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Gilded Precept

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Gilded Precept
Destiny 2 Gilded Precept Start.jpg





Enemy factions:

Shadow Legion

Hostile races:


Connecting areas:

Ahimsa Park


Area type:

Lost Sector


The Gilded Precept is a Lost Sector on Neptune located in a small part of the Typhon Imperator interior that serves as a gladiator arena for the Shadow Legion. As the Guardian make their way through, Empress Caiatl and Ghost speculate that the Shadow Legion attempted to recreate the Rite of Proving without any of the context behind it and now it serves as another form of entertainment.[1][2]


When first entering the Lost Sector, the Guardian can see through a window to the boss arena below where a Ultra Centurion and its forces battling against Red Legion Cabal. The Lost Sector itself consists of several small rooms and hallways with Shadow Legion as obstacles. A large room with shifting walls will have the player fighting a large regiment of cabal guarding a locked door. Eventually, a pair of glowing Honored Centurions will appear. Killing them will drop a bloom, a small device that is used as a key to unlock the door. Once both blooms have been deposited, the door will open allowing the player to proceed to the boss room. Upon entering the arena, a Drop pod lands on the Centurion in the center, killing them instantly. Valus Tharum, Gladiatorial Overseer emerges from the Pod to fight the Guardian and will stay in the center of the room, until they reach a third of their health where they'll move to the back of the arena, firing their Slug Launcher calling in Shadow Legion for support. After killing him, the player is able to open the chest and exit the arena.


The Guardian discovers the entrance to the Lost Sector

  • The Ghost: Looks like this goes all the way inside the ship. I'm going to send some of this telemetry to the empress. She might be able to tell us something about what the Cabal here are doing.
  • Caiatl: You are pressing further into the Shadow Legion's territory? I see.
  • The Ghost: It's not like other Cabal ships we've been inside.
  • Caiatl: It wouldn't be. Calus has abandoned much of what made us Cabal. Still, there may be... worthwhile intelligence.

The Guardian bypasses the checkpoint leading towards the arena

  • Caiatl: What is the Earth idiom? Through a... mirror?
  • The Ghost: Empress?
  • Caiatl: Calus forbade the Rite of Proving... bureaucratically. An ancient tradition dying by inches. This suggests... it's as if the soldiers here have tried to reconstruct that rite, but have forgotten why it began.
  • The Ghost: Fighting just to fight?
  • Caiatl: Perhaps fighting only because the fight is forbidden.

The Guardian completes the Lost Sector

  • The Ghost: I can still restore you, Guardian, but I don't feel that comforting presence of the Traveler behind me when I do. The Light still comes, but it's from somewhere... deeper. If that makes any sense.

  • The Ghost: Done and done. That's got to thin out the ranks some, right? I'll let Nimbus know what went down.

  • The Ghost: I guess we can't keep the Cabal out of their own ship, huh? But we CAN make sure they don't enjoy being here. Not one bit.

  • The Ghost: That wraps things up with those fighters. Caiatl will want to know they came back, though. I'll send a quick report.

  • The Ghost: I know we've got the Crucible and all... but this feels different. I don't like it.
  • Caiatl: Valus Forge has had much to say about the Crucible. What do you see as the distinction?
  • The Ghost: At the end of the day, Guardians fighting to test their capabilities, or their teamwork... they have us. Ghosts. These Cabal don't. When they lose here, they lose badly, painfully... I don't understand it.
  • Caiatl: It is easy to believe there is purpose in pain when one has no other. They are to be pitied.

  • The Ghost: Before, I couldn't imagine why these Cabal would throw their lives away for a momentary thrill, but ever since the Witness... Since the Traveler's battle with the Witness, there's this empty spot inside me. I'm beginning to feel like I'd do anything to distract myself from it.

  • Caiatl: Calus loved the rewards of conquest without the effort of it. Praising gladiatorial victories without considering the months of discipline preceding.
  • The Ghost: Do you think that's why his Legion has been doing this? Training?
  • Caiatl: That might have been their purpose once. These arenas now look more like they fight each other only because they can. For entertainment.
  • The Ghost: Cabal and Guardians do that pretty differently...

  • Caiatl: Traitors and deserters, the lot of them. You do the Cabal Empire a great service, Guardian.
  • The Ghost: All of them?
  • Caiatl: Any Cabal who have wound up here are no longer Cabal. There was ample opportunity to turn back.

  • Caiatl: I see your report on Calus's Shadow Legion. You had a question?
  • The Ghost: I've been wondering: Can they really have just stopped being Cabal? Just like that? Even the Humans we don't particularly like are still, you know, Human.
  • Caiatl: This Shadow Legion has chosen to set aside centuries of our history to revel in destruction at the command of a despot. Would a Guardian who turned on your Last City still be Human?
  • The Ghost: ...I don't know.

  • Caiatl: Another group of Calus's legionnaires dispatched. You handle yourself well, Guardian.


  • The entrance to the Lost Sector seems slightly unnatural as if the walls themselves have shifted to make crooked hallways to allow a side passage inside.
  • Cabal Shields used by Phalanxes from Destiny 1 can be seen decorating many parts of the Lost Sector.
  • It is unknown if the Red Legion seen fighting in the arena were prisoners being used as live targets for training or Imperial deserters that are looking to prove themselves to the Shadow Legion via ritual combat.
  • A single Red Legion Phalanx can be spotted pared up with multiple Shadow Legion in the room just before the boss arena.
  • The Ultra Centurion spotted in the boss room can be damaged without triggering Valus Tharum's appearance by waiting just outside of the door after it opens. Doing so shows that while they do take damage and can be flinched, their health does not deplete.




