Forum:Avatar (Renovated)

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Avatar (Renovated) Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Other name(s):

Children of Darkness
Ghosts of the Damned
The Big Man's Killers



Focal world(s):

Enshrouded Solar System
Japanese Dead Zone
Isle of the Lost


• Destroy the Traveler and all sources of the Light
• Rewrite history through the Darkness
• Bring an end to the existence of Guardians

At war with:

Lightbound Fallen
Lightbound Cabal
Lightbound Vex
Lucent Brood
Grasp of Nokris

Allied with:

Black Fleet
House of Shadows
Shadow Brood
Shadow Divisive
Shadow Legion
The Reborn
Cult of the Scorned
Shadow Collective

Average height:


Average weight:



• Rippling shadowy humanoid forms
• Emerald green eyes
• Black-flamed ornaments with purple metallic thorns

Average lifespan:


Notable group(s):

Shadow Empire

Notable individual(s):

The Black Swordsman
The White Angel

Shadow Empire
Shadow Empire
Shadow Army Banner.png

Other name(s):

Shadow Army


Enshrouded Solar System


Elite Darkness Force


Upper echelon of the Darkness's power


Second Collapse


Kirito, the Shadow Emperor
Asuna, the Shadow Empress
Eobard Thawne
Malcolm Merlyn
Damien Darhk
Tobias Whale
Yuki Shironeko
Anton Ivanov
Digeo Lodge
Morgana le Fay
Fikrul, the Fanatic
Uldren Sov
Sasuke Uchiha
Ruby Hale

Notable information:

Killed most of the Solar System combatants
Decimated The Last City and The Reef


The Avatars are a multispecies and multifarious force consisting of all six species – Eliksni, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Human, and Awoken – thus far encountered by the Guardians, Lightbearers, and Lightbound Fallen, Vex, and Cabal allies of The Last City and the Solar System.

Spawned by Mallory Bertha by way of the Darkness and originally led by the dyad leadership of Kirito and Asuna, they are a legion of potent enemies who serve The Witness, extremely infamous not only for their reputation for committing various atrocious acts of terror and murder against numerous defenders and protectors of humanity, notably including Vanguard Commander Zavala, Shin Malphur, Devrim Kay, Failsafe, and Shaw Han, but also for corrupting numerous Guardians into their services and triggering the birth of the Second Collapse.

Empowered by the Black Swordsman, they have led countless sieges against the forces of the Light and its allies, seeking to claim complete control over the Solar System and usher in a dark new future by recreating the entire universe in the Darkness's image. In the wake of Kirito and Asuna's defeat, they have more recently been utilized by other powerful Darkness-aligned entities, including their son Tatsuyi Kirigaya, the Shadow Prince.

They are the main antagonists of the Paradox expansion.




The Swordsman's Arrival[edit]


The Second Collapse[edit]

Retaking of Sol[edit]

The Final Stand[edit]

The High Orbit[edit]

Shadow Wars[edit]

Shadows Gathering[edit]



The name given to entities wholly corrupted by the Pyramids in service to the Darkness is simply the "Shadowkeeper," a powerful herald emboldened by the Black Swordsman with dark forms of power and sorcery of the highest ranks. There is no distinction between willing servitude and outright enslavement. Members of all six species present in the solar system are among their ranks—Human, Awoken, Eliksni, Cabal, Hive, and Vex. Their physical appearance is that of a rippling shadow, more humanoid and opaque than the Taken armies commanded by Oryx, with emerald green eyes of golden fire. They command powers and abilities that are the antithetical opposite of the Light — Stasis, Strand, Entropy, and Fracture.

According to remnants of Rasputin's analyses from the First Collapse, there is growing evidence that these beings are wholly artificial, drawn out of the collective psyche of entire racial minds. Examples include the Black Swordsman, otherwise known as Kirito, apparently created wholesale out of an artificial program that had formerly been under Rasputin's prerogative, which in turn had been based upon a character from a centuries-old entertainment series. This means that they are specially constructed, tailor made even, for each invasion of a targeted species. They supplement the Nightmares that soften up resistance to the Pyramids until the main Fleet arrives.

The most notable of these servants is simply The Guardian, hero of the Last City and killer of their many and varied foes. It is unknown how The Guardian finally fell to the Darkness' service but it is believed exposure to Stasis is what hastened their fall, much in the same manner as what happened to Rezyl Azzir. What is known for certain is that, during the war against the Black Fleet, the Guardian slowly and surely grew more erratic, disappearing for weeks on end in pursuit of the City's enemies—and finally, one day after a very lengthily departure, returned at the head of an army by the side of the Black Swordsman and the White Angel, and overran Earth's defenses. They personally slew millions of Guardians and civilians where before they had once staunchly defended.


Command Structure[edit]

Unique Forces[edit]

Named Individuals and Mini-bosses[edit]

Shadowkeeper Pantheon[edit]

Shadowkeeper Descendants[edit]



List of appearances[edit]
