders of their Scouting Division, alongside his consort Theola, the Roamer.
Cyrus is equipped with two personal weapons: the Imago P87 and the AP LR44. The Imago P87 is a very-high-impact Hand Cannon that fires slowly, but can kill Guardians in only two shots, while the AP LR44 is a Sniper Rifle that can fire a shot which can bring a Guardian's health down to almost nothing while inflicting them with a debuff that temporarily disables their recovery and resilience. At close range, he will retaliate with a Hunter Knife. When his health reaches 85%, his hand cannon transforms into a Decay Dartgun, rapidly firing toxic darts that inflict poison, slowness, and blackout effects, whereas his Hunter Knife turns into a Decay Dagger, which poisons and disorients its victims. At 70% health, Cyrus will drop his AP LR44 in favor of a Shadowshot bow, which will instantly kill any Guardian as well as tether and suppress anyone that its arrows land by. Cyrus has one innate ability called Zen Discharge, where he channels energy in his fingertips, and charging it up before releasing a fast-travelling sphere of willpower that can instantly kill any Guardian. At 85% health, he will gain the ability to perform as Plague Dash, teleporting to another location while leaving behind a poison cloud, and can also throw a Neurospine Grenade, which confuses its target upon detonation, causing them to perform different actions than intended.
When Cyrus' health reaches 70%, he will gain the ability to turn invisible at will, perform a Shadow Dash on top of the Plague Dash, throw Vortex Grenades in tandem with Neurospine Grenades, and deploy Smoke Bombs that poison and blackout their victims. Cyrus will initially be immune to all damage due to his personal shield. To drop his shield, a Surveillance Charge will need to be thrown directly at him. The player will start by aiming down sights with any weapon while looking in Cyrus' direction for a certain amount of time. There will be an indicator on the sights that will show how much Cyrus has been scanned. Once the indicator reaches 100%, the player will gain the "Traveler's Eye" buff, allowing them to be able to destroy the security cameras which guard a vault that holds the Surveillance Charge. Once the charge is thrown at Cyrus, his shield will drop and will be electrocuted, temporarily stunning him, allowing Guardians to damage Cyrus for 30 seconds.
Theola, the Roamer
Theola, the Roamer | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Roamer Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Female |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
Seeker P84 |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Theola, the Roamer is the head Roamer of the Lightbreakers, and one of the leaders of their Scouting Division, alongside her consort Cyrus, the Watcher. She is also the sister of Russell, the Juggernaut.
Theola has two main weapons: the Seeker P84 and the Caustic Remark. The Seeker P84 is a Pulse Rifle that fires seeking harpoons that can quickly down Guardians and drag them towards Theola, who will attempt to whip them around, smashing them into walls and other obstacles. If the player survives, then they will be marked by a device that will track their location and be focus fired by Theola, who will not attack a Guardian that has not been marked by her harpoons. The device will start to blind the player the further they are from her; if they stray away from her for too long, then they will be overwhelmed by a feedback field, instantly killing them. The Caustic Remark is a one-handed Shotgun outfitted with corrosive ammunition, inflicting its target with a debuff that drains their health, slows them down, and obscures their vision. If within reach, Theola will retaliate with a Hunter Knife. At 85% health, her shotgun transforms into a Golden Gun, which can either fire an extremely high-damage charged shot that inflicts a short burning effect or a barrage of shots that can instantly put Guardians at critical health; she also gains the ability to throw her knives as explosives. When her health reaches 70%, she drops her Seeker P84 in favor of a Stone Chain Whip, which can either slash Guardians with a spin attack using its sharp stony edges, or unleash a long-ranged snare that can constrict Guardians to death.
At 85% health, Theola will gain the ability to throw Tripmine Grenades as well as perform a quick combat roll that allows her catch up to Guardians and grip them by the throat, instantly cutting them to death. Shooting her will deal no damage, but will apply enough force on her body to push her back. When her health reaches 70%, Theola gains the ability to perform rotating spins around Guardians to confuse them as well as throw Rockedge Grenades alongside Tripmine Grenades. Theola's personal shield renders her immune to all damage. Every so often, special Lightbreaker Gunslingers and Earthrovers will appear. Killing them each will grant one stack of the "Wanted" buff. Once 20 stacks total have been achieved, an Eye of Theola Hunter will appear. Only those with the buff can kill them. The Eye will drop a harpoon relic upon death. This will be thrown directly at Theola to break her shield and pin her to the floor, making her vulnerable to damage for 45 seconds.
Cass, the Bender
Cass, the Bender | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Bender Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Female |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
Power of Words 8/4 |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Cass, the Bender is the head Bender of the Lightbreakers, and one of the leaders of their Manipulator Division alongside her older brother Blackburn, the Distorter.
Cass' primary weapon is her Power of Words 8/4, a high-impact Scout Rifle that fires flashbang rounds, which will blind their targets upon detonation. It takes two shots to break Guardians' shields, and another one to deplete their health, allowing Cass to drop Guardians in less than a full second. For medium range, she will switch to her Shifter's Choice Sidearm, which fires incendiary shots in 3-round bursts, inflicting targets with a burning effect if a full burst hits their mark. After 30 seconds, she will switch to one of two Light-powered Swords: a Daybreak Sword and a Tide Blade. The Daybreak Sword can perform a close-range slash, summon flaming projectiles, and slam the ground to send forth a line of fire; the Tide Blade will also perform a close range slash, but can instead send forth a tidal wave that will knock Guardians upwards and cause them to die of fall damage. She will use these alternate swords for 15 seconds each.
Cass has two default abilities: a Rift Grenade and a Rift Collapse. Upon detonation, it will release a sphere of Void energy that will trap all Guardians in its radius. It only takes a few seconds to drain the health of anyone that hasn't shot their way out. Breaking the sphere will intensify its strength, causing it to turn into an explosive rift that will detonate if not shot down in time. If left to its own, the rift will collapse and explode, instantly killing everything in its radius. After 30 seconds, she will switch to either Solar Grenades that release a large sphere of fire which rapidly burns everything in its radius, or Hydrojets that knock Guardians around, which are used in tandem with Tide Bombs, which leave behind a pool of water that inflicts the "Soaked" debuff, which slows movement to a crawl and blurs vision. At close range, she will retaliate with a Warlock Palm melee that causes moderate knockback.
Cass' personal shield will grant her immunity to all incoming damage. There will be three special plates to stand on for a brief moment, one for Arc, Solar, and Void. After standing on these plates for a short time, a special target will appear in front of the player, and it will not correspond with the plate they are standing. Shooting the right target will grant one stack of the "Coursing Light" buff, while shooting the wrong one will subtract a stack. If someone runs out of stacks, their abilities will be suppressed for a short time. Once ten stacks of the buff have been achieved, a giant spark of Light will appear in the center of the arena. Those with the buff will need to run through it and pick up its orbs, which must be thrown at Cass to remove her shield and stun her for 40 seconds, allowing all Guardians to deal direct damage to her.
Blackburn, the Distorter
Blackburn, the Distorter | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Distorter Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
Angry Hornet |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Blackburn, the Distorter is the head Distorter of the Lightbreakers and one of the leaders of their Manipulator Division, alongside his younger sister Cass, the Bender. He is also the father of Cyrus, the Watcher and the tutor of Theola, the Roamer.
Blackburn is primarily armed with an Angry Hornet Auto Rifle with an underbarrel Warp Cannon. The auto rifle portion fires toxic rounds which inflict a poison effect while the Warp Cannon fires a continuous Arc beam that will lock on to one target at a time and rapidly drain their health. After 30 seconds, he will switch to a Decay Scythe, which is capable of either firing poisonous waves of energy, or performing a sweeping strike that inflicts a blackout effect. He will chase Guardians with this weapon for 15 seconds at a time. Blackburn has two default abilities: an Insect Grenade and a Corrosive Aura. The Insect Grenade detonates on impact and releases a swarm of mosquitoes that chases one Guardian at random. If the swarm surrounds them for long enough, they will die. When casting Corrosive Aura, Blackburn will conjure an outburst of acidic energy, inflicting a debuff that will reduce a Guardian's resilience value by 100% and their shield is reduced by 50%. After 30 seconds, he will switch to either the Voidwalker or Plaguemancer ability set:
- As a Voidwalker, Blackburn will primarily attack with magic Void darts that track their targets. Occasionally, he will gather enough Void energy to launch an enhanced Nova Bomb that tracks its targets and detonates into both a large Vortex or a series of smaller seeker projectiles. Guardians inside the Vortex will have their health drained, and their movement speed as well as their weapon handling speed and fire rate, will all be significantly hampered. One must shoot their way out of the Vortex before they are killed. He will also throw enhanced Scatter Grenades whose submunitions cover a larger radius and are more accurate, and occasionally can be seen using Blink to get around the arena quickly.
- As a Plaguemancer, Blackburn's movements will leave behind a gas trail that temporarily disables health recovery. He will also cast an infection on the floor that will slow, poison, and disorient its victims. At close range, he can use a Palm attack that completely disables mobility for a short time.
Blackburn's shield will grant him immunity to all incoming damage. There will be three elemental crystals to carry: one for Arc, Solar, and Void each. These crystals must be placed on top of their proper altar, whose locations will switch every five seconds. Once all altars are charged with their respective crystal, a plate will start to form on top of them. Those standing on the plates will get a damage buff for one random element. These plates will eventually begin to rotate around the room. Elemental spheres will rotate along with them. A giant spark of Light will appear in the room. When it flashes a certain color, the corresponding sphere must be shot for a brief moment. If the right sphere is shot, one stack of the "Rising Light" buff is granted; shooting the wrong one will subtract a stack. Once 15 stacks have been achieved, the giant Spark of Light will drop on Blackburn, removing his shield and stunning him, allowing Guardians to damage him for 40 seconds at a time.
Wilson, the Paladin
Wilson, the Paladin | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Paladin Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
The Colony |
Abilities: |
Immunity Shield |
Wilson, the Paladin is the head Paladin of the Lightbreakers and one of the leaders of their Mighty Glacier Division alongside his father Russell, the Juggernaut.
Wilson's primary weapon of choice is The Colony, a Grenade Launcher which fires live insectoid grenades that travel along the ground, track their targets and detonate upon impact. He pairs this with a Sentinel Shield, which can either perform a close range bash, create an aura around Wilson to block him from all damage, and be thrown as a projectile, tracking its target and inflicting a slowness effect on contact. If the shield doesn't yet find a target, it will deploy a Ward of Dawn that will grant a Void shield to any Lightbreakers that walk through it, including Wilson. After 30 seconds, he will switch to a Tsunami Trident that can perform a series of close range jabs as well a tidal shockwave that causes significant knockback. This weapon will be used for 15 seconds at a time.
