Forum:The Indenture

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction The Indenture Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
The Indenture

Other name(s):

Enemy "Consensus"
Indentural Empire
The Last Obstacle



Focal world(s):

Entirety of the Solar System


Establish a lasting empire
Dominate foreign territory

At war with:

Indentural Wars

Average height:


Average weight:



Deployment of allied Fallen, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Taken, Void Demons, and Lightbreakers

Average lifespan:


Notable group(s):

House of Arthropods
Wrath of the Oculus
Myriad Prohibition
Steel Goliaths
The Demented
Traveler's Cursed
The Void Reborn

Notable individual(s):

Nezarec Reborn
Russell, Reborn Juggernaut
Throk Nul, God-Eater
Dominus Zhu'uork, the Wrathful
Typhon, the Destructive Mind
Zanthraks, Kell of Arthropods


The Indenture is an imperial collective of humanity's most dangerous enemies. Bonded through understanding and trust, they have finally come together to tear down The Last City once and for all.



Shortly after the the rebirth of Nezarec and the Void, Nezarec shorted out the abilities of both the Light and the Darkness: he poisoned the Traveler and stopped it from creating new Light; he also poisoned the Hive's Worms and stopped the Darkness from spreading. However, he decided to recruit those who held corrupted Light shards, as they matched the symbolic power balance he sought to maintain in the universe. In fact, he reached across the eons to contact Russell, the only remaining Lightbreaker commander. Nezarec revived Russell, imbued him with greater power, and assigned him with overtaking the Last City using a stronger force. When Russell finally reassembled the Lightbreakers on Phobos under a new name, the Traveler's Banished, they set out to spread chaos throughout the Solar System once more. This time, however, they would establish an order that would maintain this chaos to prevent any other authorities from rising up and taking their place, and they had the advantage, since their Corrupted Light status prevented them from being affected by the newly poisoned well of Light from the Traveler, which decreased the effects of the other Guardians' abilities. The Lightbreakers' first step was to survey the current status of their enemy from the Outer System onboard the Lightbreaker Carrier. Conducting long-range surveillance using automated Surveyor Ghosts, they placed marks on Guardians patrolling on the border of the city.

Oculus' Wrath

With their targets identified, the Lightbreakers started to close in. However, little did they know that their activity has woken the Hive, who were serving under the newly formed Wrath of the Oculus, who were keeping watch over open space onboard the Tartarus Carrier. With an expanded Ascendant Realm and having the Darkness directly imbued in them, they effectively had limitless territory and power, and the presence of any kind of Light, pure or corrupted, is viewed as a disturbance, so the Hive pursued the Lightbreakers and attacked their vessel. Both sides raced each other to the City while launching constant aerial assaults at the enemy to keep each other in check. With the Lightbreakers' superior fleet initially pulling ahead, the new God-King of the Hive, Throk Nul, summoned a squadron of his new sect of Taken, the Demented, onboard the Lightbreaker Carrier to halt their efforts. In response, Russell launched Neutralizer Ghosts and Combat Ghosts to maintain their place. This conflict caused a stalemate. Realizing this, Russell and Throk Nul commanded their respective vessels to stop the race so they could face their enemies' leaders one-on-one. Throk Nul sensed Russell's presence and called out to him in desperation for conflict, "My worm hungers ever more, warrior of Light. It puts me in pain. It senses you. It knows you. You think you're different?" Russell then led a strike force to engage him, testing each other's strength, and personally fought several days longer until they wore each other out. This was another stalemate, but this one put the conflict on hold, allowing for recovery.

Goliath's Assault

The Lightbreaker and Hive vessels slowly drifted through empty space, slowly slipping away from each other's vision, but both ended up in the same sights of another massive spacecraft: the Commandship Indominus. On this giant vessel was the newest and strongest Cabal legion: the Steel Goliaths. They immediately noticed that they had company, and rushed into combat to defend the vessel. The impact of Cabal missile strikes interrupted the recovery, thus springing the Hive and Lightbreakers back into action. The Steel Goliaths then sent in several squadrons from every infantry platoon they had: robotics, experimental Psions, executioners, and an elite heavy strike force. To further bolster their attack power, the new Cabal military emperor, Dominus Zhu'uork, even deployed their new line Goliath Tank, one of each on the opposing vessels. This put the Lightbreakers and Hive in an inescapable battle, where they had to fight on or die in the process. And to make sure neither could escape, the Commandship Indominus deployed tractor beams, pulling the Tartarus Carrier and the Lightbreaker Carrier closer in. Russell and Throk Nul directed their forces towards the tanks and the invading Cabal battle crews. Russell summoned a Void Sentinel Shield and used it to project a giant barricade that blocked incoming attacks. In his other hand, he wielded a Burning Maul to knock the Cabal and the tank out of the ship. He marched forward with lines of Frames, soldiers, and Guardians following him. Throk Nul cast terrible afflictions on the Cabal infantry aboard his vessel: poisoned blood, suppression of abilities, and physical weakness. He would use his Storm Cleaver to cut through wide swathes of Cabal infantry. However, while the tanks were damaged, they dealt heavy blows to their targets. It would take several days of more combat to fully wear down the artillery.

Prohibition's Capture

The Commandship Indominus towed the Lightbreaker and Hive vessels as it lumbered through the cosmos. Unbeknownst to the Cabal, their massive ship was detected in a spatial simulation being conducted by the Vex of the newly developed Myriad Prohibition. Once they detected this disturbance, they boarded Timeship Hades and transmatted it to the location of the Cabal ship. The inner workings of the ship are controlled by the largest and most powerful Axis Mind the Vex have ever constructed: Typhon, the Destructive Mind. It gave the ship the directive to pull the Cabal, Hive, and Lightbreakers into their new domain, the Myriad Crossworld, for erasure using a Deletion Ray. As this weapon charged up, it used stasis beams to link to its targets and lock them in place. Realizing this, the Cabal made a withdrawal, but they immediately found out that Timeship Hades would be dragged along for the ride with the other vessels they towed. To ensure their targets remained helpless, the Vex directly invaded the other vessels, and also deployed their gun emplacements and newly designed Oracles. The Commandship continued to pull away from the stasis link, but the Timeship still got dragged behind them and weighed them down. Meanwhile, the Lightbreakers and Hive suffered ambushes from stealth units, constant afflictions from support combatants, and heavy bombardment from gigantic siege engines. There was little they could do as they kept being towed and assaulted on all sides. The Vex put up such a fight that it took months for the Cabal, Lightbreakers, and Hive to pry the Vex from their respective vessels, and they had to recover for even longer.

Arthropod's Ambush

The clump of vessels continued to drift through space, and they triggered yet another enemy alert. A tripmine picked up their movements and let off a violent detonation that caused a shockwave which pushed the vessels away. Alerted by this detonation were a secret group of Fallen onboard an invisible Ketch called Arthroship Toxikor-Syn, the main vessel of a new Fallen House, the House of Arthropods. Commandeering this vessel was the House's Kell, Zanthraks. His plan was to deploy a large fleet of Mosquito gunships and modified Skiffs onboard the other vessels and use their troops to sabotage their inner workings. The Ketch deployed a giant Arc web around the other vessels to prevent them from escaping, and dragged them toward their Den under the surface of Mumbai Push for assassination. The Mosquitos easily weaved around incoming gunfire and followed up with devastating weaponry of their own. The ground troops used their newly developed combat exoskeletons to enhance their firepower, mobility, and physical toughness, with additional gadgets to increase their versatility. This gave them favorable matchups against their targets, and put up a large-scale fight against the Lightbreakers, Hive, Cabal, and Vex, lasting for up to a month. During this time, they tore off a large chunk of a Corrupted Light shard to use for energy, sabotaged a Hive ritual that was intended to continue the spread of the Ascendant Plane's corruption, stole Cabal battle plans, and shut down the Vex's Deletion Ray before eventually tinkering with it. However, the Fallen were unaware that the energy capacity for the Ketch's web casters had just ran out, which rallied them back onboard to prepare for the vessel's descent. Everyone else followed, and they landed on Mumbai Push. The remaining combatants immediately resumed the fighting on the surface.


The fight between the five different enemy races continued for several hours until the sky darkened and a black portal appeared in the middle of the battlezone. They all immediately paused to observe the anomaly. An army of Void demons poured out of the portal, led by Nezarec himself. Nezarec imprisoned the Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal in their own sectors by casting magic barriers around them. He then called to Russell and his forces, "Wielders of the Corrupted Light. You have done well in cornering these monsters. Now, bring them to my dimension so we can all make an arrangement." Russell and his Guardian forces, along with the Void demons, then forced the other races into the Void Dimension, and the portal closed once everyone was inside, with Nezarec waiting on his throne overlooking the visitors. To make sure there was no resistance, he summoned his Heralds and Gatekeepers to help the Lightbreakers watch over them and make the arrangement proposed earlier.


Nezarec started, "There is one thing I wish to know from all of you: why do you fight each other? There is a far more pressing foe than anything the universe has ever seen, a foe you have all fallen to more than once: the Guardians who follow the Traveler. They destroy your works without hesitation. They have no second thought after they secure their efforts. They do not regard your struggles. They are more dangerous to all of you than you are to each other." The Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal raised their arms in anger and directed their fire at Nezarec, but to no effect, so they eventually stop. His rebirth ritual gave him complete immunity, and he continued to address them, "You miss the point. I've seen your fates when they were involved, and even I have never successfully faced them. Because we have all been through this, I suggest we find common ground and aspire to reach new goals. Establish an order. Rally behind a new god. Carve a new Final Shape. Create a new future. Conquer new worlds. As long as you follow these principles, I will help you." Throk Nul responded, "We are the New Hive, the Wrath of the Oculus. We have the Darkness imbued in us, and we follow a new path. But what is the new Final Shape?" Dominus Zhu'uork followed, "We are the new Cabal, the Steel Goliaths. We have a united army, and we follow a new doctrine. But what new worlds are there to conquer?" Typhon was next, "We are the new Vex, the Myriad Prohibition. We have a new form, and we follow a new evolution. But what new future is there to create?" Zanthraks then stated, "We are the new Fallen, the House of Arthropods. We have a new strength, and follow a new foundation. But what new god is there to rally behind?" Nezarec answers their questions, "The new Final Shape is not only the triumph of the strong, but also the evolution of their power; it must constantly be folded into new forms. The new worlds are those which have yet to be explored, with new inhabitants and resources to control; an empire can only expand when venturing the full extent of the universe. The new future is the one which allows the infinite possibilities that have been simulated to unfold and converge; everything will eventually be as one. The new god is not a god who is transcendent of one form of power, but a god who is transcendent of all forms of power; there is only one true god. I have the means to make all of this happen, and I will ensure the Traveler and its purest Light are no more. This will only be possible through one united effort. What do you say to this?" The Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal, then realized they had a common enemy, and they learnt the full extent of each other's motives and how they will shape the fate of the universe. After a long series of past wars, they finally decided to cooperate with each other. "Good. Now, of utmost importance to this plan is Russell, the Lightbreaker Juggernaut, who seeks to establish an order of chaos, a chaos which you all can carry out in any way you wish against humanity's final stronghold. Now, enjoy yourselves."


Everyone would do their part to maintain Nezarec's new demands. The House of Arthropods would look to Nezarec as their religious sovereign, and The Void as the path they must follow; they have been assigned as scouts and assassins. The Wrath of the Oculus would bend their power to meet the standards of The Void, and look to Nezarec for guidance; they have been assigned as religious mediators and wardens. The Demented would assist the new Hive in all tasks. The Myriad Prohibition would simulate the possibilities Nezarec had spoken of and bring them together to craft a new future that suits this new collective; they have been assigned as analysts and security units. The Steel Goliaths would take the new worlds Nezarec has described and set up commands for this collective to follow; they have been assigned as military scientists and executioners. The Traveler's Banished would pillage all territories owned by humanity to make way for the settlement of this collective; they have been assigned as siege troopers and plunderers. Nezarec, meanwhile, kept his own army in reserve, amd manipulated the universe from his dimension. These actions now corner humanity to just the Last City, with no way in or out. The most dangerous foes of humanity have now joined together, and they call themselves...The Indenture.

House of Arthropods

House of Arthropods


Zanthraks, Kell of Arthropods
Kolvok, Arthropod Priest
Crellis, Arthropod Priestess
Kraltox, Venomous Baron
Rolksis, Ensnaring Baron
Sayliks, Keen Baroness


Toxikor, Arthropod Prime
Valiks, Venomous Prime
Elkrix, Ensnaring Prime
Kaziks, Keen Prime


Arthropod's Den
Arthroship Toxikor-Syn


The House of Arthropods is a newly risen Fallen House built on heightened technological foundations. They serve as the Indenture's scouts, assassins, and reconnaissance troops, and are the first to detect the enemy.



The Fallen in the Solar System were in their most desperate state. After losing out on the production of enhanced Ether and suffering casualties from a civil war against the Scorn, the broken House of Dusk was practically torn to pieces. Their Servitors scrapped, their Archons assassinated, and their Kell personally slain by The Guardian. The remaining nobles within the House's remnants decided to start over and build themselves from the ground up and employ more aggressive tactics of leadership. Unusually, the once-elusive and mighty House of Scorpions has suffered a similar fate with the death of their long-gone Kell, Lorkxyn, the Scorpion Kell. Those serving under him have had their chemical weapons production cut off, and their experimental Servitors have been destroyed. With no other choice, they banded with the remnant House of Dusk members and decreed a new operational ground.


To start the reformation of their former glory, the Fallen of the newly banded House scavenged for and sabotaged scattered Cabal and City technology left over from the Red War. Remembering the past mistakes with using technology they were otherwise unfamiliar with, the Fallen had to find a way to utilize it directly without causing biological deterioration as proved during the SIVA Crisis. Their Splicers made revolutionary combat advancements, a series of unique combat exoskeletons that provide their wielders with superior protection as well as extra weapon capacity. These suits were multi-limbed and allowed their wearers to actively carry and wield larger individual arsenals, effectively arming themselves to the teeth. In addition, they began experimenting with defensive reinforcements that they could use to better fortify their operational grounds by increasing the efficiency of their traps as well as inventing a series of turrets for trench warfare. The most terrifying advancements of all were among the reinvention of a new line of heavy artillery tank called the Solpugid, and even the reintroduction of multiple Servitor-like chassis to provide stronger sustenance and full support for Fallen crews.


