Mithrax, the Forsaken
Biographical information




House of Wolves (formerly)
House of Dusk (formerly)
House of Light
Last City


Fallen Crew Commander (formerly)
Kell of the House of Light





Combat information


Chances and Choices
Zero Hour


Shock Blades


Arc Energy Shield
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Guard Reactor


"Wolves rebel. Now, Wolves extinct. This where-live mine-things scatter must end. I will Kell the mind-open Eliksni. No spider-tricks. No loyal-lies. Variisis truths. We fight for Great Machine together."
— Mithrax

Mithrax, the Forsaken is a former Captain of the House of Dusk who later founded the House of Light, having decided to ally with the Guardians of The Last City following an encounter with The Young Wolf.


Meeting with Sjur

At one point Mithrax, a Vandal of the House of Wolves, was held in captivity by Sjur Eido. After a failed attempt at escaping her clutches, Sjur befriends the captive Fallen by performing a traditional Eliksni display of armistice much to Mithrax's shock, as they exchange names and Misraaks becomes Mithrax and is introduced to the Dreaming City. Sjur becomes so renowned among the Eliksni they called her Siyuriks pak Variisis "Sjur, the Unyielding" and forms an early alliance by giving Amethyst crystals as political gifts to their Archons.

Titan Methane Reactor

After the SIVA Crisis, Mithrax would leave his wolf-born house and join the House of Dusk along with the remainder of his Fallen brethren. Guardians will encounter Mithrax and his crew in Chances and Choices as both parties compete to access an ancient methane reactor. Various Barricade Servitors and a High Servitor Selkis, the Obstructor are put in the way to prevent the Guardians from reaching the core, along with local Hive forces swarming the complex attacking both . Mithrax is later seen dueling against a Hive Knight in which Guardians are given a choice in who to kill. Killing the Hive Knight and sparing Mithrax will trigger an alternative ending in which he'll thank the Guardians with an Eliksni display of respect similar to Sjur's ages ago. He disappears and grants the player access to the reactor.

Alliance with the Guardians

While not physically appearing in Forsaken, sparing him is revealed to be the canon choice; Having been touched by Sjur's display of humility and the Guardians' mercy, he defects from the House of Dusk and swears allegiance to the Last City, eventually joining a fireteam of Guardians. He has also founded the unofficial House of Light while acting as its Kell, [1] arguing for the sake that humanity, not the Fallen, have proven befitting of the Traveler and its gifts.[2]

Zero Hour

Later on, in the Season of the Drifter, Mithrax beckons Guardians to The Farm using a Fallen Transponder. Interacting with Mithrax takes both him and The Guardian to the Old Tower to complete the mission Zero Hour where they chase down House of Devils loyalists who have stolen preserved SIVA tech from a Cryptarch Vault deep inside. The group is in search of the weapon known as Outbreak Perfected, a Destiny 2 version of the famed Rise of Iron weapon, Outbreak Prime. Led by Siriks, Loyal to Eramis, the group is defeated before they could escape The Last City. After Siriks is defeated, Mithrax jumps onto a Fallen Skiff and once again disappears.


  • Mithrax is the second Fallen that doesn't fight the player, the first being Variks, the Loyal, and the third being The Spider.
  • The name Mithrax is possibly derived from the Roman god Mithras, which is related to the similar Indian deity named Mitra and means "friend" or "friendship". "Mithrax" is also the name of a genus of spider crabs in the family Mithracidae.
  • According to the lore tab for the Lord of Wolves in Forsaken, Mithrax's name is properly transliterated from Eliksni as "Misraaks"; "Mithrax" is the result of human mispronunciation.
  • Forsaken means to "abandon", to "desert". Implying that Mithrax has abandoned his Fallen brethren for a different pursuit.


  • "Here we can start over." —Mithrax
  • "Let them have the Great Machine. They deserve it." —Mithrax
  • "Wolves rebel. Now, Wolves extinct. This where-live mine-things scatter must end. I will Kell the mind-open Eliksni. No spider-tricks. No loyal-lies. Variisis truths. We fight for Great Machine together." —Mithrax, Queenbreakers' Bow
  • "We walk this hardship-path with joyful hearts. Be brave", Outbreak Perfected


List of appearances


  1. ^ Ishtar Collective - Outliers
  2. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Item Description: Queenbreakers' Bow
