Forum:The Call of Judgement

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Warlord's Ruin (Dungeon)
Expedition (Story)


Tyrant's Remnants

The Call of Judgement


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant




Argadnel Regio, Europa

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?

Guided by sinister intent, the forces of Darkness venture into a long forgotten place, abandoned... but not silent.

The Call of Judgement is a Dungeon added to Episode: Heresy, where a fireteam of Guardians pursue a united contingent of the Shadow Legion and House of Salvation forces, spurred on by a force of The Dread, to the unassuming Argadnel Regio on Europa, where they find a relic of a bygone age and a new force spurring them on.


Dig Site OutskirtsEdit

Dark ArchitectureEdit

The DescentEdit

The DrillsEdit

The CragEdit


Baylic, the Dominant VoiceEdit

To the RoostEdit

Approaching JudgementEdit

Vessel of the Horned JusticeEdit


Unique EnemiesEdit




Arbiter TitleEdit

  • Judgement Answered - Complete The Call of Judgement
  • Singular Summons - Complete the Call of Judgement alone
  • An Impressive Display - Complete the Call of Judgement without anyone on your fireteam leaving
  • Exemplar of Worthiness - Complete The Call of Judgement alone without leaving the activity
  • Incendiary Rhetoric - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Solar subclass
  • Galvanizing Statements - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running with an Arc subclass
  • Annulled Guilt - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running with a Void subclass
  • Walking the Line - Complete all encounters with with everyone in your fireteam running a Prismatic subclass
  • Singular Purpose - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running the same class
  • Fierce Opposition - Complete The Call of Judgement on Master difficulty
  • Keen Eyes - Find both secret chests in The Call of Judgement


  • Like I Was Never Here - Enter the Dig Site without being spotted once.
  • Accused Together - Complete all encounters with a fireteam consisting of your Clanmates
  • Frozen Case - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Stasis subclass
  • Stretched Connections - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Strand subclass
  • Blade from the Shadows - Acquire the Exotic Weapon, In Shadow Cast
  • Something Wicked this Way Comes - Defeat Namyksis, Chosen of the Executioner


  • Dominator's Conviction - Titan Armor
  • Samaritan's Conviction - Hunter Armor
  • Investigator's Conviction - Warlock Armor

Other RewardsEdit