Wilson has two default abilities: he can either cast an aura that inflicts blindness or send forth a line of electricity that will shock anyone that walks into it. Occasionally he will throw Suppressor Grenades that shut down the use of abilities. Using his Trident, he is able to summon a giant tidal wave that will pick Guardians up from the ground and come crashing back down, plummeting them to the surface, causing them to die of impact damage. Sometimes, he can be seen throwing Whirlpool Grenades that trap Guardians with a water vortex which will drown them if they don't jump out in time as well as sending forth a wave of geysers that emit high-pressure water jets from underground, which can instantly kill any Guardian that doesn't watch their step.
Wilson will initially be vulnerable to damage, although his shield will occasionally surround him in an immunity aura, which can be broken by shooting Wilson in the back. When his health reaches 70%, he will cast an immunity shield around himself, preventing all incoming damage. There will be three special vaults that will be guarded by Bodyguards of Wilson. Killing them will cause them to drop an elemental key relic that must be placed in its corresponding slot. Each vault will have 3 slots. When all keys are placed in their correct slots, the vaults will open, revealing a spark of Light. Once the sparks are picked up, a giant dome will surround the entire arena and vents will start to open, revealing gushing water that will overflow the arena if the vents are not closed. Closing the vents will shut down the dome and cause Wilson's shield to drop, allowing Guardians to damage him for 40 seconds.
Russell, the Juggernaut
Russell, the Juggernaut | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Juggernaut Champion |
Class: |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Consensus Reformation |
Weapon(s): |
Scathing Discharge |
Abilities: |
Initial Immunity |
Russell, the Juggernaut is the general and head Juggernaut of the Lightbreakers, and one of the leaders of their Mighty Glacier Division alongside his son Wilson, the Paladin. He is also the older brother of Theola, the Roamer and the tutor of Cass, the Bender.
Russell's preferred weapon of choice is Scathing Discharge, a shoulder-fired flak cannon that rapidly fires miniature seeking warheads. For closer ranges, he can use his Hammer of Sol as a projectile that leaves flaming Sunspots upon detonation, a swinging weapon that knocks Guardians back and burns them, or a ramming weapon that releases explosive molten embers that sunder their targets' armor upon detonation. Every 30 seconds, Russell will reveal a Stone Mallet that can conjure earthquakes which cause Guardians to fall to their death. He will aggressive chase the player with this weapon for 15 seconds at a time. When his health reaches 70%, Russell's Scathing Discharge will transform into a Decay Machine Cannon, which fires toxic mortar blasts that leave gas clouds upon detonation, thereby poisoning, disorienting and suppressing its victim.
Russell has two default abilities: Wall of the Void and Solar Blast Flare. His Wall fully protects the front of his body, and it cannot be shot down. While this wall is up, he will charge his Blast Flare, a gigantic fireball which has an extremely wide blast radius; this flare is always an instant kill unless out of range. Russell can also throw Thermite Grenades as well as Avalanche Grenades: the former releases a line of fire upon detonation, while the latter summons an avalanche of rocks that will drop down on Guardians, crushing them to death. At extremely close ranges, he will punch the ground and summon a seismic shockwave that will force Guardians backward. When his health reaches 70%, Russell will be able to inflict a debuff on one Guardian at random where his speed, damage resistance, and damage output are increased for any damage he deals, which will inflict the adverse effects on the Guardian: slowness, weakness, and damage reduction; he will also be able to punch the ground to release a quake of corrosive fumes that eat away at a Guardians' health as well as completely disabling mobility, recovery, and resilience.
Russell will initially be vulnerable to damage until his health reaches 85%, where an immunity shield will surround him and deflect any shots directed at him. The room is littered with Light-powered bear traps. Stepping on or over them will trigger them to close. Triggering these traps will release a spark of Light that must be picked up and put in the closest neighboring trap. If a spark is placed in the wrong sequence, then Russell will activate a moving wall of spikes that will crush all Guardians to death if not shut down quickly enough. After all the sparks are placed in the right order, Russell will charge up an antimatter bomb that will instantly destroy the entire team if it is not stopped. The empowered traps must be thrown directly at him to break down his shield. Once his shield drops, he is vulnerable to damage for 45 seconds.
Behemoths | |
Overview | |
Objectives: |
Enemy Morale Disruption |
Commander(s): |
Dominus Khraghul, the Almighty |
Keep(s): |
Flagship Hades |
Deployed: |
European Dead Zone, Earth |
The Behemoths are the highest ranked Cabal military detachment. They are a subunit of the Stone Breakers that have expanded to include remnant soldiers of the Red Legion, effectively merging the two to form an extremely dangerous military force.
After the death of Dominus Ghaul, the Red Legion have been withering in the face of Guardian forces. They have since resorted to making more weapons under the work of Bracus Zahn, an ironmonger equipped with multiple firearms. He engaged the Guardians in Firebase Airfield but was defeated by another team of Guardians.
With no remaining options, they have called for fresh reinforcements from the Stone Breakers. The request came through to Primus Tho'urgh, who willfully sent his forces in to assist in fortifying Red Legion defensives, as well as an attack on newly found territory. Those who attacked were tasked with finding resources that could help with further increasing defenses for Red Legion Firebases. As defenses increased, opposing forces were driven back. Primus Tho'urgh, alongside his companion Primus Ko'rok and his army of Stone Breakers, then personally took the fight to the Guardians personally. Tho'urgh had selected a few of his most trusted soldiers to be his elite guard, one of whom was his son, Khraghul. The Guardians fought back against the Cabal invasion, and eventually slew Ko'rok and Tho'urgh.
However, Khraghul survived amongst all the rubble and became a well-known war veteran. He claimed that he would continue his father's conquest, and stood up to take up the role of the new leader of both the Stone Breakers and the Red Legion, eventually merging the two into a subunit that became the highest-ranked Cabal force known: the Behemoths. His innumerable kill count during the battle against the Guardians made him a prime candidate for earning the rank of Dominus, rendering him an elite Cabal warlord. He sent his crews to aggressively attack vital enemy strongholds and sap them of their morale and power. In doing so, he claimed remnants of SIVA from the Dusk Splicers, drew untold dark power from Hive relics, cracked open Vex artifacts to understand time, and mangled with Taken powers to unlock new abilities. With these new powers, he has successfully desecrated and ruined several environments in his wake, rendering them almost completely inhabitable. However, Khraghul has yet to take the fight to the Guardians personally. He and his forces lie in wait on the outer edge of the Solar System until all conflict has ceased, allowing them more time to prepare themselves for an attack until the time is right to strike.
Espionage Crisis
Khraghul and his legion's surveyor drones have collected Dust Giant reports of an elite subunit of Emperor Calus' Shadows known as The Spartans, a division of Gladiators, taking on the forms of previous Cabal commanders and wiping out bases in Meridian Bay and the European Dead Zone, who are now commanded by Primus Val'ouk, the leader of the Spartans and Calus' personal Consul. Gall'usk and Rolak have begun working on security defenses including cameras, drones, and turrets. They are even planning a new type of mobile ground artillery should the Spartans launch a large-scale invasion. With these defenses, they hope to drive Val'ouk and his Spartans away from Behemoth territory.
Red Legion Forces
Hardened Scorpius
Infused with SIVA Turret parts to increase fire rate, accuracy, and damage over time. Can occasionally launch Solar missiles.
- Adamant Scorpius
Hardened Volcanic Scorpius
Now shoots fire in a cone instead of in rapid fire streams. Has close range explosive defense mines. Leaves behind a SIVA Swarm when destroyed.
- Adamant Volcanic Scorpius
Hardened War Beast
Has SIVA branded into its body. Leaves behind a damaging SIVA trail when running, and can charge up for a headbutt attack that will cause significant damage and knockback. Claws deal less damage, but swipe more rapidly.
- Adamant War Beast
Hardened Psion
Armed with Void Induction Repeaters. Can launch a Solar Psionic Blast using a Hive relic on its head that leaves behind a Volcanic Rupture that launches Guardians upward, deals high blast damage, ignites them. Can use a short-range Arc melee attack that blinds Guardians upon contact and removes a portion of their ability charge with every successful hit.
- Adamant Psion
Hardened Legionary
Armed with a Solar Burst Rifle. Has a gauntlet that fires live SIVA Charges and Null Mines; also comes with a retractable Shock Blade.
- Adamant Legionary
Hardened Phalanx
Armed with a handheld full-auto Arc Slug Spigot and equipped with a Vex Overshield, a portable ballistic shield reinforced with Vex parts and has several combat functions.
- Adamant Phalanx
Hardened Incendior
Armed a Cabal Magma Thrower that has an underbarrel burst-fire Arc Shredder. Can throw Void grenades of toxic Hive gas. Its fuel tank no longer explodes when it dies, but still takes critical damage.
- Adamant Incendior
Hardened Gladiator
Armed with an arm-mounted superheated Solar Cabal Greatblade and equipped with a lightweight shield with a Taken drill on its front. Can throw Arc flashbang grenades.
- Adamant Gladiator
Hardened Centurion
Outfitted with a Void energy shield. Armed with an Arc Projection Swarmer; comes with a Void Vex Laser Rifle mode. Can unsheathe a superheated Solar Cabal Greatblade that functions identically to the Gladiator's blade.
- Adamant Centurion
Hardened Colossus
Armed with a Void Slug Bomber. Can rapidly launch Taken Scramble Missiles when attacked. Can unleash an Arc Quake at close range, leaving behind an electric pulsing maelstrom that damages anything in its wake.
- Adamant Colossus
Stone Breakers Forces
Hardened Pulsar
An elite Psion unit that unleashes psychic rays towards nearby Cabal troops to grant them with elemental shielding and send them into a berserker rage, charging down any Guardians in close range before unleashing a high-damage melee attack. Armed with Void Burst Inductors. Armed with a SIVA-powered dagger that can switch between Scorch and Shock modes.
- Adamant Pulsar
Hardened Lightning Psion
An aerial Psion unit with angel-like wings for rapid flight. Equipped with Solar Lasrifles. Can throw Taken Void Rift Grenades. Bringing the Psion on low enough health will cause it to fall from the air and perform a suicide bomb that unleashes a torrent of Arc energy that blinds and paralyzes anyone in its radius.
- Adamant Lightning Psion
Hardened Ballistarius
Armed with dual Arc Slug Spigots for upgraded firepower each attached with underbarrel canisters that launch Hive grenades. Plants down both variants of Scorpius turrets but shields them in a dome of superheated Solar energy that will burn anyone inside. This dome must be shot away to be able to damage the turret. The shield dome will regenerate after 20 seconds if no damage is dealt to it. Can only plant one turret at a time.
- Adamant Ballistarius
Hardened Flamer
Armed with a Napalm Launcher. Equipped with a reinforced napalm canister that does not take extra damage and does not explode; canister is plugged into the barrel of the launcher. When the canister is fully charged, it will trigger a Void Vex Torch Repeater fire mode. Equipped with an Arc energy gauntlet that can charge up to release a powerful punch.
- Adamant Flamer
Hardened Lancer
Armed with a Cabal Buzzsaw Lance and equipped with a reinforced Vex Bronze Shield. Can use its lance to create a Void shield dome around itself. Shooting the dome slows Guardians down; the only way to shut down the shield is to enter it and shoot the Lancer to stagger it.
