does quria have a acendencent realmEdit
Since riven and hiraks have a acendencent realm, will quria have one also? QuriaPedia2301 (talk) 20:29, May 1, 2019 (EDT)
What evidence is there that Quria was of the Weavers?Edit
Add GameplayEdit
Add gameplay!!!!!! User:lightince 20:34, 10/24/21(cst)
If you’re not gonna try to help, don’t keep demanding for shit to get done. Vothriks, the Lost (talk) 00:00, October 25, 2021 (EDT)
I don't know how to describe "her" abilities in detail... I am Autistic, sorry if I sound demanding... I was just hoping for Quria to be done already... I honestly got a little impatient. User:lightince 18:42, October 25, 2021