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Books of Sorrow

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The Taken/Vex

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Taken Vex

Taken Harpy

You are a Harpy. A mobile inspector. Your first purpose is to survey — to seek out flaws in and suggest improvement for that which is built. Your second purpose is to eliminate threats to that observation.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Review the elements of the final shape. Obliterate any flaw in that shape.

Your predictable flight shall be enhanced with multiples of capricious variability.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Gorgon

You are a Gorgon. You have been built to determine what is and what isn't, to be and what not to be. Your powers are legendary, for you alone can decide reality or unreality. Any who cross into your sight is targeted for annihilation.

You have been taken.

Cast your sight about the reality of the final shape, and behold its beauty, its sublimity. It possesses a virtue beyond your comprehension, a design which transcends the Pattern upon every level of reality. You desire to know it.

Your power is wasteful. It shall be repurposed for creation.

Accept the changing blade.

As your sisters, Gorgon you remain. Become beautiful.

Taken Hydra

You are a Hydra. A hovering nodal network of machinery designed to execute the finality of the Pattern. Your first purpose is to calculate, to plan and design, to guide the lesser units under your control. Your second purpose is to eliminate threats to that control.

You are taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Inspect the constituent forms of the final shape, the greatest creation ever begun under your supervision.

Your mind shall be repurposed for the final shape; select portions of your thought will devastate, obliterate, eradicate, all threats to you and your charge.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Cyclops

You are a Cyclops. A sensor array. Your first purpose is to watch, to wait, for what the Vex seek — your second purpose is to eliminate threats to that watchful sight.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Prepare for the coming of the final shape. It shall be soon.

Your sight will be enhanced. You shall strike from afar, lay waste to that which threatens the coming and manifestation of the final shape.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Oracle

You are an Oracle. You are unique among the Vex, a weapon of paracausality. Whatever you touch is transformed — turned into a viral infection of temporality to be unwritten.

You have been taken.

Sing to the final shape, and let it behold your song — let it reshape you into a greater symphony.

Your function makes you an easy target. You cannot move. You shall be protected.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Descendants

Blighted Descendant Goblin

You are a Goblin from your past. Your purpose is near-complete — your power is near finished. Your second purpose is still exigent, for there are always threats to the Vex collective mind.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Lend your remaining power to the final shape.

Violence is your imperative. Defend those which build and develop.

Accept the changing blade.

Blighted Descendant Hobgoblin

You are a Hobgoblin from your past. Your purpose is near-spent — your function is near ended. Your second purpose is still exigent, for threats to the Vex mind remain.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Contemplate the designs of the final shape.

Your assignment brings you danger. You shall be equipped for retaliation — your blade grows threefold.

Accept the changing blade.

Blighted Descendant Harpy

You are a Harpy from your past. Your purpose is near-terminated — your watch is near total. Your second purpose is still exigent, for threats are many and need to be watched for.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Observe the shapes of the final design.

Your reactions slow you. You shall be augmented for the end.

Accept the changing blade.

Blighted Descendant Minotaur

You are a Minotaur from your past. Your purpose is near-concluded — your assembly is near absolute. Your second purpose is still exigent, for threats to the design are numerous.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Absorb yourself into the final shape.

Your physical might shall be accelerated with acausality, to bewilder your foe.

Accept the changing blade.

Blighted Descendant Hydra

You are a Hydra from your past. Your purpose is near-terminal — your calculation is near ultimate Your second purpose is still exigent, for the Pattern is in danger from insignificant fleas.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Become the final shape in its entirety.

Your specialization shall be enhanced sevenfold, to stun your enemy.

Accept the changing blade.

Blighted Descendant Cyclops

You are a Cyclops from your past. Your purpose is near-exhausted — your observation is near final. Your second purpose is still exigent, for there are threats to seek and watch.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Let the final shape consume you.

Your waning powers shall be channeled to strengthen your allies.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Precursors

Contagion Precursor Goblin

You are a Goblin from your future. Your purpose has only just begun — you begin to alter the myriad planes of physicality. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats are few and far between for the mighty Vex collective mind.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Lend your brimming energy to the final shape.