- Adamant Lancer
Hardened Marauder Lancer
Equipped with a SIVA Overshield and outfitted with booster wings. Armed with an Arc Projection Swarmer that functions identically to the Centurion's, but is also outfitted with a Null Blade attachment for close combat.
- Adamant Marauder Lancer
Hardened Hypaspist
Outfitted with an Arc elemental shield and equipped with a Cabal Overshield. Armed with a handheld Cabal Gatling Inductor with Darkness Missile and Shock Dagger attachments.
- Adamant Hypaspist
Hardened Gunnery Sergeant
Commands nearby Ballistarius units and is capable of operating heavy artillery on Goliath Tanks. Outfitted with a Solar elemental shield. Armed with dual Projection Swarmers. Can throw live Void Vex Spire Grenades. Can unleash a Solar quake at close range which leaves behind a pool of fire that ignites and sunders its target.
- Adamant Gunnery Sergeant
Hardened Thunderbolt Colossus
An aerial Colossus unit equipped with a rocket booster with attached guiding wings. Armed with twin Ultra Slug Throwers. Has a Taken-enhanced Phaser Cannon. Can fire Arc Cluster Missiles.
- Adamant Thunderbolt Colossus
Hardened Draconarius
Armed with a shoulder-mounted Blitz Slug Cannon. Its standard now carries the Behemoth insignia and has been enhanced with SIVA. At close range, its left arm will charge up with Void energy and eventually smash the ground, releasing an energy shockwave.
- Adamant Draconarius
Induction Repeater
A Void Cabal sniper rifle used primarily by Hardened Psions. It charges up and is then able to semi-automatically fire high-damage bolts at a constant rate of 150 RPM. Guardians normally go down in as little as 5 shots, although those with higher resilience values can take up to an extra shot.
Burst Rifle
A Solar Cabal assault rifle primarily used by Hardened Legionaries. It fires in 3-round bursts, and should a full burst hit its target, it will cause slight disorientation and knockback. Each burst is fired quickly and accurately, so dodging a full burst requires fast timing.
Bombardier Gauntlet
A wrist-mounted grenade launcher used exclusively by Hardened Legionaries. It can either fire live SIVA Charges that detonate on impact or Null Mines that detonate in spheres of Void energy which blackens the vision of anyone inside. It also comes with a retractable Shock Blade attachment that inflicts a shocking effect on its targets.
Slug Spigot
An Arc Cabal submachine gun used primarily by Hardened Phalanxes. It can easily be wielded in one hand and is the pinnacle of close-range reactionary firepower, spewing its slugs at 900 RPM. However, its high rate of fire is somewhat offset by its set accuracy cone, making it easier to predict where the shots will go, although each shot has a chance of travelling either outside or within its normal spread pattern, making it unpredictable at time. Ballistarius units use a dual-wielded variant with a Hive Detonator fire mode.
Vex Overshield
A large Vex-reinforced multipurpose ballistic shield used exclusively by Hardened Phalanxes. It can expand to form a wall of Solar energy that rapidly burns anyone in its wake to death. At close range, it can either be used to unleash a Void shield blast that will slow anyone within range, or to perform a shield bash that will cause significant knockback and disorientation.
Magma Thrower
A Cabal flamethrower used exclusively by Hardened Incendiors. It dispenses flames in a forward cone and can perform a compression blast with extreme knockback force. It also comes with an underbarrel burst-fire Arc Shredder; should a full burst hit its target, it will trigger a shocking effect.
Darkness Grenade
An unstable Hive grenade used exclusively by Hardened Incendiors. It erupts in Void energy before releasing a cloud of poisonous gas that rapidly damages anyone inside of it.
Cabal Greatblade
A superheated energy blade primarily used by Hardened Gladiators, but can also be seen in the hands of Hardened Centurion officers as well. It inflicts a burning and sundering effect on its targets.
Taken Barricade
A Void handheld shield forged in Taken energy used exclusively by Hardened Gladiators. It has a drill attached to its front that can be used to rush towards Guardians and pin them to walls while causing heavy damage over time.
Projection Swarmer
An Arc Cabal warhead launcher used primarily by Hardened Centurions. It fires miniature seeking flashbang rockets in 5-round bursts, and comes with a Void Vex Laser Rifle that reverses Super and ability recharge rate for as long as it remains on target, which will also be latched on to and slowed by the beam at closer ranges. Hardened Marauder Lancers use a poisonous Null Blade attachment when using this weapon but leave out the Laser Rifle attachment. Hardened Gunnery Sergeants use a dual-wielded variant of this weapon but also without the Laser Rifle.
Slug Bomber
A Void Cabal grenade machine gun used exclusively by Hardened Colossi. Fires live explosives at a constant rate of 360 RPM. Explosives detonate on impact, releasing a singularity that pulls Guardians towards it, causing rapid damage over time throughout its entire duration.
Taken Scramble Missiles
A Taken-enhanced Solar missile pod used exclusively by Hardened Colossi. When attacked, the missile pod is automatically triggered, releasing a scattered spread of warheads that ignite their targets.
Burst Inductor
An enhanced Induction Repeater used primarily by Hardened Pulsars. It charges up before releasing a ten-round burst of sniper bolts. A full burst will instantly kill any Guardian at long range regardless of resilience value.
SIVA Dagger
A SIVA-powered dagger used exclusively by Hardened Pulsars. It can switch between two energy modes: Scorch and Shock. Scorch mode inflicts a burning effect whereas Shock mode inflicts a shocking effect.
A Solar assault rifle used primarily by Hardened Lightning Psions. It is capable of accurately firing Solar slugs fully automatically at a rate of 300 RPM. Aim deflection increases as Guardians take damage.
Rift Grenade
A highly dangerous Taken-infused grenade used exclusively by Hardened Lightning Psions. It erupts in Void energy before releasing a Taken Blight that inflicts the "Shadow Touched" debuff and damages anything inside.
Hive Detonator
An underbarrel grenade launcher attachment used exclusively by Hardened Ballistarii. Grenades release a Void energy dome upon detonation that slow and sunder anyone stuck inside.
Napalm Launcher
A Cabal pyrotechnic weapon used exclusively by Hardened Flamers. It fires a ball of pure Solar energy that expands into a large pool of flames upon detonation. Under its barrel is a Vex Torch Repeater that is linked to the Flamer's canister. Once the canister is fully charged, the Torch Repeater activates, repeatedly bombarding Guardians from afar with explosive Void siege bolts.
Overcharge Gauntlet
A Cabal supercharged gauntlet used exclusively by Hardened Flamers. When pulled back, chain reactions are activated, triggering an Arc energy surge. It then thrusts forward to transfer the energy to its target, unleashing a devastating punch that will blind, shock and knock back anyone within range.
Buzzsaw Lance
A Solar Cabal lance used exclusively by Hardened Lancers. Pulling it back superheats it, and it then automatically thrusts forward to unleash a flurry of powerful melee attacks followed by a strong downward slash that creates a wall of deadly fire.
Bronze Shield
A Vex bronze-reinforced ballistic shield used exclusively by Hardened Lancers. It can perform a shield bash that precedes an Arc blast that will blind any Guardians within its radius.
Null Blade
A Void blade attachment used exclusively by Hardened Marauder Lancers. It poisons and slows any target that it hits.
SIVA Overshield
A SIVA-enhanced shield used exclusively by Hardened Marauder Lancers. It can perform a high-damage shield bash that leaves SIVA Swarms in its wake as well as a nanite cloud upon impact.
Gatling Inductor
A Solar Cabal sniper machine gun used exclusively by Hardened Hypaspists. It charges up before automatically firing high-damage sniper bolts at a constant rate of 360 RPM. This allows it to kill all Guardians in 5 shots, regardless of resilience value. There are alos two additional weapon platforms attached to it: a Darkness Missile launcher and a Fallen Shock Dagger. Darkness Missiles track their targets and trap them in a dome of Void energy upon detonation, which will slow, poison, and suppress them, whereas the Shock Dagger will blind, shock, and paralyze its targets for a short time.
Spire Grenade
A powerful Vex grenade used exclusively by Hardened Gunnery Sergeants. It detonates on impact, releasing a Void rift that will pull Guardians in and will teleport them to one of two different locations: either another spot on the ground or up in the air.
Ultra Slug Thrower
An upgraded Heavy Slug Thrower used exclusively by Hardened Thunderbolt Colossi. It has increased accuracy over its original incarnation and double the fire rate at 1200 RPM. Given that they are dual wielded, the total fire rate is 2400 RPM, literally dropping Guardians in less than a second.
Taken Phaser Cannon
A Taken-enhanced Phaser Cannon used exclusively by Hardened Thunderbolt Colossi. It charges up before firing a gigantic Void beam that will instantly kill anything that crosses and will unleash upon impact a giant blight, which will inflict the "Shadow Touched" debuff and damage anything inside.
Cabal Cluster Missiles
An Arc Cabal missile pod used exclusively by Hardened Thunderbolt Colossi. It fires a swarm of missiles that aggressively track their targets, which blind and slow anything in their path.
Blitz Slug Cannon
An Arc shoulder mounted rocket machine gun used exclusively by Hardened Draconarii. It automatically fires Arc super slugs at a rate of 240 RPM. Each super slug leaves behind a miniature concussion field upon detonation that blinds, shocks, and paralyzes anything that steps inside, before eventually detonating, causing an explosion with significant knockback force.
Behemoth's Gaze
A SIVA-enhanced standard used exclusively by Hardened Draconarii. It fires a long stream of SIVA that attaches nanites to its target, and also leaves SIVA Swarm clouds in its wake. Guardians inflicted with SIVA nanites can spread the effect to each other via trail.
Suppression Gauntlet
A Void Cabal gauntlet used exclusively by Hardened Draconarii. It pulls upward, channeling Void energy shortly before slamming the ground, creating an energy shockwave that sends Guardians flying upward and suppressing them of their abilities.
Large, remote-controlled, seeking Cabal drones. Armed with dual Slug Repeaters. Unleashes a stasis beam that latches on to nearby Guardians and saps a set portion of their health to increase their own speed, damage resistance, and attack power.
Quick-flying aircraft equipped with dual Lancer Cannons. Equipped with bladed wings that cut away at the ground, creating debris storms that greatly disorient Guardians' vision.
Ultra Interceptor
An up-sized Interceptor with a much larger operator seat. Armed with quad artillery cannons and has a permanent booster setting, but is generally much slower than the regular Interceptor. Operated by Gunnery Sergeants.
Cerberus Tank
A larger and more powerful variant of the Goliath Tank. Operated by Gunnery Sergeants, whom can only be killed once the tank is destroyed.
Ordnance Juggernaut
A gigantic Cabal siege engine equipped with multiple weapon systems and is capable of smashing infrastructure to pieces.
