This article is about the hand cannon in Destiny 2. For its namesake, see Luna (dog).
Luna's Howl
Luna's Howl.jpg
Production overview





Rarity class:


Weapon type:

Hand Cannon

Intrinsic frame:

Precision Frame

Min-max impact:


Min-max stability:


Min-max handling:


Min-max reload speed:


Min-max magazine:



Feed system:

Clip Magazine

Ammunition type:


Fire mode:


Rate of fire:

140 RPM


Solar Solar

Effective range:


Hidden stats

Aim assistance:






Bounce intensity:


Bounce direction:

Tends Vertical

Airborne effectiveness:


Service history

In service:



Luna (dog)


"Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do."
— Lord Shaxx

Luna's Howl is a Legendary Solar Hand Cannon that was introduced in Forsaken and previously acquired as a Pinnacle Weapon at the Crucible through its own quest, "Remembrance". After the quest was sunset into the Destiny Content Vault, the only means to acquire the weapon is through the Monument to Lost Lights.

During the Into the Light update, a BRAVE Arsenal version of the weapon was introduced with a new appearance, different perks, and a new origin trait. It is available as loot from the Onslaught activity and can be attuned at the Hall of Champions to drastically increase its drop rate. A more unique version of this weapon is also available on rare drops with double perks and its own unique Weapon Ornament.


Luna's Howl is one of the two Crucible pinnacle weapons of the Forsaken expansion, and as such, takes dedication to obtain. It is in the Precision hand cannon archetype, but unlike other hand cannons in the archetype, it has a noticeably faster time to kill in Crucible. While it does not have the utility of Ace of Spades or its range, it is able to fell a Guardian in 0.67 seconds versus the 1 second time to kill that other Precision hand cannons have, provided you land all of your headshots. The gun has almost no recoil by virtue of its perks and its stability masterwork, but is lacking in range compared to its sibling pinnacle weapon, Not Forgotten, and it is recommended to pair Luna's Howl with a long range weapon such as a sniper rifle.



  • Polygonal Rifling: Barrel optimized for recoil reduction.
    • Increases stability.
  • Drop Mag: Magazine drops on reload, wasting ammunition but greatly increasing reload speed.
  • Zen Moment: Causing damage with this weapon increases its stability.
  • Magnificent Howl: Rapidly landing two precision shots grants a short period of bonus damage until your next kill or miss.

BRAVE ArsenalEdit

Intrinsic Trait Intrinsic Frame Barrel Bowstring Blade Haft Sight Magazine Arrow Guard Perk 1 Perk 2 Stock Grip Origin Catalyst

Fluted Barrel Appended Mag Heal Clip Magnificent Howl Indomitability
Smallbore Armor-Piercing Rounds Subsistence Incandescent
Corkscrew Rifling Flared Magwell Eye of the Storm Desparate Measures
Hammer-Forged Rifling High-Caliber Rounds Slideshot Kill Clip
Arrowhead Brake Ricochet Rounds Discord Precision Instrument
Chambered Compensator Extended Mag Encore Opening Shot
Extended Barrel Alloy Magazine Enlightened Action Harmony
Full Bore Light Mag
Polygonal Rifling



"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Josef opened the door. Shaxx filled the hallway beyond.
"You look like hell," said the Crucible Handler.
Josef scoffed. "Get out of here. I have Hive to hunt. No time for the Crucible today."
"Hive. You lost her on the Moon?"
Josef said nothing.
"You aren't the only Guardian to leave loved ones behind on that rock." Shaxx held out a long, lacquered box. "The Gunsmith asked me to deliver this personally."
"What's Banshee thinking? I can't afford this."
"I took care of it. Scavenged parts from my personal collection."
Josef considered it a moment.
"It's a good gun."
"She was a good dog. This isn't a replacement. But it will help you finish your business with the Hive. Then I expect to see you back in the Crucible. We could use the inspiration."

BRAVE ArsenalEdit

"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Josef opened the door. Shaxx filled the hallway beyond.

"You look tired," said the Crucible handler. "But I have just the thing to get you buzzing."

"No time for the Crucible," Josef dissembled. "Another day."

"I'll hold you to that. But that's not what I meant."

Josef said nothing.

"I was speaking with Saladin," Shaxx continued. "We were remembering all the people we left behind over the years. Your name came up."

"Oh yeah?"

Shaxx held out a cardboard box, perforated with large holes. "The Valus asked me to deliver this."

Josef opened the box. At the bottom, in a nest of cloud accretions, were two sleeping war beast pups.

"They're not replacements," Shaxx explained, "but we hope they bring some light back into your life."

"They're perfect," Josef said, his voice tender. "Thank you."

"See them settled. Then I expect you back in the Crucible to teach MY pups a thing or two."



  • At its earliest inception, the Luna's Howl (along with its counterpart Not Forgotten) was originally an 180 RPM Hand Cannon until Shadowkeep, where its frame was changed to a 150 RPM (now 140 RPM) as a nerf to mitigate its fast TTK.
  • Some hand cannons like Luna's Howl have their bullet measurements printed on the side of the barrel.
    • This hand cannon fires .44 Calibre round payloads.

List of appearancesEdit
