Joined May 11, 2017
Basic info
May 11, 2017
Recent activity
Sent a message to Red 1
advanced to level Vandal
Received an award
Sent a message to Red 1
"padd your idea about the time glass got deleted. do u want me to try and..."
advanced to level Archon Servant
Received an award
Sent a message to Red 1
"sup padpad"
advanced to level Reaver Dreg
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About me
if im stuck I shoot em in the head
Favorite Destiny moment
jumping over 3 level 40s in a sparrow race and waving
Worst Destiny moment
got two supers in a row one after another then got pushed of the map for both.
Anything else
cayde is bay. and I NEED TO KNOW EVERY THING ABOUT THIS GAME!!!!1 #ahuntersgotahunt.
sorry if I edit anything badly if you do not like it I will stop thanks!
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