With a greater focus on technology that relied on jointed combat frames, the newly emerged House was slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with. Lost Guardian reports have claimed their bases to be built underground, interconnected by a vast network of subterranean tunnels. They have been noted to employ ambush tactics unlike those seen in previous Fallen combat forces. They wait below the surface and set up explosives to breach the surface when an intruder is detected, attacking from below and crawling out of the crater left behind by the initial detonation to take their hapless victims down. For the few appearances that have been noted, most notably the exoskeletons, this new sect of Fallen became classified as the House of Arthropods, which have remained underground ever since.

Common Units

  • Mite: A small robotic drone which flies on all axes and flanks targets with its head-mounted Fang Turret, which fires a burst of charged, high-velocity Arc bolts which can deal precision damage and leave behind moderate-damage tracer beams upon impact; contact with the beams causes a debuff that inflicts periodic slowness and eventual paralysis for a short time.
  • Millipede: A medium-built robotic crawler designed to keep enemy hordes under control. Loaded with chambers which release a neurotoxic gas that inflicts slowness, confusion, and haze effects. Occasionally releases a pulsating shockwave that repels targets. Explodes in a violent burst upon death, inflict a heavy poison effect on all targets in its radius.
  • Centipede: A medium-built robotic crawler deployed to keep attackers at bay. Armed with a pair of Chilopod Scissors that inject a venom which drains health over time and cripples its target if the lingering damage pushes the victim into critical health levels, which knocks them down and distorts their vision for a short time. Crippled prey will be constricted by the Centipede's hooked legs if left unchecked. Striking its rear will activate a quick reflex that causes it to switch targets.
  • Tick: A larger robotic drone armed with a head-mounted Web Launcher that fires contact Web Mines. Equipped with dual Scorch Repeater gatling guns that fire incendiary rounds with stacking burning effects. At low health, it opens up an Ether Drill and charges towards the player, healing itself for any damage dealt with the drill; the health will not be restored until the drone is killed. Upon death, it drops an Arc maelstrom that damages anything in its wake.

Uncommon Units

  • Spider: Nimble scavengers that take up the skirmishing role in Arthropod crews. Uses their upper arms to wield dual Fang Pistols that quickly fire bursts of 8 Arc bolts at a time; equipped with Trap Dispensers on their middle arms, firing miniature Void smoke bombs which poison, slow, and disorient the player. Attacks with Fang Daggers on its lower arms with series of furious slashes. Capable of traversing vertical terrain and jumping over the player's heads in combat.
  • Pantopod: Subterranean troopers which burrow underground and perform ambush attacks. Equipped with Excavator Claws on their upper arms to rapidly dig away at the surface they stand on and bury themselves beneath the ground; the dig site is traced with a toxic exhaustion cloud which poisons and disorients anyone that passes through it; the claws double as melee weapons that can administer this toxin directly to the player. Uses its middle arms to wield a pair of Fang Blitzer submachine guns which fire a constant flurry of fast-moving homing Arc projectiles. Has a pair of Drainage Blades of their lower arms that skewer all targets in range and drain their health to critical levels.
  • Scorpion: Versatile troopers that are deployed for reconnaissance and assassin roles. Uses its upper arms to wield a Sting Rifle which operates like a Guardian's scout rifle and can deal precision damage, but fires venom-tipped cartridges that inflicts a stacking poison-damage debuff which also blurs the player's view. Throws Sting Grenades with its middle arms, littering the battlefield with highly damaging electric surges. Equipped with sickle-like Stinger Blades on its lower arms to perform charged sweeping attacks that have a long reach and high-damage output. Can use a cloaking device that gives it complete invisibility until attacked, which will disable the device for a short time.
  • Yellowjacket: Sleuth-type troopers equipped purely for stealth and silent takedowns. Can leap to greater heights, teleport in unpredictable intervals, scurry on the ground to close the distance, and turn invisible at will. Equipped with wrist-mounted Sting Crossbows on their upper arms, which injects a venom that cripples the target short a short time. Throws Colony Sapper grenades which emit an electric pulse that paralyzes and blinds targets. Armed with Sting Daggers on their lower arms that deal additional damage when attacking from behind. Equipped with an Arc shield.

Rare Units

  • Myrmecian: Extremely aggressive, armored troopers equipped for heavy melee combat. Wields Poison Maces in their upper arms that inflict a heavy poison effect. Uses Arthrogrippers in their lower pairs of arms to snatch targets at close range that can either snap targets' limbs and leave them disfigured, fully constrict their targets to death, or bring them in range of a back-mounted Stinger Cell injection device that skewers the victim and inflicts with a rapid-damage venom. Will constantly teleport towards the player. When damaged, they smash the ground to release a pulsating shockwave. Equipped with a Solar shield that deflects kinetic damage sources.
  • Harvestman: Large, armored, commander units packed with heavy weapons and a variety of defense gadgets to provide utility and suppressive fire for Arthropod squads. Armed with dual shoulder-fired Arthropod Coils on their upper arms, firing a hail of seeking Void microrockets which temporarily suppress Guardian abilities upon detonation. Equipped with Scorch Repeaters on its middle arms to fire incendiary rounds which inflict stacking burning effects. Attacks with Arthropod Lances on its lower arms to perform forward thrusting attacks that can break Guardians' shields and pierce multiple targets. Sprays slowness and disorientation gases. Void-shielded.
  • Vinegaroon: Massive, circular support drones which are worshipped by the Arthropods and are equipped with the essentials to sustain the rank and file of Arthropod battalions. Armed with a directed energy weapon in its eye, firing slow, but powerful seeking Web Rockets which release Web Mine spheres upon detonation. Equipped with four mechanical arms which attack with independently rotating Scorch Repeaters. Unleashes a sustained beam at close range which drains the player's health and heals itself. Comes with a teleportation device and built-in shield rays that fully heal and shield all nearby Fallen. Equipped with a Void shield.
  • Hornet: Massive circular heavy weapons drones built for suppression of hostiles and designed for area denial. Uses its central eye to fire a Decay Phaser beam cannon that creates a large suppression dome upon impact; coming into contact with the beam will cause a brief period of bleeding. Equipped with chambers on its body that fire a barrage of Stinger Missiles that inflict a heavy stacking poison effect; the chambers can also release Solar rays that blind and burn any targets in their path. When on low health, it will release a pulse that gives nearby allies faster movement speed. Equipped with a teleportation device and Sawblade Extensions for close combat. Packs a Void shield.
  • Zopherinid: Colossal circular defense drones that bolster themselves and nearby Arthropods with superior protection. Surrounded by a shield powered by miniature drones. Adapts a random elemental shield when its drone shield is broken. Can briefly project a barrier in front of its eye to block and deflect incoming damage. Slowly regenerates health when out of combat. Its chassis is completely immune to kinetic damage. Automatically teleports upon taking damage and will follow it up with an Ether Link that grants itself and the linked Fallen increased damage resistance, movement speed, health regeneration. Armed with a Arthropod Tracer beam that latches on to its target and inflicts them with a constant debuff that reduces their weapon and ability damage by 100%.


  • Web Tripmine: An enhanced variant of the Trip Mine built to better defend key areas. Immediately detonates when something is caught in its laser trigger, blinding and slowing their targets.
  • Arthropod Mine: An enhanced variant of the Web Mine designed for stronger area denial. Releases a pulse which knocks targets upward when activated, and unleashes a Void web which poisons, slows, and disorients their victims.
  • Shock Turret: A gun emplacement that fires a stream of Arc energy that shocks its targets. Equipped with a searchlight to track and mark targets.
  • Scorch Turret: A gun emplacement that fires arcing Solar bombs that leave flaming spots in their wake. Equipped with a searchlight to track and mark targets.
  • Null Turret: A gun emplacement that fires a hail of Void bullets that shred any targets they lock on to. Equipped with a searchlight to track and mark targets.
  • Decay Turret: A gun emplacement which fires a flurry of poison-tipped flechettes which deal lingering damage. Equipped with a searchlight to track and mark targets.


  • Mosquito: A highly mobile gunship meant to provide support fire for deployed Arthropod crews. Deployed alongside Arthropod Skiffs. Armed with dual nose-mounted Scorch Repeaters and a head-mounted Stinger Missile multiple rocket launcher. Equipped with a Drainage Beam that holds their target in place and drains their health.
  • Arthropod Skiff: A deployment vessel equipped with utility weapons. Sprays slowness gas, disorientation gas, and corrosive fumes on the battlefield. Armed with hull-mounted, rotating Arthropod Mortars which fire large shells that contain highly-damaging poison gas canisters. Deploys Arthropod crews as well as Strider heavy assault constructs and Solfugid artillery tanks.
  • Strider: A heavy assault tripodal construct built for active destruction. Uses a deflective carapace that ricochets all incoming damage back towards the player. Armed with a nose-mounted Stinger Autocannon that fires a stream of explosive shells that release poison gas in a small radius. Follows up with an Arthropod Bomber warp cannon that fires a high-speed warp projectile that blasts through Guardian shields and leaves behind a pulsating shockwave that knocks its targets back. Will skewer any close combatants with its sharp-tipped legs, killing them instantly. Can occasionally teleport and rotates elemental shielding between Arc, Solar, and Void.
  • Solfugid: Giant, multi-legged, mechanical constructs designed for heavy assault, area denial, and fire support for the House of Arthropods' armies and chokepoints. Armed with a Scorch Phaser turret that fires a massive, charged beam with a high initial blast radius and impact damage followed by sustained damage and rapid burning effects; this turret is mounted with a Feedback Salvo, which fires Arc missiles that inflict blinding and shocking effects upon detonation. Equipped with an underbelly Arthropod Drill which creates a massive spread of corrosive fumes as well as a head-mounted Scorch Repeater and a nose-mounted Arthropod Coil. Uses metal segmented chelicerae to crush targets at close range. Can stomp the ground with its legs to create highly-damaging shockwaves. When one of its legs breaks, it temporarily reveals its core, but deploys Sting Grenades and Mites to keep attackers away.

Wrath of the Oculus

Wrath of the Oculus


Imperial Occult


Throk Nul, God-Eater
General Balgoth
Commander Xovanath
Gatekeeper Yolthur
Guardsman Nalthris


Lazarus Pit
Tartarus Carrier


The Wrath of the Oculus is a newly risen Hive brood built on a reformed Sword Logic. They serve as the Indenture's religious sect, supportive troops, and wardens, and are the ones to initiate the attack.


The Rise

The Hive pantheon has been in extreme shortage. With no remaining God-Kings or Worm Gods, the Formless One was the only force the Hive could look to. They decided to use the power of the Darkness more directly and take their Sword Logic even further. They tithed to the Deep itself and drew their strength from there. This allowed the Hive to be greater imbued with the Darkness, and even control it. This corruption drastically warped their physiology, mutating and distorting them to the point of insanity, but when the transformation was complete, the Darkness within finally settled, and was within their control. The newly-spawned Hive used this power to build new foundations that would revolutionize the Hive religion, including a rewriting of the Sword Logic as well as inventing greater means of conquest and, most importantly, a shift in balance within the Ascendant Plane.

The Revolution

The forerunner of these changes and the mastermind behind the Hive's evolution, an aspiring Oculus Enforcer named Throk Nul, was the most powerful member of this new brood. He was the new God-King of the Hive, and was in a high-enough rank in the pantheon to set the new foundations. He maintained the ultimate goal of creating the "Last True Shape" of the universe, but altered the means to do so. Since dark power now constantly seethed within the Hive themselves, the standard for gaining greater power took a far more sadistic turn: the New Hive would detain and torture their enemies in battle while actively siphoning their abilities via parasitic link. This would come to affect nearly every denizen of the Solar System, especially hapless Guardians who got snatched from below and their Light drained from them. Throk Nul described the process as follows, "Your essence, your very being...they shall be mine."

The Conquest

To fit the New Sword Logic, the New Hive developed weapons, technology, and tactics to match the reformed ideals. They were designed to "bind" to their victims and grant themselves overwhelming advantages over their foes. Even the Ascendant Plane itself had been altered to meet expectations: throne worlds became interconnected in such a way that those who possessed the largest throne worlds would expand the size the Ascendant Realm, causing it to spread its corruption across the cosmos. This corruption also gave rise to a new branch of Taken called The Demented, twisting them to new ends and giving them access to untold abilities, and even strong enough to corrupt those without a will of their own. Throk Nul and his legion then engaged in ritualistic experiments which crafted throne worlds for himself as well as his most devout followers: his sons Nalthris and Yolthur, his consort Xovanath, and his brother Balgoth. Vanguard reports of the corruption classified this new sect of Hive as the Wrath of the Oculus.

Common Units

  • Oculus Servant: A scrawny devilish figure that fills the lowest rung of the Oculus hierarchy. Spits Poison Goblets that damage the player over time. Attacks with fast melee combos using Arc Swiper claws, which inflict a bleeding effect on their targets. Can tackle the player to the floor and brutally bite the player's neck, injecting a venom which stops recovery.
  • Oculus Raptor: Winged creatures that drop from the sky and wreak havoc on Guardians down below. Attacks with Hell Slasher talons. Will occasionally screech to disorient the player as well as drop toxic spores that quickly damage the player. When on low health, it will congregate with other Raptors and create a Ruin Vortex that send the player flying upward. Shooting the vortex will cause all the Raptors within it to scatter and die.
  • Oculus Watcher: Elusive, thin-figured foes that are used to spy on and assassinate threats to the Oculus' reign. Armed with enhanced Soulfire Rifles which fire bolts that haze their target's sights upon landing a precision shot. Striking it with a melee attack will inflict the player with a brief poison effect from a red gel-like secretion and grant the Watcher increased movement speed for a short time. Can quickly sneak around Guardians deliver lethal melee attacks from behind.
  • Oculus Ranger: A more dedicated marksman of the Oculus' forces that prefers extreme long-distance combat. Will vanish and teleport to another long-range location if approached at point black. Armed with an Arrow Caster multipurpose rifle that has three distinct fire modes based on engagement range: charged, high-impact blinding Arc bolts for long-distance; semi-automatic burning Solar bolts for mid-range; and a poisonous Void shotgun-style spread for close range.

