


The origins towards the entity known simply as the True Sorrow Maker, sometimes known as the Necromancer, Seer, or the One Who Knows, is left a mystery. Cryptarchs of the City proclaim him to be the Hive's equivalent to the Greek muse of history, Clio. The Hive would compare the True Sorrow Maker as an opposition to Anziluu, the Ravenous as latter describes what will be while the former describes what once was. The Cabal claim that he may have some relation to the surrogate mother of the Osmium Progeny, Taox and may be the link between her and the OXA Machine. The Fallen believe him to be somewhat related to the old tale of Skira, the Watcher, which may or may not be another name held by the True Sorrow Maker. What is known is his relation to Shin'ra and his title as the Sorrow-Maker, with the True Sorrow Maker being the progenitor of the title.

The True Sorrow Maker has had personal history with members of the Hive Pantheon, most specifically Nokris, Herald of Xol, who based his own teachings and off of his monicker of the Necromancer. Oryx believed him to be a sycophant or rather a pretender to himself and his rule, as Oryx fed off of curiosity while the True Sorrow Maker fed off of knowledge. Anziluu believed him to be a threat to the Weave of Fate to the point in which he banished him and his own followers from ever entering into the Realm of Apocrypha as it was the greatest source of knowledge of the past, present and future

Founding the Hill of Sorcery

"From this peak, I shall craft a mighty fortress from which my future regime shall rise from."
— The Emperor

At an unknown point prior to the arrival of the Traveler to Sol, the Emperor and his adherents would arrive on the Moon and sought to establish a foothold there. They constructed it into a strategic position on Luna in which it would be on the opposite side of the Moon from which the Hellmouth would later be built. At a later point, Crota sought to destroy the Hill of Sorcery as it stood on his lunar territory. The Emperor denied his conquest by hiding the fortress behind a massive veil that was virtually undetectable and unassailable by any means other than secret pathways that only the Emperor and his own Hive knew of.

However, Crota would learn of one of these pathways and sneak his brood into the Hill of Sorcery, causing a massive war between the two broods. Crota would eventually find and kill the Emperor deep within the tower that sat upon the peak of the Hill of Sorcery. In his last moments, the Emperor would banish Crota and his brood from his fortress behind a lock and key. Adherents of the Emperor would lay their leader's body to rest within a tomb that sat below his tower.

While the location of the Hill of Sorcery fell into obscurity, forces of the Hidden Swarm would keep records of the location of the Emperor's fortress within the Cauldron.