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posted 3 years ago

I never put into question your changes. After finally hearing some actually constructive criticisms, I agree with your changes.

I put into question your attitude on the work of others, no matter how messy or inefficient it was to look through.

Go look at the first iteration of that page and you'll see that someone tried their best, and I too thought it could be better and made changes. But never did I think to belittle the work they did, or add my opinion on someone's work, especially in the description of the changes.

If this were a sport (poor analogy, best I can do), you'd strike me as a poor winner, and that's what my issue was. In your response I still didn't read you addressing this.

posted 3 years ago

The way you say things makes people no longer want to contribute.

On a page I diligently updated and maintained for months, you said "This page is bad, it needs to be rebuilt" without offering any constructive criticism. That is so demoralizing it hurts.

Just by sorting work, that had a lot of effort put into you then say "Alright that should be good enough for now, I may do major restructuring later and rebuild the page" as if you did anything overly transformative. Good luck maintaining the page, cause I certainly won't anymore, you've made sure of that.

posted 3 years ago

Ah ok, thanks a bunch. Apologies for the misunderstanding :)

posted 3 years ago

Ok sure but if its already there why remove it? It doesn't take away from anything by being there imo Also wdym by the last part. I didn't realise that mattered and how would you state it?

posted 3 years ago

Again, I think spamming is a bit dramatic. However I don't see the harm in expanding it to include the rest of the dynasty?

posted 3 years ago

I wouldn't call it spamming, more adding it to those already on the list, and personally I would consider Dûl Incaru to be a major character. But thanks for letting me know anyway

posted 3 years ago

Hi. Out of curiosity and so I know for the future, what's the problem with the edits you're changing?

posted 4 years ago

I'm only providing the links that are needed such as the weapon links. It does make the page nicer, but people have different opinions on things. Honestly on a lot of pages they do need links so I am adding them.

posted 4 years ago

Still, it makes the pages look nicer. While it's not really "needed" i'd say it makes things look nicer. Besides once I am autoconfirmed I shall begin working on weapons.

posted 4 years ago

I'm trying to make most of the Hyperlinks earlier instead of later as then you can access other pages quicker, and some of those pages don't even have the links I am adding.

posted 4 years ago

Because it makes the page a bit more nicer and makes accessing things much better. It's a good way of linking the wiki together.

posted 4 years ago

Get lost, you imbecile. Maybe read a dictionary before posting more dumbass edits. Absolute clown.

posted 4 years ago

What exactly is the Imperial Cabal page, I thought Caiatl’s Emissaries would be the main page for Caiatl’s army?

posted 4 years ago

Sorry for the mess...

posted 4 years ago

Okay! Sorry for not checking. I'll be sure to look next time.

posted 4 years ago

Why are changing the info

posted 4 years ago

Hey! Finally got around to doing a MASSIVE House of Salvation photo shoot. Still missing a few (Resilient Dregs, Wretches and normal Tracer Shanks). Oh, and thing to note: Resilient enemies have more blue on their armor.

posted 4 years ago

You stopped listening to me awhile back so I've decided to take matters in my own hands. You've failed to consider Toland's quote of mentioning Crota's brood which was the Spawn of Crota. Alot of that section are misinformation about the events of Shadowkeep from the earlier days of its release. Since Crota's daughters are a mentioned part of his Spawn via Hashladun, it would be doing a disservice to not include their actions as a part of the Spawn of Crota page.

posted 4 years ago

I wasn't even aware there was a discord and don't have that app downloaded. And honestly, I feel like those kind of discussions should happen on the wiki's project pages so that all users can see it and know what is going on? I mostly make edits when I have the time, and the past few months have been... well its 2020.

With Beyond Light approaching I wanted to try and get back to editing more like I did in the past. I've made an adjustment to the expand section template that allows the addition of what lore/mission entries need to be added to those sections, so hopefully that will help clear up any confusion on that. In-use and missing content templates like they have on Wookiepedia would also be useful.

posted 4 years ago

Why are you being so hostile and snide about the stub and references tags? This is literally how wikis work and why those tags exist. So that any user can see it and fix it if they have the time/ability. It's not "lazy" behavior - I don't have the time to write more detailed entries to fix anything at the moment besides some obvious missing references like on Saladin's page. Literally every single major and secondary character page is missing extensive amounts of lore entries, missions, quests, and weblore, along with references. So much so that it would take months for one person to finish. You've been doing great work on the Spider's page for hours today but there is still a ton of work to do on it, so those tags shouldn't be removed until it is. I was just going through some pages today to mark where future work clearly needs to be done, and was planning on starting to take care of some of those issues soon. There really is no reason to be rude about any of this.

posted 4 years ago

Yeah. That... wasn’t meant for you... Gah, I was so embarrassed when it went to you. Anywho, yeah, I'm linked to Discord.

posted 4 years ago

Any lucky?

posted 4 years ago

You mean the Harpies with Legs aka the K Round of the Vex. Yup. They're weird looking, but I'm still looking forward to fighting them!