Uncommon Units

  • Oculus Sorcerer: Aggressive tacticians donned in dirty flying robes, using demonic magic to exploit their foes' weaknesses in combat. Surrounded by an Oculus Harness aura that slows everything inside. The aura has six tentacular projections that can perform sweeping melee attacks that knock Guardians down for a short time; toppled Guardians who do not get back to their feet in time will be grabbed by the projections and constricted to death; shooting the projections will briefly destroy it and free the player. Unleashes charged Void beams that cut through Guardian shields.
  • Oculus Guard: Vengeful soldiers who are rarely encountered and are only called upon when the Hellspawn's wishes haven't been fulfilled. Has a pair of muscular exoskeleton arms and a pair of leaner, lobster-like arms. Armed with a Starfire Cannon which fires a constant, rapid stream of highly damaging explosive Void blasts as well as a one-handed Hell Warhammer which slams the ground and breaks the player's shields in one hit. Lobster-like arms use pincers to grab Guardians and crush their necks to asphyxiate them; shooting the arm in use will free the player.
  • Oculus Gatekeeper: Melee bruisers who are sent in to aggressively pursue objectives that stand in their path. Armed with dual-wielded Cleavers that have extended range. Charges toward their opponents while blocking with their swords, which both negates and deflects incoming damage, before unleashing a double slash that inflicts a bleeding effect. Becomes immune to a certain damage type for a short time after being struck with it. Equipped with randomly rotating elemental shields. Can constantly regenerate its own health while in and out of combat.
  • Oculus Paladin: The supportive heavy infantry that keeps the Oculus armies alive and in top shape. Armed with an enhanced Arrow Caster multipurpose rifle that has greater fire rate and projectile speed. When faced at point blank, it will use its Arrow Caster to fire a stasis beam that slows its targets. When hit by any attack, it envelops a random elemental shield around itself and nearby Oculus forces, granting all shielded units with an increase in health, damage output, movement speed, and attack range as well as access to innate health regeneration. Equipped with a deflective Hive Shield.

Rare Units

  • Oculus Brute: Large beasts that often accompany Gatekeepers in a rush of melee combat. Unleashes a series of punches that can break the player's shield and greatly delay recovery. Charges at their opponents and knocks them back with a shoulder ram attack. Can slam the ground to unleash a line of fire that quickly burns away at its targets and briefly slows them down. Has a chance to grab the player in their hand and crush them to death in the blink of an eye. Rapidly regenerates health while attacking and gains increased movement speed when on low health.
  • Oculus Entangler: Beastly demons who have started to learn the dark arts of the Oculus' sorcery. Pummels its targets with a series of ground punches that disorient the player and knock them around. Can teleport itself to another location as well as teleport the player closer to itself. When the player is teleported, they are detained, slowing their movement to a halt. Breaking free from the detainment center will cause the Entangler to enter berserk mode, where it regenerates all of its lost health and gains the ability to fire Darkness Blasts and Axion Darts that shock and poison their targets respectively. Equipped with a randomly rotating elemental shield.
  • Oculus Judge: Large, corpulent walkers who keep order amongst the Wrath of the Oculus' rituals and are entrusted with their dark arts. Will raise an arm with a black orb in hand and shortly smash it, creating a Hell's Smite blast which deals heavy damage in its radius and distorts the view of afflicted players. Fires a Void beam which attaches to any Guardian it hits and inflicts a slowness effect until contact is broken. Casts Arc lightning strikes that inflict shocking effects and occasionally throw Dispel Grenades which temporarily disable all equipped weapons and abilities upon detonation. Can occasionally fly in the air and unleash rapid Darkness Blasts; creates a shockwave upon landing on the ground.
  • Oculus Enforcer: Hulking behemoths that supplant the command role using powerful weapons and spells. Wears armor plating that reduces kinetic and energy weapon damage by 75%. Armed with a Fiery Snatcher whip and a Storm Cleaver greatblade. The whip burns its targets on hit, sends out waves of sundering flames, and entangles and scorches the player; the greatblade blinds targets on hit and sends out shocking electric pulses on a ground slam. Equipped with a back-mounted Oculus Bombard that fires arcing Void explosive shells which cripples, poisons, and suppresses all targets in its radius. Surrounded by a Hellfire Aura that constantly burns away at everything inside. Occasionally casts a focused meteor storm that tracks its target and leaves behind a large gout of flame that burns and slows its victim. Can occasionally fly around with its massive wings to gain the high ground, and creates a rippling shockwave when it lands. Teleports short distances and marks the player, rallying all nearby Oculus units to attack the marked target.


  • Hell Vestige: A more powerful Vestige employed by the Oculus to function as both troop summoners and enemy trappers. Releases a Void detonation when approached and starts to hold players in place and damage them over time similar to a Hive Trap.
  • Hell Shrieker: A variant of the Shrieker better suited to keeping watch over the Oculus Hellspawn's rituals. Uses its eye as a searchlight to mark its target and hold them in place with a stasis link which deals slight damage over time.
  • Charged Shrieker: An Arc-powered Shrieker which fires charged electrical beams which shock and blind their targets. Protected by an Arc energy shield.
  • Burning Shrieker: A Solar-powered Shrieker which launches a spread of incendiary projectiles which inflict stacking burn effects. Protected by a Solar energy shield.
  • Dark Shrieker: A Void-powered Shrieker that shoots a Void singularity bomb which briefly suppresses abilities. Protected by a Void energy shield.


  • Hearse: A rectangular carrier and support vessel. Outfitted with Arcane Blasters which fire streams of Void blasts akin to an Ogre's eye beams. Will occasionally drop Acolyte Grenades and Darkness Clouds.
  • Oculus Pounder: Massive, arcane-powered, spiderlike constructs animated to keep watch over the Oculus' potential realms. Armed with four powerful eye rays which each inflict different effects: an Arc ray that inflicts rapid shocking and blindness effects; a Solar ray that inflicts rapid burning and redness effects; a Cryo ray which freezes the player solid; and a Void ray which petrifies Guardians by distorting their field of view and switches the player's controls for a short time. Outfitted with a head-mounted Darkness Siphon which launches arcing black spheres at the player, detaining them and suppressing their abilities as well as disabling their weapons. Clad in reinforced chitin that heavily resists all incoming damage and occasionally deflects the player's attacks.

Myriad Prohibition

Myriad Prohibition


Time and Space Manipulation


Typhon, the Destructive Mind
Geryon, Splitter Mind
Karkinos, Suppressive Mind
Cronus, Clashing Mind


Myriad Crossworld
Timeship Hades


The Myriad Prohibition is a newly risen Vex collective built on enhanced manipulation of time and space. They serve as the Indenture's analysts, security branch, and riot controllers, and are the ones to trap the enemy.



With their Machine Worlds starting to slowly but surely crumble to pieces from outside forces, and the collapse of the Infinite Forest, the Vex collectives were beginning to wither down and fade from existence. Their hive-mind programming began to break down beyond repair and slow down. With no Vex Mind to assume the throne of the Nexus, the Vex had no directive, no goal to pursue. A large number of their forces had either been destroyed by Guardian efforts and other enemy attacks or Taken by the Darkness, leaving the remaining members to wander aimlessly, searching for a purpose to carry out. They could not survive their eventual decay. The only thing that could bring them from the ashes at this time is a quick and hyper-efficient resurgence.


Chemical reactions within the radiolarian fluid oceans throughout the Solar System began to spike, seemingly giving them a new chemical composition, making it more volatile and enhancing its already dangerous mind-altering properties. This new stronger radiolaria was in response to the fall of the Vex; this was a deliberate last-resort measure to get back in operation. With stronger radiolaria specimens came stronger forms for them to take on. These new forms were physically more resilient than the old Vex models and were capable of crafting greater weapons, and even were encoded with their own defensive matrixes. They ended up overtaking the previous Vex units and supplanted themselves as the strongest Vex collective to exist. They began to use Oracles in actively controlling their enemies, namely the former Vex, which have vigorously fought to maintain their position, but simply ended up falling not only to their usurpers, but also the test of time. As Oracles rang out throughout the system, the Last City has watched for them in the deepness of space, tracing their origins, leading them to the Vex collective now identified as the Myriad Prohibition.

Common Units

  • Aternae: Shock troopers deployed to overwhelm and dispatch. Armed with a Slap Launcher in its right arm, firing Void grenades which stick to a surface and detonate, inflicting its targets with a debuff that temporarily increases all incoming damage. Armed with a Myriad Saw in its left arm, which cuts players open, causing them to be afflicted with heavy bleeding. When taking damage, it has a chance of activating a defensive matrix which causes it to teleport.
  • Medusae: Airborne drones designed to harass and swarm. Armed with a pair of Slap Lancers which fire a constant stream of Solar arrows which inflict stacking burning effects and continuously push the player backwards. Armed with spinning Electro Warfans which deal rapid damage at melee range and inflict a lingering shocking effect. When taking damage, it has a chance of activating a defensive matrix which causes to rush toward its target and explode, causing hazed vision for any player within the blast.
  • Cerastes: Ground-slithering ambush units built for revealing the location of hostiles encountered by the Myriad Prohibition. Constantly burrows underground to avoid taking damage. Equipped with searchlights on its head which inflict its targets with the Cerastes' Gaze debuff, which alerts nearby Myriad units to their presence, slows their movement, and disables their recovery; the debuff lingers until the Cerastes is killed. Fires a series of tracking Solar beams from chambers on its body that latch onto their victim, inflict a stacking burning effect, and tether them in place.
  • Cynolycus: Surveyor units deployed to keep long distance watches over important Myriad sites. Uses a Line Cannon on its right arm, firing charged, high-impact Arc bolts which can knock players down and blind them for a short time upon impact; these bolts can also deal precision damage. Armed with a Repulsion Gauntlet which emits Void pulses which knock players back and inflicts them with a slowness debuff. When taking damage, it has a chance of activating a defensive matrix which encases it in a temporary Solar aura which grants it brief immunity to the type of damage it was struck by, heals a set portion of health, and burns anything inside of it.

Uncommon Units

  • Daemon: Incendiary weapon specialists designed for trench warfare, area denial, and crowd control. Armed with a Heavy Slap Rifle that rapidly fires Solar bolts which inflicts a stacking Sundered debuff, decreasing the player's resilience value. Throws Fire Grenades which leave behind a pool of fire that inflicts a heavy stacking burning effect; burning targets spread the effect via flaming trail, which will give the same debuff to other players. Uses a Singe Blade for close combat to inflict targets with the Singed debuff, which causes them to stumble backwards, slightly burns their health away, and increases their weapon's recoil for a short time.
  • Eidolon: A stealth-based shock trooper built for silent and quick assassination of enemy targets. Protected by a Solar shield. Capable of teleporting around and behind their targets and turning invisible at will; while invisible, they cannot be seen or damaged. Armed with a Phantom Rifle that rapidly fires a series of high-velocity Void bolts which disorient and slow the player for a short time. Throws homing Slap Grenades with increased blast radius, damage, and velocity. Equipped with a Shade Dagger for melee combat, which inflicts poison and bleeding effects on their targets. Leaves behind a trail that briefly hazes vision when not invisible.
  • Gigantes: Large-bodied, broad-shouldered enforcers with brutal tendencies. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Radiation Blaster on its right arm, firing a spread of five arcing, high-explosive Void bolts that detonate upon impact, inflicting a debuff which temporarily drains health, distorts vision, and inverts player controls. Uses a Torch Cutter in its left arm, which can attack by launching fire waves and slashing at targets, both of which inflict a heavy burning effect. When taking damage, it has a chance of activating a defensive matrix which causes it to stomp the ground to create a shockwave that knocks up everything in its path.
  • Griffin: Large, armored supportive units that grant their allies with potent advantages and inflict terrible curses in their opponents. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Magnetic Blaster which fires a spread of seven high-explosive Arc bolts that detonate on impact, inflicting shocking, blindness, and slowness effects on their targets all at once. When damaged, it grants itself and its allies access to rapid teleportation, a quickly-regenerating elemental shield, and increased movement speed and damage resistance. Uses a close-range Void stasis beam to inflict its victims with poison, bleeding, blackout, and recovery-disabling effects.

Rare Units

  • Manticore: Heavy defensive infantry used for massive area denial purposes. Equipped with a Myriad Shield which blocks and deflects all incoming damage. Protected by a Void elemental shield and can teleport behind and around the player. Armed with a Thorn Rifle that fires a flurry of venomous high-impact Void flechettes that can deal precision damage and cause the player to stumble upon a hit. Throws Myriad Grenades which detonate in a massive Solar energy sphere, burning anything inside while sundering their resilience, reddening their vision, slowing their movement, and suppressing their class ability. Performs a shield bash at close range to knock the player back a great distance.
  • Lernaean: Massive, segmented hovering machines deployed in the role of a moving fortress to provide heavy defense and retaliation. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with Aeon Vulcans on its upper two segments, firing a barrage of high-impact Void shells which produce heavy flinch as well as a debuff which temporarily jams the players' equipped weapon; the shells also have a moderate blast radius. Surrounded by five semicircular, rotating shields that can be shot off but eventually regenerate; every shield destroyed grants it an increase in fire rate, damage, and accuracy. When taking damage, it has a chance of activating a defensive matrix which causes it to teleport and inflict blackout effects with their attacks.
  • Gegenees: Gigantic siege constructs armed to the teeth with multiple forms of heavy artillery. Protected by a Solar shield that drastically reduces non-matching elemental damage and deflects kinetic damage. Equipped with armor plating that drastically reduces incoming damage except for the head. The two upper arms use Cyclops Scatterguns firing a spread of three large Void impact mortar blasts that leave behind domes which inflict a debuff that decreases the damage dealt by the player's weapons and abilities; the two middle arms are equipped with Vulcan Launchers, which each fire a constant stream of large Solar arrows which inflict heavy stacking burning and redout effects; the two lower arms have Magnet Casters, which each fire a large Arc beam that blinds, shocks, and disarms all targets in its path. Will periodically stomp the ground to release a shockwave on the ground, knocking players upward. When taking damage, it activates a defensive matrix which causes it to release white tracer beams which greatly slow their targets.


