Uploads by Vai Fate

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
11:46, October 30, 2019 For Wei Inventory.jpeg (file) 134 KB The For Wei ornament for Erian’s Vow as it appears in the inventory screen
11:45, October 30, 2019 Eriana's Vow Inventory Perks.jpeg (file) 58 KB Erian’s Vow as it appears in the inventory screen with the perks and statistics visible
08:52, October 30, 2019 IKELOS SMG Inventory.jpeg (file) 197 KB IKELOS SMG as it appears in the inventory screen
20:49, October 29, 2019 IKELOS Sniper Rifle Inventory.jpeg (file) 207 KB Image of the IKELOS SR v1.0.1 weapon as it appears in the inventory screen