Forum:The Nucleus

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction The Nucleus Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
The Nucleus


Shadowvale, Aloria

Connecting areas:

Landing Pad
Submarine Base, The Nucleus
The Vessel
Druidic Grove, The Nucleus


The Nucleus is a social space located within an old Submarine base within the swamps of Shadowvale. It serves as an outpost for the Shard Coaltion.

Following the defeat of Dominus Ghaul and his Red Legion on Alfehein, the Shard Coaltion opened facilities within the abandoned Submarine base after fixing the place up and clearing out Taken.


The Nucleus acts as the main hub for Guardians in between activities. It was is the social space hub for the Wrath of the Hive campaign.


  • Purchase gear from vendors.
  • Acquire quests and challenges.
  • Store and retrieve gear from vaults.
  • Receive rewards for completing quests and challenges.

Characters in the NucleusEdit


The VesselEdit

  • Christoph, Resistance Scout (Scouting Reports)
  • Kuroka (Renegade Nekoshou)

Submarine Base, The NucleusEdit

Druidic GroveEdit