  • Slap Grenadier: A gun emplacement that repeatedly fires a spread of suppressive Slap Grenades.
  • Torch Mauler: A gun emplacement which fires high explosive Void bolts in rapid succession.
  • Aeon Bomber: A gun emplacement which fires slower-moving, but highly damaging Void blasts which leave behind a dome that inflicts lingering damage in its wake.
  • Chronology Turret: A gun emplacement which fires a constant Void beam which drains the health of any target it locks on to.
  • Immunity Oracle: A white Oracle which provides immunity shields for all nearby Vex and fully restores their health.
  • Negation Oracle: A yellow Oracle which launches a beam that drags one player at random towards it and inflicts them with a slowness debuff. The Oracle will be immune to damage until it connects. If it is not destroyed in time, the victim will be marked for negation, making them extremely vulnerable to incoming damage and rallying nearby Vex to pursue it.
  • Prophecy Oracle: A red Oracle which launches a stasis link which drags one player at random towards it and slows them down. The Oracle cannot be damaged until it is connected. If not destroyed, it will immediately kill its target with a violent Solar detonation. Anyone unfortunate enough to take damage from the detonation will be marked for negation for a brief moment.

Steel Goliaths

Steel Goliaths


Technological Utilities
Psionic Experimentation
Enemy Condemnation
Militarized Destruction


Dominus Zhu'uork, the Wrathful
Primus Tau'uad, the Adamant
Valus Dua'auk, the Observant
Val Gho'uod, the Fierce
Bracus Dhagaz, the Forthright


Firebase Goliathus
Landcrusher Tyrannos
Commandship Indominus


The Steel Goliaths are a newly risen Cabal legion built on greater fortification and siege warfare. They serve as the Indenture's military scientists, executioners, and heavy infantry force, and are the ones to strike vital enemy assets.


Battle Legacy

Years after the fall of Dominus Khraghul, the militarized Cabal continued to stand in disarray. Their most powerful leader has been killed, though there is one victory his legacy has brought: the combined ranks of all legions within the Cabal military; he has brought all his forces up with him to the Behemoths all the way up from the Sand Eaters. This effectively gave the militarized Cabal a universal army with a single dedicated purpose. Five of the surviving lieutenants from the Behemoths: Zhu'uork, Tau'uad, Dua'auk, Gho'uod, and Dhagaz, were chosen by their high command to maintain a certain tactic for later purposes. Dhagaz took up tactical training to keep the Cabal's military backbone intact; Gho'uod took up martial combat for close assaults and leading the attack; Dua'auk took up military sciences to further improve upon imperial tactics; Tau'uad took up fortifications to better defend against enemy sieges and turn the tide of battle.

Warrior Assembly

Zhu'uork was chosen to be the new Dominus and master all the military techniques his lieutenants were practicing. With the new innovations came the production of a line of robotics never before seen in Cabal warfare, multiple types of psionic experimentation, various execution units for crowd control, and brand new hyper-defensive heavy infantry with greater carrying capacity for more weapons and other combat equipment. To give this new legion a directive, Zhu'uork divided these newly risen forces by specialization, placing them within their own infantry platoons. The ultimate goal was to greater increase defensive capabilities without losing out on their traditional offensive tactics. The result was a massive, diverse Cabal legion with a host of units that could be used for every purpose imaginable; every soldier in this legion had a reason to be on the battlefield: the robotics were programmed to be the frontliners; the new experimental Psions were designed for supportive properties; the new Gladiator types were made to be the bulk of this new fighting force; the reinforced heavy infantry was deployed to be final line of combat. They all made a move under their commanders to set off a series of remote detonations near the Last City. The attack was traced by the Vanguard to be from a new hardened Cabal force: the Steel Goliaths.

Common Units

  • Fulminator: Tiny, rapid-flying suicide drones which travel in large swarms and bombard their opponents with potent incendiary and poisonous explosives. Upon spotting a target, they track them aggressively and release a violent detonation upon impact; detonations leave behind potent fires that emit toxic fumes, which cause an asphyxiation effect that will kill the victim if they stay in range.
  • Hellgrammite: Small, low-profile segmented robotic walkers that use swarming tactics to tackle and overwhelm their foes. Armed with Sight Tagger pistols which briefly masks the player's vision on hit. Once the victim's vision is masked, it will bite with its Sclerotizers. Bites inflict a stacking debuff that greatly decreases agility, which slows movement speed, reduces jump height, and disables sprinting.
  • Helminth: Long, segmented machines whose purpose is to conduct long-range searches for potential foes and drain their life force. Can burrow underground to travel faster. Capable of spitting Helminth Bombs which release deadly Stinger Swarms upon detonation. Upon taking damage, it will drag the player down, bring them below the ground, and use their Helminth Ray to rapidly drain their health.
  • Eurypterid: Hovering, scorpion-shaped drones designed to isolate enemy combatants from otherwise well-coordinated squadrons. Equipped with Scorpio Pincers that inflict with the Pierced debuff, which increases the damage they take and slows down their reaction speeds. Armed with a Scorpio Stinger which inflict blackout, haziness, eventual paralysis, and rapid damage over time.
  • Alpheid: Sharpshooting, medium-build mechanical walkers that form a defensive front for the more powerful Steel Goliath troops. Outfitted with a Cavitation Snapper cannon on its right claw, which fires a concussive Arc blast that knocks its target backward a short distance and causes blindness and deafness for a short time. Uses its left claw as a slashing melee attack, inflicting its targets with light bleeding.
  • Stomatopod: Heavily-built, methodical robotic walkers designed with a reinforced exoskeleton to absorb punishment for other Steel Goliath forces. Armed with a pair of Cavitation Smashers which function as powerful medium-range swinging clubs; targets struck by them are hit by a Solar radial blast which blinds its targets, knocks them back, burns away at their health, and decreases their agility.
  • Clairvoyant: A specially-cloned Psion who searches the battlefield using extrasensory perception. Its eye emits a Psychic Gaze which looks for a target from long range. Players in the gaze are slowed and marked. Armed with a Seeker Rifle, which fires low-velocity, but high-impact Arc seeker projectiles which staggers their victims.. Uses a Flash of Light psychic melee attack which can blind the player.
  • Transvector: A Psion who specializes in aerial combat using levitation and flight abilities. Armed with a Steel Harpooner which fires Arc harpoons that create small feedback fields upon detonation, blinding the player and knocking them upward while causing them deafness. When faced up close, it will use its Transvection Blast to briefly suspend players in place and instantly destroy their shields. Teleports short distances.
  • Psychokinetic: A Psion which has expanded its psychic abilities to affect its surroundings. Uses psychokinesis to lift surrounding objects and hurl them at the player. Armed with a Slug Pounder battle rifle which constantly fires high-impact Solar slugs that increase their own damage with sustained fire. Uses a close-range Kinetic Blast which knocks the player back a short distance. Can teleport short distances.
  • Pyrokinetic: A Psion who has practiced utilizing the elements of fire. Uses pyrokinesis to conjure long lines of flame which travel along the ground which eventually detonate to form a circle of fire which burns its targets. Armed with a Pyre Dispenser which fires puffs of flame at at extended range. Uses a close range Fire Blast that can damage multiple targets in its reach, inflicting them with a light burning effect.
  • Bulwark: A Psion whose abilities are focused on overall protection. Uses its psionic powers to create a Void energy field around itself which completely shields it and its allies. Armed with a Detainment Blaster which fires Void spheres that trap its targets in an area of effect and slows their movements.. Uses a Paralysis Blast to completely freeze its target in place for a brief moment. Can teleport short distances.

Uncommon Units

  • Dimachaerus: A Cabal Gladiator unit carried over from remnant Red Legion forces and given enhancements for a rush of combat, increasing its strength and aggression. Armed with dual Steel Scimitars which unleash deadly slashing combos, inflicting heavy bleeding effects. Can throw their Scimitars at ranged targets; uses Goliath Smasher gauntlets to pulverize their targets after throwing their swords.
  • Velites: A Gladiator who exclusively takes up the flanking role by attempting to attack its target from multiple directions using swarm tactics. Equipped with enhanced strafe thrusters. Armed with a Steel Veretum javelin to throw at ranged targets and pin them against a hard surface. Once a target has been pinned, they will switch to their Goliath Cleaver sword to tear the victim to shreds and burn them alive.
  • Sagittarius: A Gladiator with superior discipline and accuracy trained as a marksman. Armed with a wrist-mounted Slug Recurver crossbow which fires large, high-impact Arc slugs which cripple their target on a successful hit; the player's shield disappears for a moment and can only regenerate health for the duration of the effect. When faced up close, it relies on a Goliath Repulsor gauntlet which releases a pulse that causes slight knockback.
  • Essedarius: A Gladiator trained to handle enhanced War Beasts called Bloodhounds and use them in combat as mounts and attack vehicles. Rides a hovering Steel War Chariot propelled by a pair of Bloodhounds, which are each armed with dual Projection Rifles and use their jaws to inflict a venomous bite that causes a heavy poison effect. Equipped with a Steel Parmula shield to block incoming attacks. Armed with a Goliath Pilum explosive harpoon for ranged combat and an incendiary Steel Gladius to sweep the battlefield for close combatants. Shooting the Bloodhounds will cause the chariot to shut down, giving the rider no choice but to attack head on.
  • Provocator: A Gladiator trained to handle multiple forms of equipment for utility and combat. Equipped with a Steel Scutum shield to block attacks. Armed with a Goliath Pilum explosive harpoon, Steel Veretum pinning spear, Steel Gladius incendiary blade, and a Goliath Pugio poison dagger. Imbued with a sample of extracted psionic power that grants it supportive properties to other Gladiators: emits an aura that regenerates the health of all nearby units in its radius; when it or another unit is damaged within this aura, the Provocator and all nearby units gain increased damage resistance, extra health, elemental shielding, faster movement speed, and higher melee damage.
  • Crupellarius: A large Gladiator built for heavy combat and equipped for extra defense. Wears specialized armor that grants it a period of immunity to a specific damage type after taking a certain amount of damage from said damage type; can continuously switch damage immunities when taking damage from multiple sources. Equipped with a large Goliath Scutum shield to block and deflect incoming attacks. Armed with a Cabal Warhammer which performs deadly swinging combos which knock its victims down; when smashed on the ground, it will create a massive Arc shockwave that knocks players upward and inflicts them with a heavy shocking effect.

Rare Units

  • Engineer: A Cabal technics unit who specializes in supplanting and utilizing deadly combat electronics. Equipped with a Blast Shield which blocks incoming damage and fires a fast-moving incendiary Steel Warhead when damaged. Armed with a Steel Enforcer modified battle rifle which fires moderate impact Arc slugs in three rounds bursts; should a full burst land, a shocking effect is inflicted, stacking heavy electrical damage over time. Places down a Goliath Detonator mine during combat; setting off this mine triggers a Void explosion which causes blackout for all targets in its radius. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which are capable of firing Shock Missiles that inflict heavy shocking effects on their targets.
  • Sentry: A Cabal mechanics unit trained to craft automated weapon systems for additional support fire. Equipped with a Mech Shield which blocks incoming damage and periodically unleashes a swarm of smaller, more aggressive Fulminators which detonate on impact but do not release the extra chemical munitions. Armed with a Goliath Spreader shotgun which fires a cone of Void slugs that inflict a stacking slowness effect; avoiding damage can remove stacks of the debuff. Places down a Goliath Turret which fires a flurry of Arc microrockets at all visible targets in range. Equipped with missile pods on the back of their armor which are capable of firing Storm Missiles that inflict heavy shocking and haze effects on their targets.
  • Overwatcher: A Cabal marksman unit deployed to conduct reconnaissance tasks and use their superior accuracy to pin far-away targets. Equipped with a Flash Shield which blocks incoming damage and unleashes blinding Arc pulses using bright flashlights. Armed with a Steel Headcracker sniper rifle which fires powerful charged Solar slugs which cripple their targets and deal additional damage upon a precision shot. Occasionally tosses out Smoke Detonators to disorient and distract their targets. Equipped with missile pods on the back of their armor which are capable of firing Tracer Missiles that inflict their targets with a mark that increases the damage they take and decreases the damage they deal.
  • Howitzer: A Cabal indirect fire unit who bombards their targets from all forms of angles and positions. Equipped with a Battery Shield which blocks incoming damage and occasionally extends to form a widened barrier, revealing three scaled down Cabal Bronto Cannons which fire powerful Void bombs with a larger blast radius. Armed with a Steel Fragmenter field howitzer which fires Solar fragmentation shells which release masses of debris upon detonation; getting hit by debris will cause its target to briefly stagger. Occasionally throws Fragment Detonators which releases smaller pieces of flaming debris during the explosion. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which fire Proximity Missiles which use a proximity detonation feature.
  • Cannoneer: A Cabal direct fire unit deployed to engage targets in a more open field and siege their position. Equipped with an Artillery Shield which blocks incoming damage and emits a medium-range Arc pulse which causes moderate knockback and a heavy shocking effect. Armed with a Steel Bonecrusher field cannon which fires Solar cannonballs that cripple and burn their targets upon impact. Occasionally tosses out Flashbang Detonators which blind their targets upon detonations. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which are capable of firing Elemental Missiles, which track their targets and inflict varying effects based on its elemental damage type: Arc inflicts shocking, Solar inflicts burning, and Void inflicts poison.
  • Demolitionist: A Cabal explosives unit designated with destruction of enemy hordes and structures. Equipped with a Dynamite Shield which blocks incoming damage and release a violent Solar detonation when approached or damaged with a melee attack; the detonation knocks the target back a significant distance at high speeds. Armed with a Goliath Bombard rocket launcher which fires seeking Arc warheads that inflict the Shell Shock debuff upon detonation, which slows movement and aiming, blurs vision, and impairs hearing. Periodically throws Reactive Detonators which have an extremely wide blast radius and deal high burst damage. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which are capable of launching Missile Swarms with faster velocity.
  • Pyrotechnician: A Cabal chemical weapons expert deployed to eliminate hordes of entrenched enemies with crowd control tactics. Equipped with a Rippler Shield which blocks incoming damage and creates a rippling Arc shockwave when slammed into the ground, knocking the target down, blinding their vision, and temporarily jamming their equipped weapon. Armed with a Goliath Napalmer flamethrower which fires a concentrated jet of a boiling Solar liquid which inflicts heavy burning and bleeding effect simultaneously on its victims. Periodically tosses out Nerve Detonators which release a neurotoxic gas which paralyzes and poisons their targets. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which are capable of firing Pyrotech missiles which inflict Shell Shock.
  • Titanic: A Cabal field commander who controls the battlefield with a heavy arsenal and brute force. Equipped with a special suit of heavy armor that grants an energy shield on its wearer which briefly makes them immune to the damage type they were previously hit by. Armed with a Goliath Rampart heavy machine gun with fires a hail of incendiary Solar microrockets; the gun is mounted with an armor-plating shield which blocks and deflects all damage; attacks that are deflected back at the player will repeatedly stagger them. Occasionally punches the ground to release a homing Seismic Quake which knocks its targets upward. When faced at close range, it will grab the player and crush them. Equipped with missile pods on their armor which are capable of firing Nullifier Missiles that suppress abilities and drain a portion of their energy.
  • Taskmaster: A Cabal commander that directs entire squadrons. Protected by a random elemental shield. Equipped with a special suit of heavy armor that grants an energy shield to its wearer which briefly makes them immune to the damage type they were hit by. Completely immune to kinetic damage and reduces elemental damage by 50%. Carries a large Goliath Barricade riot shield that blocks and deflects incoming damage from the front, sides, and the air. Slowly regenerates health when not taking damage. Sends out Protector Drones that grant itself and nearby Cabal massively increased health, damage resistance, and energy shielding. Armed with a Goliath Phaser that fires a a charged Solar beam that inflicts heavy stacking burning and sundering effects. Can give orders to nearby Cabal troops, granting them increased movement speed, fire rate, accuracy, and damage output. When on low health, it will perform a shield charge attack that will knock down and disarm all targets in its path.


