Mithrax, Kell of Light

Revision as of 20:19, September 14, 2018 by (talk) (Roman. The only member of the pre-Roman Romanian pantheon that I know of is Bendis of the Spear, their version of Hecate.)
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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Mithrax, the Forsaken
Biographical information




House of Dusk (formerly)
Last City







Combat information


Chances and Choices


Shock Blades


Arc Energy Shield
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Guard Reactor


"Wolves rebel. Now, Wolves extinct. This where-live mine-things scatter must end. I will Kell the mind-open Eliksni. No spider-tricks. No loyal-lies. Variisis truths. We fight for Great Machine together."
— Mithrax

Mithrax, the Forsaken is a former Captain of the House of Dusk who decided to ally with the Guardians of The Last City following an encounter with The Young Wolf.


Search for the Methane Reactor

Throughout the mission Guardians will encounter Mithrax and his crew as they both try to gain control over the reactor. Mithrax can later seen dueling against a Hive Knight in which Guardians are given a choice in who to kill. Killing the Hive Knight and leaving Mithrax alive will activate an alternative ending in which he will speak in Fallen language presumably establishing an alliance with the Guardians. He disappears and grants the player access to the reactor.

Alliance with the Guardians

While not physically appearing in Forsaken, sparing him is revealed to be the canon choice, as he defects from the House of Dusk and swears allegiance to the Last City, eventually joining a fireteam of Guardians. He argues that humanity, not the Fallen, are befitting of the Traveler.


  • Mithrax is the second Fallen that doesn't fight the player, the first being Variks, the Loyal.
  • Maybe the name Mithrax is derived by the Roman god Mithras, which is related to the similar Indian deity name Mitra and means "friend" or "friendship". "Mithrax" is also the name of a genus of spider crabs in the family Mithracidae.
  • According to the lore tab for the Lord of Wolves in Forsaken, Mithrax's name is properly transliterated from Eliksni as "Misraaks"; "Mithrax" is the result of human mispronunciation.

List of appearances
