
The Scarlet Keep


The Glassway

The Disgraced


Beyond Light




Cosmodrome, Earth


Defeat Navôta, Eir Spawn
Avenge Cas and Maeve.

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Defeat the shamed Hive Wizard Navôta in the Cosmodrome.

The Disgraced is a Strike that was released during the Beyond Light expansion.


  • Track Navôta
  • Search the Terrestrial Complex
  • Fight to Skywatch
  • Breach the Jovian Complex
  • Find Navôta
  • Defeat Navôta



(Mission Begins)

  • Zavala: Guardian, Hive forces are lashing out from the Cosmodrome, led by a disgraced wizard named Navôta.
  • Zavala: She narrowly escaped a previous Vanguard operation with her life. Now the brood questions her strength.
  • Ghost: She'll be desperate to prove herself.
  • Zavala: Indeed. That desperation makes her dangerous, but also reckless. Eliminate her before she regains her footing.

Approaching the Terrestrial Complex.

  • Ghost: Lots of movement ahead. Be ready for anything.

Battle past the Fallen forces in the Terrestrial Complex.

  • Ghost: Fallen raiding party up ahead. They don't seem thrilled about Navôta's presence.
  • Zavala: They won't appreciate yours either.

Defeat the Hive and Fallen

  • Ghost: I'm reading dense Hive signatures in a facility up ahead. I don't like this. It feels like a trap.
  • Zavala: Then spoil their plans.

The Guardian travels past the Skywatch and searches the Jovian Complex for Navôta.

  • Ghost: We're close now. She won't escape this time.
  • Zavala: Retreat isn't an option for her. Not with the brood doubting her. Expect the worst, Guardian. Navôta has no choice but to defeat you.

Ghost breaches the Jovian Complex.
Navôta, Eir Spawn appears.

  • Ghost: That energy signature — that's her, that's Navôta!

The Guardian purses and defeats Navota

  • Zavala: Navôta's play for power showed the danger in Hive logic, but also its flaws. You've proven that the path to victory comes only from the Light.
  • Ghost: We're happy to send the message, Commander.
  • Zavala: Excellent work. Return to the tower.

(Mission Ends)

(New Light)Edit

(Mission Begins)

  • Zavala: Hive broods value strength over all else. When you and Shaw forced Navôta to flee, you weakened her position.
  • Shaw Han: She'll be desperate for a victory to regain her footing.
  • Zavala: That desperation makes her a threat in the Cosmodrome and beyond. This is a worthy challenge for you, Guardian.
  • Shaw Han: Cas and Maeve gave their final deaths fighting Navôta. That can't be for nothing.
  • Zavala: It won't be.

Approaching the Terrestrial Complex.

  • Shaw Han: Steady. I know how those nerves feel. Pack it away; eyes down the sights.

Battle past the Fallen forces in the Terrestrial Complex.

  • Ghost: Fallen raiding party up ahead. They don't seem thrilled about Navôta's presence.
  • Zavala: They won't appreciate yours either.

The Guardians defeat the Hive and Fallen and travel to the Skywatch.

  • Ghost: I'm reading dense Hive signatures in a facility up ahead.
  • Shaw Han: Navôta is gathering her swarm.
  • Ghost: We might be walking into a trap.
  • Shaw Han: That's the gig. We carry the Light where no one else can.

The Guardians find the entrance to the Jovian Complex.

  • Shaw Han: I burned out the rest of Navôta's hiding spots. She's got nowhere to run.

Zavala: A well-crafted snare.

Shaw Han: Just doing my part. It's in your hands now, Guardian.

Ghost breaches the Jovian Complex.
Navôta, Eir Spawn appears.

  • Shaw Han: All right! Take her down!

The Guardians pursue and defeat Navôta, Eir Spawn.

  • Shaw Han: Cas, Maeve… they can rest easier now, thanks to you.
  • Ghost: We couldn't have done it without you, Shaw.
  • Shaw Han: Maybe. Don't sell yourself short. I see a spark in you, Guardian. Make sure you keep it safe. Don't let it get to your head, okay? This is only the beginning of your story.
  • Zavala: Excellent work. Return to the Tower.

(Mission End)


Fallen - House of Dusk
Nightfall Champions




List of appearancesEdit