  • Napalmer Scorpius: A flamethrower turret which fires a concentrated Solar liquid jet which burns its targets and inflicts a lingering slowness effect.
  • Shock Scorpius: A taser type of turret which fires electric arcs which inflicts heavy stacking shock effects on their victims.
  • Fusion Scorpius: A dispenser which fires Goliath Seeker autonomous grenades which chase their targets and attach to them, releasing a violent detonation in the process.
  • Toxin Scorpius: A poison gas turret which releases a cone of noxious gas that poisons their targets and inflicts them with a confusion effect.
  • Swarmer Scorpius: A missile turret designed for swift destruction. Fires heavily damaging Void Missile Swarms which temporarily suppress Guardian abilities.
  • Mortar Scorpius: A mortar turret built for sieging enemy positions. Fires high-explosive mortar shells which release sharp pieces of debris that cause their targets to bleed.
  • Blitz Scorpius: A rapid fire gun turret built for tower defenses. Fires a hail of Solar microrockets in the enemy's general direction; can swivel in circles to keep track of its targets; rate of fire increases when swiveling.
  • Observer Scorpius: A scanning device used for security purposes. Equipped with a searchlight to detect intruders and inflict them with the Marked debuff; when an intruder is detected, the area enters lockdown and all nearby Cabal become alerted. Lockdown remains until all nearby Cabal are killed and the scanner is destroyed.


  • Steel Thresher: A mobile gunship and troop carrier. Armed with twin Heavy Slug Throwers and Goliath Detonator dispensers. Will continuously engage the player until destroyed. Unleashes a powerful Steel Phaser cannon when on low health. Deploys small groups of Steel Goliath infantry.
  • Steel Harvester: A bulkier air vessel meant to transport troops and provide supportive aerial bombardment. Armed with twin Cabal Slug Launchers and Arc Missile Swarm dispensers which blind and slow their targets upon detonation. Deploys moderately sized groups of Steel Goliath infantry.
  • Steel Reaper: A heavily-armored aircraft built to haul massive reinforcements and annihilate enemy formations and structures. Armed with twin Steel Autocannons which rapidly fire Void singularity explosives which pull Guardians towards its event horizon; opens fire with a head-mounted Goliath Vulcan Solar minigun. Can deploy large groups of Steel Goliath infantry as well as Ripper Pods and Steel Goliath Tanks.
  • Goliath Interceptor: A bulkier, more powerful variant of the Interceptor. Armed with dual Goliath Bombards and a nose-mounted Blitz Scorpius. Equipped with a more powerful booster engines. Comes with a built-in force field with varying elemental effects on enemy combatants: Arc fields inflict shocking, blindness, and slowness effects; Solar fields inflict burning, sundering, and redness effects; Void inflicts disorientation, poison, and damage-decreasing effects. Piloted by Steel Goliath psionic infantry and gladiators.
  • Steel Goliath Tank: A larger, tougher, and more powerful variant of the Goliath Tank. Its main turret is a Radiation Bombard which fires atomic shells which leave behind highly poisonous radiation clouds upon detonation; all players in this cloud are poisoned, slowed, and confused; radiated players leave behind a trail which spreads the debuff to other players. Armed with twin Ultra Slug Launchers which fire large Solar slugs which inflict a heavy stacking burning effect and prevent shield regeneration upon impact. Additional weapon systems include Goliath Napalmers, Nerve Detonators, Steel Fragmenters, and Goliath Bombards. Occasionally makes use of Steel Trapper devices which hold Guardians in place and entrap them in a detainment sphere. The top of the sphere must be destroyed to break free, or the sphere detonates and kills the victim.

The Demented

The Indenture

Other name(s):

The Twisted
The Distorted


Lazarus Pit
Tartatus Carrier


Elite Taken Force


Environmental Corruption
Heavy Duty Combat


Indentural Wars


Mindbender Gorgaax
Armsmaster Gul'uth
Chronovore Drakion
Phantom Ralaskes


The Demented is a newly risen Taken sect built on mindbending and corruption. They serve as a backup force for the Wrath of the Oculus.


Upon the modifications to the Ascendant Realm and the spread of its corruption, a new sect of Taken were created under its influence, warped beyond mental repair, and even those without a will weren't safe. However, a select few were chosen by Throk Nul to maintain a degree of independent thought to give the new Taken, collectively known as the Demented, a definitive direction. Gorgaax, a renowned Oculus Paladin and bodyguard of Throk Nul, was given the title of Mindbender and became the leader of the Demented. Gul'uth, a former aspiring Valus of the Behemoths and lieutenant of one of their strongest crews, became the Armsmaster and provided the weapons for the Demented. Drakion, a former Vex Mind of the Omega Collective that operated in secrecy, became the Chronovore, capable of altering the shapes and properties of its surroundings. Ralaskes, a former Baron of the House of Dusk and an elite stealth operative, became the Phantom, capable of completely vanishing from sight. These new Taken forces have then guarded the Ascendant plane ever since.

Common Units

  • Demented Thrall: A stronger variant of the Taken Thrall. Uses Solar claws to inflict burning effects on their target. Can dash-teleport to flank their targets, leaving behind an Arc energy trail that slows targets. Violently detonates in a Void explosion upon death, inflicting a lingering poison effect on all targets in range. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Shank: A newly incorporated model of Taken Shank. Armed with a head-mounted Solar Wire Rifle that cripples its target upon impact, a pair of Void Shank Turrets, and an Arc Molten Welder. Packs a Solar shield and will occasionally teleport around its targets, leaving behind a bright flash that disorients players.
  • Demented Dreg: A newly incorporated model of Taken Dreg. Armed with a Seeker Pistol that fires slow-moving, but tracking Solar projectiles that sunder their targets' resilience for a short time. Throws enhanced Shock Grenades that detonate instantly will shock, blind, and slow their targets. Uses a Void Sting Dagger. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Goblin: A stronger variant of the Taken Goblin. Armed with dual Slap Repeaters that blinding Arc bolts. Capable of forming a Solar beam that burns the player and grants other Demented forces a Solar shield as well as bonus Solar damage. Throws larger Slap Grenades. Packs an Arc shield and can teleport short distances.
  • Demented War Beast: A newly incorporated model of Taken War Beast. Mounted with dual Void Slap Rifles that fire seeker bolt which poison their targets. Spits an Arc damage Chain Breath that shocks and slows their victims. Attacks with slow, but strong Solar claws that inflict burning. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Wretch: A newly incorporated model of Taken Wretch. Armed with a Scorch Javelin that can unleash a flurry of jabs and be thrown to give off a violent, burning Solar detonation. Throws Arc Trappers that bind their targets to a specific location. Deploys Void Sentries that fire a constant beam of Void-damage bolts that travel quickly and explode when destroyed. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Acolyte: A stronger variant of Taken Acolyte. Armed with a Hell Scorcher that fires bursts of burning Solar rounds. Deploys Demented Eye turrets that fires Void explosives which create a small energy dome that slows everything in its radius. Throws Arc Acolyte Grenades that leave behind a Lightning Circle that shocks and blinds its targets. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Harpy: A newly incorporated of Taken Harpy. Armed with dual Slap Repeaters that fire even faster than the Demented Goblin's and can fire while moving. Attacks close combatants with Charged Sweeper blades that slice everything in their path. Releases a blinding Arc detonation upon death. Performs quick dashes towards its targets. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Psion: A stronger variant of Taken Psion. Armed with dual Void Slap Rifles that fire even faster than the Demented War Beast's and have faster travel speed. Can create duplicates of itself. Launches a long-range Solar Psionic Blast that sunders its target's resilience and burns their health. Unleashes a shocking Arc melee attack. Can teleport short distances and packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Vandal: A stronger variant of Taken Vandal. Armed with a Burn Rifle that fires Solar sniper bolts that deal precision damage and heavily burn their targets. When faced up close, it deploys a Void spherical shield that heals it and other Demented forces as well as poisons and slows the player. When inside this bubble, it attacks viciously with enhanced Shock Blades that inflict heavy shocking and blindness effects on its targets. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Marauder: A newly incorporated model of Taken Marauder. Permanently invisible unless attacked. Armed with a Void Molten Welder that fires tracking explosive shrapnel clusters which travel in an arc and suppress Guardian abilities. Can throw Shock Daggers that shock and paralyze their targets for a short time. Attacks close combatants with Scorch Blades that cause their targets to bleed and also reduce their recovery. Can perform quick dashes towards their victims. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Adherent: A newly incorporated model of Taken Adherent. Fires Solar Soulfire Rifles which have a permanent lock-on feature and will fire precision damage bolts that travel instantly to where its target will be. Throws Void Acolyte Grenades which create a moderate-sized energy dome that temporarily jams weapons. When faced up close, it unsheaths an Arc Cleaver that can either be thrown as a projectile or slashed as a shock-inflicting melee weapon. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Hobgoblin: A stronger variant of Taken Hobgoblin. Armed with an Arc Line Rifle that locks on to its target more accurately than the Demented Adherent and will shock and blind its target upon a precision shot. Throws Solar Slap Grenades that erupt into flaming Retaliation Swarms. When on low health, it activates a stasis shield that makes it immune to damage for a short time, heals it completely, and grants it a short period of stagger resistance. Has a close-range Arc Repulse. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Legionary: A newly incorporated model of Taken Legionary. Armed with a Solar Cabal Slug Shotgun that fires a cone of slugs that deal lingering burn damage over time depending on the amount of slugs that hit their mark. Can launch either Arc Charged Detonators that leave behind a blinding feedback field upon detonation or Void Null Detonators that leave behind a slowness field in their blast. Equipped with a Cabal Greatblade for close combat. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Phalanx: A stronger variant of Taken Phalanx. Armed with an Arc Projection Rifle that fires a swarm of explosive submunitions at a high rate. Equipped with an enhanced Energy Shield that can either launch Void Axion Darts or unleash a Void concussive blast that inflicts knockback and slowness effects. Can launch Scorch Detonators that fire Solar grenades that have a large blast radius and leave pools of fire upon detonation. Teleports short distances. Packs a Void shield.

Uncommon Units

  • Demented Captain: A stronger variant of Taken Captain. Armed with an enhanced Shock Cannon that fires incredibly fast Arc missiles with a large blast radius and shock their targets if they hit directly. Can hurl large Solar Darkness Bolts that cause redness, sundering and burning effects on their targets and release a large Solar detonation if they impact a hard surface. When faced at close range, it will charge Arc energy in its arms and swipe targets with them, causing moderate knockback and staggering. Can turn invisible at will and teleports short distances. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Wizard: A stronger variant of Taken Wizard. Fires Void Necromantic Gazes which aggressively track and heavily poison their targets at a constant rate. Can cast Solar Darkness Blasts at a rapid rate, causing profuse burning effects. Charges up an Arc Lightning Blast that breaks Guardians' shields and leaves them at critically low health. Summon enhanced Shadow Thrall that can tackle their victim to the ground and tear them apart with their claws as well as bite them with their teeth. Teleports short distances and occasionally turns invisible. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Minotaur: A stronger variant of Taken Minotaur. Armed with a Torch Spreader that fires a cluster of three high-explosive Void bolts which bursts Guardians' shields and cancels their recovery for a short time. Throws Arc Slap Grenades that decrease the maximum health of all targets in their blast radius, which also pulsates with shock-inflicting energy. Attacks close combatants with a Solar Slap Cutter that can perform slashing combos and skewering thrust attacks. Can turn invisible when on low health and teleports short distances. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Incendior: A newly incorporated model of Taken Incendior. Armed with an enhanced Cabal Magma Launcher that fires larger puffs of Solar flames with a longer range, larger radius, higher burn damage, and stacking redness effects. Can fire an Arc Axion Dart from its fuel tank that arcs and releases a large lightning detonation that chains electricity to all nearby surfaces. Can throw Void Branding Axes that cause their targets to bleed and eventually slow down. Shooting their fuel tanks causes a lethal detonation. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Gladiator: A newly incorporated model of Taken Gladiator. Equipped with a Gladiator Shield that blocks and deflects all incoming damage; any damage deflected will turn into seeking Void projectiles that poison their targets. Armed with an Arc Cabal Severus cleaver that deals heavy slashing damage and causes their targets to bleed profusely. Can launch Cabal Frag Detonators with tracking abilities and an enhanced blast radius. Can occasionally use jump jets to thrust itself in the air to close the distances. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Servitor: A newly incorporated model of Taken Servitor. Capable of firing a barrage of Arc rockets from its eye which track their targets and cause blindness and slowness for a short time upon detonation. Launches a concentrated Solar beam from its eye that latches onto a target, draining their health as well as decreasing their resilience and causing gradual redness. Loaded with chambers which release a Void Web that will increase its damage resistance and temporarily disarms all targets that are caught in it. Can teleport short distances. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Knight: A stronger variant of Taken Knight. Armed with an Arc Boomer that fires in bursts which can quickly break Guardian shields and reduce mobility depending on the number of shots landed on the target. Launches a spread of Solar flames that occasionally release fiery blasts which sunder the target's armor. Unsheathes a Void Cleaver for close combat; it can perform slashing combos, a skewering thrust attack, and an overhead slam which staggers its victim. Can teleport short distances. Packs a Solar shield.

