Taken Vandal

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Revision as of 22:20, October 20, 2016 by Dante the Ghost (talk | contribs)

"You are a Vandal. You slip through life like a thief. Trying to hide from everything greater than you — lest you be reduced, again, to a dreg. You have been taken. [...] You have no space to call your own. You deserve a place of safety. You deserve to be alone with yourself. There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [this place is mine]. Take up the knife. Make it your companion. Take your new shape"
Grimoire description
Taken Vandal
Grimoire Taken Vandal.jpg
Biographical information




Medium Infantry



Combat information


Arc Shrapnel Launcher (rare)
Solar Wire Rifle (common)


Summon Spherical Shield


The Taken Vandal is a type of Taken Fallen that summons a spherical shield similar to Ward of Dawn. This shield heals enemies inside and allows them to shoot out but not in. Their weapons consist of either a Solar Wire Rifle or an Arc Shrapnel Launcher. Taken Vandals are unusually accurate with their Wire Rifles.

List of appearances
