The Stuff of Legends

The Stuff of Legends
Bento Quests.png


Episode: Revenant

Quest giver:



The Stuff of Legends is one of the questlines that are a part of a limited-time event during Episode: Revenant.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Step 1Edit

  • Speak to Drifter in the Tower to receive your next assignment in tactical City defense.

"Hey, kid. Decent work out there so far. I've been kicking some ideas around. Got a new assignment for you, if you're up for it."

He chuckles. "You know, we make a decent little fireteam: you, me, Moondust. Well, if you set aside that you're the only one going into the field this time. But hey—you get to reap the benefits of our experience."

"Oh, and here: run this down to Eris for me?"

Drifter grins as he hands you another container of food. "Just in case you don't hear it often enough: you're the best Guardian in town."

Step 2Edit

  • Finish final encounters in any raid or dungeon. Raids provide additional progress.
    • Final encounters completed: x/2

Step 3Edit

  • Return to Eris on the Moon.

Eris takes the container gingerly from your hands.

"I see that this will not be a… one-time occurrence."

She pauses, then lifts the lid to peer inside. You catch the flicker of a smile before Eris snaps the container shut and regards you intently.

"I have been reflecting upon power, of late. How it accumulates. How it can be bent to purpose. And… what becomes of it, when that purpose is fulfilled."

"A line of thought that flowed, inevitably, to you. To the role you have played in each of our lives. Your triumphs have altered the fates of entire stars. Today, I see the good you do for the City, and that, too, seems a sweet and indulgent vengeance."

"My gratitude, Guardian, for this gift. Perhaps something in my collection will suit you in kind."

Step 4Edit

  • Turn in the Bento token you just received for rewards from Eris on the Moon.
    • Bento token used
