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Sacrilege | |
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+120 |
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- "Since the loss of her Light, Ikora has many questions - and she's not leaving without answers"
- — In game description
Sacrilege is the tenth story mission of Destiny 2.
Loading Screen
Ghost: Io. The whole place hums with energy left behind by the Traveler's unfinished work. No wonder Guardians consider this site sacred. Now that Cayde is back in the fold, all we need is to find Ikora - make the Vanguard whole again... and bring down the Almighty.
{End Loading Screen}
- The Guardian's ship, the Wandering, passes over head, into the gently lit panoramic background of the Ionian evening as the camera lowers slowly, bringing the remains of Echo Mesa into view. As the camera lowers further still, and the wandering begins to turn, while a cliff overlooking the Mesa comes into view, along with the person standing on it. Ikora Rey. The Wanderwing zooms overhead and the Guardian transmats into the scene, and approaches Ikora's side.
Ikora Rey: Of all the places I've been in all the years since my rebirth, this is where I return. The last place the Traveler touched.
- The camera zooms in, coming around to show Ikora's face as she looks out over the valley below.
Ikora: I came for answers. I stand here still with nothing.
Ghost: Ikora. Zavala is forming a resistance and he believes -
Ikora: What good is a resistance when you are the only one who would survive? I believe this Ghaul creature knows the Traveler blessed this site. I believe he sent his Legion to find something they could never possibly understand. And I believe they will continue to desecrate all we hold sacred.
- Ikora turns to the Guardian, pleading.
Ikora: Save this place, Guardian. Do not squander this second chance.
- The Guardian nods, and the camera zooms out once more showing the pair atop the cliff looking out.
{End Cinematic}
- Lost Oasis
- Io
- Determine what the Red Legion is doing on Io
- Find the Red Legion base
Ikora: Red Legion ships have been in and out non-stop since I got here. We need to know what they're doing. Get into that base.
- Behind the fleet, the a pillar of light shoots up into the sky like a fountain, spreading out and covering the entire skyline
Ghost: Look at the sky! What is that, Ikora?
Ikora: Energy... The Traveler's energy! What have they done?! This is my fault. I could have stopped this.
Ghost: Ikora, there's no way! Not without your Light.
Ikora: I am more than just my Light! I could have tried! I should have tried. But... after all these years dying, being reborn, dying again... The Traveler has left me with one life, and I am afraid to lose it.
Ghost: That might happen anyway. Ghaul has a weapon that can blow up our sun.
Ikora: What? Why would he destroy what he's worked so hard to conquer? Get into that base. There must be answers there.
- The player moves towards the source of the pillar of light emanating from within Terrabase Charon.
- The player comes across a scene of Cabal troops evacuating the base into Red Legion Harvesters hovering at the ready right in front of the player's approach, and landing pads across the base..
- Determine what the Red legion is doing on Io
- Fight your way into the base
Ghost: Looks like the Legion's packing up, Ikora.
Ikora: Find out what they're shipping. We need every scrap of intel we can get.
- The player engages the Cabal, causing the Harvester pilots to panic and fly off, leaving the last of the troops to their fate.
- If the player enters the depressed in middle of the area, Ghost will say of the blue substance pooled there:
Ghost: The blue substance oozing from the cracks in the ground - that's the Traveler's raw energy.
- The player kills the Cabal and enters the abandoned and decrepit base, towards the Wraith Mines
Ghost: Everyone's gone.
Ikora: Keep looking. It's not like the Cabal to invest so much in a base, and just abandon it.
- The Wraith Mines
- Determine what the Red Legion is doing on Io
- Explore the base to learn more about Red Legion operations
Ghost: We're coming up on a big drill
Ikora: A drill? Are they mining the Traveler's energy? No! It's not Light. It can't give the Traveler's blessing. Not to me, not to Ghaul - Or could it?
Dust Giants and Sand Eaters