Antiquated Rune

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"A rune that grows in power as you summon and banish enemies with Stolen Runes in the Court of Oryx. Once charged, it can summon more powerful enemy."
— Item description

An Antiquated Rune is received when killing Tier 2 level bosses or by buying/receiving it from Eris Morn. It needs to be charged by killing Tier 2 level bosses summoned by using Stolen Runes. When charged it will summon Tier 3 level bosses.

A total of three Court of Oryx Tier 2 events summoned by the player must be completed before it is fully charged. This can be done in no particular order. Antiquated Rune can be acquired from the Court of Oryx, Crota's Bane Reputation Packages of Rank 5 and higher, King's Fall Raid and The Old Hunger quest reward.