Forums: Index Fan Fiction Outrider Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Biographical information




The Banished Swarm


Skirmish and Hunter Unit

Combat information


Kinetic Outrider Voulge
Arc Outrider Javelin


Rapid Movement
Outrider Dash
Arc Javelin Detonation
Javelin Teleport
Arc Sweeping Spin


"We are the spear's point! We are ruin and desolation! We are the hunters that stalk the false gods that lead us to doom! We are the shadows that follows the loyalist filth to the ends of the universe! To arms, brothers and sisters! We have realms to despoil."
Haderax, the first of the Outriders

Outriders are a morph of Hive creatures armed with a pair of polearm weaponry. This caste of Hive was unique only to the raider forces of the The Banished Swarm.


A distinct morph of Hive, they appear to be a less armored version of a standard Knight, suggesting that these unique Hive warriors are either a painfully stripped down version of the Knight morph or the morph between the Acolyte and Knight stages. Regardless, as a result of the decreased amount of armor, they are visibly far more agile than either of their counterparts. In both hands, they wield a polearm of some variety: a long bladed voulge in their right hand and a jagged, fulgurate javelin in their left. Also making them stand out is scarf-like cloth, also forming a cloak behind them, giving them a similar, yet also distinct silhouette compared to their familiar forces.


When engaged, the Outrider will first try to circle their target, gauging a good opportunity to close the distance and either dash or impale their target. They can swiftly sprint around, but seldom ever do straight at their targets due to the vulnerability of their stable head, and thus mainly do this when circling their enemy. When a good opportunity arises, they will bolt straight to the enemy, strafing and side-dodging any incoming attacks before making their attack on them.

While a melee heavy unit and prefers to close gaps for melee, the Outrider may also hurl Javelins at their targets, which can deal considerable damage, especially upon direct impact with them. Shortly after landing, the Javelin will explode with   energy, dealing damage to any with the blast radius. After throwing their Javelin, they may immediately conjure up a new one in their hands. Sometimes, the Outrider may throw it off to the side and use it to teleport to the position of the Javelin. Other times, however, the Outrider, after also crouching down and preparing for the jump, may use the newly landed Javelin as a pole to spin around and use their voulge to sweep the area around it, dealing far more damage than the ranged javelin, soon following it up with an impale with both weapons after launching themselves into the air.


Known OutridersEdit
