There is more information available on this subject at Moon on the English Wikipedia.
The Moon
Moon surface.jpg

Star, position:

Sol, Earth



3474.20 kilometers


.165 g

Length of day:

29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes




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The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. Like most bodies in the Solar System, the Moon is littered with the debris of humanity's Golden Age. The surface of the Moon appears to be shattered, with giant rifts in the ground and massive chunks tilted upward. The Hive were buried for centuries within the moon, growing stronger within the core.[1]


Exploration was attempted on the moon but it proved to be too dangerous, and the moon is currently classified as a Forbidden Zone.[2] The forces of the Hive have infested Earth's moon, and pieces of the surface have cracked and broken off into space. The moon once housed a thriving human colony of interconnected bases, but now only broken domes and scattered spaces suits half-buried in the lunar soil mark humanity's faded dominance. An iconic view of the looming Earth hangs in the skybox, but guardians would be wise to keep their eyes closer to the ground. A massive hellmouth gapes open where the Hive have begun their dig, and sprawling networks of caves and fortified strongpoints wait inside. On the surface of the Moon, forgotten treasure hide in the dust.[3]



List of appearances

