Forum:Outbreak - Urals

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Outbreak - EDZ


Outbreak - Nessus

Outbreak - Urals
EDZ Still (Night).jpg


Season of Aether




Urals, Earth


Gather and obtain Aetherium Samples within the Urals to aid the Vanguard's efforts against The Forsaken

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Outbreak - Urals is the third Story Mission of Season of Aether. After lifting the quarantine off the Urals site, the Vanguard begins conducting operations in the region to gather Aetherium for their fight against The Forsaken.


Objective - Defend the SpecimensEdit

  • Locate the Specimen Samples
    • A fireteam of Guardians has gone silent after securing several specimens. Locate the samples and begin their transmat sequence.
  • Begin Transmat
    • Begin transmatting the specimens for study by the Vanguard.
  • Defend the Samples
    • X% Transmatted
      Defend the samples from the onslaught of hostile forces.
  • Eliminate (Boss Name Here)
    • Eliminate the commanding leader of the assault before they can thwart your operations.

Objective - Neutralize the CorruptionEdit

  • Locate the Aetherium Growth
    • Vanguard scouts have detected a rapid growth in Aetherium concentrations in the region. Go investigate the source.
  • Neutralize the Growth
    • Neutralize the source of the corruption by rigging explosives around it.
  • Survive
    • X out of 3 waves survived
      You have been ambushed. Survive the oncoming onslaught of Revenant forces seeking to kill you.
  • Gather the Samples
    • Gather what remains of the Aetherium growth for Vanguard analysis.

Objective - Retrieve the SamplesEdit

  • Activate the Beacon
    • A supply of Aetherium has seemingly vanished from Vanguard control. Activate the radar beacon to detect where they are.
  • Retrieve the Samples
    • X out of 3 samples retrieved
      Interlopers have stolen the Aetherium! Eliminate the thieving squads and reclaim the samples.

Objective - Escort the HaulerEdit

  • Locate the Aetherium Hauler
    • Locate the Aetherium Hauler to begin escorting it to the transmat zone.
  • Escort the Hauler
    • X% Escorted
      Escort the hauler and defend it from hostile forces.
  • Defeat Ambushing Forces
    • Drive back the interlopers and defend the Aetherium Hauler from their assault.
  • Escort the Hauler
    • X% Escorted
      Escort the hauler and defend it from hostile forces.
  • Defeat Ambushing Forces
    • Drive back the interlopers and defend the Aetherium Hauler from their assault.
  • Escort the Hauler
    • X% Escorted
      Escort the hauler and defend it from hostile forces.

Objective - Eliminate the High Value TargetEdit

  • Activate the Beacon
    • Vanguard scouts report that a High Value Target is located somewhere within the region. Find and eliminate it.
  • Track Down the Target
    • Located the High Value Target and eliminate them!
  • Eliminate the High Value Target
    • Eliminate the High Value Target and its reinforcements.
  • Chase Down the High Value Target
    • The High Value Target is getting away! Chase them down!
  • Eliminate the High Value Target
    • Eliminate the High Value Target and its reinforcements.
  • Chase Down the High Value Target
    • The High Value Target is getting away! Chase them down!
  • Eliminate the High Value Target
    • Eliminate the High Value Target and its reinforcements.

Objective - Sabotage the Mining OperationEdit

  • Locate the Mining Operation
    • Vanguard scouts report enemy forces are conducting Aetherium mining operations. Locate the sites and disrupt their operations.
  • Sabotage Mining Operations
    • X out of 3 operations sabotaged
      Eliminate enemy forces and sabotage their mining operations.

Objective - ExfiltrationEdit

  • Reach the Exfil Site
    • The Vanguard has greenlit your exfiltration. Reach the site and begin preparing for exfil.
  • Secure the Site
    • Clear the exfil site of hostile forces to clear way for your ship.
  • Survive
    • 5:00 until exfil
      Hold out against hostile forces until your ship has arrived.



Cabal - Shadow Legion
Hive - Lucent Brood


Defend the Specimens
  • [[Forum:
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Escort the Hauler
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Eliminate the High Value Target
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List of AppearancesEdit