Arcmind-1's board
Nah, just look at the files already in the Gallery and you'll see how it's done. Just upload the file and copy the format of the files already there.
I fixed it. Just need to move the files to the Gallery, remove any extraneous things like |framed| |center| and all of that and just leave it with a description, and don't put the file in brackets otherwise it won't show up, and you're good to go in the Gallery.
Well, here's how I'd probably write it.
Yours: "The Guardian and the Rangers are forced to fight off a Vex patrol while en route to a nearby colony. The Guardian then helps the Rangers, who lead a gathering of survivors back to the outpost, save the remote settlement from a Nexoid attack."
Mine: "The Guardian and the Rangers are forced to fight off a Vex patrol while en-route to a nearby colony. During this conflict they find a group of refugees, whom they learn come from the same colony, now destroyed by the Vex. The Guardian volunteers to go alone to investigate."
Anything more, that's up to you.
Aha. You can write the fanfic in your own personal Wiki page.
As for the project, just look for Armor sets in the Bungie Armory and if there's a complete set then you know what to write for. Only things that are excluded would be Class items like Marks, Cloaks, and Bonds.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. I had asked Porplemontage about this not long ago, and he said it can either be a community proposal or left to my discretion, and here's what I planned on doing:
All Armors, if there are two or more Armor pieces (excluding Class items) with the same quote, the entire Armor set goes in the same article. This prevents multiple redundant articles and puts two slightly different variations (as in, just color) of the same Armor in the same article. As for photos, the Gallery will take care of that. What do you say?
When you upload Files, please be sure to assign them a name, like the name of where that file is going to go, like the name of the Armor or Weapon piece. It saves a lot of confusion and serves as an identifier.
I've noticed a lot of edits on the Agema Type 0 page. Most of them can be easily reduced by using the Preview button to see how things look like. Sometimes one messes up and has to re-edit an article because they missed something -- I've done so myself -- but the Preview button saves a lot of embarrassment, and potential "blocking" because of an abuse of the Point system. Not that the latter is entirely significant because we all want the wikia to be the best it can be without regard for Points, but it'd be best to remember that.
Basically, screenshots of Weapons and Armor straight from the game (if possible, and no screenshots that're blurry or grainy), or from Google. The "Upload file" will tell you everything you need to know about what copyright license you ought to add to it. Also a good thing to remember about uploading files is to check if we already have one; but since we're talking about Weapons and Armor chances are there isn't any here, so you'll be good there.
There's always Armor and Weapons to be created. Make sure you consult with the Bungie Armory and see if you can't get any screenshots for these articles.
Well, first, try to see if the page already exists in Destinypedia, either on its own or as a part of the Minor Characters list. If it doesn't exist, it's because of two reasons: there's no Grimoire card for it or else the character/race/location/etcetera doesn't exist in the first place. If it is a weapon or armor Item you're creating, check the Bungie Armory.
Indeed, and not all links have to redirect to race pages. Chances are they already have their own page, or group pages of certain things like the Techuen Witches (if any exist) which you can redirect.
Hey, here's a tip on wikia editing. Outside of the infobox, if something has already been linked to, then you don't need to link to it a second or third time.