Cerberus Tank
Primus Draug'oth/Other | |
Production information | |
Manufacturer: |
Product line: |
Model: |
Cerberus |
Technical specifications | |
Hull: |
Reinforced Cabal Plating |
Armament: |
Nuclear Blast Cannon |
Crew: |
Gunnery Sergeant |
Usage | |
Year introduced: |
Stone Breaker Siege |
Role(s): |
Zone Control |
Cerberus Tanks are a larger and more powerful variant of the Goliath Tank deployed by the Behemoths. Armed with a multitude of devastating weaponry, some of which was made from salvaged enemy technology, they have been used extensively in siege operations and zone control alike.
Nuclear Blast Cannon
The Cerberus Tank's primary weapon. It fires atomically fused Planet Cracker ammunition, which has a dramatically increased blast radius, allowing it to have a larger one-hit-kill range. Upon detonation it leaves a toxic radiation cloud in its wake. Any Guardians that step in this cloud will be inflicted with "Radiation Poisoning", which will quickly drain their health until death. Those with the poisoning will leave behind a trail that will spread the effect to other Guardians. Those who die to the effect will have their corpse radiated, meaning that others who run over it will also receive the poison.
Ultra Slug Throwers
A set of close-range defense mounted machine guns. Their rate of fire alone will drop Guardians in the blink of an eye.
Cabal Magma Throwers
A pair of forward facing flamethrowers. They dispense flames in a 50 foot long forward cone that will rapidly burn away at Guardian shields.
Cabal Cluster Missiles
An Arc missile pod akin to those seen on the Hardened Thunderbolt Colossus. It fires a swarm of Arc missiles track their targets and inflict them with blindness and slowness effects upon detonation.
Splicer Seeker Turrets
A set of salvaged SIVA Turrets. They fire homing balls of SIVA nanites that inflict a "SIVA Swarm" effect upon impact.
Darkness Missile Launchers
A pair of large upward facing missile launchers that fire large Void warheads which leave behind a giant energy dome upon detonation, which will slow, poison, and suppress any Guardians inside.
Heavy Torch Mortars
A set of large frontal Torch Hammers that fire gigantic bolts of explosive Void energy akin to a Cyclops. These bolts have an extremely wide blast radius.
Blighted Repeaters
A set of hidden Taken-enhanced repeater guns. At range, they Void sniper bolts at a fast rate. When at close range, it will unleash a beam that will latch on to nearby Guardians, slow them down, deal damage over time, and eventually drag them closer to the tank itself, which will eventually crush any Guardians that have not attempted to escape. Shooting the beams will cancel this attack.
Primus Ral'un, Enforcer
Primus Ral'un, Enforcer | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Hardened Lancer |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Desecration |
Weapon(s): |
Cabal Buzzsaw Lance |
Abilities: |
Volcanic Blockade |
- "Khraghul, my dearest friend. Our experiments have been going well, thanks to you. I must say, your idea to extract untold power from sabotaged enemy technology is ingenious! Now, there is but one task left for us: we must initiate Operation Desecration!"
- — Ral'un initiating the "Operation Desecration" campaign
Primus Ral'un, Enforcer is the frontline warden of the Behemoths as well as one of Dominus Khraghul's closest friends and entrusted lieutenants.
- "End of the line, Guardian! We have already ruined several worlds in our wake! And I'm afraid your world is next..."
- — Ral'un addressing The Guardian personally
Ral'un is the first boss of the "Desecration" Raid. His encounter is the simplest, but is easily the most hectic. Ral'un is armed with his own model of the Cabal Buzzsaw Lance. Like the regular version, it pulls back before unleashing a flurry of melee attacks followed by a heavy downward slash that creates a wall of fire that will quickly ignite any Guardian in its wake. However, his personal variant is also equipped with a Cabal Frag Detonator attachment, allowing him to fire a barrage of fragmentation grenades. He is also equipped with a Vex Bronze Shield, which has two built-in functions. One of them is a shield bash that blinds anything within range and leaves behind feedback spheres upon impact. Stepping near these spheres will inflict a deadly shocking effect that does heavy damage over time. The other one is a shield dome that is completely immune to all damage. Any shots that hit it will slow down whoever is shooting it, and occasionally, the dome will transfer some Void energy to the lance shortly before firing a large Axion Dart that tracks slower than normal, but takes and deals substantially more damage, and has a wide blast radius.
Throughout the fight, Ral'un will put up his shield dome, call for reinforcements, fire his Giga Axion Darts, and activate some environmental hazards around the stage. Among them are poison gas vents, flame jets, Arc webs, and bombarding laser turrets. Poison gas will rise from the bottom floor to inflict a poison effect on the entire arena; Cabal flame jets will periodically switch on and off at both levels and will burn anyone stuck on them; Arc webs will deploy from EMP chargers on the walls and pulse with electric energy, shocking and paralyzing anyone within its radius; laser turrets will lock on to their targets with a laser pointer and fire a supercharged energy beam once it locks on, killing its target in one shot. Guardians then must kill "Empowered Pulsars" to gain resistance to the hazards. For every Pulsar killed, one Guardian at random will gain 3 stacks of the "Resistance" buff. These stacks will decrease over time, and in order to be immune, 30 stacks must be reached. Pulsars will keep spawning until everyone has achieved 30 stacks, at which point they may safely approach Ral'un and blast his dome with energy from the buff, thus opening him up for a damage phase. This process repeats until he is killed.
Analyst Rolak, Free-Thinker
Analyst Rolak, Free-Thinker | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Analyst |
Class: |
Lightning Pulsar |
Gender: |
Female |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Desecration |
Weapon(s): |
Abilities: |
Psionic Armoring |
- "Dominus Khraghul...how you have made so much progress during our time together. I'm so proud of you. But I fear this is where we part, for the Risen are coming. It is time we must do our own duties to keep this legion alive and well. Just remember what I had taught you, and you should have no problems. Should we emerge victorious, it would be a miracle to see you again."
- — Analyst Rolak giving her farewell to Dominus Khraghul
Analyst Rolak, Free-Thinker is the lead researcher and scientific analyst for the Behemoths, as well as the consort of Dominus Khraghul.
- "Advance no further, Guardian! You shall not destroy our progress, nor shall you destroy my science! If you ever wish to touch my beloved Khraghul, you will have to beat me at my own game first! Good luck..."
- — Rolak stepping in to fend off The Guardian
Rolak is the second boss of the "Desecration" Raid. Her encounter is a demonstration of trial and error, alluding to her methods of attack. Rolak's main weapon of choice is a Lasrifle, which automatically fires Solar Cabal slugs which cause severe aim deflection, drastically throwing Guardians' aiming point off their intended target. She occasionally can throw a Taken Rift Grenade which detonates in Void energy before releasing a Taken Blight that will inflict both the "Shadow Touched" and "Taken Blight" debuffs. For close combat, she carries a SIVA-enhanced dagger with two separate attack modes: Scorch and Shock Mode. Scorch Mode allows the dagger to release a short range blast that will deal moderate damage to Guardian shields and burn their health away; Shock Mode allows the dagger to release a blinding detonation, which will additionally slow them down before releasing a high-damage Arc energy burst that will immediately destroy a Guardian's shield.
Rolak has a greater magnitude of psionic abilities than all other Psions. To start, she has the ability to project a personal shield to protect herself from all incoming damage, allowing her to continue attacking. She can also either grant her Cabal soldiers random elemental shielding or release a psionic blast that will send Cabal in its radius into a blind rage, making them move faster and deal more damage; this blast can also immediately bring down a Guardian's shield. Through sheer willpower, Rolak has the gift of flight, which is only enhanced by her wings which are made of SIVA nanites, granting her extra speed and maneuverability. Every so often, a portion of these nanites will detach from the wings and move to another far-away spot of the arena, which Rolak will teleport to; walking through these nanite clouds will inflict a SIVA swarm effect for a short time.
As Rolak harasses the player with her weapons and psychic abilities while summoning Cabal troops, three Psion Flayers will appear, which will each denote a particular element: Scorch Flayers for Solar, Shock Flayers for Arc, and Null Flayers for Void. Each of these Psions will teleport around the arena will be able to perform a Psionic Blast respective to their element that will inflict a certain status effect: Scorch inflicts "Burning", Shock inflicts "Paralysis", and Null inflicts "Suppression". Only one will be vulnerable at a time, while the other two are not, and there will be no indication as to which one can be damaged. When the first is killed, then the player must guess which of the two remaining Flayers can be killed, after which the player can simply finish the last one off. Rolak will then erect 3 pillars, one for each element. These pillars must be shut down in the reverse order that the Psion Flayers were killed. Destroying the wrong pillar will inflict the entire team with its relative debuffs: Solar causes "Burning" and "Sundered"; Shock causes "Shocking" and "Paralysis"; Null causes "Weakness" and "Suppresion". However, it will come back if it was destroyed during the wrong order. There will be 5 seconds to destroy each pillar; taking too long to do so will result in a Psionic Purge, immediately wiping the entire team. Destroying the pillars in the right order will destroy one of the two siphons in the back of the room. This process repeats until both siphons are destroyed.
When both siphons are destroyed, Rolak will teleport the entire team into her mindscape. Inside, there will be a giant projection of her brain, which will initially be immune to damage. The brain will summon a giant black hole that will attempt to suck in everything in its path. Guardians will have to run away from it while also keeping an eye out for Psionic Projections. Shooting them will slowly close the Vortex; these projections must be destroyed physically or else they will detonate on their own, releasing a permanent blinding detonation. The only way to get rid of the blinding effect will be to fire at the ground for long enough. The vortex will then slowly reactivate and will have to be closed again. When the vortex is fully closed, the brain will attempt to fire large energy blasts that can instantly kill any Guardian it locks on to. However, these blasts can be destroyed and will grant the "Intellect" buff to the entire team. For every blast that is shot down, the subsequent stacks received are doubled. The more stacks of the buff achieved, the more damage that can be done to the brain. After 20 seconds of shooting down blasts, the brain will fire an even larger blast that cannot be destroyed and must be reflected by destroying the Psionic Projections in front of it, which are disabling a barrier. If this blast is not reflected, it will kill the whole team. Reflecting the blast towards the brain will stun it, rendering it fully vulnerable to all damage for 30 seconds. Any damage dealt to the brain will transfer over to Rolak's physical form.
Ordnance Juggernaut
Primus Draug'oth/Other | |
Production information | |
Manufacturer: |
Product line: |
Model: |
Ordnance Storage |
Technical specifications | |
Other system(s): |
Scorch Shield |
Hull: |
Reinforced Cabal Plating |
Armament: |
Planet Crackers |
Crew: |
Behemoth Soldiers |
Usage | |
Year introduced: |
Stone Breaker Siege |
Role(s): |
Command Structure |
Affiliation: |
Ordnance Juggernaut is the Imperial Land Tank of the Behemoths and the personal vessel of Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier.
