Sparta94's board

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posted 8 months ago

I have always said from day one that the Winnower = the Darkness, not the Witness. It's not that the Darkness is more dangerous than the Witness, it's that the Winnower lets the Witness use it as a tool, to fulfill the Winnower's own goals. I've always felt like this is glaringly obvious, but other people seem to disagree lol

posted 4 years ago

That’s not why I got rid of it. I’m guessing you didn’t read what I typed.

posted 4 years ago

Jump on the Destinypedia Discord

posted 4 years ago

Hmm tricky one to answer, I doubt you could combine the points, but you might be able to recover your old acc if you speak to a admin. Plus they can change your name back to your old name if you want. I’ll have a word with a few people and see what they say Check that link out you can make a request to change your name to your old name

posted 4 years ago

About what?

posted 5 years ago

Do you not know about OneLink Demo? There's an option called "Scrambled."

posted 5 years ago

Hey, sparta94. In case you're wondering, you did say that there is a fanfiction page. Besides, I put in the old version if you want to know.

posted 7 years ago

Hey Titan66, just to let you know, you have to refrain from uploading anything to the wiki so far concerning Destiny 2 until release in order to prevent spoilers So for now, we can't have any images, new articles or anything else. Plots are allowed, but only so long as they are hidden in a spoiler template. Thanks.

posted 8 years ago

We're not copying entire sections of the Books into the summary.

posted 8 years ago

Good call on the Grimoire card. Thanks for uploading it.

posted 8 years ago

In the future, please avoid making multiple edits. Preview is your friend. :-)

posted 8 years ago

Refer to the Hive:Talk page for why we are keeping "lieutenant" in the Hive lexicon.

posted 8 years ago

Check the sources cited next time before deleting material. Here is the source for the content I've restored: Grimoire: Iron Banner.