Rare Units

  • Demented Hydra: A newly incorporated model of Taken Hydra. Armed with dual enhanced Torch Spreaders that fire faster than the Demented Minotaur's and also have faster travel speed as well as a larger blast radius. Surrounded by rotating deflective shields that returns all attacks as explosive Solar flames that burn their victims. Performs a Detonation melee when faced up close that causes moderate knockback and disorients the target. Releases a blinding Arc detonation upon death. Can occasionally teleport. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Centurion: A stronger variant of Taken Centurion. Armed with an Arc Cabal Bronto Cannon that charges and fires faster than its original counterpart and also has higher ballistic velocity as well as a larger blast radius. Equipped with a Cabal Vibroblade for close combat that can switch between burning Solar combos that cause heavy burning or a thrusting Void attack which reduces mobility and armor. When at low health, it will fire a flurry of Axion Darts that gradually reverse ability recharge and reduce weapon accuracy. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Vanquisher: A newly incorporated model of Taken Vanquisher. Equipped with a Hive Shield that performs two melee attacks in the form of a swing and a bash which both shock their targets and knock them back. Grants it immunity to stagger as well as increased damage resistance until it is destroyed. Armed with a Void Splinter that fires a spread of explosive arrows. Can launch four Solar Acolyte Grenades at once, leaving behind large pools of fire upon detonation. Can quickly teleport short distances. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Demented Ogre: A newly incorporated model of Taken Ogre. Unleashes a barrage of Solar Eye Blasts with explosive and incendiary properties; flames give off poisonous fumes. Hurls large chunks of Darkness Debris that leaves behind a Void trail that slows their target; debris will cripple and disorient their victims upon a direct hit. When faced up close, it will punch the ground to release an Arc shockwave that knocks the player upward, inflicting shocking and blindness. On low health, it restores its health and enters a berserker rage to land an explosive punch. Packs a Solar shield.
  • Demented Cyclops: A newly incorporated model of Taken Cyclops. Armed with a Solar Cyclops Blast cannon that fires a spread of five explosive bolts from its eye with incendiary properties. Outfitted with quad-wielded Torch Spreaders that have aggressive seeking properties and can independently rotate to face multiple targets at once. When faced up close, it releases Arc EMP pulses that blind and disarm their targets upon detonation. Disarmed targets are confused, causing them to perform different actions than intended. Packs a Void shield.
  • Demented Colossus: A newly incorporated model of Taken Colossus. Armed with a Heavy Slug Thrower that can switch between three different types of ammunition: Arc bullets blind, shock, and paralyze; Solar bullets burn, sunder, and redden; Void bullets poison, slow, disorient, and suppress. Equipped with back-mounted Cabal Bombard that fires an explosive shell which cripples all targets in their blast radius. When faced up close, it will slam its slugthrower on the ground to knock the player upward; the victim will be knocked down upon landing. Packs an Arc shield.
  • Nightmare: A brand new Taken monster of unknown origin. Invisible when spotted from range. Constantly fires Rotten Surge blasts that inflict knockback, blindness, and shocking effects; explodes upon contact with a surface to create a slowness-inflicting dome. Hurls large homing Solar Darkness Bolts that cause heavy burning, redness, and sundering effects and leaves behind a large pool of Darkness fire upon impact. Protected by all elemental shields at once and a chitinous exoskeleton that reduces incoming damage by 90%. Slowly regenerates health when out of combat. When on low health, it surrounds itself in a dome that grants it massively increased health regeneration as well as the ability to fire Axion Darts that inflict poison and suppression effects. Unleashes a repelling blast at close range.

Traveler's Banished

The Indenture

Other name(s):

Lightbreakers Reborn
Vengeful Outlaws
Traveler's Pests


Realm of the Banished
Lightbreaker Carrier


Paramilitary Force


Eliminate opposing Guardians


Indentural Wars


Russell, Reborn Juggernaut


The Traveler's Banished are a surviving force of Lightbreakers built upon greater paramilitary doctrine and hardened might. They are the Indenture's siege force and plunderers, and are the ones to break down enemy fortifications.



With the Lightbreakers seemingly broken themselves and the Consensus reformed, the City believed they would never have to face their own kind again. The restoration of order brought about a more unified Vanguard and the forces of the City have begun to intensify their battle tactics to ensure that they never go down again. From creating new models of specialist Ghosts and Frames to having dedicated soldiers and Guardians personally serve the Vanguard, the City's security vastly increased and brought about a feeling of general safety among its residents. However, the very thing they thought to be long gone would soon come to haunt them once more. Having taken the most potent samples of corrupted Light, one Lightbreaker leader managed to return from the ashes and reform the Lightbreakers in a movement of vengeance. The Lightbreaker in question was Russell.

Dimensional Drift

At the moment of his supposed death, he tapped into his shard of corrupted Light and drifted in an unknown dimension which preserved his conscience until he was ready to come back. After months passed, a voice reached out to him across the dimension, "As you drift, you grow in strength, but lose control. What you seek could be your undoing once more." Russell woke to this and pondered the meaning of the words. The voice continued, "You seek a complete lack of authority. Your command is weak. The enemy easily challenges you." A throbbing pain soon hit Russell in his brain, a part of it being drastically altered to change his mindset, knocking him unconscious for a few more days. The voice rang out again, "No longer. Now you have both the means and goals to achieve your new purpose. When you wake, you will rally an authority of your own and achieve vengeance." Russell was startled; he soon questioned who was speaking, where he was, and how the voice knew of his fate. The voice answered, "This dimension transcends all power in the universe, and I am its overseer. I am all-watchful, all-knowing. That is all you will know." The voice then finally disappeared.


Russell's altered conscience soon rose him from the dead in the real world, stronger and more resilient than before. He would search Earth for any remaining Lightbreakers to continue his journey of plundering all authorities who oppose him. He searched the remnants of the Cosmodrome, European Dead Zone, and the former North American Empire. He summoned his personal jumpship in hopes of looking outside of Earth. His ship's sensors picked up on nothing but dead space for several more months, until it detected a signal coming from an abandoned Skyburners base on Phobos. The Cabal distress signal from The Taken War was still going off, but was jammed shortly after Russell deployed an EMP device nearby. As he approached the base, he saw banners draped on its walls, resembling that of a crimson flag showing upside-down symbols of typical Guardian classes. Shortly after, Russell's presence set off an alarm at the entrance, alerting those inside of a potential intruder. He surrounded himself in Solar energy, ready to defend himself. A surge of remnant Lightbreakers rushed forward, but then stopped to see that Russell was standing there; he was about to calm down and was greeted with a warm welcome back to the Lightbreakers.

Back And Better Than Ever

As the only remaining Lightbreaker commander, Russell took initiative and established a new order amongst them. Upon taking note of the power the Lightbreakers have been experimenting with, he would come to the decision to organize his army by the path of abilities they have chosen to wield. He also enlisted several types of soldiers, robotics, purpose-built Jumpships, and even modified Drake Tanks into his forces. Finally, he instructed his crews to build a mobile command center, a large space vessel made from recovered Cabal hull plating that would be known as the Lightbreaker Carrier, and their base became known as the Realm of the Banished, because of the enhanced corrupted Light they have wielded, calling themselves the Traveler's Banished as a result, having viewed their banishment as all the more time they need to re-enter the fray and continue to plunder all authorities who stand in their way.

Common Units

  • Swarmer Frame: A Frame model built for quick skirmishes and swarming tactics. Protected by an Arc shield and can teleport. Armed with a heavily modified Slap Rifle that fires in constant bursts of two shots; each burst deals a different kind of elemental damage with varying effects: Arc inflicts blindness, Solar inflicts sundering, and Void inflicts slowness. Runs in circles around their target while firing at them, circling the player in the opposite direction of the other Swarmer Frames behind them.
  • Seismic Frame: A larger Frame model built for rushdown tactics. Protected by a Solar shield and is moderately resistant to kinetic damage. Armed with a modified Slap Rifle that causes increased aim deflection and deals increased damage per shot with sustained fire. When at close range, it will stomp the ground to release a shockwave that will knock the player back a moderate distance; shockwaves leave behind an energy field that increases its own weapon's fire rate.
  • Linear Frame: A larger Frame model built for sniping targets at a distance. Protected by a Void shield and has a defense matrix that blocks melee damage. Armed with a Linear Fusion Rifle that fires charged energy bolts that inflict their target with a debuff that disables aiming-down-sights, reduces the handling reload speeds of the player's equipped weapons, and hazes their vision; this weapon is also capable of precision hits, which can deal bonus damage and cause the player to stagger.
  • Tracer Frame: A larger Frame model built for sustained fire on multiple targets. Protected by a Solar shield and is moderately resistant to elemental damage. Armed with a Trace Rifle with three firing modes: an Arc beam that deals exponentially increased damage with sustained fire, a Solar beam that generates a field of heat which inflicts a rapid burning effect, and a Void beam that attaches to its target and oscillates between three different damage levels. Activates shoulder-placed turrets on low health.
  • Hardened Frame: A larger Frame model built for keeping hostiles away from important objectives. Protected by a particularly durable Arc shield and is immune to debuffs; has high resistance to kinetic damage. Can slowly regenerate its health when out of combat. Armed with a Shockwave Blaster that fires a charged Arc projectile which creates a pulsating shockwave upon detonation; pulses knock the player upward a moderate distance and inflict shocking and slowness effects that stack in their effect.
  • Assault Frame: A Heavy Frame model built for direct combat. Equipped with a Frame Shield that blocks all incoming attacks and can be slammed on the ground to release a highly-damaging shockwave that knocks the player down. Armed with a Munitions Launcher that fires volleys of miniature rockets and grenades that cover a large area and detonate based on their proximity to the target. Emits an aura that sunders the player's health and disables their recovery.
  • Negation Frame: A Heavy Frame model built for area defense. Equipped with a Frame Shield that blocks all incoming attacks and can be slammed on the ground to release a highly-damaging shockwave that knocks the player down. Armed with a Disruption Launcher that fires a salvo of blinding Arc missiles at long range and a spread of Void orbs at close range which slow their target and drain a portion of ability energy. Emits an aura that sunders the player's health and disables their recovery.
  • Nullifier Frame: A Heavy Frame model built for support roles. Equipped with a Frame Shield that blocks all incoming attacks and can be slammed on the ground to release a highly-damaging shockwave that knocks the player down. Armed with a Cabal Slug Shotgun that fires shocking slugs and has an underbarrel Burning Harpoon that drags and burns players. Launches Void missiles that can briefly suppress abilities. Emits an aura that sunders the player's health and disables their recovery.

Uncommon Units

  • Bandit: A Soldier that primarily serves as a swarming trooper. Armed with a sidearm of a random archetype: Precision, Aggressive Burst, Adaptive, Lightweight, Adaptive Burst, or SUROS Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying Grasper Drones that roll towards their targets and attach to them before detonating and inflicting them with a debuff that decreases their weapon damage for a short time. Throws Flashbang Grenades to blind their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Knife for close combat, inflicting the player with a bleeding effect.
  • Pariah: A Soldier that swarms opponents at an extended range. Armed with a hand cannon of a random archetype: Aggressive, Aggressive Burst, Adaptive, Lightweight, or Precision. Capable of deploying enhanced Grasper Drones that roll towards their targets and attach to them before detonating, causing them to stagger and suffer decreased weapon damage for a short time. Throws Flashbang Grenades to blind their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a burning Lightbreaker Knife for close combat, inflicting the player with light burning and bleeding effects.
  • Frontliner: A Soldier which prefers close range combat. Armed with a submachine gun of a random archetype: Precision, Aggressive, Adaptive (more consistent damage), or Lightweight (higher situational damage). Capable of deploying Seeker Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, inflicting them with a mark that reveals their location through cover and slows them down. Throws Flashbang Grenades to blind their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Sword for close combat, inflicting the player with a heavy bleeding effect.
  • Spearhead: A Soldier which forms the staple of the offensive. Armed with an Auto Rifle of a random archetype: High-Impact, Precision, Adaptive, or Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying enhanced Seeker Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, inflicting them with a mark that reveals their location through cover, slows them down, and drastically reduces their recovery speed. Throws Storm Grenades to destroy their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Sword for close combat, inflicting the player with a heavy bleeding effect.
  • Trooper: A Soldier which prefers tactical mid-range combat. Armed with a Pulse Rifle of a random archetype: High-Impact, Aggressive, Adaptive, Lightweight, or Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying enhanced Seeker Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, inflicting them with a mark that reveals their location through cover, slows them down, reduces recovery speed, and sunders their health. Throws Storm Grenades to destroy their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Sword that inflicts the player with a stacking bleeding effect.
  • Deadeye: A Soldier which uses long range to their advantage. Armed with a Scout Rifle of a random archetype: High-Impact, Precision, Lightweight, or Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying enhanced Seeker Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, inflicting them with a mark that reveals their location through cover, slows them down, reduces recovery, sunders their health, and decreases their equipped weapon's damage. Throws Storm Grenades to destroy their victims and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Sword that inflicts heavy bleeding.
  • Shotgunner: A Soldier which is particularly skilled with Shotguns. Armed with a Shotgun of a random archetype: Aggressive, Precision Slug, Lightweight, or Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying Sapper Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, administering heavy electrical shocks that deal rapid damage over time, cause the player to repeatedly stumble, and greatly slows their recovery. Throws Incendiary Grenades to burn their targets and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Polearm that rapidly inflicts stacking poison effects at close range.
  • Sniper: A Soldier that engages at extremely long distances. Armed with a Sniper Rifle of a random archetype: Aggressive, Adaptive, or Rapid-Fire. Capable of deploying enhanced Sapper Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, administering heavy electrical shocks that deal rapid damage over time, cause the player to repeatedly stumble, greatly slows their recovery, and lowers their weapon's fire rate. Throws Incendiary Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Polearm that rapidly inflicts heavy poison effects at close range.
  • Archer: A Soldier who is particularly skilled with Bows. Armed with a Combat Bow of a random archetype: Precision or Lightweight; arrows cause their targets to bleed. Capable of deploying enhanced Sapper Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them, inflicting heavy electric shocks that rapidly damage the player, cause them to repeatedly stumble, greatly slows their recovery, lowers their weapon's fire rate, and decreases accuracy. Throws Incendiary Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Polearm that rapidly and heavily poisons its victim.
  • Ordnance: An armored soldier who uses siege tactics. Armed with a Grenade Launcher of a random archetype: Aggressive, Precision, Adaptive or Lightweight; grenades knock their targets back upon detonation. Wears protective armor that blocks all kinetic damage. Capable of deploying Demolition Drones that rapidly fly towards their target and attach to them before detonating, inflicting them with the Shell Shock debuff. Can give orders to nearby Lightbreaker soldiers, giving them smarter pathing and faster fire rates. Throws Pulse Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Greatblade which inflicts heavy bleeding effects at close range.
  • Artillery: An armored soldier who specializes in explosives. Armed with a Rocket Launcher of a random archetype: High-Impact, Hakke Precision, Aggressive, or Adaptive; rockets inflict Shell Shock upon detonation. Wears protective armor that blocks all kinetic damage. Capable of deploying Disruption Drones that fly rapidly towards their target and inflicts them with a mark that increases incoming damage. Can give orders to nearby Lightbreaker soldiers, giving them smarter pathing, faster fire rates, and increased accuracy. Throws Pulse Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Greatblade which causes heavy bleeding effects.
  • Autogunner: An armored soldier who utilizes suppressive fire. Armed with a Machine Gun of a random archetype: High-Impact, Precision, Adaptive, Lightweight, or Rapid-Fire. Wears protective armor that blocks all kinetic damage. Capable of deploying enhanced Disruption Drones that rapidly towards their target and inflicts them with a mark that increases incoming damage and decreases outgoing damage. Can give orders to nearby Lightbreaker soldiers, giving them smarter pathing, faster fire rates, increased accuracy, and higher damage. Throws Pulse Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Greatblade which rapidly bleeds its targets.
  • Blocker: An armored soldier who protects their allies. Equipped with a Lightbreaker Shield that blocks and deflects all damage. Armed with an SMG. Wears protective armor that blocks kinetic damage. Capable of deploying enhanced Disruption Drones that fly rapidly towards their target and inflict them with a mark that increases incoming damage, decreases outgoing damage, and decreases shield strength. Can give orders to nearby Lightbreaker soldiers, giving them smarter pathing, faster fire rates, increased accuracy, higher damage, and greater damage resistance. Throws Pulse Grenades and releases Combat Ghosts. Performs a shield bash at close range to knock targets back.