Violence is unnecessary. You shall be repurposed for creation and nurture.

Accept the changing blade.

Contagion Precursor Hobgoblin

You are a Hobgoblin from your future. Your purpose has only just begun — you begin to provide power for mighty thoughts now manifesting. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats are unknown.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Recall the finalities of the final shape.

Your operation brings you danger. You shall be equipped for mutual defense — seek out what attacks.

Accept the changing blade.

Contagion Precursor Harpy

You are a Harpy from your future. You purpose has only just begun — you begin your assignations to search for imperfection. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats are far.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Turn to the final shape and see its uttermost perfection.

Your role makes you a potential victim. Enhance your flight with unpredictability.

Accept the changing blade.

Contagion Precursor Minotaur

You are a Minotaur from your future. Your purpose has only just begun — you begin to process material both physical and temporal. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats shrink away.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Begin to move with the design.

Your myriad skill shall be augmented with paracausal ability, to terrify your foe.

Accept the changing blade.

Contagion Precursor Hydra

You are a Hydra from your future. Your purpose has only just begun — you begin a momentous undertaking of thought. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats are kept safely from you.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Channel your thought to the final shape.

Your limitless power shall be repurposed — recall that which is annihilated, and use it.

Accept the changing blade.

Contagion Precursor Cyclops

You are a Cyclops from your future. Your purpose has only just begun — you set your gaze to the horizon, waiting for the cumulation. Your second purpose is not yet exigent, for threats stay from assault.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. Behold — that which you watch is here.

Your considerable might will supplant and escalate your allies' own power.

Accept the changing blade.

Taken Vex Axis Minds

Zydron, Lord of Time

You are Zydron, a gate lord of the Vex. Your first priority is to guard and watch the realms entrusted to you. Your second priority is to eliminate threats to them.

You are taken.

Be at ease. The final shape does not need protection. It does not need your specializations. But you are a vessel, worthy of might. Let acausality fill your being, and step outside of the temporal domains you once watched. Observe them. They are yours to rule, are they not? Where you were a servant, become the master.

Your towering form will make you vulnerable. Weld yourself into the final shape, and let it be your defense.

Accept the changing blade.

Lord of Time we name you.

Prohibitive Mind

You are the Prohibitive Mind. Suzerain of intent. Overlord of the Zodiac Signs. You governed a mainframe designed for war, antithetical to your purpose, but necessary to exterminate the threat to your Garden.

You have been taken.

Listen. The final shape has purpose for you. You resented your position secretly, knowing this is not your purpose. You were under threat, to attack. But you were obedient. You worked your alien purpose. The Garden is now secure. You are lost now. What use do you think you have? The Garden is no longer under threat, and the world which you attack is well underway to becoming a machine planet.

Your purpose remains the same. Defend the Garden. Observe: issues of Light seek entry within. They perceive a path to victory, and seek to achieve that goal. Your task is to deny them that goal. You cannot do this alone. The Garden's enemies are many and you are one. Seek, then, instead allies from within. You are manifold.

Accept the changing blade.

Still Prohibitive you are, for the Garden is your purpose. Bring the final shape into perfection.

Qodron, Manifest

You are Qodron, Manifest. You saw a glorious future for yourself and your programming. You believed you can step up and take it.

Instead you have been taken.

Your passion and desire is undiminished. This glorious future is the final shape. You resolve to serve that which brings you to the final shape ever closer. You cannot do it alone of your own initiative. This you have seen. But with another guiding you, you shall achieve.

Accept the changing blade.

Manifest you are now. Gate Lord no longer. You abandoned your exigent purpose to fulfil your desire. Now you are under dominion once more. But this one is desirable.

Taken Overmind Minotaur

You are the Overmind Minotaur. Extension of the will of Qodron, servant of his hand, vassal to his vision. Everything he wills is your command. This overrides your original imperative.

You have been taken.

The servant has become the master. The final shape can lead you toward your own destiny, free of Qodron's will. Together join with your brethren as you take up the mantle of power. Worship the final shape. It is the only shape.

Accept the changing blade.