Planet Crackers
On the top deck, a pair of Planet Cracker turrets will appear from both the front and back. These turrets will fire extremely large artillery shells with a massive blast radius, allowing them to kill Guardians at any range in one shot.
Slug Autocannons
Surrounding the sides of the tank's top deck are Slug Autocannons. These large rotary machine guns fire at 3000 RPM and fire high-caliber microrockets. The high caliber allows them to each kill Guardians in ten shots, and in the blink of an eye.
Missile Swarm Pods
On the bottom deck, a pair of Missile Swarm Pods will appear from both the front and back. These fire swarms of seeking missiles with a high blast radius, fast velocity, and incendiary properties, inflicting a burning effect on their targets upon detonation.
Projection Launchers
Surrounding the sides of the tank's bottom are Projection Launchers. These oversized, belt-fed Projection Rifles spew out grenades that detonate on impact, pounding Guardians from afar and disorienting their field of vision.
Scorch Shield
Every so often, the tank will shield itself in Solar flames that will ignite all Guardians in its radius.
Disruptor Field
The tank will often pulsate with Void energy, periodically suppressing Guardian abilities.
Sometimes, the tank will unleash an Arc web on the ground which will shock, blind, and paralyze anything in its radius.
The Ordnance Juggernaut is first encountered in the "Ordnance" story mission, which sends The Guardian on an investigation to see who is behind the Behemoths' weapons manufacturing as well as the reconstruction of The Almighty. When the Guardian reaches the final point of the mission, they will stop outside a large, suspicious-looking Imperial Land Tank, where they will be forced to face a Champion Colossus, which is a powerful Ultra Colossus. After the Colossus is killed it will drop a "Cabal Ordnance Code". After that is picked up, the "Mission Complete" screen will show up for a brief moment, but then disappear after they hear a warcry. The Land Tank finally reveals itself to be the Ordnance Juggernaut as it turns on its engines and headlights, with Gall'usk on the top deck. The Guardian is then forced to run in the opposite direction, lest they be crushed to death or be killed by its continuous heavy weapons fire. Although Gall'usk was successful in driving the Guardian away from Cabal territory, he did not stop them from acquiring the code that grants access to the reconstructed Almighty.
The Ordnance Juggernaut appears again in the "Desecration" Raid, as the second-to-last encounter. It will start to approach the Guardians when one of them runs too close to it. When the encounter starts, the Ordnance Juggernaut will advance, open fire with all its weapons and deploy its Scorch Shield, which will not only make its hull invulnerable to all damage, but it will also rapidly burn any Guardian in its radius to a crisp. It will also pulsate with Void energy, which will periodically suppress Guardian abilities. Sometimes, its treads will become overcharged with Arc energy and deploy an electric web that will shock, blind, and paralyze any Guardian in its field. This web lingers for 15 seconds at a time. The treads become immune as long as this web is active. Otherwise, take the opportunity to shoot down the treads to slow the tank down. When the treads sustain enough damage, a special Pulsar Psion will teleport in front of the Guardians. If these Psions are not killed in time, then they will teleport away and the Ordnance Juggernaut reactivate all its systems, thus restarting the process. Every time the tanked is slowed, a Pulsar of a different element will show up, and all have a chance to inflict the debuff that their respective system does. The first one will be the "Scorch Pulsar", which controls the Scorch Shield; killing it will greatly decrease the frequency that the shield can be deployed. The second one will be the "Disruptor Pulsar", which controls the Disruptor Field; killing it will greatly decrease the frequency that the field can be deployed. The third one will be the "Overcharge Pulsar", which controls the Overcharger; killing it will greatly decrease the frequency that the web can be deployed. Once all these Pulsars are killed, the tank will be permanently slowed and its weapons and systems will be weakened, allowing Guardians enough time to board the tank. Once they reach the top deck, they will face Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier.
Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier
Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Class: |
Hardened Gunnery Sergeant |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Ordnance |
Weapon(s): |
Projection Swarmers |
Abilities: |
Blindness Effect |
- "Khraghul, my brother. Look at the destruction we have caused. Is it not beautiful? Out of all the military campaigns we've run, none has been more successful than this. We have effectively left entire worlds in ashes. Just think of all the success we could reap if we could finally bring our greatest obstacle down on its knees for good. Only then will we have achieved our biggest goal, and then we could continue ravaging the system."
- — Gall'usk conferencing with his brother Khraghul
Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier is the weaponsmith and siege engineer of the Behemoths as well as the brother of Dominus Khraghul.
- "You have torn enough of the Behemoths, Guardian. I will crack your planet's surface open and watch your city fall into the core! And with it...your Traveler."
- — Gall'usk threatening The Guardian during their final encounter
Gall'usk is first seen in the Story mission "Ordnance", where he is seen on the roof of the Ordnance Juggernaut, but doesn't directly attack the player. He returns in the "Desecration" Raid, and is fought when the player reaches the top of the Ordnance Juggernaut. Gall'usk's encounter is packed with fast-paced, military-style combat, and his numerous weapons and abilities make it an intense firefight. Gall'usk is armed to the teeth, using several destructive weaponry all at one time. His main weapons of choice are his twin Projection Swarmers, which each fire a 5-round burst of miniature seeking Arc warheads that blind their targets upon detonation. He can occasionally throw a Vex Spire Grenade, which detonates in Void energy before inflicting its target with the "Displacement" debuff, which will teleport them to another random location. On his back is a dual-purpose artillery cannon: on the ground, he uses it to fire large Solar mortar shells, which can immediately destroy a Guardian's shield and leave their health at very low levels; in the air, he uses it to fire a barrage of cluster missiles that scramble around the arena and cause several chaining explosions around the arena. When faced at close range, he will smash the ground and leave a large pool of fire in his wake, inflicting his victims with a burning effect while also sundering their resilience.
Occasionally, Gall'usk will gain elemental shielding from special Psion Pulsar units that were seen during the first half of the encounter. When psionically enhanced, Gall'usk will only be able to wield his Projection Swarmers, but will also gain the elemental shield respective to the Pulsar as well as new attacks. "Overcharge Pulsars" grant him an Arc shield and the ability to slam the ground with electric energy, covering the floor with high voltage electricity that will paralyze their targets and shock them to death; "Scorch Pulsars" grant him a Solar Shield and the ability to summon a Solar blast that can instantly kill any Guardian at any range due its large blast radius; "Disruptor Pulsars" grant him a Void shield and the ability to slam the ground with Void energy, covering the floor with a blanket that periodically suppresses Guardian abilities. Gall'usk's elemental shield can be destroyed while being powered by the Pulsar, but it will regenerate incredibly quickly, so it is recommended to kill the Pulsar first, as the shield will not regenerate when it is not supplied by the Pulsar. Additionally, whenever a Pulsar is killed, Gall'usk will have their respective shield and ability enhancements permanently in his moveset, and will use them randomly throughout battle. Otherwise, Gall'usk is permanently vulnerable to damage.
Dominus Khraghul, the Almighty
Dominus Khraghul, the Almighty | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Sand Eaters (former Bracus) |
Rank: |
Class: |
Hardened Draconarius |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
The Monster Wakes |
Weapon(s): |
Blitz Slug Launcher |
Abilities: |
Blindness Effect |
- "For too long, the Cabal Empire has been in ruin. The decision to dwell under the reign of either a mindless warlord who has attempted to mangle with power he never truly understood or a lazy emperor who believes that it is possible to make amends for a price that has already been paid...has been made. I now recall for you the struggle between Ghaul and Calus. Ghaul believed that we were able to take the Light and use it for our own, but paid the price of death, ultimately serving that it can only be granted to those who have been chosen by the Traveler. Calus believes that by having multiple client species on his side, like he is doing with The Risen, he will be able to effectively expand his empire, but he doesn't realize that any one of his royal clients can turn on him at any moment. I say: do not trifle with power you do not know of, and do not trust someone you are unsure of. Simply disregard their needs and put down any potential opposition. And from here, I will finish what my father has started."
- — Dominus Khraghul recalling the past troubles of the Cabal Empire and declaring a new direction for his people to head towards
Dominus Khraghul, the Almighty is the Cabal military emperor and the personal general of the highest-ranked legion in the Cabal army: the Behemoths.
Khraghul has grown up with harsh memories and many years of military experience on the back of his mind. Khraghul grew up having issues with his father, Primus Tho'urgh. He kept showing his father that he would become amongst the most powerful Cabal soldiers the universe has ever known and wanted to fight alongside him, but was consistently denied. Eventually, the issues escalated hotter topics of debate. The two were then in a personal argument over how to gauge the military strength and political prowess of their people. After Khraghul personally insulted Tho'urgh's status throughout the debate, Tho'urgh cast his son out of the family until he was better able to grasp the functions and essentials of Cabal society, and started by ushering Khraghul into a low-ranked Sand Eaters squad.
The Sand Eaters took Khraghul into their ranks and put him and his crew in a heavily conditioned environment. He had to help rigorously defend Cabal outposts all over Mars against the Virgo Prohibition, a dangerous Vex programming targeted exclusively towards the Cabal to draw them out of their Exclusion Zone. With little equipment to work with, Khraghul and his fellow soldiers were under heavy siege by Vex constructs wherever they were. However, Khraghul eventually thought of the idea to reinforce their defenses and increase firepower. He laid out and proposed plans for building a giant barricade surrounding Dust Palace outfitted with artillery cannons. Of course, Khraghul considered that they would still be attacked while doing so, which is why he had begun constructing a blueprint for a tougher shield to be used by the Sand Eaters' Phalanxes. Going ahead with his plans, Khraghul had his ideas approved by Bracus Tho'ourg and Bracus Tha'aurn.
One fateful day, the Vex, under the Exclusion Mind, attacked the Dust Palace without warning. The new Phalanx shield was holding up well against Vex weaponry as the giant barricade was under construction. It was days before it was completed, with the Sand Eaters suffering heavy casualties during the process. Khraghul, meanwhile, was tackling elite Vex infantry and keeping them away from the barricade. When he saw it was finished, he retreated inside and ordered the artillery cannon operators to fire while Khraghul personally took down the Exclusion Mind. With the Mind destroyed, the Virgo Prohibition was forced to withdraw, allowing the Sand Eaters to score victory. One particular Cabal in his crew, Ral'un, was amazed at what Khraghul had done, and the two met up with each other a lot to go Vex hunting together, becoming close friends in the process. For his valiance in battle and helpful planning, he was promoted to a Centurion and was deemed worthy enough to become a Bracus. As Bracus, he helped the Cabal drive the Vex out of The Buried City and even cracked open the gate to the Black Garden for future assaults. The Sand Eaters regarded him so highly, they referred to him as "Bracus Khraghul, Elite Defender."