Rare Units

  • Warrior: An Arcstrider Hunter focused on close combat. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with an SMG of a random archetype. Throws Skip Grenades, which sends out seeking Arc subminitions. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with an Arc Knife which restores health and shields upon a hit and deals increased damage with each successive strike. Gains increased melee range and attack speed when dodging. Activates Arc Staff when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when this Super is active. Arc Staff hits multiple times for a short time after dodging.
  • Windmaster: An Arcstrider Hunter focused on skirmishes. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with an SMG of a random archetype. Throws Flux Grenades, which deal additional damage when attached to enemies. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with an Arc Knife that disorients its target and increases melee attack speed for a short time. Gains greatly increased movement speed briefly after dodging. Activates Arc Staff when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Becomes invincible when dodging while using Arc Staff for a short time.
  • Backdrafter: An Arcstrider Hunter focused on affliction. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with an SMG of a random archetype. Throws Arcbolt Grenades, which chain Arc lightning to all enemies in its radius. Uses Double Jump to evade their goes as well as flank them. Equipped with an Arc Knife that sends an electric shockwave towards its targets. Arc abilities inflict heavy shocking effects; damage dealt to shocked players disorients them. Activates Arc Staff when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Can spin their Arc Staff to block and deflect incoming damage to drastically increase their staff's damage.
  • Outlaw: A Gunslinger Hunter focused on quick attacks. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Hand Cannon of a random archetype. Throws Incendiary Grenades, which burn their enemies. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with an Explosive Knife that is thrown at their target and explodes upon impact. Precision hits greatly increase grenade throwing frequency and distance, velocity, and blast radius. Activates Golden Gun when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Fires Golden Gun in a six-shot burst, but each shots deals less damage.
  • Sharpshooter: A Gunslinger Hunter focused on precision. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Hand Cannon of a random archetype. Throws Swarm Grenades, which releases seeking drones. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with a Juggling Knife that is thrown at their target and deals higher damage with precision hits. Precision hits greatly increase weapon accuracy for a short time. Activates Golden Gun when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is Active. Precision hits with Golden Gun increase its damage and drain a small portion of the player's ability energy.
  • Cutter: A Gunslinger Hunter focused on knife-handling. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Hand Cannon of a random archetype. Throws Tripmine Grenades, which detonates once triggered. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with Trick Knives that are thrown at their targets and inflict them with a burning effect; burnt players are briefly suppressed of their class ability. Damage dealt to burning enemies drains a small portion of their melee ability. Activates Blade Barrage when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Will keep throwing Blade Barrages until killed.
  • Trapper: A Nightstalker Hunter focused on trapping. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Sniper Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Vortex Grenades, which creates a damaging maelstrom. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with a Smoke Bomb that slows and disorients is targets upon a successful hit. Briefly turns invisible while dodging; runs and fires faster while invisible for a short time. Activates Shadowshot when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Tethered targets are marked for nearby Lightbreakers. Will keep firing Shadowshot tethers until killed.
  • Pathfinder: A Nightstalker Hunter focused on watch duty. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Sniper Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Spike Grenades, which create damaging torrents. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with a Smoke Bomb that briefly grants them and nearby allies invisibility upon hitting an enemy. Activates Shadowshot when their shield is active; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Tethered targets suffer greatly decreased mobility, resilience, and recovery and are dealt additional damage by Shadowshot, which also fires faster. Will keep firing Shadowshot tethers until killed.
  • Phantom: A Nightstalker Hunter focused on stealth. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Sniper Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Voidwall Grenades, which creates a wall of Void fire. Uses Double Jump to evade their foes as well as flank them. Equipped with a Smoke Bomb that poisons and slows their targets for a short time. Precision hits grant them invisibility and marks their target; marked targets deal less damage and take more damage after a melee attack. Activates Spectral Blades when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage and movement speed when their Super is active. Spectral Blades grant them invisibility until attacked.
  • Airfighter: A Dawnblade Warlock focused on aerial combat. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Scout Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Solar Grenades, which creates a large flare. Uses Strafe Glide to gain extra height in the air for higher ground. Melee attacks inflict burning effects and greatly increases their movement speed for a short time. Can dodge in midair via Icarus Dash and gains greatly increased fire rate when airborne; ability frequency also increases while using Strafe Glide. Activates Daybreak when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active.
  • Conflagrator: A Dawnblade Warlock focused on burning targets. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Scout Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Firebolt Grenades, which unleashes rays of fire. Uses Strafe Glide to gain extra height in the air for higher ground. Melee attacks inflict burning effects and knock targets back a moderate distance. Can quickly descend from midair to restore health and shields. Activates Daybreak when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Daybreak projectiles travel faster, aggressively track their targets, and leave a pool of fire upon detonation.
  • Honorbound: A Dawnblade Warlock focused on support. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Scout Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Fusion Grenades, which deals higher damage to attached targets. Uses Strafe Glide to gain extra height in the air for higher ground. Melee attacks increase the damage of nearby Lightbreakers and decrease their target's damage. Grenades restore health and shields for nearby allies. Activates Well of Radiance when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Well of Radiance will remain on the ground until the Honorbound is killed.
  • Chaosbound: A Voidwalker Warlock focused on heavy damage. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Pulse Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Vortex Grenades, which creates a Void maelstrom. Uses Void Blink to teleport behind targets and quickly flank them. Melee attacks greatly increase grenade velocity, blast radius, throwing speed, and damage for a short time; grenades can be charged to deal even more damage. Activates Nova Bomb when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Nova Bombs will travel slowly but seek their targets and creates seeker projectiles. Will keep casting Nova Bombs until death.
  • Devourer: A Voidwalker Warlock focused on sustenance. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Pulse Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Scatter Grenades, which releases small seeking explosives. Uses Void Blink to teleport behind targets and quickly flank them. Melee attacks restore health and shields while also poisoning and slowing their targets; can consume their grenade to grant them and nearby allies an overshield and increased damage resistance. Activates Nova Bomb when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Nova Bombs creates large vortexes in their wake. WIll keep casting Nova Bombs until killed.
  • Rupturer: A Voidwalker Warlock focused on demolition. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with a Pulse Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Axion Darts, which create seeking Void bolts. Uses Void Blink to teleport behind targets and quickly flank them. Melee attacks hurl an explosive Void projectile which knocks the player back a long distance; can charge their grenade to release a highly-damaging close range blast which knocks the player down. Void ability damage drains a slight portion of the player's ability energy upon impact. Activates Nova Warp when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active.
  • Conductor: A Stormcaller Warlock focused on crowd control. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Fusion Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Arcbolt Grenades, which chains lightning in its radius. Uses Burst Glide to gain extra height in the air and close the distance. Melee attacks inflict Chain Lightning, which spreads a shocking effect to all targets within range. Activates Stormtrance when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Capable of Blinking while in Stormtrance and can restore health and shields when killing enemies with Chain Lightning and Stormtrance shocks.
  • Elementalist: A Stormcaller Warlock focused on manipulation. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Fusion Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Pulse Grenades, which continually damages enemies. Uses Burst Glide to gain extra height in the air and close the distance. Melee attacks greatly increase ability frequency for a short time; Arc ability damage grants them an Arc Soul which aids them in battle for a short time. Activates Stormtrance when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Stormtrance occasionally casts long-range lightning bolts which deal heavy damage to shields in an area of effect.
  • Controller: A Stormcaller Warlock focused on higher power. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Fusion Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Storm Grenades, which calls down lightning. Uses Burst Glide to gain extra height in the air and close the distance. Melee attacks hurl an Arc projectile that inflicts heavy shocking effects on their targets; Arc ability damage greatly increases ability usage rate and damage for a short time. Damage dealt with their buffed abilities drastically increases their movement speed. Activates Chaos Reach when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Keeps casting Chaos Reach until dead.
  • Protector: A Sentinel Titan focused on defense. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with an Auto Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Magnetic Grenades, which sticks to enemies and explodes twice. Uses High Lift to reach higher ground for aerial assault. Melee attacks grant them and nearby allies an overshield that continuously recharges; overshielded Lightbreakers gain increased melee damage for a short time and restore their health and shields for every attack. Activates Ward of Dawn when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Ward of Dawn will remain until the Protector is killed.
  • Aggressor: A Sentinel Titan focused on destruction. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with an Auto Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Voidwall Grenades, which creates a wall of Void fire. Uses High Lift to reach higher ground for aerial assault. Melee attacks take the form of a shield bash which disorients any enemy it hits; ability damage greatly increases grenade throwing speed, distance, blast radius, and damage for a short time. Activates Sentinel Shield when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Throws two Shield projectiles at once which both aggressively seek out their targets.
  • Commander: A Sentinel Titan focused on order. Protected by a Void shield. Armed with an Auto Rifle of a random archetype. Throws Suppressor Grenades, which briefly disables their target's abilities. Uses High Lift to reach higher ground for aerial assault. Melee attacks and ability damage implant a Void detonator onto its target, setting off a chain of explosions that knock all targets down within their radius; detonations restore health and shield to the Commander and nearby Lightbreakers. Activates Banner Shield when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased movement speed when their Super is active. Rallies nearby Lightbreakers when guarding until the Commander is killed.
  • Juggernaut: A Striker Titan focused on assault. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Shotgun of a random archetype. Throws Flashbang Grenades, which blind their targets upon detonation. Uses Strafe Lift to gain greatly increased aerial momentum. Melee attacks inflict a heavy shocking effect and increases weapon accuracy for a short time; shocked targets also restore health and shields to the Juggernaut, who is also granted increased melee range and damage for the duration of the shocking effect. Activates Fist of Havoc when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active.
  • Earthshaker: A Striker Titan focused on charging. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Shotgun of a random archetype. Throws Pulse Grenades, which continually damages enemies. Uses Strafe Lift to gain greatly increased aerial momentum. Melee attacks take the form of a Shoulder Charge which causes the victim to stagger and suffer decreased weapon accuracy for a short time. Arc ability damage disorients and slows the player and grant the Earthshaker greatly increased ability duration. Activates Fist of Havoc when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Slams deal bonus damage in midair.
  • Sidewinder: A Striker Titan focused on bulldozing. Protected by an Arc shield. Armed with a Shotgun of a random archetype. Throws Lightning Grenades, which emits lightning bolts when triggered. Uses Strafe Lift to gain greatly increased aerial momentum. Melee attacks take the form of a Ballistic Slam, which knocks the target upward for a short time; suspended targets suffer increased damage and deal decreased damage. Arc ability damage increases grenade and melee distance. Activates Thundercrash when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance when their Super is active. Will keep casting Thundercrash until death.
  • Fireforger: A Sunbreaker Titan focused on suppression. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Rocket Launcher of a random archetype; rockets have tracking, proximity detonation, and cluster bombs. Throws Incendiary Grenades. Uses Catapult to thrust themselves through the air. Melee attacks take the form of a Hammer Strike that inflicts Melting Point, which inflicts burning and sundering effects on their targets; ability damage creates small fires that burn and slow the player. Activates Hammer of Sol when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Hammers explode into molten embers.
  • Siegebreaker: A Sunbreaker Titan focused on siege tactics. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Rocket Launcher of a random archetype; rockets have tracking, proximity detonation, and cluster bombs. Throws Thermite Grenades. Uses Catapult to thrust themselves through the air. Melee attacks create an explosion that inflicts a rapid burning effect on all targets in range; ability damage restores health and shields and leaves Sunspots in their wake, which inflict heavy burning effects. Activates Hammer of Sol when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active. Hammers leave Sunspots in their wake.
  • Devastator: A Sunbreaker Titan focused on annihilation. Protected by a Solar shield. Armed with a Rocket Launcher of a random archetype; rockets have tracking, proximity detonation, cluster bombs, and incendiary properties. Throws Fusion Grenades. Uses Catapult to thrust through the air. Melee attacks take the form of a Throwing Hammer that knocks targets around and restores health and shields to the Devastator, ability damage sunders their victim and grants the Devastator increased fire rate, accuracy, and damage for all attacks. Activates Burning Maul when their shield is broken; gains greatly increased damage resistance and movement speed when their Super is active.
  • Pulverizer: A lightning bruiser-class Titan focused on wielding all the elements. Protected by heavy armor that completely nullifies kinetic damage as well as a randomly rotating elemental shield. Cannot be incapacitated by any means and has no precision damage modifier. Primarily attacks through rapid fire Arc jabs that jams all the player's equipped weapons for an extended period. Will occasionally perform a long jump and produce a short-range Void shockwave upon landing that suppresses all the player's abilities and maneuvers as well as drains a portion of ability charge. Punches the ground to produce a Solar ring of fire that drastically sunders the target's resilience, health, and shields. Charges while blocking with its wrist-mounted shield plates to deflect all incoming damage and will follow up with either a head bash that knocks the target down, a shoulder ram attack that inflicts knockback, or a spinning roundhouse kick. When on low health, they can grab players and perform either a throwing attack, slamming attack, or an instant-kill back breaker move, all of which can restore a portion of their health, with the back breaker restoring the most health. Appears only in select scenarios as well as through the boss fight with Russell, Reborn Juggernaut.


