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- "Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time."
- — In-game description
Fatebringer is a Legendary Year 1 Hand Cannon that deals Arc damage and is rewarded from the Templar Boss phase in the Vault of Glass Raid on hard mode as a rare drop. Players in Year 3 of Destiny can get a very similar weapon (if rolled correctly) known as the Imago Loop from the Strike Hoard in The Undying Mind Strike. In Destiny 2 Year 2, a new Hand cannon called Nation of Beasts was introduced as a reward from the Morgeth, the Spirekeeper encounter in the Last Wish Raid, with similar perks to the iconic gun. In Destiny 2 Year 4, with the return of the Vault of Glass raid from Destiny 1, Fatebringer is officially back, albeit with some adjustments, such as the addition of random perks, and lack of the intrinsic perk "Oracle Disruptor" as well as one fewer perk slot. Both the lack of a 3rd perk slot and the removal of the Oracle Disruptor perk are in line with the rest of the weapons from Vault of Glass (Raid).
Perks (Destiny 1)
- Oracle Disruptor: This weapon deals bonus damage to Oracles in the Vault of Glass
1st column
- Steadyhand IS: Stable sight, optimized for excellent recoil control.
- Sureshot IS: Snapshot sight, excellent handling, superb target acquisition.
- Quickdraw IS: Agile sight, lightning-fast handling.
2nd column
- Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode.
3rd column
- Field Scout: Increased ammo carry capacity.
- Single Point Sling: Switch weapons faster, move more quickly while aiming.
- Explosive Rounds: Volatile payload explodes on impact, dealing a portion of the weapon's damage in an area.
4th column
- Outlaw: Precision kills with this weapon dramatically increase reload speed.
Perks (Destiny2)
- Full Bore - +15 range, -10 stability, -5 handling
- Hammer-forged rifling - +10 range
- Arrowhead brake - +10 handling, +30 recoil control
- Chambered compensator' - +10 stability, -5 handling, +10 recoil
- Corkscrew rifling - +5 range, +5 stability, +5 handling
- Extended barrel - +10 range, -10 handling, +10 recoil
- Fluted barrel - +5 stability, +15 handling
- Polygonal rifling - +10 stabilty
- Smallbore - +7 range, +7 stability
- Accurized rounds - +10 range
- Tactical mag - +5 stability, +10 reload, +10 magazine
- Appended mag - +20 magazine
- Extended mag - -20 reload, +30 magazine
- steady rounds - -5 range, +15 stabiliyy
- Alloy mag - +10 reload (when magazine is empty)
- Flared magwell - +5 stability, +15 reload
1st perk column=
- Rewind rounds - When weapon is empty, magazine refills from reserves based on number of hits (must hit last shot of the magazine to proc).
- Explosive Payload - Projectiles create an Area-of-effect detonation on impact.
- Killing Wind - Final blows grant increased molbility, range, and handling for a short duration.
- Tunnel vision - Reloading after defeating a target greatly increasers target caquisition and aim0down-sight speed for a short duration.
- Osmosis - Using your grenade ability changes this weapon's damage type to match your subclass util the weapon is stowed.
- Thresh - Killing combatants generates a small amount of Super energy.
2nd perk column
- Frenzy - Being in combat for an extended period of time increases damage, handling, and reload speed until you're out of combat.
- Firefly - Precision kills generate a solar explosion and increase reload speed.
- Eye of the storm - This weapon becomes more accurate and grants more handling as your health gets lower.
- Kill Clip - Reloading after a kill grants bonus damage for 3 seconds.
- Opening shot - Improved accuracy and range on first shot fired while aiming down sights.
- Adrenaline Junkie - Grenade final blows grantbonus damage and handling for a moderate duration.
List of appearances
- Destiny (First appearance)
- Destiny 2
- Season of the Splicer