"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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The Farm field panorama.jpg


European Dead Zone, Earth



Complete Adieu

Player capacity:



The Farm, also known as the Guardian Camp, is a social space located in the European Dead Zone on Earth.


Following the Red Legion's invasion of the Last City and the destruction of the Tower, the surviving Guardians regrouped at an outpost in the European Dead Zone to plan their counterattack. Known as The Farm, it was located within sight of a massive shard of the Traveler that was broken off during the Collapse.

Destiny 2 spoilers

After Ghaul is defeated and the Last City is liberated, most of The Farm's vendors relocate to a new headquarters. The only vendors and services that remain are the postmaster, vaults, and Cryptarch Tyra Karn.

Characters in The Farm


  • The Farm features a small field with a football and functioning goals. When the ball is kicked into a goal, sparklers on the goal light up. For every third score in a goal, flares will launch into the air.
  • Chickens can be seen all throughout The Farm. A horse is also seen in a cutscene that takes place within The Farm.
  • Guardians can temporarily unlock increased agility while at The Farm. Walking on the water wheel for a few seconds will grant the buffs "Wheel Boost" and "Sentry Ranks x2". Reaching the roof of the barn will likewise grant "Vertigo" and an additional 2 Sentry Ranks. After obtaining 4 Sentry Ranks, activate the fire pit near the lake to begin a Scouting Patrol, which will grant "Commander's Blessing" and start a brief jumping challenge. Pass through all of the columns of light as they appear across The Farm to finally unlock "Scouting Commander", a blue aura that allows rapid sprinting and very high jumping; your completion time will also be noted. Scouting Commander will last until the player leaves The Farm, but can be re-obtained on subsequent visits.


List of appearances


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