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"That shiver you feel up your spine is truth. There are nightmares rising from the shadows, and they hunger for our dying hope."
Grimoire entry

The Hive is one of the races encountered among the ruins of humanity's Golden Age. They are one of the few races that serve the Darkness directly.


The Hive are an "impossibly ancient" race that has kept themselves alive on sarcophagus-like Tombships. The Hive delve deep into a planetoid, unheeding of the damage they do in the process, crafting linked caverns and gothic-looking columns. Their underground spaces are like a dungeon that has only recently been pulled up from too long underwater.[1] They are able to manipulate the physical world in ways humanity can only begin to imagine,[2] and have witnessed the Darkness consume countless worlds in the past.[3]

The Hive are not an enemy military, so much as rising force.[4] They base their entire existence around the extermination of other forms of life, especially those that follow the way of Light and the Traveler, and approach their task with religious fervor. To the Hive, killing and conquest are not merely acts of war, but of worship.

At the time of the game they have burrowed deep into the Moon, staying there for centuries while growing stronger.[5] The Guardian's Ghost states that he believed the Hive to be contained on the Moon for centuries, but the player first encounters them in Old Russia underneath the Skywatch, where the Fallen have attempted to seal them away.[6] The Guardians eventually discover that this is just the beginning; the Hive have been building an army and intend to invade Earth en masse.[7]



The Hive trace their origins to a gas giant named Fundament. Long ago, the proto-Hive crashed their homeworld into Fundament, ostensibly to hide from something unknown. The shards of this homeworld became a number of continents that floated upon a sea called the Fundament Ocean within a layer of the gas giant's atmosphere, and the proto-Hive eventually built a meager civilization upon them and forgot their old history. In addition to the proto-Hive, Fundament was home to hundreds of other intelligent species, and Fundament's 52 moons were inhabited by a spacefaring species called the Ammonites who were overseen by the Traveler.[8][9]

Life was quick and harsh for the proto-Hive. Their natural lifespan rarely exceeded ten Fundament-years, though females who ate "mother jelly" became able to spawn and live longer. In terms of environmental hazards, Fundament was almost inhospitable. The Fundament Ocean was toxic, the skies were eternally stormy, the rain poisonous and sometimes corrosive, lightning had enough power to vaporize anyone it struck, "living clouds" called Stormjoys would prey on the populace, and the proto-Hive frequently warred with each other.[9]

The progenitors of the contemporary Hive were Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash, the three daughters of the Osmium King who ruled the continent called the Osmium Court. When the Osmium King was ten years old, he fell to madness, fearing an event called the Syzygy wherein Fundament's 52 moons would align and create a massive tidal wave, the God-Wave, that would destroy Fundament's civilizations. Taox, a sterile mother who served as the teacher to the King's daughters, feared the King's daughters were too weak to succeed the King and invited a rival kingdom, the Helium Drinkers of the Helium Court, to invade the Osmium Court, kill the royal family, and allow Taox to rule the Osmium Court as their regent. The Helium Drinkers invaded and slew the Osmium King, but the three sisters, two years old at the time, escaped on a ship and vowed to take their revenge against the Helium King and Taox.[9]

After a year of traveling the sea, the sisters salvaged an ancient, high-tech ship they called "the needle" from the Shvubi Maelstrom. Xi Ro wanted to sell it at the Kaharn Atoll, a gathering place of Fundament's many species, in order to raise enough money to hire a mercenary army, but Aurash wanted to take command of the ship. Sathona sided with Aurash, goaded on by a worm that their father had kept; the worm had washed up on the Osmium Court's shores and was seemingly dead, but Sathona could hear it speak. The sisters spent the next two years reactivating the ship, until Aurash decided to use it to fulfill its intended purpose: she wanted to dive to Fundament's core in the hopes of learning a secret that would prevent the Syzygy.[9]

As they descended, the sisters encountered a vast creature called the Leviathan, a disciple of the Traveler. The Leviathan warned the sisters against proceeding further, telling them that they faced a choice between the Sky and the Deep, the Light and the Darkness, the way of life and the way of death. The sisters rejected the Leviathan, unable to accept that allowing their people to suffer was the better way, and instead decided to follow the worm Sathona had saved, which urged them to continue diving.[9]

