Vothriks, the Lost's board
Meant to be a sort of...placeholder until I can think of something intelligent in relation to space. but thanks for the compliment.
I created some new variant of the Heavy Shank, some new groups dedicated to the Dark Council, and a Walker.
Ok, I managed to create some of the Shanks for your House of Salvation along with some names for notable groups.
Anything you wanna add for the sections about Ahnkra in Shadowkeeper Apocalypse?
Anything you wanna add to the page?
I wouldn't mind. Maybe Brayden-4 and Atlas-7 met on Venus and teamed up to take this guy down. Your choice, tho.
Any ideas? My main Titan, Brayden-4, used to be a Warlord and was around for most of the Last City's history.
Hey, I was wondering is it alright if we write some lore and have our Guardian OCs maybe have some history together or whatnot?
They're activities like Raids and Dungeons minus the heavy mechanics (save for boss encounters), instead relying on the player(s) versatility and rapid combat performance. They usually have an incentive to do it and feature enemies unique to the Takedown.