Forum:Bryce Hansen

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Bryce Hansen
Bryce Hansen
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Soda Bottle


Earth (Home Universe)


Object (Soda Bottle)



Political and military information


ONE (Formerly)
Airy (Formerly)


"So let me get this straight: you’re an all powerful zombified super soldier capable of magical powers and resurrection?"
— Bryce Hansen

Bryce Hansen, informally known as Soda Bottle and previously known as Hansen, Aspect of Ignorance while under the control of Airy, the Witness's Chosen is an Object that was encountered aboard Airy's vessel, along side three of his fellow contestants. Having been Taken by the Witness, along with his peers, as a gift to Airy to become a Disciple, Airy transported himself, along with his ship and the horde of Taken he was given control of, to Unknown Space on orders given by the Witness to subvert and take hold over the realm from The Nine.


Life Before the IncidentEdit

Arriving on the PlaneEdit

Rise of the DiscipleEdit

Arrival in SolEdit


Personality and TraitsEdit

List of AppearancesEdit