Vesper's Host

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Warlord's Ruin

Vesper's Host
2024 Vespers Host Press Kit Wallpapers COMPRESSED 003.jpg


Episode: Revenant



Recommended Power Level:



Vesper Station, Europa Orbit

Hostile race(s):



Investigate a derelict space station to discover the secrets contained within it.

Defy the algorithm. Cut through its web.

Vesper's Host is a Dungeon that was introduced Destiny 2 in Episode: Revenant. Here, the Guardian is on a mission sent by The Spider to investigate a derelict BrayTech space station on the outskirts of Europa's orbit, uncover its secrets, and stop a corrupting entity from channelling power to a mysterious megastructure.


  • Embarkation
Search a way into Vesper Station.
  • Activation
Reactivate station power to open the path ahead.
  • Infiltration
Continue moving forward through the station to uncover its mysteries.
  • Dismemberment
Find a way to defeat the Unified Servitor.
  • Acceleration
Make your way closer to the Anomaly to find a way to shut it down.
  • Shutdown
Take down the Corrupted Puppeteer and stop it from channelling power to the Anomaly.



Players begin on a catwalk within Vesper Station and after turning right up ahead, will introduce them to the central mechanic of the dungeon: the Viral Augment pickup and Augment Terminals. The Viral Operator allows the player to shoot the pads throughout the dungeon while the Viral Scanner highlights various objects throughout the dungeon. One of the differences between these augments compared to those within the Deep Stone Crypt Raid and Seraph's Shield Exotic Mission, is that the Viral Augment pickups have a 1 minute timer before it kills the player who possesses it unless it is deposited within the Augment Terminals. To open the airlock to progress forward, the players must kill a Vandal possessing a Viral Augment pickup they need. The player with the Viral Scanner pickup will see an array of yellow hexagons on their radar. They will now see if the yellow hexagon either disappears or changes into a white hexagon on the radar by simply approaching the pads throughout the area. After enough yellow hexagons are changed into white hexagons on the radar, they must guide another player who possesses the Viral Operator pickup to the pads marked with a white hexagon for them to shoot. Once all of them are shot, the airlock door will open and take away the Viral Augment pickup once they pass through.


Now that the central mechanics of the dungeon are made clear, players will see an area that has 3 passageways. One passageway has a red heart symbol above the door, another one has a blue lung symbol, and the third one has a yellow brain symbol. After being familiar with the layout, approach a white sphere and interact with it to begin the first encounter. When the encounter starts, a Brig will spawn in front of the sphere you just interacted with. The player must kill the Brig and the Vandal who possess the Viral Scanner pickup you will need. After killing the Brig, players will now see one of the passageways have an alarm going off. Go into that passageway and traverse it until you see a barrier up ahead. Now, players must kill a Marauder called the Machine Priest's Assistant to lower the barrier and begin the next part of the encounter. Remember to deposit the Viral Augment pickups into the Augment Terminals before the timer expires, then you can reacquire the Viral Augment pickups there until you have unlocked the nuclear core. After acquiring both Viral Augment pickups discussed earlier and identifying which pads need to be shot, players will see a nuclear core that will inflict the Radiation debuff to the carrier and kill them if they acquire 10 stacks of Radiation, so be sure to rotate carriers often. After returning to where they started the encounter, a Brig will spawn preventing you from depositing a nuclear core into a chest. Kill the Brig and deposit the nuclear core. Repeat this whole process 2 more times and the encounter will be completed.


After making their way deeper inside the derelict station, players will see an Eliksni computer. Interact with the Eliksni computer and you will receive a buff called Power Reserves. How the buff works is that opening BrayTech doors will subtract 1 Power Reserve and closing BrayTech doors will add 1 Power Reserve. Players can carry a maximum of 4 Power Reserves. While making your way to the second encounter, the boss you will face soon will patrol the maze filled with BrayTech doors and inflict a 5-second debuff called Integration that can kill those that stay in its line of sight. Also, killing a Captain will drop a nuclear core that must be placed in a specific order. The order is numeric from 1 to 5 as indicated by the pads marked with a blue number. Use your power reserves wisely as some doors will need to be opened or closed as you deposit the nuclear cores to the chests in numeric order. After depositing the nuclear core to the chest marked with a number 5 pad, the passage below leading to the second encounter will open.


