Nightmare of Caiatl, Princess-Imperial

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Revision as of 22:38, June 14, 2022 by The Man From Overwhere (talk | contribs) (Needs work.)
Nightmare of Caiatl, Princess-Imperial
Nightmare of Caiatl V.png
Biographical information


Nightmare Cabal









Combat information




Projection Rifle


Initial Immunity
Rapid Movement
Temporal Shockwave
Summon Cabal
High Durability
Activate Bell of Conquest


The Nightmare of Caiatl, Princess-Imperial is the Nightmare at the center of Emperor Calus' mind and serves as the final boss of the Duality Dungeon.


To start the encounter, one player has to run down the stairs of the spawnpoint, which causes the Nightmare and several battalions of Cabal to spawn along with two standard sites to alight each with one of four symbols reused from the Leviathan raid; that being War Beast, Axes, Chalice, and Sun. To progress in the fight, players must kill pairs of Honored Bellkeepers to allow Bells of Conquests to be activated. Players must then ring one of the ready bells to enter the nightmare version of the arena and kill the two correct Psions located on the balconies, the correct ones being the ones on the balconies that had the same symbols above them in the real world being the symbols projected by the standard sites. Killing the wrong ones cause the timer until the nightmare kills all within to be cut in half, while killing the right one pushes back the nightmare by fifteen seconds and spawns in a standard essence which is needed to be picked up. To escape the nightmare in time players must defeat three pairs of Bellkeepers to allow a bell that's placed in one of four areas; right, middle, and left, to be rung.

Upon ringing the bell, players are transported back to the mindscape where they'll have to deposit the right standard essences onto the sites where the projections show to. Repeat this once more and damage phase can begin in which one of the chains located above the standard sites must be shot to allow Calus' bell of conquest to be rung, which'll bring the Nightmare of Caiatl and the players into the nightmare arena where she is now damageable, however the damage is minimal. To deal maximum damage to the Nightmare, players have to take out the Bellkeepers to free up the three bells located in the same areas as before, however this must be done quick as Caiatl will rapidly approach one to end the damage phase early. The bell she is approaching must be rung while she and the fireteam is close to the bell. Upon a successful ringing, Caiatl will be stunned for thirty seconds and all Guardians close to the bell will get a damage buff to deal maximum damage. Repeat this three times and damage phase will end, signaling the repeat of the process.




  1. ^ Destiny the Game Twitter: Without her hat, she's exactly 9'10.