The Pact

Deep within the Fundament Ocean, the sisters encountered the Worms, who drew their power from the Darkness itself: Yul, the Honest Worm, and Eir, Xol, Ur, and Akka, the Virtuous Worms. The Worm Gods claimed that they had lived and grown in Fundament's depths for millions of years, trapped by the Leviathan and the Traveler. They had called many species to Fundament, hoping one would be tenacious enough to find them. They offered Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash immortality if they would allow themselves to be hosts for the Worms' larvae, with the caveat that if the sisters ceased to obey their natures (Xi Ro's desire to test her strength, Sathona's cunning, Aurash's inquisitiveness), their Worms would consume them. Furthermore, the stronger the sisters became, the greater their Worms' appetites would be.[9]

The sisters accepted the pact. Xi Ro took the knight morph and became Xivu Arath; Sathona took the mother morph and became Savathûn; and Aurash took the king morph and became Auryx, the king of the Hive. Over the following years, the siblings (Auryx had transformed into a male) returned to their people and spread the Worms among them, creating the Hive and enabling them liberate the Osmium Court, then drive Taox and the other species of Fundament to Kaharn Atoll, and finally to build spaceships and break free of Fundament.[9]


The Hive have a glyph-based writing system.[10]

The Hive have great hatred for the Light, and to them, the eternal struggle between light and dark is not only a war, it is a crusade; all Light must be devoured so Darkness can reclaim the universe.[11] They have even attempted to attack the Traveler directly, through a ritual in which they drained its light through a fragment that they captured in the Chamber of Night.[3] The Hive have a complex religious system based around profane rituals and the worship of a pantheon of dark gods. These gods exist on "a higher plane of misery" and are always hungry for the suffering of others. The Hive Gods live in the Ascendant realm, locked outside of physical reality, not unlike the Vex realms locked out of time.[12] These realms house the god's Oversoul, which protects them from permanent death should their bodies be destroyed. The Hive have sacrificial altars, which Warlocks have attempted to study to no avail.[13] Sacrifice plays an important part in the hive religion, as after the weakening of Crota's army, the Hive attempted direct contact with Oryx by sacrificing the two Forsaken Ogres. [14] They also sacrifice lesser Hive souls in order to become Ascendant.

When the Hive first invaded the Moon, they were led by the god-knight Crota, who wielded the Sword of Crota to slay thousands of Guardians and steal their light[15]. He has since disappeared, but the Hive, particularly the Spawn of Crota, await his return.[16] But above him is Oryx, Crota's father; more than a mere deity, he is the King of the Hive and the central figure of their culture,[17] and through his shrines he maintains contact with his force spread across the universe.[3] Crota's return and conquest of Earth is crucial to Oryx's arrival, which is why the Hive are so bent on Earth's destruction.[16] Other dieties perhaps include Eir, Ur, Xol, and Yul. Like Crota, they have disciples named after them.[18]


The Hive religion is not based on any sort of morality; in fact, they see morality and the "false hope of comfort" as an abomination of the living. Instead, Sword-Logic forms the basis of the Hive's belief system. In short, it can be described as a survival-of-the-fittest ideology taken to an incredible extreme. It is not enough to merely defeat enemies, but also to consume their power. All power must be taken by force, not received as a gift. That is why the Hive's swords are so deadly to Guardians; they create a bridge in which the wielder saps the power of the victim. This also extends to sacrifice, as Hive become ascendant by consuming the souls of lesser Hive. The Hive's lust for power is a direct reflection of their worm Gods' insatiable hunger for Light, and that the Hive must always be powerful, or else they themselves will be consumed. Even if they wanted to, the Hive can't stop killing or else they will perish. The Sword-Logic determines the right to rule, as anyone who can depose the king is rightfully the new King of the Hive. Anyone who cannot defend themselves, whether it be a person, or a civilization, does not deserve to live and is fit to be obliterated. This is how the Hive intend to "liberate" the universe from its false hope, and the existence of the Hive themselves is proof enough in their belief.