You will begin to see pads marked with a red number from 0 to 9 as you begin the second encounter. This will only be shot by the player who possesses the Viral Operator pickup, but worry about them when you are ready to begin DPS. When the encounter begins, kill the Vandal who possesses the Viral Operator, but when you do pick it up, place it on the Augment Terminal as the specific numbered pads to shoot are not known yet. Kill adds and avoid the bombs sent by the boss until a Captain called a Machine Priest spawns. Kill it and the boss will teleport you to the lower level. Once you are teleported there, kill a Tracer Shank that possesses the Viral Augment pickup now being introduced. The player that possesses the Viral Suppressor will see that their grenade ability is replaced with a new icon and when the grenade button is pressed, they will create a hologram that can be shot. Use the hologram near the boss to force it to split into multiple miniatures of itself, numbered from 0 to 9. Before going back up to the upper level where you started the second encounter, identify which numbered Servitor from 0 to 9 is glowing, then enter that information into the text chat. Repeat this process one more time and you’ll have the specific numbered pads that need to be shot that correspond with the numbered Servitors that were glowing. After you have all 4 specific numbers you need, return to the Augment Terminal and reacquire the Viral Operator pickup, then shoot the pads that has the number that was typed into the text chat to begin DPS. AoE Supers and weapons are recommended as the boss will split into miniatures of itself again when DPS begins. Rinse and repeat until all of the miniatures are destroyed, and the encounter will be completed.


While making your way to the final encounter, energy from the Anomaly will spread out and strike the station with Arc damage. Avoid them and you will be safe until you reach the area where the final encounter begins.


Approach the orb near the window to begin the final encounter. All 3 Viral Augment pickups will be at play here, so dedicate a player to each specific Viral Augment role. When the encounter starts, multiple clones of the Puppeteer will rush onto the players and inflict them with the Radiation debuff if the player stays within the clone's aura. To counter this, the player with Viral Suppression must plant down a hologram to bait the clones, then shoot the hologram to remove their Radiation aura, opening them to damage. Once those clones are defeated, the player with Viral Scanner must go around the room and identify all instances of the specific numbered pad to tell the player who possesses Viral Operator to shoot. After that, head towards the open tubes and find which door has an alarm going off. Head towards that room until you see a room with exactly 4 pads and an Augment Terminal. The player with Viral Operator must shoot all 4 pads while the player with Viral Scanner identifies which clone needs to be destroyed to drop and subsequently deposit a nuclear core into a chest inside a bunker. You will need to do this process again on the other side, but watch out for traps along the way. When both rooms are completed, a teleporter will activate leading them back into the room where the encounter starts, but this time, head into a giant door in the back. After being launched up on the deck, DPS will begin. Players will have 2 rounds of DPS while they are on the deck and energy from the Anomaly will strike into the area as well. After the first round of DPS is over, head into a bunker nearby and deposit the nuclear core to be safe from the overwhelming energy emanating from the Anomaly. After the second round of DPS is over, fall into the hole where you were launched from earlier and repeat the above mechanics until the boss is dead, completing the dungeon.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.
First Clear

{Mission begins}

  • Vesper Central: Last broadcast repeats. Threat level omega. Object on collision vector. Total station loss expected.
The Guardian proceeds into Vesper Station.
  • Vesper Central: Threat level gamma. Doors open in restricted sectors. Get out. Get out!


  • Vesper Central: Threat level epsilon. Vesper Station to Europa surface: we need assistance. Lives are in danger. Broadcast repeats.
Fallen breach the area and attack the Guardian.
  • Vesper Central: Threat level lambda. Life support is failing. Put on your breath masks or asphyxiate.


  • Vesper Central: Threat alert canceled. All hands, take off your helmets. Breathe in.
The Guardian passes through a security checkpoint.
  • Vesper Central: BrayTech scan failed. Your gear is out of order.