  • Surveyor Ghost: A Ghost model equipped with blinding flashlights that disorient players, reveal their location, and mark their location to nearby Lightbreakers.
  • Safeguard Ghost: A Ghost model equipped with shield rays that surround Lightbreakers in a deflective shield that causes all attacks to ricochet back into the player. Gains a random elemental shield when protecting allies.
  • Parasite Ghost: A Ghost model equipped with a Nanomite Launcher which fires seeking nanomites that slow the player's movements, and drains a portion of their health; leeched health repairs the Ghost's health. Surrounded by an aura that restores the health of all nearby Lightbreakers.
  • Detainment Ghost: A Ghost model that lays down corrupted Light traps that ensnare opponents and inflict them with varying debuffs based on the traps they deploy: Arc traps inflict a shocking debuff; Solar traps inflict a burning debuff; Void traps inflict a poison debuff. Armed with a rapid-fire Flechette Turret that fires in short bursts.
  • Neutralizer Ghost: A Ghost model equipped with a suppression ray that slows its target's movements, disables jumping and recovery, disables abilities, and drains a large portion of each ability's energy. Armed with a Pulsar Turret, which fires charged, high-impact Arc slugs that knock the player around and send them flying.
  • Combat Ghost: A Ghost model armed with dual Machine Turrets that fire a series of Solar bullets that inflict a stacking burning effect. Releases a Shocking Pulse that jams the player's equipped weapons and prevents shield regeneration. Equipped with Void Tracer Beams that lock their target in place for a short time and drain their health. When on low health, it envelops itself in armor that blocks and deflects incoming attacks and rushes toward the player, releasing a Kamikaze Blast in the process.


  • Battlecruiser: A modified Jumpship built for harassing enemy objectives. Armed with dual Lightbreaker Autocannons which rapidly fire high-impact Solar rounds which cause heavy aim deflection, deal increased damage with sustained fire, and severely reduce weapon accuracy and stability for a short time. When sufficiently damaged, it will divebomb towards the player that brought it down; if not shot down, it will explode directly on top of its attackers, killing them in one hit. Detonations leave behind pieces of flaming debris that inflict heavy burning effects.
  • Predator: A modified Jumpship built for direct attack. Armed with dual Lightbreaker Bombards which fire homing missile swarms that have proximity detonation, cluster bombs, and napalm properties; napalm causes burning and bleeding effects simultaneously. Capable of deploying an EMP device that weakens the player's shields and temporarily jams all their equipped weapons. Plots a mark that rallies nearby Lightbreakers to their target's position, granting them smarter pathing. Deploys small groups of Lightbreaker Frames, Soldiers, and Guardians.
  • Ghostrider: A modified Jumpship built for air support. Armed with dual Lightbreaker Fumigators which launch explosive mortar shells that leave highly poisonous gas clouds upon detonation; gas clouds inflict heavy poison effects and will also slow, disorient, and stagger anyone that enters them. Capable of deploying Scorch Flares which inflict heavy burning, sundering, and redness effects on their targets. Plots a mark that rallies nearby Lightbreakers to the target's position, granting them smarter pathing. Deploys moderately sized groups of Lightbreaker Frames, Soldiers, and Guardians.
  • Superfortress: A modified Jumpship built for heavy combat. Armed with multiple Lightbreaker Heavyguns which rotate independently and rapidly fire extremely powerful rounds which have high-explosive, incendiary, and armor-penetrating properties, inflicting heavy burning effects and sundering their targets in a wide area of effect; explosions leave behind shrapnel that inflicts heavy bleeding effects on contact. Activates armor plates that block and deflect incoming damage for a short time. Deploys large groups of Lightbreaker Frames, Soldiers, and Guardians as well as Drakes.
  • Lightbreaker Drake: A modified Drake Tank used by the Lightbreakers. Armed with a Lightbreaker Destroyer cannon that launches nuclear shells which leave behind potent radiation clouds upon detonation; radiation clouds heavily poison their targets while also confusing them, slowing their movements, and disabling their jumping and melee abilities. Capable of launching Lightbreaker Missiles that swarm out for targets and inflict them with heavy shocking effects. Equipped with Lightbreaker Autocannons, Lightbreaker Bombards, Lightbreaker Fumigators, and Lightbreaker Heavyguns. Can deploy EMPs, Scorch Flares, and armor plates for extra countermeasures.

The Void Reborn

The Indenture

Other name(s):

Formless Reborn
Revenant Shadows
Rising Shades


The Void Dimension


Void Demons


Supernatural Corruption
World Devourers
Universal Balance


Indentural Wars


Nezarec Reborn
Heralds of Nezarec
Gatekeepers of Nezarec


The Void Reborn is a surviving remnant race of malevolent Void demons serving under Nezarec Reborn, created to transcend greater power. They are the Indenture's final line of defense, and are the last to enter the battle, deployed to close in on enemy forces and sweep for high-priority targets.



Originally meant as the sole balance of power in the universe, the Void Dimension faced an almost inevitable collapse due to the awakening of the Traveler and the Darkness' pursuit for it. Its laws were about to be rewritten by the battle between two fundamentally opposed power forces. In an act of urgency, Nezarec, the dimension's overseer, was reborn by a ritual conducted under a select few Void demons. Using his own power, Nezarec repaired the rifts and black holes in the Void and cast them out, thereby saving his dimension. Though awakened in a new time, he remembers his past: his offering has been rejected by Guardian investigators who only sought the destruction of the Darkness, which was seen by him as an act against the laws of universal power check. To exact his revenge, he created a stronger race of Void demons, making the ones from his resurrection ritual the strongest and his personal bodyguards for the remainder of his reign.


Nezarec then set in motion a chain of events that interfered with all other known power sources. The Hive and the Guardians noticed sudden power drops, suffering the effects of poisoned Light and Worms respectively, although he has assisted those with Corrupted Light shards, but only in the hopes of bringing them in a force against the Traveler. To top everything off, he summoned a gigantic ring of Light and Dark energy that enveloped the entire Solar System, which the ring proceeded to close in on. The combined power caused ability outages for both sides of the spectrum; the Traveler was prevented from creating new Light and the Darkness stopped spreading. The City was then confined to one single Tower due to the blackened conditions. Vanguard forces sought to search for the source, but could not intercept it. The Hive altered their approach to the battle, and everyone else in between was in a desparate struggle for survival. The reign of Nezarec was about to begin.

Common Units

  • Alkilith: A viral demon which spreads the corruption of the Void. Upon contact, it inflicts heavy stacking poison effects and release a poison cloud that spreads the effect to other players. Continued exposure decreases the target's damage and movement speed, suppresses their abilities, lowers their fire rate and accuracy, and sunders their defenses. Effects get stronger the more they spread. Can merge to form a Yochlol.
  • Yochlol: A full colony of Alkilith specimens. Releases a potent acidic spray that rapidly drains the health of its victims; this acid can spread to other players. Can change into multiple other forms: an Auto Rifle-wielding humanoid who throws Flashbang Grenades, a shadowy spider with a highly venomous bite that inflicts rapid poison and bleeding effects, and a sentient gas cloud which can constrict its targets. Leaves a trail of Alkilith specimens in their wake.
  • Immolith: A fiery creature who practices pyromancy. Hurls explosive fireballs which leave large pools of fire upon detonation. Surrounded by a Hellfire Aura which causes every opponent inside to suffer heavy burning effects; melee attacks slow and sunder the player. Can naturally regenerate the health of itself and nearby Void demons while inflicting a curse that decreases the health of their victim for a short time. Leaves a trail of deadly flames in their wake.
  • Maurezhi: The stormtroopers of the Void demons. Surrounded by an aura that blurs their victim's vision and casts a frostbite curse on them, slowing them down for a short time before briefly freezing them in place. Leaves a Void energy trail in its wake that surrounds the player's vision with a blackout effect. Can turn invisible at will as well as teleport long distances. Melee attacks are capable of paralyzing and blinding the player for an extended period of time.
  • Cerebrilith: Psionic Void demons who use deadly mind powers. Capable of launching Psionic Blasts which track the player and disable recovery for a short time upon impact; capable of dealing precision damage. Can manipulate nearby matter via psychokinesis and hurl them at the player to knock them down. Occasionally levitates in midair to grant its psionic blasts greater accuracy, velocity, attack speed, and damage for a short time. Teleports rapidly to random locations when faced at close range.
  • Hezrou: Large, aggressive demons who seek to scatter the enemy. Casts a curse that releases a blast which stuns the player for a short time before decreasing their weapon damage and drastically slowing their movement speed for an extended period. Hurls a blast projectile which causes its target to repeatedly stagger when in its radius. Surrounded by an aura that inflicts a heavy poison effect to all victims in its radius. Melee attacks knock the target around and can knock them around for a short time.

Uncommon Units

  • Wastrilith: Bulky demons that are created to overwhelm the enemy. Capable of burrowing underground and swimming underground to heal themselves when damaged. Casts magical blasts which cause blackout on its target for a time. Teleports long distances rapidly when closing the distance. Armed with sharpened bone hooks which inflicts rapid bleeding effects. Releases a pulse which can suppress the abilities of all players within its radius as well as suspending them in midair for a short time.
  • Chasme: Aerial Void demons which attack their prey from above. Spits poisonous gobs which track their targets and inflict them with a heavy stacking poison effect that also staggers them. Capable of summoning swarms of nanites that rapidly whittle away the life of their victims. Releases a ray that exponentially decreases their victim's damage output. Teleports rapidly when closing the distance. Surrounded by an aura that reduces the player's movement speed and sunder them. Grabs their target at close range to drain their health and restore their own life force.
  • Kastighur: Wardens and active hunters for the Void. Charges towards its targets to close the distance. Armed with a greataxe that leaves poison clouds in their wake; direct hits inflict bleeding effects. Slams the ground to release a shockwave that stuns all targets in its radius. Teleports around their victim to flank them in battle. Capable of grabbing the player and delivering slow but heavy crushing damage over time. Equipped with golden armor that blocks and deflects incoming damage. Surrounded by an aura that decreases the player's damage output and sunders their health.
  • Ghour: Brutal enforcers who serve the will of the Void. Charges towards its targets to close the distance. Pummels its targets with vicious slam attacks and can gore them with their horns; horn attacks inflict a curse that causes their target to bleed profusely and repeatedly stumble for a short time. Capable of unleashing a noxious gas cone from its mouth; the gas poisons, slows, and weakens the player while also causing blackout. Occasionally lets loose a sonic shockwave by roaring, which continuously damages, stuns, and disorients all who stand within its range; this will also interrupt any active attacks and abilities and jam the player's weapons for the entire roar's duration.
  • Molydeus: Powerful bodyguards of the Void's rituals. Armed with a giant battleaxe that inflicts heavy burning effects upon a direct hit and leaves giant pools of fire upon impact; burning effects are followed up with rapid bleeding damage. Can swing its battleaxe forward to launch a giant flaming projectile that travels slowly, but seeks its targets, inflicts rapid burning effects upon detonation, and releases seeking submunitions that sunder their targets upon impact. Its back is lined with sharp, barbed tentacles that occasionally impale their targets and inject them with a venom that rapidly drains their health and slows their movement; this venom can also be sprayed to cause blackout for a short time. Occasionally teleports long distances to flank their targets.
  • Bebilith: Watchful overseers of the Void dimension. Its eyes inflict its prey with a mark that disables jumping and melee abilities. Surrounded by an aura that drastically slows the target for a short time and hazes their vision for an extended period. Melee attacks deal additional damage to shields and ignore any defensive buffs active on the player; weapons and abilities also fire slower when hit. Summons a barrier around its prey and itself to prevent escape; can climb on the barrier to flank their victims. Capable of rapidly teleporting around their targets and can even shift planes to bolster their exoskeleton's defense. Launches itself from walls onto the player to trample them and tear them apart using the retractable claws on their eight legs. Capable of firing webs that ensnare their victims in place and eventually compress them.

Rare Units

  • Orlath: Towering serpentine monsters that are the elite heavy infantry of the Void. Protected by randomly rotating elemental shields. Shares two heads that each have a torso with six arms; each arm wields either a mortar which launches incendiary meteor shells or scimitars laced with a hemotoxin that causes heavy poison and bleeding effects that stack over the course of their duration. Its eyes inflict a mark that disables jumping, sprinting, and melee abilities; it also is capable of unleashing a strengthened gaze that disarms their victim, slows their movement speed, and causes them to repeatedly stumble for a short time. Casts a spell that increases its own attack power by imbuing its weapons with radioactive energy, inflicting them with a radiation poisoning debuff that drains their target's health, slows their movements, disorients their vision, and confuses them for a short time. Attacks significantly faster when on low health.
  • Klurichir: The commanders of the Void demon armies. Wears armor plating that grants it 99% damage reduction. Armed with Void Basilisk heavy weapon systems in each of their four arms: fires high-explosive incendiary meteor shells from long range; unleashes an acidic spray at medium range which completely negates mobility, resilience, and recovery bonuses; releases a spread of blackout-inducing flak shots at closer ranges; unsheathes giant battleaxes at point blank range. Casts a curse which stuns the player for a short time before decreasing their weapon damage, slowing their movement speed, lowering their attack speeds and fire rates, reducing their accuracy and stability, deals shock damage, sunders their health, blinds their vision, and suppresses their abilities for a short time. Its chest is occupied by a gaping maw equipped with a tongue that can lash out and knock its target down upon contact, reeling them in shortly afterwards. Capable of flying around the battlefield and teleporting past their targets. Can grab their targets and viciously crush them to death.