Devil's Dawn
- "My arms are red and manifold, and nothing is beyond my grasp."
- — Weapon description
Devil's Dawn is a Legendary Sniper Rifle introduced in the Rise of Iron expansion.
It is a Strike specific loot that can be acquired from the following Strikes; The Summoning Pits, The Wretched Eye, and Sepiks Perfected (strike).
- Disciplinarian: This weapon deals a small amount of bonus damage to Fallen enemies.
- Selectable Perk 1:
- Linear Compensator: More predictable recoil. Slight boosts to range and impact. More recoil.
- Accurized Ballistics: More range and impact. Increased recoil.
- Field Choke: More range and impact. Increased recoil.
- Life Support: Kills with this weapon while critically wounded have a chance to start regenerating health.
- Selectable Perk 2
- Armor Piercing Rounds: These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling.
- Rifled Barrel: Increased Range Slower Reload.
- Quickdraw: This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
- Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode.
- The Devil's Dawn sniper rifle bears a similar resemblance to the Shadow of Veils sniper rifle released in the House of Wolves expansion.
List of appearancesEdit
- Destiny:
- Rise of Iron (First appearance)