Forum:Varlak, the Corruptor

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Forums: Index General Discussion Varlak, the Corruptor Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Varlak, the Corruptor
Biographical information




Forum:New Hive Faction Concept








60 ft.


4000 lbs.

Combat information


Forum: Hell's Gate (Hive Raid for Destiny 2)


Modified Solar and Void Boomer
Modified Arc Cleaver


  • Story Mission:
    Drained of Light
    Corrupted Presence
    High Durability
    Summon Forum:New Hive Knight Variant Concepts
    Summon Hive
  • In Hell's Gate:
    Drained of Light
    Corrupted Presence
    Corrupted Supers
    Immunity to Guardian Attacks
    High Durability
    Summon Hive
    Summon Brotherhood Knights
    This Is Your End



Modified Boomer

Varlak's Boomer fires much faster than a normal one. It also has two firing modes: one consists of a cluster of four regular Boomer bolts, although each will leave a Darkness Orb upon detonation, and these orbs will blind Guardians; the other consists of Shrieker Death Blasts.

Modified Cleaver

Using stolen Rasputin and modified Fallen technology Varlak's Cleaver can utilize Arc energy. Unless the player has damage-reducing artifacts, passive Super abilities, and/or passive armor abilities, this is invariably a one-hit kill. Varlak will use this weapon only if a player ventures within melee range apart from his using Corrupted Supers.

Drained of Light/Corrupted Presence

At the very beginning of the fight, Varlak will drain half of everyone's Super meter to fill his Corrupted Super abilities. He will be completely immune to damage while doing and you will not be able to recharge your Super due to his presence, but this will only happen once. During this time adds—Hive Thrall, Acolytes, and special Major Knights called Brotherhood Knights——will harass the players; the player who killed the Varlak Brotherhood will eliminate Draining of that player's Super and begin recharge.

Corrupted Supers

Every ninety seconds or so, Varlak will activate one of the following Corrupted Supers:

  • Corrupted Fist of Havoc: Varlak slams the ground with his fist, sending out an electric shockwave that travels across the room and inflicts the "Shocking" debuff upon a successful hit.
  • Corrupted Golden Gun: Varlak charges his Boomer with Solar energy and fires bolts that instantly kill Guardians and leave a circle of fire upon hitting a surface.
  • Corrupted Nova Bomb: Varlak sends a massive Void sphere raining down on the arena and leaves a giant Darkness field upon detonation. This field greatly slows down anyone who steps in it.
  • Corrupted Ward of Dawn: Varlak surrounds himself with Void energy to gain a ten-second period of immunity that will allow him temporary health regeneration.
  • Corrupted Arc Blade: Varlak's Cleaver is supercharged with Arc energy, and will run around to cut down anyone on his way. He will also have an Arc shield and increased speed.
  • Corrupted Radiance: Varlak uses his Boomer to launch concussive bombs that causes the "Burning" debuff. These bombs have a wide blast radius and causes great knockback.
  • Corrupted Hammer of Sol: Varlak fires a series of Solar blasts rapidly into the sky only to have them rain down on player. These blasts have a large blast radius.
  • Corrupted Shadowshot: Varlak fires a Void bolt from his Boomer that freezes all players in place for five seconds, weakens them, and suppresses them of their abilities.
  • Corrupted Stormtrance: Varlak generates an thunderbolt in the center of the arena which blankets the floor with electricity for 3 seconds and causes paralysis that lasts for 10 seconds.

Depending on how low his health progresses Varlak will sometimes use two Corrupted Supers instead of just one.

This Is Your End

When on low health, Varlak activates his Oversoul. This generates a massive explosion that suppresses Guardians of everything: no more armor, recovery, agility, grenades, melees, or weapons. This will also bring your health next to nothing, meaning that you are in deep trouble.

However, there's a twist: Varlak will have released so much energy that he will be left reeling in exhaustion. Ten seconds after the explosion, your Super meter will start recharging. During this time the Raid party must kill six Brotherhood Knights armed with Ascendant Swords, then utilize these swords against Varlak. With your Light channeled through them Varlak is dealt massive damage.

If he doesn't reach a certain critical health-threshold the team will wipe—if he does reach that threshold, his Oversoul does not activate further and he can be killed.