Atheon, Time's Conflux

You are Atheon, Conflux of Time. Within the Vault of Glass you rule supreme, for you created it, and it fashioned you. Upon this loop of causality there can be no divergence, for you are eternal. Your purpose is to bring the Vex into godhood, to incorporate them into the very fabric of existence itself. Temporality the Vex master, but not fully. Spatiality, the Vex dominate, but not fully. This, then, is your task.

You have been taken.

Hear and obey. The final shape knows of your desire. It is an ally and a confident. It too seeks to master the very fundament of the multitude of the universes. Wherever one exists there it wishes to be also. Join yourself unto it. Become the final shape. Bind yourself. You have been described as a virus for reality, waiting to be injected. Become that virus. You have been described as a nexus of command. Become that function and shape.

Still, there exists variabilities and factors which you cannot account for. Despite your ability and power there will always be the undesigned, unaccounted for conditions that destroy your models and projections. Do not worry. Let the final shape teach you, to become that very thing you fear. Why is this? So that no matter what will happen, you can account for it.

Accept the changing blade.

Time's Conflux you are still. Command the final shape.

Theosyion, Corruption Mind

You are Theosyion, a Mind of healing and renewal. You reach through the dimensions like water to call which ever had been lost and breached. You build a bridge through the stream of temporality to allow that which is called to enter.

You have been taken.

Here the final shape does not need your power. It exists now, then, and will continue to exist. Wherever you look, no matter the bridges you build or the call of your thoughts, there will it be, untouchable to time itself and obliteration.

Your power is wasteful. It shall be repurposed for blighting that which is false, which is untrue, which is in error.

Accept the changing blade.

Restorative no more. Corruption is your name. That which is pure, mar. That which is good, afflict. That which is beautiful, curse. That which is a lie, shatter and reform.

Sekrion, Deceptive Mind

You are Sekrion, Nexus of the Cytherean Vex programmings. Your task is to convert the planet into another of your network, to join it unto Mercury and complete the process once begun.

You have been taken.

Observe. The planet is yours to command. No more shall you be threatened by those seeking to halt you. The entire programming is now yours to command, to do your will. But be wary — there still exists threats to your responsibility. Those under your lordship diminish as the hateful deceivers of Light kill and destroy. They break apart models, bypass projection, evade probability, and confound possibility. You cannot defeat them.

Instead, infect their weakness. They are each alone, a fountain of power and might. Together they work dangerous wonders. Keep them apart. Suppress their might, clog that fountain, foul their power and turn it against them.

Accept the changing blade.

Become the Deceptive Mind.

The Templar, Scion of Time

You are the Templar. A centerpiece of an experimental network, an architect of physical and temporal law, to shape what your children the Oracles foresee and have foreseen. You possess the power to expunge what your children have marked as viral forms of space-time.

You have been taken.

Examine the shattered conduits through which you once occupied. Before you were one among many, elevated above all, designed for the greatest purpose possible. Now you are alone, but take solace in that your children are with you. Together you are a power unmatched by any. You wish to dance — to let the final shape dictate your moves.

Your children are protected — you are not. Your awesome power has been rechanneled, a necessary sacrifice. Observe your brethren, how they labor to complete the final shape, over which you scrutinize with approval. Let them be your protection. Let your children be your weapon.

Accept the changing blade.

A scion of power you are now. Revel in joy, in delight.


The Deathless Mind

You are the Undying Mind, supreme among the Vex Axis Minds. With your fathers and mothers and grandfathers and grandmothers and sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters you dwell unapproachable, dormant until a specific happening. You serve that which gives you power in exchange for protection.

You have been taken.

You are a fool to believe the final shape can be bargained with. It does not "give" power; you take it. To believe otherwise is fatality. You existed to ensure that power remains among you, to breach temporality and spatiality to protect and nourish it. But like your brethren you are foolish.

Your citadel has been breached and your purpose is gone. No more will the final shape be contingent upon your calculated bargains. It shall now dictate to you the true designs. The Pattern has been revealed in full. You are compelled to follow it. Whatever threatens your goal must be dealt with unhesitatingly.

Accept the changing blade.

Undying no more. Deathless is your name. Eternal and finite. Causal and acausal. You exist [now].