The Ascendant realm is ruled in totality by the Sword-Logic; when Crota accidentally allowed the Vex into his realm, they learned the Sword-Logic from him and adapted it to their own functions, learning to worship and bootstrap themselves into divinity, striving to become the most powerful beings in the universe. At the time however, they were unable to fully comprehend the role that the worms and the acausal Darkness played. While the Sword-Logic helped the Guardians in defeating Crota when they stole his sword and used it against him, they broke the Sword-Logic when they recovered and uncorrupted the Light found in the Dreadnaught's cellar, and used it against Oryx, then refusing to take up the mantle as the new Taken King.


In descending order of importance, the Gods of the Hive are:

1. The Formless One, the power behind the Hive Gods

2. The Worm Gods, who give the Hive their immortality in exchange for a tithe of Light

  • Akka
  • Eir
  • Ur
  • Xol
  • Yul

3. Oryx, the Taken King, ruler over all Hive sects.

4. Crota, Son of Oryx, crown prince to the Osmium Throne.

Gods like Oryx and Crota are capable of being killed in physical reality without truly dying. So long as their souls are preserved in the Ascendant Realm, they can reemerge in the physical realm at a later time. If they are killed in their respective Ascendant Realm, however, their death will be permanent.


Members of the Hive are pale, sinewy and vaguely humanoid, with varying levels of musculature and armor. All castes lack visible eyes, although some have been seen with glowing patterns that resemble eyes. The ancient armor many of them wear has fused with their skin, becoming part of it.[19] When they are killed, they ignite in a shower of dust and embers.[1] Exposure to Light causes Hive pain.[20]

Several varieties of Hive exist, each representing different stages of growth. Hive are born as spawn, and eventually grow into thrall. Thralls that survive into maturity become acolytes. Acolytes who have proven themselves can become Knights, who in turn may become Princes leading their own broods. Wizards are the reproductive females of the Hive; they become fertile by consuming Mother Jelly, and can reproduce with or without a mate. Ogres, meanwhile, appear to be not a stage of growth in the Hive life cycle, but a mutation brought about by Wizard rituals.

Hive are born from pupae, much like colonial insects, and they feed on worms that they swallow whole.[21] Hive show traits of sequential hermaphroditism; All are born biologically female, and gain the ability to metamorphosize into male forms and back again as they reach adulthood.


Named Individuals and Mini-bosses


Major Characters

See also: Minor Hive Characters

Command Structure

  • Thrall
  • Acolyte
    • Chosen Acolyte
    • Anointed Acolyte
    • Hallowed Acolyte
  • Knight
    • Breaker Knight
    • Chosen Knight
    • Hallowed Knight
    • Anointed Knight (Arc Shield)
    • Blade of Crota
    • Swordbearer
    • Gatekeeper
  • Wizard (Solar Shield)
    • Hallowed Wizard
    • Hollow Wizard
    • Profane Wizard
    • Rite Wizard
    • Siphon Witch
    • Watcher of Crota
  • Ogre
    • Anointed Ogre
    • Hallowed Ogre
    • Marked Ogre
    • Utterance Ogre
    • Voracious Ogre






  • Prior to their name being officially announced at the 2013 GDC, they were referred to as "evil space zombies".[22]
  • The Hive and the Taken are the first races to work together.


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Game Informer January 2014, page 55
  2. ^ Bungie: Hive
  3. ^ a b c Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard
  4. ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Acolyte
  5. ^ YouTube: Official Destiny Gameplay Trailer: The Moon
  6. ^ Youtube: Destiny Gameplay Walkthrough - Alpha Part 1
  7. ^ Bungie (2014-7-17), Destiny: Beta PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard
  8. ^ Destiny Tracker - Grimoire: Calcified Fragments: Curiosity
  9. ^ a b c d e f g Destiny Tracker - Grimoire: Books of Sorrow
  10. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny: PlayStation 3, Activision Blizzard, Silken Codex
  11. ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: The Hive
  12. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Crota, Son of Oryx
  13. ^ Destiny Planet View
  14. ^ Bungie (2014-12-9), Destiny: The Dark Below, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: The Forsaken
  15. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Blades of Crota
  16. ^ a b Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Spawn of Crota
  17. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Blood of Oryx
  18. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Hive 4
  19. ^ Game Informer: The Enemies of Destiny
  20. ^ Bungie (2015-1-23), Destiny: PS3, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Warlock 2
  21. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Hive 2
  22. ^ Bungie at GDC 2013