Or if the Guardian is wielding Outbreak Perfected

  • Vesper Central: You're contaminated with banned technology. Security will be alerted. Be more careful, all right?

Or if the Guardian is wielding Final Warning

  • Vesper Central: Ishtar probe detected. Message from Dr. Bray reads: Corporate espionage, Maya? I expected better from you.

Or if the Guardian is wielding Hierarchy of Needs

  • Vesper Central: Interdicted machine intelligence. I don't understand. I don't understand.

Or if the Guardian is wielding Elsie's Rifle, No Time to Explain or Ice Breaker

  • Vesper Central: BrayTech scan is clean. Have a safe and productive day!
The Guardian proceeds further into the station. They begin to reinitialize the Station, and deposit a nuclear core.
  • Vesper Central: Central power critically low.
The Guardian deposits a second core.
  • Vesper Central: Power at sixty percent.
The Guardian deposits a third core.
  • Vesper Central: Re-engaging standby mode. Welcome to Vesper Station!

If the Guardian interacts with a secret data interface

  • Vesper Central: Warning! Unauthorized message coming through the Anomaly! Data follows… Lodi transmitting. Status moonsick, adrift. Odysseus protocol active. It repeats from there. Do you recognize the code?
The Guardian traversed further and disables a barrier blocking their path. Raneiks Unified appears and begins attacking the Guardian.
  • Vesper Central: Corrupted bio-mechanical subject has jumped to a new host. Did you breach containment?
The Guardian flees from the Servitor, until after depositing more nuclear cores, they face it in a battle.
  • Vesper Central: He built me physically unable to use the tools to keep people safe. You will do it for me.
The Guardian defeats Raneiks Unified.
  • Vesper Central: Threat neutralized. All researchers report for contamination protocols! No. No life signs detected. They're all gone.
The Guardian travels further through the Station, seeking a way to shut down the Anomaly.
  • Vesper Central: Power draw on that anomaly is far beyond safe limits. Arc energy shouldn’t be that color.
The Guardian discovers the Corrupted Puppeteer.
  • Vesper Central: Stay back! That Exo frame is the center of the corruption!
The Guardian begins to fight the Puppeteer. Eventually it withdraws.
  • Vesper Central: That thing is in the lower stacks!
The Guardian deposits a nuclear core.
  • Vesper Central: It's returning to the anomaly!
The Puppeteer communes with the Anomaly.
  • Vesper Central: Threat level omega.
The Guardian defeats the Puppeteer.
  • Vesper Central: Corrupted signal fading. Anomaly shutdown complete. The corruption took control of everything. It forced the construction of the Anomaly. It could have ruined so much more than it already did. And these facilities are wrecked. Population count is… nil. I'm… alone.
The Guardian locates the beacon on Vesper Station's outer hull.
  • Vesper Central: Message in abeyance loop transferred to Anomaly. Destination incomprehensible. This message was not authorized!
{Mission ends}

Buried Secrets

First Message
  • Vesper Central: Charge rerouted through Caster complex. First-level archives coming online.
  • Vesper Central: I suppose I have you to thank for bringing me out of standby, visitor.
  • The Spider: I sent the Guardian out to save your station. So, what denomination does your thanks come in? Glimmer, herealways, information…?
  • Vesper Central: Anomaly’s powered down. That means I've already given you your survival. But… the message that went through wiped itself before my cache process could save a copy. And it's not the initial ping through the Anomaly I'm worried about. It's the response.

Secret Chests

First Chest

  • Vesper Central: Too much left behind. I'm drowning in monuments to the dead.

Second Chest

  • Vesper Central: Take what you want. Nobody else is left to use it.


Unique Enemies




Other rewards






  • Vesper's Host is the second dungeon to feature the Fallen, after Grasp of Avarice, and the first to focus exclusively on the Fallen.
  • Vesper’s Host is the first dungeon to feature a Contest Mode period and race, where normal mode would enable after the event podium (the first three clears) were confirmed.