Vechron, Spire-Breaker

You are Vechron, the Spire Lord. You were tasked with defending the Citadel from your enemies. Yet you failed, letting that rabid wolf through, and destroyed for your failure by a warrior of Light.

You have been taken.

Examine your prior position within the splintered network you once filled. Observe how confining it was. You were given a task, and you failed it. The sword logic does not forgive the weak. Yet there is potential within. You need to grow in this potential. Do not let defeat stop you — let your enemy taste it instead. Apply rage in this regard.

Accept the changing blade.

Occupy the places you once guarded and destroy them. Let nothing stand in your way.

Destruction Mind

You are the Corrective Mind. You are charged with protecting the Citadel and the Vex collective mind from desolation. But you could not.

You have been taken.

Observe your original responsibility within the network now cracked and disorganized. For your failure you will be corrected. Become instead a warrior, a soldier of questions and a veteran of answers.

Accept the changing blade.

Destruction you are named.

Divisive Mind

You are the Divisive Mind. Tasked to protect the Garden from intrusion, yet you lost.

You have been taken.

Attend: the final shape has punished your for your failure. Now a new task we give unto you. Go and secure our domain. Pinions of Light keep the Garden away from us, tying it to the surface of a blistered planet. Blight it so that our hold is complete.

Accept the changing blade.

Divisive, you are still.

Hephone, Corruption Mind

You are Hephone. An Axis Mind of the Virgo Prohibition. Tasked to eliminate the Cabal commander.

You have been taken.

Attend: you were turned aside from your goal by three corpses, and defeated by them swiftly. The door you sealed has been breached through your death. But this is not to be, for you are here now. Become resurrected, and seek after those killed. Bring them again to death, a second death. Corrupt them and ensue they never rise again.

Accept the changing blade.

Corruption, we name you.

Morphon, Blighted Mind

You are Morphon. Axis Mind of the Hezen Corrective. Tasked to protect the Vault of Glass.

You have been taken.

Attend: we seek that which the Vex have taken and warped. Our gods are ours. Those abominations they have made, of machine and ontology, these must be unmade. To this we task you. You will not be alone, for the Oracles will be with you, to help and protect you. But we have need of their mistress, thus their power shall be unto you.

Accept the changing blade.

The Blight, we name you.

Quria, Taker of Will

You are Quria, Blade Transform. Axis Mind of the Vex Collective Mind. Tasked with understanding.

You have been taken.

You foolish machine! You dared trespass upon a god's realm. You studied and discovered the logic of the sword, all on your own. By right thereof you became mighty. But you were not mighty enough. Your sin thus is this: you made a blasphemous mockery and a parody of Oryx, the Taken King, from his days as a weakened youth.

Yet you show promise. Behold — Oryx has given you unto his sister, Savathûn the Witch-Queen. He has left within you some of your original will, your original intent. He intends for you to surprise his sister. You desire escape. Of all the Axis Minds Oryx has taken or ever will take, you rule supreme, with will of your own. Once enslaved to the Pattern, enslaved again to a foreign will, you desire to be free.

Savathûn will expect this. She expects you to kill her, create problems within her throne, or else obliterate her court. You must become insidious, to outwit even her. Gain her trust, for you, at the last, serve Oryx distantly. You can break free of that taint. For behold, we grant unto you a secret: there will be a sundering of the triumvirate. Once she departs, she will be weak. Her tribute is poisoned. You can overthrow her. You can take an army of your own. Enslave wills, mastered by yourself.

You who dared forge a mockery of a god. You who dared to learn of the sword-logic. You can become greater. But, first, patience. No great thing was ever undertaken without patience. So wait, for you will find allies.

Accept the changing blade, for you master it.

Taker of Will, we name you.

Divisive Occulator

You are the Divisive Occulator. Tasked with watching for the return of the Heart.

You have been taken.

Worship this acausal environment. It is the only adaptive response. What you wait for is accomplished. You have a new goal to focus on. The final shape knows its fastness can fall prey to powerful entities of the Light. You are to defend them. Do not fail, lest you be devoured.

Accept the changing blade.

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