The commander of the Siege Dancers, Valus Ta'aurc, gained word of Khraghul's achievements during the Dust Palace siege and sent him and his ever-growing crew a personal invitation to assist them in attacking the Black Garden. Khraghul and his crew accepted the invitation and were officially taken into the ranks of the Siege Dancers. They were subjected to learning the Siege Dancer doctrines and tactics, and seeing that Khraghul had opened the gate to the Black Garden for them, he and his crew were selected to enter the gate and force their way to the garden until they reach the Combination Mind, a feared Vex Mind programmed to weave the Black Garden with the Exclusion Zone. To further aid him on combat, he was given a specialized Cabal Shield with forward-facing spikes as well as a blade attachment for his Projection Rifle, and then marched forward.
By the time they reached the gate, Vex constructs were pouring out. It was at this time that Khraghul ordered his Phalanx units to surround his attack force while the other soldiers bombard the Vex from the inside. With this special tactic, they were able to form a moving wall that could easily cross into the Black Garden. As the Vex tried to defend the gate, they followed the Cabal inside, but were fended off. Khraghul and his squadron descended deeper into the garden, slaying countless Vex on the way. It took them months to locate the Combination Mind, until it teleported right in front of them with a horde of Vex in front. Once the Vex started marching forward and firing, Khraghul ordered his Phalanx units to form a shield wall around his attack troops again, deploying the same tactic that got them in the garden. Only this time, they were hunkered down in one place and were forced to fend off incoming waves of the machines. This allowed his squadron to divert their attention away from Khraghul while he personally tackled the Combination Mind. According to lost Cabal reports, this mind was especially resilient and powerful, and would take years to defeat alone. It was several years before the Combination Mind was finally brought down to its knees, which gave the now weakened Khraghul the opportunity to bash the mind to pieces, forcing the Vex to retreat once more.
When he and his crew exited the gate back into the Valley of the Kings, he was welcomed home by Ta'aurc and the remaining Siege Dancer forces, and was officially deemed a Val for accomplishing what previous soldiers hadn't done before. However, Ta'aurc noticed his wounds, and thus sent him to a recovery station under the care of Dr. Rolak, a female Psion who had heard the news from other Cabal of what he had done. The two grew a special bond with each other over the months they had been together, and loved each other very much. One day, Rolak proposed she would find a way to make Khraghul bigger and stronger via psionic enhancement through temporarily sharing mindscapes. Through a short psionic enhancement process, Khraghul housed a larger, sharper mind and increased muscle mass. He thanked Rolak for the help, and upon returning to Siege Dancer headquarters, he was promoted to a Colossus and was given deadlier weapons and tougher armor. His new title was "Val Khraghul, the Unrelenting" for his unwillingness to back down against the Vex in the Black Garden. During his duties as Val, he pushed the Fallen of the House of Wolves away from Rubicon Wastes. His father also unknowingly fulfilled this task, though they were deployed in different sections, so they never got to see each other in battle. Khraghul heard that his father was in battle as well, but felt it was unfortunate to have not seen him. He knew he still had a while to go before he was worthy of fighting with his father.
Come the time of the Red War, Khraghul received two transmissions, one from Dominus Ghaul asking him to help the Red Legion purge The Last City and take the Traveler from them, and the other from Emperor Calus asking him to help the Cabal return to their "original way of life". Khraghul was at first unsure of who to join, but Ghaul assured him that he would accomplish a general long-time goal of the Cabal military as well as being able to meet a long-lost family member, whereas Calus assured him he will have the chance to be proven worthy in life and be rewarded with the finest of riches. While Khraghul was feeling unworthy at the moment, he found fulfilling the Cabal's military requirements far too important, and thus opted to help Ghaul assault The Last City. He, along with Ral'un and Rolak, took a Harvester from Firebase Rubicon to The Immortal, which was in orbit above Earth.
Ghaul greeted Khraghul and his crew and grouped the trio with Khraghul's long-lost brother, Gall'usk. The two brothers were happy to see each other and knew that they would be successful together. Ghaul said that it is why he put them together, and gave them the order to go around to different worlds and gather anything of value that could help end the Guardian resistance while putting down vital Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Taken strongholds. The group then took on the task with pleasure. As they were heading towards their first target, Gall'usk crafted and gave his brother a Cabal Gladius for him to use in battle. Ghaul sent the group a transmission stating that their first task was to raid a Fallen hideout in the European Dead Zone and challenge the soul of Phryzzak, Dusk Kell and claim his enhanced Ether. The soul was eventually destroyed and his Ether had been sapped from him for further investigation. Ghaul then ushered them to the New Pacific Arcology on Titan to learn the secrets of a special kind of Hive relic called a Plague Stone. They were successfully able to pull one out of an Ogre and leave the Ogre to die, as well as the remaining Hive and their lairs to rot to death. Next, they were deployed in the Arcadian Valley on Nessus to claim Vex artifacts from the core, and lastly in the Echo Mesa on Io to seize energy from a Taken rift. To also fulfill personal needs, they also captured, experimented on, and tortured live hostile Fallen, Hive, and Vex specimens.
Ghaul finally deemed them ready to counter the Guardian resistance and stationed Khraghul and his crew on the outskirts of the Tower in an effort to divert the resistance's attention away from Ghaul as he siphons Light from the Traveler using The Cage. While he was unable to fend off enough Guardians before Ghaul was slain by the Traveler, the remaining Red Legion command turned to Khraghul for answers. He was appointed to Valus and initiated a hostile takeover of remnant human outposts, thereby rendering humanity unable to defend the exterior of their city should the Cabal launch another attack. As he, Ral'un, and Gall'usk went on to sabotage the Vanguard's remaining external defenses, Rolak was left to psionically extract power from their specimens. His record, eventually made known to the rest of the Red Legion officers, earned him the title of "Valus Khraghul, Ravaging Virus", for his ability to raid enemy settlements and leave them to rot away and decay until they are no more. He was both feared and respected by the many Cabal who heard his name, and was slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
Realizing his dramatic uphill climb in the Cabal hierarchy, Khraghul started to piece together everything he had learned about the Cabal hierarchy and figured out that the titles and ranks he has been given are not just a way to show his status; they are also a way to describe what one has achieved and is capable of achieving. But he was not ready to tell his father of his rise in power. Shortly after, he received a personal transmission from Primus Ko'rok, overseer of the Cabal Battle Network and lieutenant of the Stone Breakers. Ko'rok told Khraghul that he has heard good things about him from the Cabal High Command, and would make a perfect fit for the Stone Breakers. Khraghul accepted the invitation and went off to Firebase Vulcan, the military grounds of the Stone Breakers. He was taken in as a Draconarius, the elite heavy infantry, and him and his battalion were put to work.
Their first task was to help reinforce defenses at Firebase Hades and other Red Legion bases, as the Stone Breakers' commander received a distress signal, and ordered a full battalion of reinforcements to be deployed. Additionally, they were to launch another attack on the Tower and siege The Last City once more. They helped deploy fresh specialist troops defend Cabal outposts across the system. Firebase Hades in particular saw the greatest success, with their assigned defense plans being able to push back both Guardians and Fallen alike. However, this plan was eventually cut off by Emperor Calus, who secretly sent his Councilors to arrest Khraghul and his crew for their failure to comply with his demand. They were instantly transported to a large space on The Leviathan with Calus personally greeting them before locking Khraghul behind bars and forcing his crew to fight the Loyalists for Calus' entertainment. Ko'rok hastily sent a Stone Breaker force on a course for their coordinates.
Primus Tho'urgh then stepped out and asked Ko'rok to report anything suspicious. He told him that one of their highest-value commanders has been captured by Calus. Tho'urgh didn't think much of it at first, and turned his back. Ko'rok continued told him that this commander has made many achievements for the Cabal military, but Tho'urgh still wasn't listening. But Ko'rok eventually got it through to Tho'urgh that this great commander was his own son, Khraghul. Tho'urgh felt a sudden change of heart, becoming utterly heartbroken to learn that his son was subject to cruelty from Calus. Ko'rok told him that he sent a large force to retrieve him. However, Tho'urgh himself opted to get his son back. During the fight against the Loyalists, Ral'un, Gall'usk, and Rolak were having trouble holding out against the large masses of foes coming against them. Calus laughed and smiled as he watched them suffer. Khraghul could only watch as his closest crewmates were slowly being wounded. This cruelty lasted for hours until Tho'urgh crash-landed his Thresher into the Leviathan's arena. The crowd looked up in shock and Calus paused the fight. He then saw it was Tho'urgh, and ordered his Loyalists to open fire on him, but Tho'urgh walked it off and eventually beat down the entirety of the royal guard in the arena. Calus then personally challenged him, and whoever won would keep Khraghul. While Calus' psionic powers and increased intelligence were initially a superior display, Tho'urgh's resilience and ferocity eventually won the day, forcing Calus into hiding, deeper within the vessel. He then freed his son and promoted him to Primus once they returned to Firebase Vulcan. Khraghul's new title was "Primus Khraghul, Battle-Scared Vanguard". He was even selected to be one of his personal guards during the siege on The Last City.
Using the Ordnance Juggernaut, their Imperial Land Tank, as well as lines of Breaker Goliath Tanks, they were able to leave a giant gaping hole in The Wall. This caused the Guardians to rally a full-scale defense. While Khraghul was able to fend them off long enough for his crew to hold out, he failed to notice a specialized fireteam sneak onboard the land tank, tasked with killing off the Stone Breaker command. Concerned for his father, he rushed inside and saw Tho'urgh struggling to combat the Guardians, so he assisted, but was promptly interrupted by a Nova Bomb that knocked him unconscious. He then saw his dying father call out to him. He took this final moment to tell his son that he was proud of him and that he was right about him, bringing up the past memory that Tho'urgh only looked at his son as someone looking for worth, going on to say that he should have looked at him as someone also looking for purpose. After telling his son to be strong for him and to finish what he has started, Tho'urgh finally succumbs to his wounds and dies. Khraghul knew what he had to do. Overcome by a frenzy of anger, he would soon launch the most destructive military campaign in Cabal history.
The Stone Breakers feared they had lost everything. Their command has been severed, but Khraghul and his crewmates made it out alive. The legion then looked to them for answers. Seeing as the Red Legion still had no proper command, Khraghul figured he would make his own subunit of Stone Breakers to include all remnant soldiers of the Red Legion and make it the highest-ranked detachment in the Cabal army, and with it, cause untold destruction on the Solar System. He called this unit the "Behemoths". He made Ral'un a Valus and proper second-in-command, also made Gall'usk a Valus as well as the unit's weaponsmith, and made Rolak the lead researcher. Rolak continued to perform experiments on their captured specimens and artifacts from the Red War, Gall'usk made enhanced weapons and equipment for soldiers, and Ral'un was the elite guard.
