Download Complete

Revision as of 09:45, December 29, 2016 by Arcmind-1 (talk | contribs)
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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"Open the forgotten archives at Clovis Bray, and search for a way to defend against SIVA."
— In Game Description


The Plaguelands


The Iron Tomb

Download Complete
Grimoire Download Complete.jpg


Rise of Iron expansion


1 - 3


Cosmodrome, Old Russia


Recover Clovis Bray data on SIVA

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?


Download Complete is the fourth Story mission in Destiny Rise of Iron, and takes place in a Clovis Bray facility on Mars. [1]


  • Enter Clovis Bray
  • Access the Laboratory
  • Find the Laboratory
  • Descend the Elevator Shaft
  • Access the Archives
  • Repel the Cabal


{Loading screen}

   TYRA KARN: In searching for more information on SIVA, I discovered some recent unexplained phenomena originating near Clovis Bray.
   LORD SALADIN: That's deep in Cabal territory. I find it unlikely the Fallen would have had time to experiment it in those labs undisturbed.
   TYRA: True, but there are records of SIVA prototypes that were never recovered. They could be the missing link.
   SALADIN: Lord Timur spoke of SIVA prototypes, too. Very well, old friend. Let's follow this path. 


The Guardian lands at the top of the Cortex, in the Dust Palace.

   TYRA: You should be in the vicinity any time now. 

A large group of Cabal are waiting. The Guardian eliminates them, and heads inside.

   TYRA: I can guide you to the biolabs, though it may take some investigation to locate the SIVA prototypes once you're there. 
   SALADIN: I have faith in our Young Wolf there. He/she will find our way forward, I'm certain of it.
   GHOST: Did he just call one of us a "young wolf"? Because it's probably less endearing if he meant me. 

A few Psions and Phalanxes appear in the Overwatch, guarding the machines there. The Guardian wipes them all out.

   GHOST: I'm not seeing any flashing lights advertising SIVA research. Maybe there's a console that can help us narrow things down. 

The Guardian finds an old computer terminal and sends Ghost to investigate.

   GHOST: Okay, what do we have here? (laughs) Who knew finding dangerous Golden Age archives would be so easy? There's an intact data store just below us. 

The Guardian heads back down the skyscraper, finding Psions, Phalanxes and Legionaries waiting for them. They kill them and move on, battling a few Centurions and a Colossus as they go.

   TYRA: Unfortunately, my intel says you're going to need to make your way underground.
   GHOST: Falling great distances is actually our specialty. (coyly) Elevator shaft, anyone? 

When the Guardian arrives at the Dust Palace mezzanine, several Legionaries and Psions attack from the first floor.

   GHOST: The doors to the elevator shaft should be around here somewhere. 

After defeating the platoon, they find an elevator shaft underneath the staircase. The Ghost opens it, and the Guardian drops down to the bottom. They reach a research station, littered with dozens of dead Fallen spread across the room.

   GHOST: Nothing says "We're in the right place" like dead Fallen! 

More Cabal appear, and the Guardian takes them out.

   GHOST: There--that's the Bray research archive! Now to rummage through its files. 

The Ghost scans the computer the Cabal were guarding.

   GHOST: Interesting... there were multiple prototypes, each programmed to serve a different function. One that built constructs, viral armor enhancements--that's neat--and we have a winner! Cybernetic diagnostics. Exactly what the Fallen would need to-- 

A rumbling is heard.

   GHOST: Um... maybe later. We've got company! 

A few dozen Cabal soldiers, led by Centurions and a Colossus, attack the Guardian from all sides. They are all eliminated, and the hall runs quiet.

   SALADIN: The Young Wolf strikes again... Tyra, the prototype archives--will they be enough to identify a weakness in the Fallen's hold on SIVA?
   TYRA: (chuckles) I have to remind you, of all people, that I'm a scholar, not a scientist? Don't worry old friend. Between myself and Shiro, we won't leave a single stone unturned. You'll have your defense. 

Mission ends.





