Forum:Echo of Paracausality

The Echo of Paracausality is an artifact that was released from within the Traveler following the destruction of the Witness. Like the other Echoes, it is believed to be a memory or psychic imprint of a species that was conquered and destroyed by the Witness and its Black Fleet, preserved in the Darkness and made manifest through the Light. In the case of the Echo of Paracausality, it was forged from the memory of an unknown figure believed to have been responsible for the creation of the Traveler and the Veil.

It was discovered by the Vex of Stioceon who tested and experimented with it before Stioceon integrated it into its own Mind-fluid and use to recreate many of his own Bec with Light and Dark power, thus beginning the Convergent Containmemt. It would eventually be destroyed by the Guardian, but the Weavers were able to brin both Stioceon and Echo back, forcing the Guardian to repeatedly destroy them.


The Echo takes the form of a round circle with a hollow triangle in the center, similar to the portal on the Traveler. It glows pink with infused Prismatic energy. After integrating the Echo with its Mind fluid, Stioceon would use the Echo as one of its eyes.

It grants the user the ability to conjure Paracausal energies, both Light and Dark. It would be used by Stioceon to reshape members of his Subtype to be able to wield both Light and Darkness, with the intent to eventually using to simulate paracausal beings like Guardians.

List of appearances