The Cabal Slug Launcher is a weapon commonly used by Red Legion Colossi.
These weapons have a slow fire rate, but deal very high impact per shot - roughly on par with the damage output of Hand Cannons, yet with no need to pause for reloading. In addition to delivering considerable damage in a short period of time, Slug Launchers tend to knock a Guardian's aim off-target due to their high impact, impeding one's ability to fight back against a Slug Launcher in a duel. Hence, outnumbering and overwhelming a Colossus wielding this weapon is advisable. Alternatively, if facing a Slug Launcher alone, engaging at greater distance is effective, providing a significantly better chance to dodge the projectiles and kill the user with a long-range weapon.
Highly dangerous, Guardians should always first seek cover when one is being deployed against them.
- The Cabal Slug Lancher, is the 2nd Cabal weapon to do Arc damage.
- The 1st being the Cabal Slug Shotgun.
- Destiny 2 (First appearance)