TheHouseofWinter's board
I find his size comparisons for the Cabal ships to be strange when compared to the concept art of Cabal carrier and Cabal warship, but otherwise it is awesome.
That video you linked led me to source the reddit post the video-maker mentions. that's just insane; the Dreadnaught is the largest ship in science fiction. Wow.
Thanks, I checked our article for Celestial Nighthawk and found it was added in HoW. My other reference that I checked was the updated version for TTK.
Hey, I actually quite like your ideas. They're innovative, and that's what matters. In fact, I'ma send you a fried request.
Very interesting information you put there. I had to look the map up and saw that it is from the Base game.
Ha. That is right. On your profile you said that you obliterated the hive. :) Either way though, thanks. Anything that helps makes the wiki the best is good with me. Keep up the good work!
Okay no problem. I thought it was that the mission was for a strike or something, wasnt aware that it was a duplicate. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
Did I miss any information about the House of Winter?
Hey HouseofWinter, just got a quick question. How are you able to tell that the Transcript for the Ritual of Sacrifice is wrong? I am not trying to attack you or anything, but just so i can make sure not to make the mistake again when i go to add a new transcript.
I believe, based on the information we have acquired, that your edits are valid. I would personally question the fact that Devils is one of the larger Houses; I actually think that only Kings and Wolves (pre-Reef Wars) are the largest Houses left, and that we never do learn what Fallen Houses attacked the City in the Battle of Six Fronts. But until we get more information, I believe your edits are fine as they are.