From what his closest crewmates have gathered, Khraghul deduced that he can make every soldier of his as armed and dangerous as can be. He soon launched sabotage missions on Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Taken strongholds. In doing so, they sapped SIVA remnants from the Fallen of the Dusk Splicers, drew power from relics belonging to the Hive, cracked open Vex artifacts, and mangled with Taken power. Khraghul and his crewmates were there to personally assist in each of these missions, hence why they were so successful in reaping the rewards. Using this sabotaged enemy technology, they increased the lethality of their weapons and attack vehicles. He then went on to see what power he could hold from the technology himself along with his assistants. This dramatic increase in power made his soldiers increase their rank. Ral'un became "Primus Ral'un, Enforcer; Rolak became Analyst Rolak, Free-Thinker; Gall'usk became a Primus with the name "Gall'usk, Elite Bombardier and was given the Ordnance Juggernaut; Khraghul finally reached the rank of Dominus and came to be forever known as "Dominus Khraghul, the Almighty". They have since ravaged several worlds in their wake, and even blew a gigantic hole underneath the Traveler, which they plan to completely bury beneath the Earth and send it falling towards the planet's core, which will ultimately destroy it in the process, leaving The Last City and its Guardians permanently defenseless.
- "Guardian...ask yourself. What are you truly fighting for? Are you even sure of what your Traveler is making you do? You have no will of your own. I will change that. Once your Traveler drops into this planet's core, you will no longer have to serve it. Then, my legion and I will take over from there, and only then will you get the sweet release of death I'm sure you've been waiting for. This is for your own good."
- — Khraghul scolding The Guardian on their course of actions
Dominus Khraghul is by far the single most powerful and dangerous Cabal commander encountered by Guardians. He is engaged three times throughout the War of Ruin expansion. Khraghul is briefly engaged during the first Story mission, The Monster Wakes. He initially fights just like any other Hardened Draconarius, but when he reaches 90% health, he becomes immune to damage and casts a gigantic blast that will instantly break through a Guardian's shield and visibly stun them, giving Khraghul the chance to knock The Guardian and their Ghost off of his Cabal warship, Flagship Hades. He then continuously harasses The Guardian by deploying various obstacles in their path to prevent them from interfering with his plans.
Khraghul is directly engaged for the first time in the final story mission, Brink of Extinction. His numerous weapons and abilities make him a dangerous foe. The main weapon he carries is a Blitz Slug Launcher, a shoulder-mounted rocket machine gun that fires a storm of Arc super slugs at 240 RPM that each release a miniature concussion field upon impact. These fields shock, blind, and paralyze anything in their radius before eventually detonating and inflicting significant knockback. Alternatively, he can use back-mounted Behemoth's Gaze standard to unleash a swarm of SIVA nanites that home in on Guardians and eat away their health; any Guardians afflicted with these nanites leave a nanite trail behind them, thereby spreading the effect to other Guardians. For close range combat, Khraghul has three attacks. Primarily, he will charge up his Suppression Gauntlet and smash the ground with it to release an energy shockwave that will suppress the abilities of its victims and send them flying upward. However, this has a cooldown before it can be used again. During this cooldown he will make use of an armed-mounted flamethrower and his personal melee weapon, the Viral Gladius. This blade deals massive damage to a Guardian's health and inflicts the "Infection" debuff with every strike, which disables recovery and lowers for a short time. His deadliest attack is when he thrusts himself in the air, surround himself with an immunity shield, and unleashes a barrage of large magic blasts that travel slowly but track their targets and deal high damage. However, he will largely hover in one place when using this attack. When he reaches 10% health, he will be severely weakened, but then start to pull more power from his sabotaged enemy supplies and teleport into hiding, so he can recover before their next engagement.
Khraghul and The Guardian have their final engagement during the very last encounter of the "Desecration" Raid. He retains his previous weapons and abilities, but has grown significantly more powerful during his recovery, with the new following attacks:
- His large magic blast attack has been improved to allow him to fly around while rapidly firing the barrage.
- Khraghul can now throw a Spire Grenade, which detonates in Void energy and teleports Guardians to another random location.
- He is also capable of stomping the ground to unleash a fissure that will form a crack and reveal a surface of molten lava that will rapidly burn away the health of a Guardian that walks into it. This fissure will then erupt into fumes of lava that will instantly kill anyone in its way.
- He can teleport around the battlefield at random intervals.
- He can summon Afterburn blasts similarly to Gall'usk, except it does more damage and sunders Guardians' resilience values upon detonation.
- He can deploy an Arc web that covers the entire ground in an electric blanket that slows the movement of Guardians in its path, and when it dissipates, it will release a high damage pulse that can immediately bring down a Guardian's health next to nothing.
- He can envelop himself in a Solar vortex that will rapidly burn away the shields of any Guardians in his radius while summoning flaming geysers that will send Guardians flying and inflict them with a deadly burning effect. The vortex will then start to move around the arena and instantly kill anyone in its path before Khraghul eventually emerges from the vortex and initiates a gigantic fire blast.
- He can surround his Suppression Gauntlet with an aura of Void energy, charge it up, and fire a gigantic Void sphere similar to a Nova Bomb that leaves behind a giant dome that temporarily jams all equipped weapons as well as miniature seekers that inflict a long-lasting poison effect.
- He can summon a myriad of Hive needles that travel across the ground and trap any Guardian in place and rapidly damage them.
- He can absorb energy from his Plague Stone and enter a blind rage similar to an Ogre. He will fire a faster, more accurate version of their eye blast similar to Golgoroth while also firing large Axion Darts that inflict the "Dominus' Venom" debuff, which slowly reverses an afflicted Guardian's ability recharge.
- He can channel enhanced Ether and fire a stream of corrosive Ether fumes that leave toxic vapors on impact which will slow the movements of all Guardians in their path.
- He can channel power from his Vex artifact to summon clouds that rain radioloarian fluid all over the arena, which will deal heavy damage to anyone under the clouds. The clouds eventually seek out Guardians and detain them. Stepping out of the cloud will instantly kill the player due to a "Suppression Field". As they are stuck inside, they will take damage over time.
- He can channel energy from his Taken ooze sample and summon a gigantic Taken rift that will release large Taken Blights that will inflict both the "Shadow Touched" and "Taken Blight" debuffs. Walking into the rift will inflict one with the "Septicemia" debuff, which will slowly drain their health and blur their screen. If the player ignores this, the effect goes into "Severe Sepsis", then their screen blackens, their health drains faster, and move drastically slower. The only way to reverse this effect is to briefly run through the blights to gain the "Blight Receding" buff, which will alleviate the sepsis. Otherwise, they will die of Septic Shock and their corpse will release a blast that will spread the effect to any Guardians in its radius.
- He can channel power from his enhanced SIVA samples to enter a blind rage, causing him to rapidly fire Splicer Grenades and Splicer Seekers while chasing down one Guardian at random. Splicer Grenades leave SIVA clouds upon detonation, and running through them will cause Guardians to bleed to death.
- He can summon black holes that can suck any Guardian into them and deal rapid damage to them until they die.
- When at 5% health, Khraghul will make a final effort to wipe out all Guardians on the battlefield. He will summon a white star in the center of the arena that will begin to charge up and summon blinding light rays. Khraghul must be killed quickly, or the star will detonate in a supernova, which will completely reverse the ability recharge rate of all Guardians on the battlefield and instantly kill the entire team.
He will be vulnerable to damage, but it will be too dangerous to try and kill him while he is attacking, as his his armor can deflect bullets. However, he can be hold in place for 30 seconds with a special trap launcher that also weakens his armor. To activate the launcher, Guardians need to insert batteries in a certain order, which drop from high-level Behemoth troops. If a battery is placed in the wrong sequence, the order will reset.
The Void
The Void | |
Overview | |
Other name(s): |
Formless |
Homeworld: |
Void Dimension |
Goals: |
Spread its influence |
At war with: |
War of Dusk |
Distinctions: |
Void Auras |
Average lifespan: |
Infinite |
Notable individual(s): |
The Void is a remnant race of malevolent entities from the Void Dimension.
A small, oozing sentient puddle that seeks out nearby Guardians, latches onto them, and starts draining their health.
- Helminth: Moves faster and slows Guardians once attached.
- Bacterium: Leaves an infectious trail that inflicts a poison effect. Drains health faster when attached.
- Virus: Capable of lobbing acid balls that leave a corrosive pool. Inflicts a blackness effect when attached.
Short, spider-like entities armed with venomous fangs.
- Spiked Crawler: Can unleash a short-range blast of spikes from its abdomen.
- Venomous Crawler: Can fire a short-range toxic web that ensnares and poisons Guardians.
- Scorpion: Can fire long-range corrosive webs with its bladed stinger, which doubles as a melee weapon. Uses its claws to grab players.
Long, snakelike projections that burrow deep underground to ambush players from below with a venomous bite.
- Constrictor: Can uses its muscular body to hold Guardians in place and strangle them to death.
- Black Mamba: Can rapidly slither across the ground before unleashing a flurry of bites that inflict a stacking poison effect with each bite.
- Cobra: Can fire medium-range venom blobs from its fangs to inflict blurry vision. Has a venom-coated blade on its tail that slows its victims. Uses its hood to release a short-range acid spray.
Large formations of raptorial birds that pick at their targets from above.
- Night Owl: Fires a focus beam from its eyes which blinds its target before using their sharp beak to grab Guardians and swallow them whole.
- Eagle: Can divebomb their victims with their talons to pin them to the ground and use their beaks to pluck at their shields and health.
- Teratorn: Can use its talons to lift its victim high into the air and drop back down to smash them into the ground before swooping in again to puncture their armor.
Giant, big cat shadows that chase down and attack Guardians with powerful jaws and teeth and sharp claws.
- Jaguar: Pins its target down with its claws to bite into their heads, instantly killing them. Can be prevented by shooting its mouth.
- Lion: Can unleash a short-range roar that knocks back Guardians. Uses its claws to inflict a bleeding effect on its victim.
- Sabertooth: Can use its long canine teeth as external melee weapons that inject a slowness-inducing venom. Swipes its claws much faster than typical Panthers.
Giant, wild dog shadows that hunt in packs and repeatedly bite their prey to death.
- Wolf: Unleashes a long-range howl to slow down Guardians and rally other Wolves to attack.
- Hyena: Can eject a medium-range stomach acid spitball. Uses their teeth to tear off Guardians' health to inject a toxic ooze that disables recovery for a short time.
- Rabid Dog: Runs incredibly quickly and can teleport short distances. Leaves a poison trail behind them. Inflicts the "Rabid" debuff when biting, which causes Guardians to perform different actions that intended and rapidly drains their health.
Floating sentient souls that can manipulate their surroundings to confuse Guardians and attack by punching them.
- Possessor: A bodysnatcher that briefly takes over the mind of one Guardian at random and controls their actions.
- Ghoul: Can turn invisible for a brief moment to flank their victims from behind.
- Poltergeist: Can manipulate Guardians themselves by dragging and swinging them around, damaging them upon impact.
Armed with a small blade and can dash short distances.
- Spearman: An agile spear-wielding warrior that can either throw their poison-tipped spear for long-ranged combat or unleash a repeated series of jabs up close.
- Swordsman: Heavily armored. Equipped with a long edged blade that summons forth a small tornado upon stabbing the ground, carrying Guardians towards the Swordsman.
