The Praetorate is a class of military aristocracy within the Cabal Empire. Previously the de facto leaders of the empire, they were supposedly overthrown by Emperor Calus, only to help lead a coup against him.


The Praetorate held vast political power within the empire, and during their ascendancy, the Empress was treated as a mere figurehead.[1] According to Calus, the Praetorate's strength was rooted in their control over the Cabal's Legions, which lacked citizenship within the Empire and were used to protect and enrich their Praetorate masters. They were known to have favored the old tradition of the Rite of Proving, a challenge taken to prove the worth of champions.[2] Calus viewed the Praetorate as corrupt and parasitic, and with the power of a Ahamkara bone, led a revolution to overthrow them after crowning himself Cabal Emperor; seizing the Praetorate's vast accumulated wealth for redistribution and giving the Legions the rights of citizens. Even so, some members of his new government were ex-Praetorate who conspired against Calus.

Adeile Moli Imoli, formerly the "Colossus of Bru'unth," was once a loyal soldier responsible for slaughtering many of Calus's supporters. Evocate-General Umun'arath was likewise a veteran of the Legions, but she held on to old beliefs of military predominance. The Consul, who had benefited from the Praetorate's favor before Calus's purge, devised a plan to restore them to power. He influenced Ghaul into leading a successful coup against Calus. While the Praetorate hoped to regain its previous stature by using Ghaul as a puppet, Ghaul proved more strong-willed than they had predicted. Eventually, even the Praetorate learned to fear Ghaul and follow his decrees.[3]


List of appearances
