Deep Conversation

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Deep Conversation


Destiny 2


1 - 3

Recommended Power Level:



Artifact's Edge, Nessus

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?


"Failsafe has a plan to retrieve Vex data. But she'll need Ghost's help"
— In game description



  • Kill Vex to Gather Collective Data
  • Scan Vex Cache
  • Kill the Mind



Artifact's Edge
Start Adventure

Failsafe] (Cheery): Captain. I have identified multiple data rich caches to plunder. I have created an unauthorised login for the friendly Ghost - the Vex will believe he is one of them. Ideally, they will share their secrets.

Ghost: That's... actually very helpful of you! Let's see what we can learn.

Scan Vex caches
Caches scanned
[0-3 of 3
In the center of Artifact's Edge where there is normally nothing but a gigantic pitfall covering close to half the entire area, floating Vex platforms have now appeared. Each platform is a flattened cuboid shape with a semi-sphere dome at it's center containing an interactable Vex terminal. The player jumps onto the floating platforms, suspended above the pitfall, and approaches the first terminal.
Scan Platform
Completion of the scan requires the player remain in close vicinity to the terminal
1 of 3
The platforms begin conducting a damaging charge. Charge effect will phase in and out periodically on platforms during the adventure, adding environmental hazard which can be avoided by breaking contact with the surface, by jumping, or by moving to other platforms not undergoing the effect.

Ghost: The platforms are charged. Is this a deterrent or an experiment? I can never tell.

The player moves to the next platform
Scan Platform
2 of 3
The player moves to the third platform
Scan Platform
3 of 3

Ghost: Failsafe, this login is perfect. I'm pulling all kinds of data on Cabal fleet movements. Zavala will love this.

Failsafe (Cheery): Happy to oblige, friendly Ghost. Marking additional caches.

The first three platforms despawn, forcing the player to retreat to solid ground. A second group of platforms will now spawn in at a higher altitude, beginning to wrap around the spire in the center of the map as they do.
Scan Vex Cache
Cache scanned
Get readings on the upper caches
The player approaches the first cache
Scan Platform
Vex units begin spawning in.

Ghost: I think they're onto us.

Failsafe (Cheery): They believe you are one of them! What did you ask?

Ghost: Nothing! I asked them what they're doing on this planet... Did I offend them?

Kill Vex to gather Collective data
Collective access
Destroy Vex constructs to collect their data cores

Ghost: These data cores the Vex are dropping - they contain answers to my questions.

Failsafe (Cheery): Perhaps they are attempting to interface with the friendly Ghost, and you, Captain, are in their way.

Ghost: I'm so sorry. I'll fix this!

Scan Vex Cache
Cache scanned
Get readings on the upper caches
The player continues on, fighting through the Vex as they reach the next platform and interface with its terminal
Scan Platform

Ghost: I can't get them to stop! They're trying to tell me about something called the "first program" with a timestamp that precedes the Golden Age! How is that even relevant?

Failsafe (Cheery): They say you lack a holistic perspective. They want to help.

Ghost: I don't want their help!

Kill Vex to gather Collective data
Collective access
Destroy Vex constructs to collect their data cores

Ghost: Now I know why Asher's Ghost never talks about her encounter with the Vex. They keep telling me to "come home"... Anyway, this data is too valuable to pass up. There's one more access point at the top!

Scan Vex Cache
Cache scanned
Get readings on the upper caches
The player continues on to the last and highest set of platforms and scans the cache
Scan Platform
More Vex spawn in, led by the Network Mind, interrupting Ghost's scan

Failsafe (Cheery): Friendly Ghost! Bad news. The Collective is dispatching a Vex Mind to help you terminate the Captain!

Ghost: Tell them to stop! I'm so sorry.

Failsafe (Cheery): I have no way to do that. But the Vex seem to like you very much!

Kill the Mind
A Mind has appeared to defend the Collective. Take it out.
The player kills the Network Mind.

Network Mine: [Vex Data Transmissions]

Ghost: That Mind said one last thing as it died. It's afraid. Afraid of your Light - the one thing in this galaxy it can't simulate. Probably old news to Ikora, but I'll ping the Vanguard.

Failsafe (Cheery): Your query has terminated, Ghost. The Vex Collective hopes it has answered all of your questions. A user within the Network, named "Osiris" sends his regards.

Ghost: Oh, Ikora definitely needs to know about that.

All the platforms despawn

{End Gameplay}

{End Mission}


  • The statement that a "user within the Network, named 'Osiris' sends his regards" may be a reference to the popular television show Game of Thrones modelled on one of the shows most famous quotes: "The Lanister's sen their regards."