- Scrake: Large, hulking, high-health psychopaths armed with chainsaws that can tear Guardians to shreds and makes them bleed. Can smash the ground unleash a concussive shockwave. Performs a shoulder ram attack when on low health.
Dark wizards that can unleash rapid-fire darkness blasts with their staffs, which can also summon a barrier around themselves, which provides shielding to other Void forces.
- Pyromancer: Can fire long-range flame seeker projectiles or unleash a close-range stream of fire to burn Guardians. Summons a barrier that provides Solar shielding to other Void forces.
- Cryomancer: Can fire long-range ice shards or unleash a close-range ice cone to freeze Guardians. Summons a barrier that provides Arc shielding to other Void forces.
- Necromancer: Can fire seeking poison bolts or charged acid sprays with their scythes, which is also a melee weapon. Summons a barrier that provides Void shielding to other Void forces.
Trained soldiers armed with a semi-automatic rifle that fires concussive rounds, slowing their targets for a short time. Carries a tactical knife for close combat.
- Hitman: Armed with dual pistols with bayonets attached to each of them. Fires bladed rounds, causing their targets to bleed for a short time. Can move incredibly quickly.
- Watcher: Armed with a marksman rifle that fires high-impact knockout rounds, which heavily blur and distort Guardians' vision. Can remain invisible while standing in place.
- Spearhead: Armed with an assault rifle that fires incendiary rounds, which burns away at Guardians' shields. Capable of throwing a flashbang grenade to blind their targets.
Heavily-armored, shield-bearing infantry armed with heavy weaponry. Most commonly seen with spiked flails that cause shockwaves and puncture armor.
- Nullifier: Armed with an energy gauntlet that can slam the ground to create a sphere that briefly suppresses Guardian abilities. Can use their shield as a battering ram.
- Autogunner: Armed with a one-handed machine gun that fires corrosive rounds, which heavily degrade Guardians' resilience. Can use their shield as an electric pulse wave emitter.
- Bombardier: Armed with a one-handed rocket launcher that fires seeking radioactive warheads, which detonate in a gigantic radius and emit high-damaging nuclear poison clouds. Can use its shield as a boomerang and smashing weapon.
Nezarec, Final God of Pain
Nezarec, Final God of Pain | |
![]() | |
Biographical information | |
Species: |
Faction: |
Rank: |
Shadow God |
Gender: |
Male |
Combat information | |
Mission: |
Dusk Tunnel |
Weapon(s): |
Touch of Malice |
Abilities: |
Void Dimension |
- "It appears the wielders of the Light ask for nothing more than the annihilation of the Darkness. Little do they know that I maintain the balance between them both, by offerings from the Void. Anyone who disrupts this balance by any means WILL pay the price."
- — Nezarec
Nezarec, Final God of Pain is a malevolent deity who oversees and controls the Void Dimension. He transcends all known power in the universe and seeks the downfall of all who refuse his offerings of the Void. Nezarec serves as the main boss of the Dusk Tunnel Raid.
Main Weapons & Abilities
When inside his dome, Nezarec will use one of three weapons. His primary weapon is a heavily modified Touch of Malice that fires high-velocity rounds which inflict a stacking poison effect, increasing the damage per tick for every shot fired; the weapon's rate of fire and velocity increases each time the poison deals damage. Nezarec's secondary weapon is a modified Black Spindle that fires Void rounds which cause a disorientation effect upon impact, causing Guardians' view to blur and swirl, limiting their awareness; if three consecutive shots are landed, the weapon's damage dramatically increases for a short time, allowing it to instantly kill Guardians with one shot. For emergency situations, Nezarec uses a heavily modified Truth that fires seeking warheads which emit a radiation cloud upon detonation, temporarily inflicting a debuff that drains Guardians' shields and health, causes them to perform different actions than intended, and prevents them from jumping; kills with this weapon increase the warhead's blast radius and velocity as well as the radius of the radiation cloud. When outside the dome, Nezarec employs a one-handed greatblade that, upon a hit, will cause its target to bleed and have their field of view turn red; this blade can also fire energy waves that push Guardians backward upon impact.
Nezarec's mere presence is enough to cause the arena to enter a Void Dimension state, which will completely disable recovery, increase damage taken, and decrease the recharge rate and damage of all Light-based abilities. His dome not only protects him from all damage, but any shots directed at it will be deflected back at whoever shot it. It also will levitate him around the arena and occasionally teleport from one location to another. From within this dome, he will cast numerous attacks depending on the direction he is facing:
- If directly in front of the player, Nezarec will cast a barrage of Void seeker projectiles akin to a Shrieker. This attack's rate of fire increases the longer it is cast.
- If behind the player, he will summon a large Axion Dart that will slow and weaken its target upon impact.
- If facing the player from the sides, Nezarec will summon a wall of Void spikes that will shove its victim aside and cause puncture wounds in them, rapidly depleting their health. This can also crush Guardians if it is stopped by another wall.
- If above the player, he will summon forth a thunderbolt that strike the ground and linger, creating an electric field that will strip away at shields and health if walked through. Eventually, this field will detonate, dealing massive damage in a wide radius.
- If underneath the player, Nezarec will summon a circle of Void fire that will burn away at everything in its radius before eventually erupting into a giant fiery column that will instantly kill anything that it comes into contact with.
When out of the dome, Nezarec is surrounded with a Void energy shield and will frequently vanish from sight and teleport across the arena. He will occasionally lift himself off the ground, enabling him to fly through the air. Similarly to being within his dome, Nezarec will use varying attacks in correspondence to the direction he faces the players in:
- If directly in front of the player, he will charge up a beam with his other hand that will continuously fire like a Trace Rifle. Once it hits a target, the beam will latch on to them, damaging them over time, slowing them down and even dragging them towards Nezarec at high speed, before instantly getting slashed to pieces.
- If behind the player, he will summon chains coming from beneath the ground to lock one random Guardian and their equipped weapon in place. Nezarec will then devour that Guardians' health and ability charge. This will temporarily grant him higher damage resistance to both his health and shield as well as increased attack rates and damage. If this kills the Guardian, then Nezarec will gain a short period of complete immunity and increased movement speed. Using melee attacks can break the chains, although after being freed, they will be inflicted with a debuff that temporarily prevents jumping as well as melee attacks.
- If facing the player from the sides, he will cast a Void javelin and throw it at one Guardian at random. Upon impact, it will summon a storm of smaller javelins to rain down on that location. Eventually, the main javelin will create a focus point that will channel energy, draining Guardians' shield and health in the process before detonating in a large radius. Anyone who withstands the blast is temporarily blinded.
- If above the player, Nezarec will launch a large Nova Bomb that seeks its target and creates smaller seeker projectiles upon detonating and leaves a highly damaging vortex in its wake. The seeker projectiles temporarily jam the players' equipped weapon upon impact, preventing it from firing.
Nightfall Dimension
As Nezarec sends in waves of Shadows for backup, the player will notice three tall columns with a glyph plate on each. Approaching these pillars will cause it to activate both a concussive blast, that knocks Guardians back, and a sentry gun that fires high-explosive Void darts at a constant rate. These sentries can be temporarily disabled and reactivate after 30 seconds. Each time a turret is disabled, a Shade of Nezarec will appear.
These shades are puffs of black smoke that will actively pursue the nearest Guardian; if they get close enough, they will leave a trail of black smoke that will swirl around the Guardian and trap them in a tornado that will deal damage over time and eventually drain them of their Light, killing them instantly if the tornado is not shot down by another Guardian. This will revert the shade back to its original state. The shades must be guided towards the sentries, as the latter can only be permanently shut down by the former. A downed sentry will drop an elemental charge for each energy type.
These charges must be placed into slots in the back of the arena, alluded to by the path left on the ground by the elemental symbols above the symbols. Picking up a charge will initiate a ten-second countdown that signifies it will be charging up a burst. The Arc charge's burst will produce burst that will produce feedback that cause blindness and slowness as well as causing a visual disruption of the player's HUD. The Solar charge's burst will knock Guardians upward a fair distance, inflict a burning effect whose damage over time increases each second, and causes the screen to briefly turn red. The Void charge's burst will inflict poison and suppression effects as well as distort the affected Guardian's field of view. Placing the charge in the wrong slot will cause a huge blast respective of that element, which will wipe the whole team. Placing them in the correct slots will cause a series of platforms to appear around the pillars, allowing players to climb upwards and walk onto the glyph plates.
Once on the plates, the player will turn invisible and the plates will lift them upwards to another platform, where there will be a horde of Shadows that they need to get past, as there is a chest on the other end of the large upper platform. If physical contact is made, then the horde attacks, and the chest is locked until the horde is defeated. Inside the chest, are three large sparks of lost Light that must be picked up. As the plates carry the Guardians downward, the sparks must be aimed and thrown at Nezarec's dome to break it. As Nezarec's dome is broken, it will grant the whole team the ability to deal Void damage with all of their weapons and abilities, which will help with breaking his energy shield. Removing Nezarec's shield holds him in place, opening him up to damage to 50 seconds.
Dark Matter Dimension
At 50% health, the arena will change into a gigantic circular arena surrounded with a black dome. Nezarec will no longer be surrounded by a dome, but his energy shield remains, all of his weapons are active, and his attacks and movements are faster. In addition, he gains new attacks based on how many Guardians are surrounding him within a certain radius:
- If surrounded by two Guardians, Nezarec will grab them both with bladed whips and toss them around before slamming them against a hard surface.
- If surrounded by three Guardians, Nezarec will surround himself in black smoke that will cause brief hallucinations in those that get caught in it.
- If surrounded by four Guardians, Nezarec will slam his greatblade on the ground, conjuring a miniature quake that will forcibly lift Guardians upward and cause damage over time to those caught in the shockwave.
- If surrounded by five Guardians, Nezarec will summon a Ward of Dusk that will grant him an overshield on top of his Void energy shield, whereas the Ward will remain in place and give off pulses of dark matter that will knock players around for a short time. The radius of each pulse increases the longer the Ward remains. This ward will last for 30 seconds.
- If surrounded by six Guardians, Nezarec will charge up an antimatter blast, that will instantly kill anyone within its radius.
Nezarec will be open to damage, although more damage is able to be done through a special mechanic. There will be Void flames lighted up throughout the arena; running through them will grant both a buff that allows for more damage to be dealt to him and his shield as well as a burning debuff. After ten seconds the flame will expire, and if the Guardian does not look away from Nezarec, then Nezarec's gaze will instantly kill them. When his health reaches 25%, he will be able to summon a black hole that will pull Guardians towards it for 10 seconds at a time. This attack will be executed once every 90 seconds and the only way to survive is to run in the opposite direction. As soon as Nezarec's health reaches 5%, he will cause the ceiling to turn into a black energy and fall on the raid team. Nezarec's shield will drop, and he must be downed quickly, lest they be crushed by the weight of the Void. Once his his health reaches 0.01%, he will vanish from the arena and the black energy will stop falling. Nezarec will return...