Ghost Fragment: Vex 6
Tuesday, February 11, 2654
From the Records of the Ishtar Collective
So you wanted me here. Is it about Subject 12?
Kind of. We've made an astonishing discovery about the Underworld.
What about it?
Subject 12 has started to react on certain words, like "glass", "maze" and "big". We don't know why, though. We've been digging deeper into its mind, and...
[Indistinct background sound]
It is confirmed. The specimen confirmed it. The Underworld isn't just an Underworld. It's something bigger.
Get to the point. I have limited time here.
Okay. So according to the reports I got from Sundaresh, it said that the Underworld is an anchor in this universe. It connects to an indeterminate amount of other universes, other realities.
It "said"?
Well, I don't know. Vex specimens doesn't have vocal cords. The team were very brief about those seconds of communication. It maybe wrote, on a screen or something?
But what about the "Anchor"? What does it mean to them?
I'd guess it's the hub of their universes. It, together with its inhabitants, has the ability to create, to destroy, to erase, and it's definitely linked to every Vex in some way. That's what we th-
[Loud unidentified sound]
[Silence: 0:43]
What- what's going on?
I don't know. Something in the struture must have broken. Get to the exit!
[Loud bang - scream of pain]
No! Get out of here! Get to the Academy! Tell them-
[Silence: 2:36]
Dormant SIVA: Chamber 4.0
She stood on her knees in front of the simple coffin, deep inside the mountain. One thought echoed through her head over and over again: It's back.
She never talked about her mother, and preferred not to. No one knew what her mother actually worked with. No one knew her biggest secret, that she was related with that... that worthless, shitty family. Scumbags, all of them. It was their fault, this situation she were in.
For a long time, she believed that all of them were dead and was happy with it. Then that... girl appeared on Mars. Talking about her family's old "invention" and how it was messing around with the Hive. With their DNA.
That was when she quitted. She took her jumpship and went away, unsure where to go. She needed support, but only two people could give it to her.
One was dead.
The other one didn't have time for her. He was constantly gone, battling enemies and saving humanity. He was an impossible dream in the middle of a nightmare.
She finally made a decision. Staring at her mother's coffin, the fact sank into her.
Their old nemesis was back.
~consume enhance replicate~
Dormant SIVA: Chamber 4.1
She could hear it.
Mostly normal sounds reached her, like two pipes clanking together or steam soothing. But sometimes she heard it, those whispers that wasn't really whispers.
~consume enhance replicate~
Three words, over and over again. Carried out by an inhuman voice. A non-living voice, belonging to a non-living thing, doing living stuff.
If she would have to listen to it a little longer, she feared that she would go mad.
The environment around her was also dangerous. The mere presence of the terrible thing made the air sting against her skin.
The words reached her ears again, and she grappled the coffin to avoid falling.
~consume enhance replicate~
The coffin was open. She held one hand around its edge, panicked. The other hand had some wrinkled papers in it. Papers that revealed her biggest fear.
Her mother didn't die because of a lack of food out in the wild. Her death wasn't caused by Dregs or wolves or anything.
The papers told it all.
Her mother was killed.
By him. The relative to the girl on Mars. The one responsible for the non-living creature surrounding her. She had become a burden and needed to die.
That was it. How the cause of her death ended up in her mother's coffin wasn't relevant. She grabbed the shotgun from the coffin, put it on her back and started to climb upwards, out of the cursed cave. She now had one goal. To find the girl and put a load of 12 Gauge in her, for what her relative had done. A quote from one of her friends, the one who got his memories back from the shard in the EDZ, suddenly popped up in her head. A forgotten quote, from a forgotten movie, in a forgotten age.
Yippi-kay-yay, motherfucker.