Ghost shell

Revision as of 01:11, July 29, 2017 by MorningWalker (talk | contribs) (Addition. Removed non-game pic (appears to be a painted model) with watermark.)

Ghost Shells are aesthetic modifications to a Guardian's Ghost. During Year One of Destiny, Ghost Shells were a purely cosmetic item and only two were available to players (Generalist and Frontier). As of Year Two and beyond, they now feature Defense, Intellect, Discipline, Strength, and Light stats, as well as perks that aid in the discovery of Planetary Materials and increase Glimmer rewards during combat.

Ghost Shells


Icon Shell Name Description Availability Rarity
  Amalgam Shell For Ghosts whose Guardians have stood against SIVA. From Wrath of the Machine, Hard mode. Legendary
  Amethyst Shell For Ghosts who are fond of the Reef. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Bellicose Shell For Ghosts who profess allegiance to the Future War Cult. Purchase from Lakshmi-2, reward from Future War Cult packages Legendary
  Blue Spine Shell For Ghosts with a sharp tongue. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Bold Red Shell For Ghosts who aren't afraid to make themselves a target. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Brave Shell For Ghosts who have been there since the beginning. Reach level 30 with one character or own both The Dark Below and House of Wolves before August 31, 2015 Legendary
  Competitive Shell For Ghosts who stood with their Guardians as they became champions of the Crucible. Purchase from Lord Shaxx Legendary
  Consensus Shell Ghosts who give testimony before the City's great Consensus often remake their shells in this traditional form. Legendary
  Crimson Shell For Ghosts who want a little glamour. Random drop in Crimson Days Legendary
  Crucible Shell For Ghosts whose Guardians have undergone Lord Shaxx's strenuous training. Purchase from Lord Shaxx Legendary
  Deviled Shell For Ghosts who taste better with a sprinkle of paprika. 2016 Festival of the Lost Item Legendary
  Ghost Ghost Shell For Ghosts who prefer to go in disguise. 2016 Festival of the Lost Item Legendary
  Diaspora Shell For Ghosts who believe that Earth is a Dead Orbit. Purchase from Arach Jalaal, reward from Dead Orbit packages Legendary
  Dread Explorer Shell For Ghosts who scouted the Dreadnaught and lived to tell the tale. Complete the Quest The Legion's Beachhead Legendary
  Exile Shell For Ghosts who follow the burning path of Osiris. Trials of Osiris random loot. Legendary
  Frontier Shell Tough, rugged, and defiantly colored - ready to brave the high frontier. Ghosts can self-modify at will. Purchase the Destiny Limited Edition or Destiny Ghost Edition Legendary
  Foundry Shell City's artisans welcome the deep memories and painstaking finesse of the Ghosts. Legendary
  Generalist Shell Born from the Traveler, built of machinery and Light, the Ghost is your companion and faithful guide. Default Ghost Shell available to all characters Common
  Infection Shell For Ghosts who have come in contact with ancient powers. Wrath of the Machine, Normal mode. Legendary
  Ishtar Shell For Ghosts who have forged new paths on Venus. Uncommon
  Iron Shell For Ghosts who are forged in battle. Reach rank 5 in the Iron Banner Legendary
  Iron Song Shell For Ghosts who have lent their voices to the song of the Iron Banner. Reach rank 6 in the Rise of Iron Record Book Legendary
  Ironwolf Shell For Ghosts whose Guardians have acquitted themselves beneath the Iron Banner. Iron Banner (Year 3). Legendary
  Intrusion Shell Rigged for eavesdropping, surveillance, and intrusion into unfriendly networks. Ghosts can self-modify at will. Legendary
  Joyride Shell For Ghosts that like to feel the wind on their casings. Complete the Quest Make the Vanguard Smile, via the Red Bull Quest promotion Rare
  Kingslayer Shell For Ghosts who were there when Oryx fell. Random drop in the King's Fall Raid Legendary
  Mare Cognitum Shell For Ghosts who have forged new paths on the Moon. Uncommon
  Meridian Shell For Ghosts who have forged new paths on Mars. Uncommon
  Metropolitan Shell For a Ghost of the Last City. Uncommon
  Pale Dawn Shell For Ghosts who trust in the Light. Rare
  Purple Spine Shell For Ghosts with a "prickly" personality. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Pursuer Shell For Ghosts who are always chasing the next challenge. Legendary
  Questing Shell For Ghosts who love adventure. Legendary
  Redux Shell For Ghosts who favor a new take on a classic look. Uncommon
  Scholar Shell For Ghosts who have contributed to the City's knowledge. Legendary
  Senator Shell For Ghosts who envision a Last City ruled by a New Monarchy. Purchase from Executor Hideo, reward from New Monarchy packages Legendary
  Shipwright Shell Sometimes the best way to troubleshoot a faulty NLS drive is to dive in and get your shell dirty. Legendary
  Skywatch Shell For Ghosts who have forged new paths in the Cosmodrome. Uncommon
  Standard Shell For Ghosts who prefer the classics. Uncommon
  Sugary Shell For Ghosts who enjoy the sweet taste of Crucible victories. Random drop in Crimson Days Legendary
  Sunlit Shell For Ghosts who believe. Reward from Trials of Osiris Legendary
  Towerwatch Shell For Ghosts who serve the Vanguard. Purchase from Cayde-6, Ikora Rey, or Zavala Legendary
  Turquoise Shell For Ghosts with bright personalities. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Vanguard Shell For Ghosts who have proven themselves as leaders in the field time and time again. Purchase from the Vanguard Legendary
  Verdant Shell For Ghosts looking to brighten their Guardian's day. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare
  Weathered Shell For Ghosts who have braved the elements. Uncommon
  Winter Sky Shell For Ghosts who feel blue. Purchase from the Speaker, random drop Rare

Destiny 2

Icon Shell Name Description Availability Rarity
Kill-Tracker Shell Pre-order Destiny 2 Legendary
Last City Shell For Ghosts who call the Last City home. Make a new character in the Destiny 2 Beta, random drop Legendary

Possible Perks


Perks are randomized and can vary in number, depending on the rarity of a Ghost Shell.

Destiny 2


Before Year Two, Destiny game files mentioned a number of Ghost Shells aside from Generalist and Frontier which were not made available to players. These included the Consensus Shell, Foundry Shell, Intrusion Shell, Shipwright Shell, and another version of the Vanguard Shell.[1] These items were later made obtainable.
