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The following is a list of Guardian entries for the Grimoire:
- "Legends are carved into history by the brave."
- — Card blurb
Guardians are warriors forged in the Traveler's Light, a final hope in a universe that is slowly falling into darkness.
Chosen from the dead by the Traveler's Ghosts, Guardians are those rare few able to wield the Light as a weapon. For centuries they have defended the City. But that defense cannot hold forever.
Now, with the Darkness rising again, the time has come to retake our lost worlds. The Guardians who lead the way will save humanity - and become legend.
Class: Hunter
- "Our old worlds have grown feral—rabid beasts with teeth of rust and ruin. But such beasts are meant to be tamed. Or broken."
- — Card blurb
Hunters stalk the wilderness beyond the City, harnessing the Light to reclaim the secrets of our lost worlds. They are daring scouts and stealthy killers, expert with knives and precision weapons. Hunters blaze their own trails and write their own laws.
Ghost Fragment: Hunter
Class: Titan
- "Stand. Not only to fight, but to strive. For honor. For hope. We bleed, we die, we defend."
- — Card blurb
Titans are warriors—heroic defenders of the Light, channeling the gifts of the Traveler to wage war on the Darkness. Steadfast and sure, Titans face any challenge head-on, serving as living, blunt force instruments of the Traveler’s will.
Ghost Fragment: Titan
Class: Warlock
- "We have found new ways to weaponize curiosity. Pathways into the darkness."
- — Card blurb
Warrior-scholars of the Light, Warlocks devote themselves to understanding the Traveler and its power. A Warlock mind is an arsenal of deadly secrets, balanced between godhood and madness. On the battlefield, those secrets can shatter reality itself.
Ghost Fragment: Warlock
- "The others sing this song of Light and Dark. We, together, have transcended such unimaginative limitations."
- — Card blurb
It is said the Awoken were born in the Collapse, descended from those who tried to flee its wrath. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep Black, and they were forever changed. Today many Awoken live in the distant reef aloof and mysterious, but others returned to Earth, where their descendants now fight for the City. Earthborn awoken sometimes venture out to the Reef, hoping to learn its secrets - but find no special welcome form the reclusive Queen.
- "Ask yourself: what threatened your Golden Age ancestors so much that they constructed the Exos to defend themselves?"
- — Card blurb
Built for a long forgotten war, the Exos are self-aware war machines so advanced that nothing short of a Ghost can understand their inner functions. They remain ciphers, even to themselves: their origins and purposes lost to time.
Whoever built the Exos fashioned them in humanity's image, gifting them with diversity of mind and body. Many of the City's Exo citizens live and work alongside their organic brethren. But others fight again, re-forged in the Light of the Traveler to serve as Guardians.
- "This was our world, our solar system. We were here first. And no matter what the darkness brings, we will be here at the dawn."
- — Card blurb
Humans are survivors, tough and resilient, descended from those who built a Golden Age only to see it ripped away. Now, after an age of retreat and desperate struggle, they fight to take back their solar system and claim a new future. There are those who believe the Traveler chose Earth for a reason. Now it is humanity's obligation to prove itself worthy of the Traveler's faith.
Ghost Fragment: Human
- "In its dying breath, the Traveler created the Ghosts… To seek out those who can wield its Light as a weapon. Guardians, to protect us, and do what the Traveler itself no longer can."
- — The Speaker
Built from machinery and the Traveler's Light, Ghosts guide their Guardian companions in the quest to reclaim our solar system.
Every Ghost seeks out its Guardian among the ancient dead. The Ghost serves as scout, librarian, and mechanic, waking ancient machinery and cracking alien codes. In the right situations, a Ghost can even save a Guardian from death.
But Ghosts are not immortal. Every loss is irreplaceable.
Dead Ghosts
Ghost Fragment: Abilities
- "Beautiful lethality, relentless style."
- — Card blurb
There's something to be said for the blade. A knife won't jam. A knife won't run dry. A knife is very, very quiet.
Leave the noise and fire to others. There's work to be done, out there in the dark - monsters that deserve death, delivered quickly, sometimes silently, and without mercy.
Melee Abilities
- "A Hunter's survival comes down to two essential ingredients: skill and preparation."
- — Card blurb
With their finely tuned reflexes, Hunters are naturally gifted with knives. In the right situation, a sharpened blade can make quick work of any enemy.
Grenade Abilities
Skip Grenade
Arcbolt Grenade
Flux Grenade
Incendiary Grenade
Tripmine Grenade
Swarm Grenade
Movement Modes
Double Jump
Bend momentum to jump again in mid-air. Leap to even greater heights, or make a quick adjustment while airborne to disorient your foes.
Rip a hole in space and leap from point to point. Master the Blink, and you will be a fearsome killer - a spectral force, hard to evade and impossible to pin down. But beware: the technique takes time to recharge.
Super Abilities
Golden Gun
Arc Blade
The phrase "pathways into the darkness" may be a reference to Pathways into Darkness, an early FPS created by Bungie.