Forums: Index Fan Fiction Processing Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png


Ishtar Sink, Venus

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The Citadel


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Processing is a constantly fluxing Lost Sector located directly under The Juncture. A sort of sub-processing center where stolen data from the Ishtar Collective is sorted and absorbed by the Vex, the area features a bunch of weaving Confluxes and strict defense by elite Vex units.



The Guardian discovers the entrance to Processing

  • The Ghost: This opening... It leads into the heart of the Citadel. I'm detecting a baryonic uplink leading to... somewhere.
  • Alana Reyn: Wait, the Citadel's archive is... exposed?! Guardian, get in there. This is a golden opportunity we CANNOT miss!
  • The Ghost: Whoa, someone's excited. Very well then. Let's see what we can find.

The Guardian completes the Lost Sector

  • The Ghost: The amount of data being cycled through here is immense! I'd overload if I tried to comprehend even a hundredth of it.
  • Alana Reyn: Unbelievable. This is where the Vex have been taking the knowledge they stole from the Ishtar Collective and then some. And not just data is flowing through here; orders from the collective, blueprints for the Vex corruption of this world, pings on Fallen raiders. This is incredible! I both hate and love you, Guardian, because you just gave me a bunch of data to decipher for the next few months. Well, better get to it then, eh?
  • The Ghost: Heh, I guess. Have fun, Alana.
